View Full Version : tonites sparring session

02-08-2006, 12:11 AM
so you know that i make my students sparr i posted their little sparring match after class. in one of the photos my student neil walks away after smashing little jason who lies on the ground in shame......ahahahaha.

they are still newbies to this but they try.

hope you like the photo's.

oh yeah on of them wi ll be of the long banana bag with my student standing next to it. that bag is my best buddy. i love to practice my sow choys on it trying to bend it in half. its also good for practicing sow gerks.


02-08-2006, 12:18 AM
heres a continuation........

02-08-2006, 01:58 AM
so you know that i make my students sparr i posted their little sparring match after class. in one of the photos my student neil walks away after smashing little jason who lies on the ground in shame......ahahahaha.

they are still newbies to this but they try.

hope you like the photo's.

oh yeah on of them wi ll be of the long banana bag with my student standing next to it. that bag is my best buddy. i love to practice my sow choys on it trying to bend it in half. its also good for practicing sow gerks.


First picture - don't you guys kick in your style? The fat boy is standing square on to his opponent ( the skinny boy). Seems fairly exposed. There are other picture where the crotch is desprately wide open.

Third picutre - what sort of block is the skinny boy doing? you'll break your wrist blocking a punch like that!!!!

02-08-2006, 08:18 AM
you don't deserve my comments

02-08-2006, 08:22 AM
you know nothing of choy lee fut. so shut the eff up or do something about it.

all you know how to do is talk shet. you have no gung fu skills, if you did, they would still suck because you come from a long line of poosies.

Green **** mist, i will let you challenge the "FAT BOY" to a match and i will laugh in your face when he leaves you in a pile of your own shet because that fat boy is powerfull as hell.

i konw i know i shouldn't be feeding into this trolls bs. but he gives such great head.

02-08-2006, 08:34 AM
green ass cheeks,

wanna be my biatch? i'll treat you well as long as you bring in a lot of money.

i have corner to put you on where they like fresh meat like you. wear your best dress baby, cuz tonite's the night and you look so sexy. i and i can't to have you next to me. just you and I under the moonlight. shhhh, baby shut up don't fight. it will only hurt for a second, bend over and commence the wreckin!

you are no one, a fool a green mist coming from the depths of hell, has anyone seen the green bush guy.....nah just follow the smell.!!!!!!

Chief Fox
02-08-2006, 08:53 AM
First picture - don't you guys kick in your style? The fat boy is standing square on to his opponent ( the skinny boy). Seems fairly exposed. There are other picture where the crotch is desprately wide open.

Third picutre - what sort of block is the skinny boy doing? you'll break your wrist blocking a punch like that!!!!
Wow, dude. Lets give them some credit where credit is due.

First. The fighter's names are Neil and Jason. Neil is the big guy. Jason is the smaller guy. I got this out of the photos.

Second. your comment about standing square and exposed. This is a sparring match with continuous movement and they are still photos. I bet I could take a series of pictures of almost anyone sparring and see flaws.

Third. It was stated that these guys are newbies. But there they are sparring, attempting take downs and using elements of the style. That's cool.

Last. You mention the third picture and criticize the block. The picture is named take down attempt. His leg is also raised as if he's going to try a sweep. No offense, but you sound pretty ignorant with this comment.

green_willow: It's pretty obvious that you really don't know what you're talking about based on your comments. Maybe you should just not say anything because you're embarrassing yourself.

HSKWARRIOR: The pics are great man. It must be pretty cool to see your own students out there using the stuff that you taught them. Nice work. Keep the photos coming.

Oh, and nice work Neil and Jason.

Lama Pai Sifu
02-08-2006, 09:00 AM
Mr. Frank, nice pics. Can you shoot some video. Those guys looked like they were having some fun! Post it up, Bro'!

02-08-2006, 09:15 AM
Lama and Chief fox,

wow that sounds like the making of a new kung fu movie.......Lama, and Chief Fox!:D

anyways thanks for you kind words. my students do have fun sparring, and it is them that wants to do it. If you look on Neil's face you'' notice he's smiling because they actually attack each other pretty hard.

Mike, as soon as i get a video camera i will shoot hella video. those guys were sparring continuosly for an hour straight and having a blast. i put the gloves on neil so he doesn't hurt little jason, but all my students like to spar neil due to his size. maybe its the napoleon complex?

Cheif fox, your right jason went for the take down but neil is 315 lbs of solid mass and he sank into his horse and thwarted jason's attempt.

i don't like my guys wearing gloves because out on the street you have none. i like them to wear street clothes because that is what they will be wearing out on the streets, or in a club. so i want them to get used to sparring in street clothes.

however, my favorite shot was the one where Neil was walking away with a smile on his grill, and jason was left on the floor defeated. that was cool.

yes i love to see the fruits of my labor. as i stand back and watch them spar, i say to myself, hey i taught that to them, and they are using it. effectively too.

but thanks for your support, haters will be haters. and i know i shouldn't buy inyo what trolls say.

thanks guys.

02-08-2006, 09:23 AM
regarding the openings and exposures,

your're right Chief, i had a digital camera where you have to hold the button down for a second and most of the times i missed good shots. every single photo of their sparring session was in action. i did the best i could and will have to go get a disposable camera for instant photos, no pausing waiting for the flash.

so while something is live action, things can be misinterpreted or even seem to be missing a few elements. but the point to get across was that i make my guys sparr, we hit the focus mitts, we utilize the big banana bag and do drills, and even practice forms.

in the pictures i didn't see anyone practicing their forms while sparring!

thanks folks.

02-08-2006, 12:09 PM
You guys like to start out in bow stance?

Just wondering, since it's not something I feel very comfortable doing.

02-08-2006, 12:36 PM

nah, we start out in whatever stance we feel comfortable in. actually due to the coloring in his pants it looks like he's in a bow stance (what we call a "T" horse) but really he's basically leaning forward weight on the front leg and his back leg is bent with about 20% weight on back leg. He does that in case he wants to shoot forward. all he has to do is launch.

alot of the times we used the intercept blocks while launching forward or diagnally. sometimes we'll block in retreat, or even continue our strikes while retreating. not too many schools out there teach how to fight in reverse.

picture this, the guy comes charging in barrelling down on you instead of caveing in, you have to the opportunity to defend or attack in reverse depending on the situation and who you are fighting, streetwise i mean.

personally i believe in developing your defensive skills equally to your strlking skills, as the old shaolin saying goes "defend like a virgin, attack like a tiger"
and if you can't be touched no matter what you can't lose. at least thats what i reach to achieve.

02-08-2006, 02:03 PM
"backyard" sessions huh, I always have allot of fun with those.

I had one question. You mentioned above about the gloves. I am wondering how you have your guys spar when they aren't wearing any gear? what types of contact target areas etc.

02-08-2006, 03:37 PM
Shaolin Dynasty,

I see everything first and foremost for street combat. So when i have my students spar with no equipment they are learning a few things. the first is control, i encourage them to always try to land on your target but lighten up a little. i tell them to intend to hit your target, and if you do then good for you and bad for him. its not your fault if the other couldn't defend against your blow. there are two jobs going on at one time. while one gets to practice his strikes thu this type of sparring, while the other gets to practice his defense.

all targets are open as long as nothing was done with mallice. trust me there has been blood, and will be more in the future but they understand its all part of training. a fat lip here and there, and actually my student jason has a small cut or serious scrape over his eye from last night. they are taught to strike any and every available opening whether in the body legs of head, if its open go for it.

having them sparr this way for a little while then start training them for the ring will allow them an advantage since they train barehanded when they put gloves on they know they will be better off now and lessfearful. get em used to fighting with gloves and i might have some cool ring fighters.


02-08-2006, 04:25 PM
here are a few more from last night

02-09-2006, 05:56 AM
Green **** mist, i will let you challenge the "FAT BOY" to a match and i will laugh in your face when he leaves you in a pile of your own shet because that fat boy is powerfull as hell.

Nothing beats the match between FAT BOY VS SLIM. It just has the certain vibe about it. say it after me..... ok he's not fat, just super sized that's all LOL!

Seriously I agree with you. Niel has the build for CLF, with the large swinging actions. Slim on the other hand, if he fights the same way as Niel will always be at a disadvantage. He'll be eating lots of dirt.

Slim is proabably better suited to wing chun or southern mantis. But as their sifu, you should know this and be able to add more color to what I've just told you.

02-09-2006, 10:17 AM
you know nothing about Choy Lee Fut so leave that up to the real choy lee fut fighters.

its clear that you are a lonely boy with no friends. and if you are not a boy.......then great job there sir. you really made us believe you were a young juvenile. i applaud your perfomance. one of the only ones i've ever seen where i left a beliver. great job.

it must suck to be you, huh?

02-09-2006, 10:25 AM
In all actuality,

i would prefer my smaller students to use Neil--the one you call fatboy but we call iron ox-----because if they can take down that 315 lb-er then what do you think they would do with someone their own size?

i love fighting bigger guys, because truthfully, if i can best them i feel damm good cause when people say look and that big monster knowing i can handle him, its a great feeling.

just like i tell my students, "you train to fight every day, while these other people walking around looking for trouble. you have that advantage over them, so don't look for trouble.......but don't back away from it either;)

another way to explain my point in regards to the "FAT BOY" i like to train with people better than me, how else will i get better? so when sparring someone almost 2x's your weight the smaller one will have the confidence out there on the street.

02-09-2006, 12:50 PM
Nothing beats the match between FAT BOY VS SLIM. It just has the certain vibe about it. say it after me..... ok he's not fat, just super sized that's all LOL!

Seriously I agree with you. Niel has the build for CLF, with the large swinging actions. Slim on the other hand, if he fights the same way as Niel will always be at a disadvantage. He'll be eating lots of dirt.

Slim is proabably better suited to wing chun or southern mantis. But as their sifu, you should know this and be able to add more color to what I've just told you.

What the hell is this guy on? He apparently knows zero about Choy Lee Fut, yet makes unabashed, nonsensical statements with zero relevency to anything for that matter.

Sucks to be you. I wouldn't want to be a retard. . . . sheesh. . . . .

02-10-2006, 06:36 AM
In all actuality, i would prefer my smaller students to use Neil--the one you call fatboy but we call iron ox-----because if they can take down that 315 lb-er then what do you think they would do with someone their own size?

I'm sorry, he's already gotta nic name. But calling someone an ox is not that flatering either. oxes are not the smartest of all animals. they tend to do as told and show little initiative.

i love fighting bigger guys, because truthfully, if i can best them i feel damm good cause when people say look and that big monster knowing i can handle him, its a great feeling.

just like i tell my students, "you train to fight every day, while these other people walking around looking for trouble. you have that advantage over them, so don't look for trouble.......but don't back away from it either;)

another way to explain my point in regards to the "FAT BOY" i like to train with people better than me, how else will i get better? so when sparring someone almost 2x's your weight the smaller one will have the confidence out there on the street.

I never said that Slim shouldn't spar with your Iron Ox. I said that if Slim tries to fight like your Iron Ox he'll always be at a disadvantage because of his build. I would also question whether CLF is the style most suitable for his build.

But in any case, even if Slim is at a disadvatage, your Iron Ox will have great practice on beating up the littler ones. Must feel good eh? :D

02-10-2006, 10:11 AM
CLF training can be adapted to fit people of different builds

02-11-2006, 02:50 AM
CLF training can be adapted to fit people of different builds

In those photos both students seem to be swinging at one another - large movements. Maybe because they are beginners I dunno. How would a smaller guy use CLF compared to a big guy?