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View Full Version : Second session in my Sifu's kitchen

Chief Fox
02-13-2006, 10:11 AM
My friends and I went to my Sifu's house again yesterday for our second lesson in his kitchen.

We got there and he was all dressed and ready to go. He was adjusting one of his guitars and watching Bloodsport with Jean Claude Van Dam. He said that all Jean Claude is good for is posing and doing splits "Now lets get down to some real kung fu".

We stretched out a bit and warmed up. Then we reviewed what we went over last time. (The first part of the Tai Mantis form Jet Kune) Then he showed us the rest of the form. Then he tested us a little. He said to each of us. Show me an application from our last session. I think he was happy that we had been practicing what he had taught us. Then we worked a bunch of drills including some knife defense. He explained that in a "situation", you should never wait for the other guy to attack first. The reason being, you never know what they have. ie. a conceled weapon.

We drilled and drilled. I really appreciate the power that my sifu brings to the drills. It's more realistic and lets you know how much power you have to bring in order to defend against an attack. I'm sure we've all been there were your partner just sticks out his arm so you can do the technique on it.

Then we sparred trying to use only our mantis techniques that we had just drilled. After this we did an iron bone drill and then class was over.

It was yet another great class. I feel really fortunate to be able to learn kung fu from my sifu.

Then he told us that he is going to move out of state next year. He's going to pursue a career in music. I was kinda bummed at first but I'm happy that he's going after his dream like this.

Anyway, I should have another class with him in two weeks. I can't wait.

02-14-2006, 07:20 AM
i'm glad its working out for you man ... i should be looking into a class myself this wednesday.