View Full Version : One Handed Bow

02-13-2006, 01:01 PM
Joined palms is called "he shi", lit. 'join ten' as in the ten fingers. What do you call it when in Shaolin you bow with just the right hand with the left hand beneath?

02-13-2006, 01:28 PM
They call it being a student of Yanming lolo. Actually it is because someones first disciple cut his arm off to learn chan from his master. I don't know if it has a specific meaning.

02-13-2006, 02:58 PM
I read the story. I wanted to know what to call it in Chinese. If you "join ten" (he shi) with joined palms, then do you "hold up five" with just one hand? :D

02-13-2006, 05:53 PM
this is to do with Hui Ke, who cut is arm off to show his understanding of truth to the Boddhidharma, because of this the monks of each generation show honor to Hui Ke and hopfuly try to show their wish to find the meaning of Chan buddhism.

02-14-2006, 12:25 PM
I read the story. I wanted to know what to call it in Chinese. If you "join ten" (he shi) with joined palms, then do you "hold up five" with just one hand? :D

David Jamieson
02-14-2006, 04:42 PM
well, you could make up whatever name you like for it, but it is Hui Ke's salute nevertheless.

Call it Hui Ke's Salutation. If you're gonna call it anything. :P