View Full Version : Swedish Open 2006 - TCC & NJQ

02-02-2006, 12:11 PM
Invitation to the Swedish Open Tai Chi Chuan and Nei Jia Chuan Championships & Festival 2006

Hereby we would like to invite you to the fourth Swedish Open Championships for Tai Chi Chuan and internal Chinese Martial Arts.

The Championship will take place Saturday the 13th of May in Vasahallen in Linköping, Sweden, approximately 200 km south-west of Stockholm - easily accessable by train or bus.

Last year competitors from Denmark, England, Lebanon, Russia and of course Sweden participated in the competition. This year we are working hard to make the Championships even bigger and better, and we hope for even more participation from abroad. May is a very good month to visit Sweden!

On the day of the competition there will also be several Martial Arts demonstrations and a dinner in the evening.

The day after the competition, Sunday the 14th of May, there will be a workshop on internal martial arts with sifu Wu XueGuang from China, one of the top students of late Wan Lai Shen. Please check the website for more details.

If you know more people who might be interested, we appreciate if you help us spread the word.

For more information, please visit:


Best regards,

The Swedish Open Committee 2006
Contact: info@sweopen.se

04-09-2006, 11:24 PM
Time for an update!

The last entry date is officially the 13th of April (this thursday), but we have postponed it until the end of this week (sunday 16th of April). After that we will begin to decide wich groups we will have and prepare a schedule for the competition, so if any applications drop in after that they will only be accepted if we can easily put them in any of the existing groups.

The level of response from foreign participants remain high as usual. Norway is back in full strength, and it looks like Russia will be the most represented foreign country for the second year. Team "Lebanese Shaolin Club" will return for the third time, and we have some african teams that currently work on their visa application. New countries this year is Canada and Austria, which is great!

Don't miss out on our workshop with sifu Wu Xue Guang, one of the late Wan Lei Shen's last (and best) inside-the-door students. The focus of the workshop will be the conection between tui shou and san shou, how the skills learned and practiced in pushing hands can be applied in practical self defense. With this focus the workshop should be interesting to most people regardless of style.


So there's lots of good stuff offered this year, hope to see you there!

Best regards,

Mattias Nyrell

Swedish Open website: http://sweopen.se/

04-29-2006, 01:49 AM
The planned workshop with sifu Wu Xue Guang has been replaced with a workshop with two of his elder kung-fu brothers: sifu Zheng Zhong Guo and sifu Weng Hui Yong. Both long-time students of Wan Lai Shen.

Please see http://sweopen.se/workshop_2006.pdf for more information.

We think that this will be a great event! The change of teachers does also include the workshop in stockholm the weekend after Swedish Open.