View Full Version : Everyone read me!!!!!!

02-09-2006, 02:56 PM
HSK has been posting up some really great images of CLF techs and apps...and his enthusiasm for sharing his art is incomparable.

I am willing to start a fund to get him a dvd camcorder so he can record live stuff...if he is so interested...I'll start the pot by donating $20....anyone else interested in giving to the fund?

02-09-2006, 03:22 PM
He can buy his own **** camera. :rolleyes: :D

02-09-2006, 04:09 PM
thats a great jesture GreenCloudCLF,

but there's no need. i will get a camera one day. someday in the future.

but i will be borrowing my students camera soon and try to post up some video.

fu pow, you wouldn't even help out a clf brother in need? thats cold!!!!!!!!!

you must be an eskimo?!?!?!?!?!? just a reallly tall one who lives in a tall sky scraping igloo.............shame on you.;)

02-09-2006, 05:43 PM
fu pow, you wouldn't even help out a clf brother in need? thats cold!!!!!!!!!

you must be an eskimo?!?!?!?!?!? just a reallly tall one who lives in a tall sky scraping igloo.............shame on you.;)



02-09-2006, 09:24 PM
No, he's a Pigmy. Eskimos are outdated; Pigmies are t3h d34dly.

02-10-2006, 01:05 AM
Greencloud CLF,
Dude, you need to lay of on this thing you have with Frank. I have been following your posts and all those others that seem to be associated with you, and your sarcasm really gets a bit annoying.

These forums are excellent places to learn about our styles, and it’s a great place to meet people that you would otherwise never have met. We get to share knowledge with the best of them, and I have taken allot of info from these forums.

Frank has become part of the furniture (so to speak) in these forums, and which ever way you want to look at it, he does contribute to this forum, more so than others sometimes. He has stirred up some issues in the past which eventually caused other people to look at things in a different way (small ripples causes big waves some times).

I have also locked horns with Frank on more than one occasion, but he seem to be the kind of guy that gets on your nerve first, and then grow on you.

Fu Pow has asked you this before, why don’t you and the other people in your group get a video camera and video tape your forms and fighting skill?

Until then, this southern forum is a great place for us to share, learn and promote our arts. I am grateful to all those great players out there to actually give us an opportunity to gain this extra knowledge this way. To all the others (not going to name names – to many), thanks for sharing your knowledge, and keep posting great posts.

02-10-2006, 06:10 AM
See Eddie here's the thing,

1) I wasnt being sarcastic, I AM actually thankful for everything HSK has put up. And i was willing to start a dontation. HSK has spoke to my Sifu at least once (although I believe more) and told me what a great guy HSK is.

2) As for my sarcasm in other posts, that's part of my personality. If you don't like it, that's cool. I rub a lot of people the wrong way, I wil NOT however change my personailty on a PUBLIC forum because you don't like it.

3) I am flattered that you pulled up some of my own posts, but unfortunately I am married and not interested in another relationship.:o

4) Green Willow you still still still suck:eek:

02-10-2006, 06:32 AM
Well, stop criticising people on this forum, and post something of your own. Maybe videos of your own fights, forms what ever. Simple pictures of how you sifu bend a spear on his throat hardly qualifies you to criticise others.

02-10-2006, 07:38 AM
What qualifies me to criticize things on this forum is the same thing that qualifies EVERYONE on this forum to ctritize...the fact that it is a PUBLIC forum and people post.

That is what a PUBLIC forum is about...if you don't like being criticized/seeing others crticized, don't post, don't read....

Since the forum is PUBLIC I am allowed to say what I want , when I want. People understand this, and that is why they post...

I'm sorry if YOU don't like it, but you know what...too bad forum doesnt revolve around Eddies likes and dislikes.

02-10-2006, 08:10 AM
Oh and Eddie, I just thought of 2 more things

1) You are criticizing me for crticizing others...irony, no?

2) Can you point me to where I DID criticize someone's martial ability? To the best of my knowledge I haven't 9short of the extremely silly like the Grand Celestial DO). Even when my Sifu and Fu-Pau were discussing Fu0Pau's form, I didn't weigh in on what Fu-Pau presented (I may be wrong, but you're the one reading my old posts, so you let me know)....

I thought you were mad at my sarcasm, and now you changed it at my criticisms, but I don't think I have any...You can prove me wrong if you want, my memeory sin't that good so I could have called someone one here a big fat loser in relation to their Kung-Fu, but I don't think I have...let me know, then we can kiss and make up.;)

02-10-2006, 08:23 AM
aye, aye, what's the matter here? are youse guys going mad?;)

nah, green cloudCLF, i know you are only being sarcastic, and i don't think you have anything personal against me even when you say i still suck:rolleyes: ;)

Eddie is a good guy, and yes i can say you and even your sifu are still newbies here while me and eddie have been on this forum for some time.

he's right i used to be the biggest arsehole, but i had purpose back then, now the only purpose is to promote my sifu and school.

Eddie, i appreciate you having my back, thats what CLF people are supposed to do, and i hope you would do the same for Green Cloud CLF.

now, we all know that green willow is the only one here who doesn't see the effectiveness of what we do, but we do and thats all that matters.

people like green willow can either put up or shut up. but Green Cloud CLF is right also, green bushy guy makes it a little interesting cause we want to see what ingorant comments he has to say next.

02-10-2006, 09:43 AM
I didn’t read up on old posts, I read them as they happened. First I thought like you say, it’s a public forum so leave it, but you keep attacking some people on this forum, however subtle you do it. From your posts, I can see you are a highly intelligent person, probably a nice guy too, but you seem to have this complex about yourself, and that’s what I was arguing against- sarcasm was just a part of it. I am a San Shou fighter, and I respect Sifu Ross greatly, and acknowledge what he has done for the sport/art – I also agree on most of what he says, BUT it often comes across as if the people from your school/branch/lineage all think they know something the others don’t. No doubt you will find some clever way to attack what I just said, so go ahead :- ).

Funny thing is, I often agree on some of the things you say, I just don’t agree on your ‘ holier than thou’ attitude. Attacking people’s weight, looks or intelligence, is a low blow. More so if you don’t know much about the person.

I remember strange thing really – in school, usually after two kids brawled in the boys toilet during break, they end up being good friends. Who knows…. :- ), just start acting like a grown up, and stop attacking people’s persona.

Oh and frank … I’ll kick your ass ;) (kidding)

02-10-2006, 09:52 AM
oh eddie, no you didn't!!!!!!

i know you didn't just say you'll kick my ass.?!?!?!

we'll just see about that..........i'm calling to get my plane tickets and we'll be there as soon as i can.:mad: (;) )

who's we? I'm bringing my gang of Green Willow and GreenCloudCLF and im changing my name to the green gobblin, and we are the green gang!!! fool, i thought you knew. the green are on the move!!!!!;)

***no offense GCCLF

02-10-2006, 09:54 AM
Eddie after reading your last post I have 2 things

1) thank you for admitting I am intelligent:D

2) I definitely don't have a "holier than thou" attititude. In fact I keep a pessimistic "everyione is better then me attitude", that way I never underestimate a person.

3) You must be talking about someone else, cause I have NEVER made fun of a persons weight/intelligence/looks...you must be referring to another GreenCloud guy here...cause there are quiet a few.

Eddie...I have nothing against you. I like you (hell youcalled me intelligent) I can stop this "discussion" now if you like...cause I harbor no ill-will towards anyone...well there is one...and you know who you are:mad:

02-10-2006, 09:56 AM
oh eddie, no you didn't!!!!!!

i know you didn't just say you'll kick my ass.?!?!?!

we'll just see about that..........i'm calling to get my plane tickets and we'll be there as soon as i can.:mad: (;) )

who's we? I'm bringing my gang of Green Willow and GreenCloudCLF and im changing my name to the green gobblin, and we are the green gang!!! fool, i thought you knew. the green are on the move!!!!!;)

***no offense GCCLF



02-10-2006, 10:06 AM
Africa is the mother of green smoke. You can find that stuff anywhere, even on the pavements. And if you are black (no racism intended) the cops don’t even arrest you for it. Well, I mentioned this to sow choy this morning in msnm, it seems just fitting to mention it again :- )

You are all most welcome to visit anytime, and I am serious about this Frank, so if ever any of you are down here (or planning to come down here), just let me know (As long as you leave my wife alone Frank).

Enjoy the weekend guys. Im off to my mixing desk to spin some tunes :- )

Ou Ji
02-10-2006, 10:30 AM
Eddie, I believe it was Green Cloud that made the personal attacks (picking on Knifefighters height and age) not GreenCloudCLF. Easy mistake since the names are similar.

The problem is that the whole group is tainteed by the remarks made by the first of their clan. I've made that mistake myself and assume anyone new from the group will act the same.

All in all I think everyone has dropped it and they seem to be making an effort to discuss things in a civil manner.

Now we have green_willow perpetuating the idea that anyone with 'green' in their screen name is looking for an argument.

02-10-2006, 11:12 AM
Green Willow is NOT a Green Cloud-clan man....

In fact...I don't believe he is a man at all...

Green Cloud
02-12-2006, 07:04 AM
Hey eddie everything youre talking about is water under the bridge. I talk with Hskwarrior on the regular, and I don't think me and Fu Pow have any problems, That was in the past.

BTW I checked out your web site and I like the products that you have for sale.

02-12-2006, 12:36 PM
Thanks for checking my site. We just switched over to a new site and a new system on the 1st of February.

Im interested to see some of the green cloud CLF. Do you have a site somewhere, where we could see some videos or at the very least some photos? Allot of the instructors that comes from your Master has the same view on things as I do.

Green Cloud
02-12-2006, 01:52 PM
A lot of instructors that come from my sifu have the same view????:confused:

What view is that??? seeing some of my CLF??? I'm not sure I understand the question. What do you mean a lot of instructors. The only recognized instructors that are instructing In CTS Choy lee fut are Mike P. My self (sifu Kaparos) , Dave ross , steven Ventura and I think Steven Inno. might be teaching CLF.

That's not a lot of instructors, and those guys know what I know so they wouldn't have any views on seeing my stuff.

Further more, My CLF is seen at most major tournaments so I'm not sure if your question was loaded or not. Unless you are under the the wrong impression I don't understand the question.

Forgive me in advance if you only meant that you share similar views about my CLF.

Our web site is farely new and we are updating it on a weekly basis we will be adding a few more clips. BTW I went back to your web site and I can't get on did you say you moved it, because I saw several items on there that I liked.

Green Cloud
02-12-2006, 01:55 PM
A lot of instructors that come from my sifu have the same view????:confused:

What view is that??? seeing some of my CLF??? I'm not sure I understand the question. What do you mean a lot of instructors. The only recognized instructors that are instructing In CTS Choy lee fut are Mike P. My self (sifu Kaparos) , Dave ross , steven Ventura and I think Steven Inno. might be teaching CLF.

That's not a lot of instructors, and those guys know what I know so they wouldn't have any views on seeing my stuff.

Further more, My CLF is seen at most major tournaments so I'm not sure if your question was loaded or not. Unless you are under the the wrong impression I don't understand the question.

Forgive me in advance if you only meant that you share similar views about my CLF.

Our web site is farely new and we are updating it on a weekly basis we will be adding a few more clips. BTW I went back to your web site and I can't get on did you say you moved it, because I saw several items on there that I liked.


02-12-2006, 02:08 PM
On Sundays I often translate my thoughts directly from my brain to my typing fingers. Guess it doesn’t always come out the way I intended. I think its called Sunday syndrome ..Sundays was invented to just lie around at home watching “Little Britain” .:cool:

I meant, I share allot of views of people like Dave Ross and other students on your master that are on this board, so we obviously share similar ways of thought, which mean we have the same out look on things. Generally means I think they are cool. I actually mean it in a respectful way, but as I mentioned before, you seem a slight bit offensive. :rolleyes:

BTW – your site is really cool. Will spend some time going through it. :)

Green Cloud
02-12-2006, 02:40 PM
Yea I know what you mean hazy lazy day on a sunday I didn't mean to come off so snappy. Just kicking back and watching one the bigest snow storms in New Yorks history.

02-12-2006, 02:44 PM
the past few years it has been pretty dry down here. now suddenly we get rain every single day. they say this elninio or whatever is changing the weather patterns. i can clearly see a change here.

i love gardening, so i dont complain.

02-12-2006, 02:48 PM
only once in my life seen snow, and that was just a little for a few hours.
show seems nice

Green Cloud
02-12-2006, 10:00 PM
snow somehow cleans everything and slows down time. There is a bit of excitement when you wake up to snow and everything is white. I think it's the closest thing to how heaven looks, but with a little African Heat. After all it is heaven.

Green Cloud
02-12-2006, 10:02 PM
I wouldn't mind sitting under a porch watching a rain storm in Africa wow. The grass is always greener...

02-13-2006, 12:02 AM
my porch over look the suburbs. in the distance I can see the city :cool: , so africa isnt all landscapes and mountains as everyone think. Just your usual suburbian area. but if you drive say 2 kilos in any direction, you are bound to find informal settlements that litters up the landscape.

but this place has magic. its cool.

02-13-2006, 07:46 AM
oh no eddie,

don't tell me you are into the african witchcraft and voodoo hoodoo?

oh non ononononon nonononononnoooooooo eddie. we are going to have to exercise you from all that black magic......just kidding.

oh, eddie, i promise if i ever get the chance to come to africa i will leave your wife alone. hahahahahahahahahaaaaaa

02-13-2006, 08:47 AM
magic people voodoo people ...

well frank, if you ever have some dollars to waste, come down and visit us. our house is always open to friends.
gotto go teach a class
be back on tonight

Green Cloud
02-13-2006, 08:53 AM
eddie, I usualy picture Africa to be like the National Geographic settings. Don't you have open ranges and mountain views. I would like to visit some time. I guess from what I hear there are a lot of geto's also like we have here in the US.

I'm sure that South Africa is not like that, but how far are you from all the killing that's going on. Are you a native or are you a Brit??? Do you guys ever have any tournaments out there. Sorry if I sound like a kid with lots of quetions.

02-13-2006, 02:12 PM
south africa is a pretty well developed country. it was "white ruled" until 1994, but now we pretty much all live together. I do think the country is going backwards tho, but most people seem to think otherwise. South Africa is pretty much like Australia, just with more ... erm... africans :-).

Martial arts is very big down her. We have tournaments and everything you have, just in a smaller scale perhaps.

Some famous southafricans : charlese theron, arnold vosloo (from the mummy), dave matthews (dave mathews band), Tolkien (Lord of the Rings Author), and I once heard someone said that the WWE Undertaker was actualy born here too.

Im native to this country, was born here :-), I am african but im not black :rolleyes: . SA was a Dutch colony some few hundreds years ago, but it was also taken over by the brits. My people, developed their own new language, it has dutch, german, malay and even some french in it. But english would be our main langauge (we have 11 official langaugess in SA).
anyways, you are also welcome to come over for a visit :)

02-13-2006, 02:15 PM
Best South African Export: Charlize Theron

Green Cloud
02-13-2006, 10:40 PM
Eddie I would love to come for a vsit oh by the way the Duch started the whole slave trade thing, but I won't hold it against you LOL;)

02-13-2006, 11:41 PM
On my moms side, only my grandfather is dutch. my grandmother was mixed british. My father side my family is part british part german/dutch, with a good dose of french mixed in them too. I guess we are what you call, mixed breeds, so I cant be held acountable for anything really :).

if you want to come visit, just let me know. we have enough space to accomodate guests, and there is no one who knows Johannesburg like I do :-) so im the perfect tour guide :cool: