View Full Version : One scenario of Multiple attackers

02-09-2006, 01:39 PM
Here is a series of shots on fighting more than one person.

as i step up and throw a punch my sifu steps into a retreat stance while blocking my punch while dropping an elbow right in the throat. then before delivering a chop choy to my gut my sifu drops a kwa choy on the guy behind him.

now we all know this cna change in an instant on the street, but for the purpose of showing how choy lee fut can fight more than one person at a time, here ya go.

oh yeah, this is when i had hair. lmao.

02-10-2006, 06:12 AM
Here is a series of shots on fighting more than one person.

as i step up and throw a punch my sifu steps into a retreat stance while blocking my punch while dropping an elbow right in the throat. then before delivering a chop choy to my gut my sifu drops a kwa choy on the guy behind him.

now we all know this cna change in an instant on the street, but for the purpose of showing how choy lee fut can fight more than one person at a time, here ya go.

oh yeah, this is when i had hair. lmao.

Does the style always involve stepping into the retreat stance first? Not much use when you are retreating to someone who's behind you because as you're getting further from one guy you're getting closer to the other. strange?

It gets better, fighting someone behind you. You're sifu is funny - does he have eyes at the back of his head or is the person attacking him from behind blind LOL

Any way reality combat 101 will have you angle off such that no opponent is the same distance from you - best to use one opponent to cut off the line of attack of the other. But this might not be CLF - more logical and effective but not CLF therefore you don't do it.

So in your drills when you hit targets, do you place the targets behind you or do it blind fold?

02-10-2006, 08:07 AM
you have no fighting experience at all, nor do you know how to read either.

it is a shame that someone tried to tell you that they can teach you whatever you are learning. what an injustice!!!!! your sifu/ sensei/ mma books and videos you watch and read really set you out on the wrong foot.

i would suggest you go out and actually take a real style like choy lee fut and see for your self.

if you didn't see the elbow to the throat which would crush the throat at full speed you would know then that the scenario is not far off.

it is also obvious that you have never been jumped, or have ever jumped anyone.

so therefore, you have no position to criticize me or my sifu when you are no one of importance, no one with any real skill, and you're still a momma'a boy.

you know what they say about momma's boys, right?

Ou Ji
02-10-2006, 08:37 AM
Does the style always involve stepping into the retreat stance first? Not much use when you are retreating to someone who's behind you because as you're getting further from one guy you're getting closer to the other. strange?

Is the glass half empty or half full? Depends on how you look at it. Retreating from one is closing the gap on the other.

But that's all irrelevant to the photos because he isn't retreating, he's twisting. Now, that's probably not how I would deal with the situation but I'm not primarily CLF. Plus I fight my own way.

Any way reality combat 101 will have you angle off such that no opponent is the same distance from you

Why do peeps always insist there's only one way (usually thier way)?

02-10-2006, 09:42 AM
stupidity! what else?:confused:

02-10-2006, 03:49 PM
if you didn't see the elbow to the throat which would crush the throat at full speed you would know then that the scenario is not far off.

Seeing that your sifu's back is facing the opponent and seeing that the opponent is facing the back of your sifu - I think the opponent stands a better chance in seeing the elbow coming than your sifu hitting the throat.

it is also obvious that you have never been jumped, or have ever jumped anyone.

Speak to any fighter and ask them what's the hardest punch you've been hit with - and 9/10 will tell you its the punch they don't see. Unless your sifu has eyes at the back of his head he stands next to zero chance in pulling that off.

zero I tell ya...... zerrrrrro.

Is the glass half empty or half full? Depends on how you look at it. Retreating from one is closing the gap on the other.

But that's all irrelevant to the photos because he isn't retreating, he's twisting. Now, that's probably not how I would deal with the situation but I'm not primarily CLF. Plus I fight my own way.

Why do peeps always insist there's only one way (usually thier way)?

Neither would I fight that way. I think martial artist particuarly TCMA need to get outta mind set as to whether it is the wing chun way, CLF way, Pak Hok or wat ever.......

I just differentiate a given stratrgy between high percentage or low percentage. A style is just a system of movements and it is how you apply the style that makes it work.

02-10-2006, 03:53 PM
you ain't no fighter you bs ass ninja

wtf r u talking about?

look @ this silly little boy acting as if he knows what he's talking about.

Ou Ji,

my sifu is actually retreating to avoid my punch, while at the same time attacking the guy behind him. he's not twisting. that stance is the retreat stance and only took one step.
the concept is he is being attacked at the same time. he was being proactive by stepping back and hitting Joey in the throat with his elbow and then as he is going to strike me he drops a back fist on Joey's nose then Chop's me.

demo purpose only. that move aside from the back fist and the chop, starts exactly after the bow. step back and block.....then either turn around and go the other way.

that move also has another application meant for one attacker. see what i mean...... one attacks you step back block with your right arm (upwards hook block) then clear with your left
and then do what ever after wards.

only fools can't see the many applications within that one move.

02-10-2006, 03:56 PM
you ain't no fighter you bs ass ninja

You don't have eyes at the back of your head - you won't see the ninja coming. Only your sifu does and only in a scripted photo shoot.

02-10-2006, 04:19 PM
if you were a real street fighter with experience you would know how to use your peripherals, shadow on the floor, reflections on glass, and etc etc.

it is obvious you are clueless to real street fighting. you rely on your fantasy of the safety of ring fighting. still, i think you would get murdelized out in the streets.

keep dreaming. you don't even realize that the real gung fu sifu's here recognize your level of martial arts understanding is real real real white beltish!!!!!!

you act as if you have the answer, but the more you open your mouth all the gung fu sifu's get a great laugh from it. so please keep us entertained, i haven't read something this funny in a long time.

see what i mean, you talk about a still photo, a minute moment in time caught on film, and you act as one, two, no three photo's completely depicts the scenario correctly. once again you are on the lower levels of martial arts and need to somehow get up to speed.

train with me, i'll make you a good fighter.

02-10-2006, 05:21 PM
if you were a real street fighter with experience you would know how to use your peripherals, shadow on the floor, reflections on glass, and etc etc.

Unfortuantely you can't judge distance by a shadow hence you cannot pull off a precision hit to the throat. I agree if your sifu moved to somewhere else because of the potential from a shadow then it would make sense.

The opponent in front isn't wearing glasses. Anyway I don't see any shadow in the picture.

Do you ever disagree with your sifu? do you have the guts to? have you tried? or is it politically incorrect. with all your Ma training - you don't think for yourself very well.

02-10-2006, 05:28 PM
my sifu is not me, he taught me the skills and i developed them. for me. but you still don't know what you are talking about. you still want to have the last word, but you don't realize that people who read what you post know you just don't know.

Ou Ji
02-10-2006, 06:08 PM
Frank, tell me the truth. Were those photos taken from action or was each one set up individual?

The reason I ask is because when looking at the photos his right leg is forward in both of the first two pics. I know you were there so I hate to question your statement but the pics indicate a twist.

His feet are in exactly the same place but his body is twisted in the second pic. I'm looking at it in relation to the picture hanging on the wall plus the white splotches on the lower wall. He's not stepping back.

02-10-2006, 06:41 PM
the photo's were set up for demo-purposes and are not in any way to be taken as live action shots. what i think happened is that there were multiple takes of this shot and i possibly used one where he or we may have moved but either way the photo's depict ONE variation of a simple technique originally used as a single person tech, but when adapted for multiple attackers this is A variation. there are more, i just chose to share this set of photo's. not trying to pull one over, but again, sifu never twisted, he stepped back into a retreat stance.

it is for the concept only, and never proven to work in real combat except when someone lunges forward and i use that retreat step in transition with another.

does that answer it for you?

02-10-2006, 06:59 PM
my sifu is not me, he taught me the skills and i developed them. for me. but you still don't know what you are talking about. you still want to have the last word, but you don't realize that people who read what you post know you just don't know.

Stop being a troll and talk specifics. so how do you develop skills to hit a small target like a throat that is behind you?

if you understood anything about the traditional relationship between sifu and student, you would understand that a fundamental aspect of that relationship is disagreeing with your sifu - but not quite in the way that you may think; you disagree with your sifu as follows: he tells you something; you trust him enough to try it out wholeheartedly, but at the same time with a deep skepticism (BTW, skepticism is not closed-mindedness - it's actually the exact opposite: the willingness to openly evaluate anything and to change your opinion when new evidence presents itself) - that is, you investigate it deeply, by practicing it, trying it out, etc. you don't just accept his word for it - that deprives you of really learning it thoroughly; so then, after a while, you ask him a question about it - if you've practiced it enough, your question will have substance to it, and he can answer you accordingly; so the disagreement is like "ok, well you may say so, but you'll pardon me for checking it out on my own"; and any sifu worth his salt will never expect you to take him purely on faith - he wants you to check it out - find the truth on your own; so it actually engenders thinking for oneself very much at the base of it all...

as the relationship deepens over time, you might even express some disagreement directly, although typically in private (duh) - it's hard to explain really - it's striking a balance between respect/deference and honest questioning of everything...

as my teacher says, the ideal student has 3 things: the faith to trust, the perserverence to discover, and the intelligence to question;

when, at least traditionally, you take someone on as a student, you become a father of sorts (sifu=teaching father), so you are saying that you will put your life on the line for this person - when someone is willing to do that for you, you tend to feel reciprocally about it: I know what i would do without even thinking if someone came at my teacher...I point this out because asking someone what the nature of their relationship is with their sifu is kinda bad form - it's like asking about family relations - so if you do need to do it, at least do it with some respect, as opposed to the way you do, which smacks of derision and scorn...

I understand that if you'd train with someone for long enough you get to know them and probably become friends - like any teacher / student relationship in other persuits like music etc etc....

I don't see kung fu sifu student relationship a separate case on its own. Maybe in the old days in certain communities - who knows. More importantly who cares.

No it's not a family relationship. I mean your mom doesn't ask you to pay her tuition fees.

02-10-2006, 08:05 PM
your mother's a troll *****.

you don't know ****. so come train with me then.

02-10-2006, 08:25 PM
your mother's a troll *****.

you don't know ****. so come train with me then.

I will like to see how you hit targets with your fists that's behind your back. That will be comedy central!

02-10-2006, 09:29 PM
and yet you are still clueless.:D

02-11-2006, 02:44 AM
oh, now I get it - I've been feeding a troll...

*smack smack* - the sound of big troll lips waiting for their next morsel

Frank, you big HOM0 - you're not gonna put a dress on him and turn him out, you're gonna keep him all for yourself, I can tell...:p

No you're not feeding a troll. I'm just intrigued why this relationship should exist in kung fu and not other martial arts and not in other hobbies / recreational persuits?

A lot of people in kung fu admit that it is not the style but the person that makes the difference. I think that's accurate which means that on average - a kung fu style of fighting is no superior or inferior to some other style.

What practical reason if any does that special sifu / student relationship add? Have you asked yourself these questions?

02-11-2006, 08:31 AM

no matter how right you can be, this guy will still try to say he can blabblahh blahh.

Chris, Read the next post.

02-11-2006, 11:51 AM
please Do Not Feed The Trolls

There Has Been An Outbreak Of Trolls Across America, And People Have Been Radomly Feeding These Trolls Lately.

There Are Rules And Regulations Against Such A Thing.

Please Once Again Refrain From Feeding The Trolls.

After This All Penalties Will Include A Check To Sifu Frank Mccarthy At 5870-03- Big Pimp Street, Frisco, Killa Cali 94015

02-11-2006, 07:15 PM
Im A Troll Hunter,

And Green Willow Is My Next Troll Victim,

The Only Way You Can Track These Little Buggers Is To

Follow The Smell Of Bull S**t They Leave Behind Them

I Think My Southern Praying Mantis Will Do Quite Effictivley Aganist

This One

02-11-2006, 07:36 PM
no reason it can't elsewhere, I suppose; why does it exist in TCMA? I don't really know, probably something to do with Chinese culture being stratified based on familial relationships? or maybe martial culture engenders that sort of thing - nothing like sweating and bleeding with someone to really get close to them - does the term "training BROTHER/SISTER" hold any resonance for ya? it was something I always thought was part of TCMA, and I spent over 10 years looking until I found the teacher who I could have that with;

Thanks for your honest answers. I ask the questons because I find it intriguing this realationships exist in TCMA. Yes you're right, I don't feel this sort of thing but at the same time I'm curious and find it interesting that others do. Because I'm like the person who's looking in from the outside.