View Full Version : Magnets and Chi

03-01-2006, 12:26 AM
can anyone tell me about the Magnets/Chi/Chi Gung theories. does anyone have any experience in these or know of someone who does?

03-01-2006, 02:01 PM

if you're good at qigong, especially iron crotch, you will become a chick magnet...

03-01-2006, 09:37 PM
Magnets affect energy fields, I'm not sure how this is meant to be positive for the human energy field and chi since I've also heard that too stong magnets can put out the body's polarity. There's a guy who sells huge magnets and chi gung courses at www.roaringlionpublishing.com - don't know much about him but it sounds interesting.

03-07-2006, 11:26 AM
Im interested to know too. I have Magnet finger rings(Alex chiu ones). I haven't noticed any increase or decrease in Qi Sensitivity etc, since wearing these magnets and doing Qi gong though.

03-10-2006, 02:50 PM
I have purchased Peter Magnets Chi Gung Program. I think it is a waste of money, but worth the education if you value personal experience. Maybe your experience will be different than mine. I have come to realize that the best way to develop your bioenergy is not found in devices, but through proper daily practice under a good teacher.