View Full Version : Vernon Kitabu Turner - The Truth & The Myth

Yoda X
02-01-2006, 06:05 AM

Every now and again a myth develops, capturing the imagination of those who happen upon it, and offered the veneer of credibility by sources within the Martial Arts fraternity. Here are some extracts from an interview featured in a publication titled 'What Is Enlightenment?'. Read On:

"When I see my opponents fly through the air and fall at my feet without conscious effort on my part, I realize that I am a partaker of something greater than I can comprehend."

'Vernon Kitabu Turner had accepted challenges from top martial artists throughout the metropolitan region known as Hampton Roads—and defeated each of them in a matter of seconds. And even more amazing and mystifying than the haste with which Turner had dispatched his dangerous opponents was the way he was alleged to have done it: With one finger!'

'Imagine how surprised I was when one day as I sat in meditation there was a melting away of barriers, a blaze of light, and I immediately understood the secret of self-defense from the inside out. There was no mystery. When I arose from my seat, I felt as if everything was clear to me." With virtually no formal training in the martial arts, the youthful Vernon Turner had apparently—in "a blaze of light"—become a master.'

Here's the article:


Here's the guys website:


Does anybody else here think this guys a fraud? My instinct tells me thats exactly what he is. Still, in being a fraud he's duped members of the Police Force, Martial Arts Community and students, who all offer him a loyal following.

What do you guys think?


Yoda X.

02-01-2006, 06:12 AM
Clearly this guy is a master con-man. Which means he has a very good intuitive grasp of psychology and is extremely good at influencing people into buying his balloney.... All of this however does not mean that he can't fight.

02-01-2006, 06:24 AM


02-01-2006, 11:31 AM
That site reads a lot like Rev. Sun Myung Moon's:rolleyes:

Yoda X
02-02-2006, 07:35 AM
That site reads a lot like Rev. Sun Myung Moon's:rolleyes:

First time Ive heard of the fella. I just typed "Sun Myung Moon" into a Search Engine. One of the first quotes I read stated:

"It should be obvious to sensible persons that whatever fraction of Sun Myung Moon which isn't pure bull**** artist is necessarily raving lunatic"

Maybe, that should apply to Kitabu too . . .

02-02-2006, 08:30 AM
some times.... that unidentified stuff on the bottom of your shoe is indeed, well, you know.....

Yoda X
02-03-2006, 07:26 AM

someone is obviously very astute at his NLP studies...

Having met Tony Robbins and Richard Bandler I concur.

Yoda X
02-06-2006, 08:37 AM
you met Bandler? what was that like? - was he a freak? I was at the NLP headquarters in Boulder once - SPOOKY...they were REALLY into getting me into the courses and whatnot...

I have mixed feeling about Bandler . . .

I met him in London in 2000. At 19 I was under a lot of stress and also being hyper-ambitious I was eager to learn all I could from this man and his "disciples".

Bandler is half-talent and half BS. On the one hand he is able to weave hypnotic language patterns with brilliant understanding and nuance. On the other, he shows a reckless disregard and conceit for those who have paid $$$$'s to attend his seminar.

I would only recommend his seminar(s) for those, with the utmost passion for NLP. As for personal growth - increasing confidence, gaining clarity - I think it has questionable value.

But yeah, I agree . . . there are many in the NLP community who are SPOOKY.