View Full Version : joe sayah

02-01-2006, 04:28 PM
hi phil sifu , i hear joe sayah , has moved back to melbroune do you know what days he is teaching at chinatown thanks phill peace russellsherry

Phil Redmond
02-01-2006, 07:17 PM
hi phil sifu , i hear joe sayah , has moved back to melbroune do you know what days he is teaching at chinatown thanks phill peace russellsherry
Joe Sayah is no longer a part of our association. I have no clue as to his whereabouts. I won't go into details but if you'll look at the WC family tree on my website you'll see that his name has been taken off. http://www.wingchunkwoon.com/history.asp#tree

02-02-2006, 05:29 AM
Joe Sayah is no longer a part of our association. I have no clue as to his whereabouts. I won't go into details but if you'll look at the WC family tree on my website you'll see that his name has been taken off. http://www.wingchunkwoon.com/history.asp#tree

Mr Redmond I understand that Mr Sayah is no longer part of your association . . . to be part of association is by agreement of association and individual . . . but why is he no longer part of family tree . . . family tree is history . . . who a person learned wc from . . . this does not go away . . . even if person is persona non grata . . . your teacher is your teacher . . . history can not be rewritten . . . though I know some try . . . lol . . . taking person off family tree is trying to rewrite history I am thinking.



02-02-2006, 09:20 AM
Joe has decided to leave the World Wing Chun Kung Fu Association and go out on his own. He's a grown man....does he not have the right to do that?

02-02-2006, 10:32 AM

Your point of view brings up idea of relationships and Kung Fu family and how those involved value it. In this case, it is GM Cheung and Joe. Some, like yourself, look at it as being part of a family and some look at it as part of an organization. A family is a type of organization but an organization does not have to be a family.

Your post suggests that you believe the kung fu relationship should be like a parent to children, where the children never really lose the relationship to their parents, except by death. And having a difference of opinion does not lose the relationship base. However, sometimes the Kung Fu relationship is more like a marriage whereby when someone "divorces" themself they break all ties, as in the woman's case in our society, by changing back to their maiden name.

Sifu Victor is correct in that Joe can make his own choices. It is Joe's own Kung Fu if he made the right choice or not.

02-02-2006, 11:09 AM
I am just saying that organization is one thing . . . lineage and family tree is another . . . they are not the same . . . people come and go in organizations . . . even organizations come and go . . . lol . . . but who person learns from and who they have taught remains . . . this is what family tree or lineage is about . . . if I have big disagreement with my teacher he can not say you are no longer in my lineage . . . lol . . . he can stop teaching me or stop associating with me and so on but the fact remains that he taught me wc . . . this does not go away . . . and to rewrite family tree to excommunicate those no longer in good graces I do not understand . . . this is all I am saying.



02-02-2006, 03:36 PM
I am just saying that organization is one thing . . . lineage and family tree is another

Yeah, and as is pretty obvious to anyone not trying to stir up controversy or argue for the sake of it, the web page used "Family Tree" when they probably should have used "Organisation Structure".

It's poor use of terms, not some vast conspiracy to cast unbelievers into outer darkness.

If they ever give a Nobel Prize for making mountains out of molehills, consider yourself nominated.

Phil Redmond
02-02-2006, 04:48 PM
Yeah, and as is pretty obvious to anyone not trying to stir up controversy or argue for the sake of it, the web page used "Family Tree" when they probably should have used "Organisation Structure".

It's poor use of terms, not some vast conspiracy to cast unbelievers into outer darkness.

If they ever give a Nobel Prize for making mountains out of molehills, consider yourself nominated.
You're correct Andrew.
His name was taken off to show disassociation (sp)? with him. I doesn't affect WC history at large. It's like taking a person's name off of a membership list if he is no longer a member. If I told everyone here why you'd agree wholeheartedly. (But I won't).

02-02-2006, 05:02 PM
hi sifu phill i am very suprised and somewhat shocked joe has been at williams as long as i can rememember it is sad when these things happen peace russellsherry

Phil Redmond
02-02-2006, 06:52 PM
hi sifu phill i am very suprised and somewhat shocked joe has been at williams as long as i can rememember it is sad when these things happen peace russellsherry
I agree Russell. When I met him we got along fine.

02-03-2006, 05:45 AM
Yeah, and as is pretty obvious to anyone not trying to stir up controversy or argue for the sake of it, the web page used "Family Tree" when they probably should have used "Organisation Structure".

It's poor use of terms, not some vast conspiracy to cast unbelievers into outer darkness.

If they ever give a Nobel Prize for making mountains out of molehills, consider yourself nominated.

I am sorry Mr Anerlich . . . but I am not mind reader . . . I only read what people write . . . if they are inaccurate in what they write . . . if they mean one thing but say another . . . how can I help this? This is why I ask questions. I am sorry that I do not understand some thing so obvious as you put it . . . I am just not as experienced in these sorts of things as you apparently . . . if you think I make mountain our of molehill . . . this could probably be said by some one about just about every thing talked about on this forum! . . . lol . . . same with what is obvious or not . . . sorry if I bother you or others . . . I will let you go back to talking about not so obvious important things now . . . lol.



02-04-2006, 09:49 PM
if you think I make mountain our of molehill . . . this could probably be said by some one about just about every thing talked about on this forum!

Perhaps so, but you have control over whether you add signal or noise, no one else.

And yes, in this case my opinion regarding your eariler post has not changed.

Zhang Yong Chun
05-15-2006, 04:36 PM
Joe Sayah is no longer a part of our association. I have no clue as to his whereabouts. I won't go into details but if you'll look at the WC family tree on my website you'll see that his name has been taken off. http://www.wingchunkwoon.com/history.asp#tree

Any idea on why he left? Your association keeps getting smaller and smaller every year with so many people "No Longer With the WWCKFA".

Not a slam against anyone. Just curious about why he left California and the Cheung system.

05-15-2006, 05:28 PM

What is to be gained by saying anything more?

Joe had a good run within the WWCKFA.

Let it go at that.

Zhang Yong Chun
05-16-2006, 10:48 AM
Just to follow up on that, Master Parlati, you have consistently shown yourself to be a forthright, stand-up guy in a field where there are so many charlatans.

Other than a love of what you do, to what do you attribute your longevity?

05-16-2006, 03:23 PM
Thanks for the kind words.

I guess my longevity is based upon the fact that I have always valued the fighting, training, mental, spiritual aspects of the arts that I have studied first and foremost - ahead of everything else.

In other words...my primary concern has always been to learn how to actually DO wing chun, wrestling, boxing, etc...

and to be able to teach these things effectively to my students.

As opposed to making other considerations my highest priorities (ie.- making a lot of money from wing chun, getting the most amount of students possible, getting the highest honors or titles or certificates or rankings for myself, getting closer to William Cheung than anybody else, getting my name or photo into magazines)...

all these things take care of themselves if I can really do the stuff when push comes to shove. That's the bottom line for me.

I actually let ten years go by, for example, between my first test toward the Master level within TWC and my second test (even though I already knew all the material for that test - and for two others yet to be taken, in fact)...

because it was more important to me to take care of my every day practical training (and my student's training) than it was to reach the next "official" grade level.

Titles and accolades are nice - but knowing that you're prepared for reality is even better.

05-30-2006, 10:09 AM
Hi everyone,

Yes, Master Joseph Sayah moved back to Australia last year.

He had his reasons for leaving and that is strictly between him and GM Cheung.

He still greatly respects and admires GM Cheung.

He was in L.A. and Markham, Ontario,Canada recently giving seminars
and now he is back in Australia.

You can visit his new website:


All the best to all wing chunners out there !



Sifu Dominique Emond

05-30-2006, 04:42 PM
thanks sifu domique , tell joe if i am out dandy way ill catch up with him , tell russell the rengade from barry pangs sends him regards ps i wised up peace russell sherry