View Full Version : The Promise

03-01-2006, 02:44 PM
The Promise (AKA Master of the Crimson Armor) is Chen Kaige's blockbuster wuxia. After Ang Lee's CTHD and Zhang Yimou's Hero, everyone wants to do wuxia. It's the most expensive Chinese production to date ($35 million) won a Golden Horse, nominated for a Golden Globe, and was China's submission for best foreign film at this Academy Awards (it didn't make the final five).

It's nutty. I'm not a big fan of Chen's work, only Farewell My Concubine interested me, but that was such a long downer of a film. The Emperor and the Assassin, which was parallel to Hero in plot, bored me. The Promise is classic Chinese filmmaking, lifting ideas from other films flagerantly. It's Kung Fu Hustle meets Hero, House of Flying Daggers, Lord of the Rings and Legend of Zu, plus a few more. Lots of CGI. Lots of crazy cheesy CGI. Lots of flying about. Not much 'real' kung fu really - the fights are more like Spiderman or Fantastic Four, very comic book. That being said, I was thoroughly entertained by the visual aspect of it. The plot was a bit sappy, especially the finale, but there was some fine stuff, particularly how the immortal was depicted. I liked it, but I wouldn't recommend it to most kung fu film fans. I'd recommend it more to fans of psychotropic cinema.

03-02-2006, 03:10 PM
When is it coming here?
Has this person done a fu movie before?

I'm very interested in this even though I hated Crouching dragon. The martial arts were pretty good in that, but I like movies like Storm Riders better.

More info on this would be nice:D

03-07-2006, 07:29 AM
Maggie Cheung.

Right there is a reason to see this movie. ;)

Gene is right, this is a Wuxia movie, not a Gong Fu movie. However as long as you go into it expeciting a Wuxia fantasy movie and not a Gong Fu fight movie it is a very satisfying film. I (personally) loved it. :D :D :D

03-07-2006, 10:40 PM
When is it coming here?
Has this person done a fu movie before?

I'm very interested in this even though I hated Crouching dragon. The martial arts were pretty good in that, but I like movies like Storm Riders better.

More info on this would be nice:D

I am guessing that this is on dvd or someone would have posted when it's coming out. A confirmation on this would help.:)

03-07-2006, 11:28 PM
It's been out on DVD in China for months now.

03-28-2006, 03:23 PM
But Cecilia Cheung (http://www.asiafinest.com/chinese/ceciliacheung.htm) is in it, and she's always worth the price of admission. I saw her live once. She performed at the opening ceremony of the First World Traditional Wushu Festival (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=576). For the record, The Promise is also known as Wu Ji.

03-28-2006, 09:38 PM
i watched a bit of it over my friends house. they had thios scene with all these wild buffalo or horses chasing this guy threw a canyon and then there was fighting at the end. lots of computer stuff. he said it was good, i havent watched it yet.

03-28-2006, 10:13 PM
i watched a bit of it over my friends house. they had thios scene with all these wild buffalo or horses chasing this guy threw a canyon and then there was fighting at the end. lots of computer stuff. he said it was good, i havent watched it yet.


doug maverick
03-29-2006, 11:00 AM
they picked this film up and then droped it, for no reason after they aske kaige to cut like ten minutes out. what the hell is wrong with these guys???????????

03-29-2006, 01:15 PM
probably to suit "the interests" of the west better. :rolleyes:

03-29-2006, 02:30 PM
If you can get past the buffalo scene, the rest of the movie is more amusing. The buffalo scene is total Road Runner/Wiley ala Kung Fu Hustle, and doesn't really work with the rest of the film. In fact, I question if that scene would work in any film outside of Looney Tunes. Like I said, I wouldn't recommend it to most people. Everyone else here in the office thinks it's silly - and it is - and I'm usually the most critical doesn't-like-anything type, so they're having a field day with it.

03-29-2006, 02:47 PM
If you can get past the buffalo scene, the rest of the movie is more amusing. The buffalo scene is total Road Runner/Wiley ala Kung Fu Hustle, and doesn't really work with the rest of the film. In fact, I question if that scene would work in any film outside of Looney Tunes. Like I said, I wouldn't recommend it to most people. Everyone else here in the office thinks it's silly - and it is - and I'm usually the most critical doesn't-like-anything type, so they're having a field day with it.

Shaolin soccer was good, but kungfu hustle sucked. I hope this scene isn't as stupid as that movie. I would watch it over a lot of movies, but only cause stephen chow is the coolest dude on the planet.

Any one know when this comes out.:confused:

03-30-2006, 01:01 PM
Let's see your forum fu. You got to move quick on this one because links to it are getting shut down faster than you can google Pam Anderson. It's the hottest thing in the internet in the good ol' PRC. THE BLOODY CASE THAT STARTED FROM A STEAMED BUN (http://www.kaijushakedown.com/2006/01/the_promise_par.html)

p.s. jethro - for someone who posts so much on our media forum, you should know all about The Promise. I'm just saying...

03-30-2006, 01:40 PM
Let's see your forum fu. You got to move quick on this one because links to it are getting shut down faster than you can google Pam Anderson. It's the hottest thing in the internet in the good ol' PRC. THE BLOODY CASE THAT STARTED FROM A STEAMED BUN (http://www.kaijushakedown.com/2006/01/the_promise_par.html)

p.s. jethro - for someone who posts so much on our media forum, you should know all about The Promise. I'm just saying...

stopped at the library so i could see this gene amd didn't get a chance to figure out what to do on that site other than post if i had seen the promise, but if that picture is from the movie than I will be looking for it for a while until it just never shows up at bestbuy or a used store, i have it on my wishlis at 6 stores.

That costume alone had to cost like 5 grand.

04-01-2006, 06:29 PM
I wouldn't want to wear that helmet to a sword fight though. It'd either be so heavy you'd break your neck wearing it or so flimsy that it would be cleaved in twain by a plastic butter knife.

04-02-2006, 01:56 PM
I wouldn't want to wear that helmet to a sword fight though. It'd either be so heavy you'd break your neck wearing it or so flimsy that it would be cleaved in twain by a plastic butter knife.

I will tell you what man, I really like movies like gladiator and gojoe where they don't focus so much on like sword techniques, but they go a lot more with style and power and flashy shot.

I know in hero I was not all that impressed with the martial arts, but it is still one of my top 20-30 movies of all time because it was the most beautiful movie ever. Costume wise it was very good but, this one shot of this movie looks WAYYYY better than that. So the movie sounds pretty stupid with the kung fu hustle scene and all, but I want to at leeast see it.

But if you think about it back in like medieval times, they would where armour somewhat similiar to that ALL the time. And wearing that after a couple years, their bodies actually became a lot bigger and are able to support all of that. Just think that back then, this guys neck would eventually become huge and he would probably be able to fight with it on.

Alright it is too early, I'm gonna put my sunglasses back on.:cool:

04-03-2006, 10:10 AM
But if you think about it back in like medieval times, they would where armour somewhat similiar to that ALL the time. And wearing that after a couple years, their bodies actually became a lot bigger and are able to support all of that. Just think that back then, this guys neck would eventually become huge and he would probably be able to fight with it on. Have you ever really looked at ancient armor? Sure, there was some some baroque stuff, but that was usually court armor, worn by fops after the rise of firearms. Who do you think designed armor back in the day, Lamarck? :rolleyes:

04-03-2006, 11:25 AM
Have you ever really looked at ancient armor? Sure, there was some some baroque stuff, but that was usually court armor, worn by fops after the rise of firearms. Who do you think designed armor back in the day, Lamarck? :rolleyes:

Hey gene, i know that back in brittania(please don't get into my arthurian geekness) they were ALWAYS having wars and i know for sure that the kings princes. etc. ALWAYS had armour on and every day they would become stronger
and eventuually after many years of having wars and having to keep this stuff on all the time they became pretty big, i'm not saying they grew in inches, i would compare it more to barry bonds.

So I don't know if yer just tryign to be a you know what but i don't care if that costume is amde of paper mache, it works for me. :D

04-03-2006, 07:00 PM
Jethro Gene's point is that nobody would wear armour - like that - into battle. It's not designed to deflect a strike away from the head and in all likelihood would channel the strike towards the head. Plus it looks like it's made out of gold! Do you know how heavy a gold helmet that size would be? Not to mention that gold is about the worst material to construct armour out of because it's so bloody soft that a good sharp steel weapon would cleave right through it.

Now as for wearing armour all the time it's just not practical. I mean, chafing aside, it's difficult to do things like use the washroom when you are in a tin can. Finally in the middle ages, when armour was most useful, rules of ettiquete and protocol would probably prevent someone from wearing armour all of the time in most jurisdictions... Unless they were a king.

04-04-2006, 01:44 PM
Jethro Gene's point is that nobody would wear armour - like that - into battle. It's not designed to deflect a strike away from the head and in all likelihood would channel the strike towards the head. Plus it looks like it's made out of gold! Do you know how heavy a gold helmet that size would be? Not to mention that gold is about the worst material to construct armour out of because it's so bloody soft that a good sharp steel weapon would cleave right through it.

Now as for wearing armour all the time it's just not practical. I mean, chafing aside, it's difficult to do things like use the washroom when you are in a tin can. Finally in the middle ages, when armour was most useful, rules of ettiquete and protocol would probably prevent someone from wearing armour all of the time in most jurisdictions... Unless they were a king.

You make a very good point, but let me live in my own world i have going on!!!!!!


But indeed kings could become big enough to wear arrmouoour like this,right?????
Beowulf-he he ha
I love my own fantasies:D :D

05-04-2006, 03:18 PM
Check out our latest e-zine update - The Promise - Know What It Is and What It Is Not by Craig Reid (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=659)

05-04-2006, 03:46 PM
I can't say I was pleased with the 60+ budget on musa(I seem to be the only one). But it looks like they put the money to good use here.

05-04-2006, 03:58 PM
You just like the spiky hats... ;)

05-13-2006, 09:56 AM
For those not into Reggae, the title is from a song by dance hall artist Buju Banton (with the hook, "I wanna rule my destiny") and it came to my mind soon after reading Dr. C's article on The Promise. Because that song has a similar message to what director Chen conveys in The Promise. When asked about the Chinese title, Wu Ji ( "infinity"), Chen explains that, in this movie, he wanted to show how, "[e]very life can be faced with many possibilities or directions. So, in a sense, I'm indicating that life can have an infinite number of paths."

A great story with amazingly beautiful cinematography (minus cheap graphics). Definately the Chinese equavilant to Ran. But then I’ve only seen it on DVD, and wish I had seen it on the big screen first.

05-17-2006, 03:56 PM
I wouldn't put it on the level of Ran at all. Maybe just for the pretty colors, but Ran was such serious epic and The Promise, while it had such aspirations, fell way short of that. I confess that Kurosawa is my favorite director of all time and there's no way I'd put Kaige on his level, not even for Farewell My Concubine (which is Kaige's best effort to date, IMO).

They keep fighting me I'm not giving up
May the realms of Zion fill my spiritual cup
Wisdom overstanding can never be too much
Give I protection Day and night

05-17-2006, 09:56 PM
Hey Gene I like the Rasta quote.


05-18-2006, 02:27 PM
Check out our latest piece on The Promise's leading man - Hiroyuki Sanada: "Promises" for Peace through Film by Dr. Craig Reid (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=662). The 2nd to last pic just might put jethro in spiky hat ecstacy. Stand back everyone, it's liable to get messy. ;)

SimonM: The quote is from Buju's Destiny - I was just following the lead of gregdread. :D

05-18-2006, 03:22 PM
My work somehow blocks all pics on this site. But I am very intrigued:D

Hiroyuki sanada is in ths?????????????????????????

Gene, didn't you here I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE fan of ninja in the dragon's den. :mad: Did I mention I am a HUGE fan of, ok, I am going to try and catch my breath here, in, out, out, ueu m9-q

05-19-2006, 05:10 PM
I guess your work thinks spiky hats are PORN. That's downright funny, and probably not too inaccurate in your case jethro :p

I wasn't hip to Sanada until Craig pointed him out. Then a lot fell into place. BTW, I recently saw Twilight Samurai and was very disappointed.

05-22-2006, 09:45 AM
BTW, I recently saw Twilight Samurai and was very disappointed.

Really? how curious... do we have a Thread on that film here?

Maybe it's time we did have one.

05-22-2006, 12:38 PM
But if we must... ;) (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?p=677462#post677462)

05-24-2006, 10:24 AM
that pic with the guy shooting the bow arrow, the one with the hat:p

Good thing I didn't see that at work:eek:

07-27-2006, 10:59 AM
i give the story 2 out of 4 stars.
it was corny and predictable.

i give the cinematography 4/4

i give the costumes and settings 4/4

The Xia
07-27-2006, 11:35 AM
What did you think of the action?

07-27-2006, 08:33 PM
action was ok. good at some points but wire fu.

The Xia
07-27-2006, 10:02 PM
action was ok. good at some points but wire fu.
Wuxia has a whole different standard of action then "chop socky". Wire fu is a given.

Li Kao
07-29-2006, 01:51 AM
I thought it was a fun movie -- definitely provides some eye candy ala Tsu Hark's last Zu movie. It fits in rather nicely with the recent wuxia[I] movies and kudos to Kaige for trying his hand in the genre. Of course, it looks like the American release is going to be chopped by about 20 minutes, which irks me to no end but seems to be the trend anymore.

Like Gene, I think [I]Farewell My Concubine is definitely his best movie -- perhaps goes on a bit too long, but great performances by Leslie Cheung and Gong Li. I found The Emperor and the Assassin to be rather flat too.