View Full Version : Who wants to go to China?

Lama Pai Sifu
02-01-2006, 02:04 PM

APRIL 14-23 (during easter break)


I'll be posting more information over the next few days, but here is a link that will give you the basics: www.chinatrip2006.com

I am inviting local schools to take this trip and train with us in Hong Kong and China. I was just there in December and had the best time.

If you are a student or instructor who wished to attend, please contact me. If you are an instructor who wants to bring some students as well, that's good too!

We have about 10 spots left at this time.

We will be training and meeting some of the greatest shaw bros. actors, directors and fight choreographers, such as Lau Ga-Leung, Siu Hou, Lau Ga-Yung (Considered by many to be the best lion dancer in Hong Kong) and many more. The link has some more details.

We'll be training in Choy Lay Fut, Hung Ga and Lau Family Monkey Style (like in the movie 'Mad Monkey')and Lion Dancing.

Besides the Lau family and some of the Shaw Bros. Stars, we will also be training with Gong Gum Woon (76 y.o. President of the Toi-San Martial Arts Association) and son of Lama and Choy Lay Fut Grandmaster Gee Chuyhn's Senior Disciple and Gee Maan Yeung (Gee Jik Chuyhn's last surviving son)

Gee Chuyhn was the the only disciple to study under both Wong Yan Lum and Wong Lum Hoi and learn the entire Lama Pai system. He was the main Sifu of Grandmaster Chan Tai-San.

I Hope you can make this extraordinary event.

Register early and save $100 on the trip! www.chinatrip2006.com (http://www.chinatrip2006.com)

You can PM me here or send an email to me at Sifu@nykungfu.com (Sifu@nykungfu.com)

Do not hesitate to call me at my school to ask questions or reserve your spot today! 516 739-8888

Best of luck in your training,


Lama Pai Sifu
02-02-2006, 05:50 AM
9 Spots left!

Lama Pai Sifu
02-03-2006, 11:55 AM
I've gotten a few PM's regarding the trip. Please read the whole post, as your questions will most likely be answered there.

Feel free to contact me with anything else.

02-03-2006, 12:01 PM
How often would we get to see the thong? :D

Lama Pai Sifu
02-03-2006, 04:29 PM
Are you makin' fun of my wife? I thought only I could do that!! :)

Lama Pai Sifu
02-05-2006, 12:46 PM
If all goes well, we'll be meeting with the famous Chan Sai Mo, of Choy Lay Fut fame. His father was Chan Siu Hung, and he was a direct student of Chan Goon-Bak and Chan Hueng's step-son.

Contact me for more info:


516 739-8888

02-05-2006, 06:55 PM
I want to go to China!

Oh please can I go to china?

Oh... wait... never mind. :D ;)

Lama Pai Sifu
02-06-2006, 04:53 AM
Simon, what part of China are you in now?

02-06-2006, 08:12 AM
I'm in Lishi
Lishi is also called Lvliang city, a smallish (250000 people) city on the western edge of Shanxi... about 175 KM west of the provincial capital of Shanxi, Taiyuan.
It's the capital of the Lvliang prefecture of Shanxi.

If you are going to be in the area than PM me and we can arrange to hook up. I can point you in the direction of the best hotels in Lishi (or if necessary I can clear the sword collection off of my couch).

Lama Pai Sifu
02-07-2006, 06:01 AM
Simon, I'll be with a group in Hong Kong and Guangdong. I think we'll be a bit far from you. :(

02-07-2006, 07:40 AM
Um... Yeah, a bit. ;)

02-07-2006, 06:05 PM
How many spots left?

Im toying with the idea of going :D

Do KFM forum members get a discount? :P