View Full Version : Chan tai san thread

Green Cloud
02-01-2006, 11:43 PM
Why hasn't this thread been sticky. I don't understand what does a guy have to do to get some props. Jeesh I don't know anyone not even Wong fei hung who has had a more exciting life than CTS.

02-02-2006, 08:04 AM
uheem, you have the "power" to make it "sticky" by posting more stories. A good percentage of the regulars had already read through the ENTIRE THREAD. Unless you are willing to share new stories, it is just going have to shift down a couple of gears.

I did find out something interesting a couple days ago which is tangentially related with CTS. Apparently among the early chinese immigrants to the US, a significant number hailed from Toishan. extremely disproportionate to the actual toishan population as a percentage of chinese population as a whole. The toishan economy became so heavily depended on the US remittance from their sons working in the states that many abandoned farming or hired workers from outside toishan to tend the fields. The farming work became too "difficult" for those receiving comparably large sum of money for those days from remittance.

This is tangentially related to CTS, b/c Sifu Ross would mention how everybody in Chinatown seem to know CTS. Although I don't doubt he was being sincere, I do find it puzzling why a man from southern china would be so well known and have so many personal relationships with so many people in Chinatown. It wasn't until I saw this piece of chinese american history did I realize significant number of early chinese immigrants were from CTS's hometown, so it is much more probable that they would have heard of CTS's exploit and feats as compare to other chinese who hail from other province who have never even heard of CTS or even toishan before.

02-02-2006, 09:21 AM
I haven't made the thread sticky because it is not a new bulletin, fund raiser, etc. If you want it to stay at the top, Wandering Monk has the right idea.

02-02-2006, 07:43 PM
I thought this whole site had turned into the CTS forum :D

Green Cloud
02-03-2006, 12:12 PM
I thought this whole site had turned into the CTS forum :D

LOL:D Yea I guess youre right about that.