View Full Version : Sifu Ross' Sports Camp 2006 Review

03-03-2006, 10:06 PM
It's late and I am sleepy. And I have to wake up early tomorrow to go back to day 2 of the camp, but, before I hit the bed, I had to post part 1 of my reivew...and it is definately more positive than my last one.

In the 3 hours I spent at NY San Da tonight, I have to make a confession, I am loathe to admit...In these 3 hours I learned more about fighting than I learned in the 3 years I spent at my first martial arts school (NOT Green Cloud).

I have learned great things from Sifu Gus and Sifu Ivan at GC, and this teaching is what made it so easy to pick up what Sifu Ross (LKFMDC, for those who didn't know) was teaching.

MK had stated previously on his review of Sifu Ross' DVD's he explains his MMA in a Kung-Fu context, and I definately concur. Everything he taught tonight, could easily be understood with my KF background (he even threw in a so choih to make me happy :D )

We drilled basics, we drilled defenses, we drilled counters, we drilled some kicking defense, we worked in throws, and even a couple of ground techniques. Then he went wild with elbows (no using elbows in San Dathough, right?:confused: )

I can honestly say, that I got my moneys worth, just in these first 3 hours of the 12 hour seminar. I will be travelling into the city Gollydarn early tomorrow to do the long day. And when I return (and probably take a nap) I will post more...

03-04-2006, 08:00 PM
The first session of the morning, I can't really remember...not because it wasn't good, but because everything before meeting Tim O'Connor today has been wiped from my memory.

Tim ran the conditiong portion of the camp...and man what conditioning it was. After a warm-up (workout), we did portions of 4 sperate workouts...but even the portion of the workout could have been a workout in and of itself. We worked with him for 2 hours of cardio pounding, sweat inducing, muscle soreing activity.

Then we got a well-deserved (and neeededd) 2 hour lunch...and when we came back we were passed to Ian Morgan (I hope I get his last name right). Ian was in charge of padwork. Now we met Ian yesterday, and I feel guilty for not mentioning him in my last post. I wanted to let people know what unbelieveable side-kicks he has. Power, technique, speed...all of it. Well today, I found out he can do everything with an amazing amount of power being generated from him 150 lbish frame. Afterthe pad workout, my shoulders still hurt, we were given a lecture about pads and their importnce in training and methods for holding.

Then we did clinchwork...and it was good. the techniques Sifu Ross showed today were great. Definately helped me with my clinch game today.

That is where we ended it. And, I don;t know if I had anything left to give anyway.

Tomorrow is some ground work and a wrap up...and I will post my thoughts on that when I get a chance. I hope to 68 people who read this thread found it informative...and if next year you get a chance to go to this sports camp, I HIGHLY recommend it.

03-05-2006, 12:31 AM
I hope to 68 people who read this thread found it informative...and if next year you get a chance to go to this sports camp, I HIGHLY recommend it.

nah, too far of a hike, but I am waiting to have some money in my pockets and for him to put in on dvd along with his usual promotional sale to snatch them up.

03-05-2006, 05:28 AM
nah, too far of a hike, but I am waiting to have some money in my pockets and for him to put in on dvd along with his usual promotional sale to snatch them up.

Yeah, I recommend that too....buy the DVD's. I have his first sports camp and his clinching DVD...it's all good stuff.

03-05-2006, 09:47 AM

It's always good to read reviews.
Especially one's such as yours, where they come from someone who doesn't have the bias that might come from someone who is already a member of the club.

Thanks for taking the time to post this mini-blog.

03-05-2006, 01:55 PM
Well, my alarm rang at 6:30 AM today, and couldn't get up...I was so exhausted. It flashed through my mind for a second to skip the day, and sleep in (the wife and kids were away for the weekend).

But, I wanted to finish what I started. My lats and traps were so sore this morning (and still now). Sore in a way I have not felt in my back previously, even with heavy weight lifting.

So today was the ground day. Anyone who knows me, knows I do not like the ground. Not because I'm no good at it (I'm not, but that's not the reason I don't like it), but because I don;t like the feeling of being down there. I do however, accept it as what i like to call "a necessary evil." Now I know Jiu-Jitsu people will get mad seeing it referred to as that, but too bad for them:D .

I was partnered with someone who (first I hope is not on this forum), was a little...enthusiastic. He would try to correct my positioning, which was correct to begin with. Doing this a second time, after I kindly warned him the first time, resulted in a little paintbrushing...nothing for free..right Sifu Ross:D

Then he was having trouble with another technique, and when he couldn't properly preform it, tried to muscle to a standing position, which he managed to do. But I had him in a headlock...so he tried to put me through the 5th floor window. i don't believe heading to the windows was on purpose, but I know he was aggravated, so I tightened my grip, one as a warning to stop, and 2 incase I went through the window, I didn't go alone...I'm not really afraid of dying, but I don't plan to go out alone:D .

All in all it was a great day.

Sifu's wife came in at the end and brought in food for those who could stay (I had to get home beofre my wife started her Puerto Rican Judo...judon't know I got a knife). The food looked and smelled delicious.
I give this camp ***** out of *****. Anyone who can get time to go to the next one, I highly recommend. Also, when the DVD(s) come out, I would snatch them up quick. THere are definitely great drills for anyone who wants to step up their fighting (even if it is only sparring at the kwoon).

Sifu Ross: Kudos on knowing how to hold a great multi-day seminar. And I have to once again compliment the look of your fighters (not that their wins don't speak for them). But you could see the power and skill flow behind everything they did.

That is all for my report from NY, NY and NY San Da (www.nysanda.com)!

03-06-2006, 09:52 AM
Day after:

My back is still sore. Even after I was rubbed down by my wife last night (down, not off).

I did incorporate some of the new drills into my morning workout, and I am currently waiting for one of my training brothers to come in, so I can try out some of the new stuff I learned this weekend.

All good stuff...and If you liked my report, please go here. (http://www.nysanda.com/)

Thanks...that is all.

03-06-2006, 11:06 AM
Wow, long weekend, was still at the gym last night at 8 pm cleaning up and getting the gym back to normal, was back in at 9 am teaching :o

We have over 6 hours of footage, crazy! Have to try to figure out how to package it all... did so much stuff

This year's camp was great, was glad to see such diverse experience in the participants... will be doing some one day seminars also very soon in various parts of country

03-08-2006, 08:43 AM
And my back finally doesn't hurt anymore.

I have been doing the warm-up showed to us by Tim O'Connor, and my hips are more loose, and I feel good.

I used some of the conditioning drills in one of my classes yesterday, the students didn't like it too much:D Too painful they said.

Again my thanks to Sifu Ross for knowing how to give a kick-ass camp!

03-08-2006, 08:51 AM
"I have been doing the warm-up showed to us by Tim O'Connor, and my hips are more loose, and I feel good.

Please do tell... I am always look ing for ways to loosen up my pushing 40 hips.

03-08-2006, 03:39 PM
Some pictures from last weekend's combat sports camp are now posted at

As soon as we have details on the DVD we will post them. So far, looks like 4 DVD's will be made from the footage

03-08-2006, 03:47 PM
now i realize that lkfmdc avatar is actually a picture of himself LOL

just kidding, glad your seminar went well. i really need to get down to the city one of these years and stop by.

03-08-2006, 08:36 PM
where can I get some of those spiffy San Da shorts?

03-09-2006, 06:42 AM
where can I get some of those spiffy San Da shorts?

Yeah, Sifu Ross has good taste when it comes to San Da shorts, i was admiring em all weekend...