View Full Version : mexican thug beats up white thug vid (brutal)

03-04-2006, 04:17 AM

Mr Punch
03-04-2006, 04:56 AM
Darwinism shaping the disaffected American youth. Try arguing ID on that one. They both appeared to live though.

Talking of Darwinism, isn't it about time you were banned again?

03-04-2006, 08:54 AM
Dude was out before he even hit the ground!!!

David Jamieson
03-04-2006, 10:53 AM
more flailing from inexperienced strret thugs.

neither had the guard up, both had poor form and the chicano dude had too much anger apparently as he was seeking to kill the dude and needed an external voice to tell him to stop.

These clips serve a purpose I suppose. I'm not surte what the purpose is beyond pointing out that disaffected youth are generally stupid stupid people awash in thei own hubris and ego. lol

But then, most of us already know that these are the actions of those with clearly limited intelligence.

anyone want to argue these guys are a couple of regular einsteins with anything to offer a kungfu discussion board? :p

03-04-2006, 11:17 AM
This is a reality check. Watching this is shocking and horrific, but it brings a realization of the sheer brutality capable of our fellow man. In the end what i get from it is "Train more". I believe that exposing ourselves to images of violence like this reduces the levels of stressed that will be incurred if faced with it ourselves, that in itself has ups and downs.

03-04-2006, 11:29 AM
I believe that exposing ourselves to images of violence like this reduces the levels of stressed that will be incurred if faced with it ourselves, that in itself has ups and downs.

Interesting idea. I've wondered about this, too. Let's discuss this.

03-04-2006, 12:53 PM
I believe that exposing ourselves to images of violence like this reduces the levels of stressed that will be incurred if faced with it ourselves, that in itself has ups and downs.

yeah, that's one possibility. the other possibilities are that some people become insensitive numb to these actions, or people end up needing to see this type of thing to excite them. or just completely mess them up in the heads.

excessive de-sensitivization also make people feel these type of actions are the norm and hence more likely for them to act out on these type of urges.

this is a multiple lanes highway with many bad destinations.

03-04-2006, 01:09 PM
Just because these people commited violent felonies doesn't mean they were any good at them. :rolleyes:

Green Cloud
03-04-2006, 02:53 PM
Yup that was a real street fight, and that's what I'v normaly seen in these fights. Watching these fights does help, it reminds us why we train and in many cases snaps us out of our dream state.

As far as the tatoo boy stupid is what stupid does. Correct me if I'm wrong but before the fight wasn't he bragging about how he stuck some dude in the neck three times witk a knife. Could this have something to do with the Mexican dude's reaction, maybe the guy that got stabbed was his cousin or home boy or something.

I don't think in a real fight that you should expect anything else than what you saw in that fight. That's reality


03-04-2006, 03:09 PM
I found it here where they discuss it:

03-04-2006, 08:36 PM
That figures.

03-05-2006, 11:12 AM

A sad report of the current social mentality.. A by-product of ineffective or non-existent discipline at home and in the public school system.. and the signature of a failing judicial system.. People act out their bad-boy fantasies because there is no reliable social accountability..

That is a shocking thing for some people, but it is a very real possibility.. each time we flip someone off, curse them for their poor driving manners, etc.. we increase the possibility that someone will end-up like the unfortunate thug in the clip.. but, he ended up there as part of an agreed upon confrontation.. higher skills would have avoided the conflict altogether.. very few things are worth risking your life for in that manner..

The Latino had no honor... the fight was decided with the first hit.. the rest was disgraceful inhumane brutallity..

Be well..

03-05-2006, 12:22 PM
Those two should be put right back in prison. And so should the jerk who let them out in the first place.

03-05-2006, 01:46 PM
Wow, that was profoundly disturbing.

I'm not sure I can argue for any redeeming value to seeing something like that whatsoever.

I guess it's a reminder that no matter how well trained you are, if someone were to score one lucky hit on you, you could find yourself helpless and savagely beaten.

I like that the hispanic guy tried to actually come off gracious at the end. Like "I know I just tried to crush your throat with my knee, but good fight, man, good fight."


03-05-2006, 04:09 PM
here is another clip I found on sherdog with another kind of a street element:


03-05-2006, 04:11 PM

A sad report of the current social mentality.. A by-product of ineffective or non-existent discipline at home and in the public school system.. and the signature of a failing judicial system.. People act out their bad-boy fantasies because there is no reliable social accountability...

also because females love it. Notice its always the ncie and regular guys who finish last cause females think theyre boring?

Also I would love to see tank abbot fight that Mexican, anyone remember ufc 3 where tank almost killed that hawaiian guy?

03-05-2006, 05:38 PM
I think the biggest lesson we can all learn from this is that there are some incredible babes living in Kansas.

03-05-2006, 10:32 PM
I love the caption on the latest one.

"This wigga gets beat up by a black dude then he fights back tears like CRAZY hahahaha good stuff."

Classic :rolleyes:

03-05-2006, 11:54 PM
another new streetfight:

03-05-2006, 11:59 PM
check these clips out of a prison documentary:







Jun Fan
03-06-2006, 05:48 AM
I guess it's a reminder that no matter how well trained you are, if someone were to score one lucky hit on you, you could find yourself helpless and savagely beaten.

This is so true. Anybody who knows how to throw a punch has the potential to knock you out. Once they do you are at their mercy.

03-06-2006, 05:55 AM
Some tips in context of this fact:

Don't talk smack/start sh!t.

Be environmentally aware.

Get your CCW permit (where available).

Not that these tips will save you, but they may improve your odds a little.

Mr Punch
03-06-2006, 06:22 AM
also because females love it. Notice its always the ncie and regular guys who finish last cause females think theyre boring?See, you're typical of the kind of du mb **** who perpetuates this kind of thinking... well, here's a fact, du mb b!tches with their priorities wrong, or sometimes simply abused women with childish/damaged personalities, or playa hoes go after the kind of du mb ****s who would be in that video.

Who the hell would want a woman who wanted that kind of stuff?

I'm a fairly nice and fairly regular guy, and I've got a pretty, intelligent, funny and talented woman. If you want a du mb ho you behave like a du mb ****. You should be sorted.:rolleyes:

And like I said, isn't about time you were banned again?:mad:

Royal Dragon
03-06-2006, 08:35 AM
the vid has lots of camera angles, slowmo's and cool zoom in's. You sure this is real?

03-06-2006, 10:06 AM
Iron fist,

The idea that exposure to violence can reduce the stress levels when it actually occured has been an idea i've been playing around with since my own fight. When i entered the cage i could feel my stress levels rising, and as it did i noticed a complete breakdown of cognitive thought. I wasn't able to pay atention to my breathing to my footwork, or anything for that matter. Clear thoughts and plans of action were completly beyond me. But what i'm describing is completly normal and has been scientifically proven to occur.

Under high stress situations your brain shifts from don't quote me on this but i believe the cerebral cortex where cognitive thought occurs, to a section of your brain known as the reptillian brain. The reptillian brain handles all basic needs, hunger, pain, and what's inportent to us fight or flight. At that point our survival is at the mercy of muscle memory and involuntary reactions. This happen at much faster speeds which are a blessing but leaves us traditainol martial artists at a lear disadvatnage. Where the boxer has 4 basic attacks that he uses over and over we have 1000's. Much more difficult to develop muscle memory due to lack of constant repitition.

Now here's where i'm working on my own theory ... Our other option to make sure that we are prepared in a fight is to increase our stress threshold before our brain begins to shift. Cognitive thought gives the martial artist an advantage. It allows us to be aware of our landscape, it allows to pick and choose which techniques would be best in given situations. By remaining calm we would be in superior control of our buddies facilities, aka breathing, heart rate. So i'm thinking by exposing ourselves to these high stress level sitatuations we are in effect desesationalisn ourselves.

Now tai chi bob i understand what ur saying, repeated exposure to violence will encourage violence itself, but i would argue violence is our nature and has been repressed by our traditional protestant culture. I love how people blame things like television for violence, here's a reality check 100 years ago there were 1000 times more murders then what we have today AND they had a smaller population. Even great cultures like Rome had public executions and mass carnage that was treated as soccer games. One thing i've never read about though were riots in the stands of the colisuem not counting of course the attempted overthrow of i believe it was Neto. Now let's compare modern day soccer fans, who in reaction to a bad ref begin an international war. Rome's public displays of violence allowed for a channel of violence a stage for it. Not everyone is violent by nature, but those that are need an outlet. And there's nothing wrong with being violent. What's worse physical violence in the sense i get mad and punch you in the face once, or i get mad at you and frame you for hitting it with your boss's wife and you lose your job, your own wife, and end up a crack smoking bum on the curb?

David Jamieson
03-06-2006, 10:14 AM
The idea that exposure to violence can reduce the stress levels when it actually occured has been an idea i've been playing around with since my own fight. When i entered the cage i could feel my stress levels rising, and as it did i noticed a complete breakdown of cognitive thought. I wasn't able to pay atention to my breathing to my footwork, or anything for that matter. Clear thoughts and plans of action were completly beyond me. But what i'm describing is completly normal and has been scientifically proven to occur.


Your observation is indeed quite realistic and normal for most people.
I would say that if you want to improve yourself in this area and lessen the effects of adrenaline dumps, cognitive screwup, fear wash etc etc, then continue to pressure test, but at the same time, it would be highly beneficial for you to take up some form of zen meditation.

I know that might sound...well weird, but here's some things about zen practice that will improve your mindset.

You will still feel fear, but you will be less apprehensive and more able to take action.

After time, the adrenaline dump will be significantly reduced with continued practice.

zen disciplines your mind and allows you to regulate emotion and even to the level where you are able to disregard or shut off the chemistry associated with fear and apprehension.

It takes work, and then more work, but it can be overcome and you can allow yourself to have much more control over these things that are happening to you mentally and subsequently physically because of the mental factor.

food for thought.

03-06-2006, 11:29 AM
I'm glad you brought up Zen mediation! Wow so wierd, i actually was going to write a paragraph about it myself in my last entry but completly forgot. Yeah Zen meditation is another way to exercise the mind into controlling stress levels and bodily control. I think this is a really untapped avenue for many of those MMA guys out there.

Thanks for the input!

03-06-2006, 11:49 AM
I believe that exposing ourselves to images of violence like this reduces the levels of stressed that will be incurred if faced with it ourselves, that in itself has ups and downs.

I don't think it does. Being exposed to violence can de-sensitize you to it - I'm used to hearing gunshots, for example. I no longer flinch when I hear shots in the distance like people around me that aren't used to it. Now, if I were involved in that gunfight, stress level woulda been high, as I've only had to deal with such a situation once. de-sensitization (did I make that term up?) and lowered stress in a fight or flight situation are not mutually exclusive.

03-06-2006, 12:43 PM
more flailing from inexperienced strret thugs.

neither had the guard up, both had poor form and the chicano dude had too much anger apparently as he was seeking to kill the dude and needed an external voice to tell him to stop.

I wouldn't say that the latino guy was flailing. His punches weren't all so bad. he also had some form of a guard, but his hands were a tad low. He was mobile as well. He definitely looked better than the other guy, who DID flail, had no guard and his chin up. Also notice how the latino guy immediately jumped on the other guy once he fell - he's done this before in some form or another.

03-06-2006, 12:44 PM
the vid has lots of camera angles, slowmo's and cool zoom in's. You sure this is real?

Nothing you can't do with Vegas Video on your own PC.

03-06-2006, 01:19 PM
Can't we get a NWS ads announcements (and yes, I was guilty of not doing this once) and a warning for vulgarity?

Some of us waste our work hours here, and can get in trouble (and I have kids around me...they don't appreciate the swearing)

03-07-2006, 04:19 AM
See, you're typical of the kind of du mb **** who perpetuates this kind of thinking... well, here's a fact, du mb b!tches with their priorities wrong, or sometimes simply abused women with childish/damaged personalities, or playa hoes go after the kind of du mb ****s who would be in that video.

Who the hell would want a woman who wanted that kind of stuff?

I'm a fairly nice and fairly regular guy, and I've got a pretty, intelligent, funny and talented woman. If you want a du mb ho you behave like a du mb ****. You should be sorted.:rolleyes:

And like I said, isn't about time you were banned again?:mad:

theyre all the same, most only settle for a regular guy after a lifelong of partying and getting used up and gangbanged. than they leech off the guy who they marry. by the way here is something to read:

03-07-2006, 05:29 AM

What is sad is the number of people that actually look for ways to rationalize violence as inherent to human nature.. and, how few look for ways to change this perspective.. We are what we choose to be. Training to be prepared is acceptable, training to develop aggressive tactics and hone violence is not..

Be well..

Mr Punch
03-07-2006, 06:20 AM
theyre all the same, most only settle for a regular guy after a lifelong of partying and getting used up and gangbanged. than they leech off the guy who they marry. by the way here is something to read:
(ask the real losers dot com)You just have no respect which is why you're not getting any but the skanks. And those poor skanks didn't ever get any respect either... you just don't get it do you? Bull like yours breeds more bull like yours. And that's the same for violence as it is for any other kind of abuse. Grow up, get some self esteem, stop with the bad-a55 fetish and learn some respect.

And while we're at it, I really think it would help if somebody banned this fool before he starts with the racist nonsense again... it's only a matter of time... you know, I think it would help him just for his own development as a human being.

03-07-2006, 11:23 AM
just another example to show that time in prison and muscles dont mean you can fight.

03-07-2006, 01:13 PM
But what's so bad about some violence to begin with?? I love guys who think i'm rationalizing violence when i'm actually accepting. It's the pacifists out there, with their superiority complexes that think violence is beneath them that gets to me. I for one am accepting of the violent and the passive. If 2 guys want to duke it out then i say pass me the popcorn. It's an aspect we should accept, not something to be above. All creation is through conflict.

03-07-2006, 01:46 PM

What is sad is the number of people that actually look for ways to rationalize violence as inherent to human nature.. and, how few look for ways to change this perspective.. We are what we choose to be. Training to be prepared is acceptable, training to develop aggressive tactics and hone violence is not..

Be well..

I don't know that it's not inherent to human nature. Surely, anger is an inherent human emotion. So is jealousy. As long as these and other emotions exist, people will fight. the chaos theory...

03-07-2006, 01:51 PM
here is another clip I found on sherdog with another kind of a street element:


Haaaa...this truly is cheesy. I like the way the black dude (who looks like he's in his 20's) randomly attacks the white kid (who looks like a Freshman in High School). That's tough! :rolleyes: The great part is that none of these losers probably graduated High School, and would struggle reading a Dr. Seuss book. :p :p The even better part is that they will probably always have to fight for their much desired position at McDonalds!:p :p I love it! These are the guys who pick up trash along the roadsides. Ahh, the sad reality of the lower class. :D They truly don't have a clue, and that's why they're hanging out on sidewalks and wearing pants that hang around their knees. ;)

David Jamieson
03-07-2006, 05:29 PM

What is sad is the number of people that actually look for ways to rationalize violence as inherent to human nature.. and, how few look for ways to change this perspective.. We are what we choose to be. Training to be prepared is acceptable, training to develop aggressive tactics and hone violence is not..

Be well..

Im not certain that all of it is rationalization of humanities inherent violent nature so much as it is surmising it to be so from simple observation all our lives.

even the tiniest of mammals when cornered with no way out will rip and tear at you. Humans, for the most aprt are this very same way.

borders, nations, leaders, social construct, you name it and it is the result of violent conflict.

we are not by nature luminous and peacful beings as our relatively brief history shows.

what we watch, the games we play, politics, all sorts of things are extensions of violent tendencies.

the flower power peeps among us are the oddities, the princes of peace, the epacemakers, the ones who seek peace and love for all...these are the one in a billion types while the rest of us stomp wildly over each other for three bucks off on a toaster on boxing day.

Violence is quite easily one of the most common behaviours of humans. Any human. From very early on. Watch pre-schoolers and how they interact, there is always an element of assertion of dominance by one or a group fo individuals over another. If it doesn't bode well for those who are attempting to assert their will on others, then teh next step is aggressive pursuit to that end and failing that, violence.

from the very beginnings of our being, to the very ends, we are violent creatures. yes we don't have to be, and many of us aren't, but when it comes to brass tacks, the real face of the dragon is revealed and that face says " I am violent at the core"

You cannot know sweet lest you taste bitter.

03-07-2006, 09:53 PM
skinhead beatdown by mexican:

03-08-2006, 09:35 AM

As a species we find too much ego satisfaction in our own brutality, too much desire to dominate others.. our egos rob us of the courage necessary to evolve beyond the maddness of physical violence.. it IS possible to have civil dialogue and make logical compromises to preserve a non-violent civilization, we "choose" not to.. it is simply a signature of where we place our values..

Some will rationalize their violent tendencies by claiming it's naturally inherent to being human.. if that were so, we would resolve all conflicts in such a manner.. we only "choose" to do so when we feel we have a reasonable chance of success, or when the rewards out-weigh common sense.. otherwise, we find ways to resolve conflicts that preserve our interests to whatever degree we can.. so, it's inherent only when we think we can win..

Agreeing to fight for sport has its own undesirable consequences, both individually and on a social level, but.. agreeing to fight, with actual physical harm intended, over ideologies, beliefs, or perceived "disrespect" is the choice of fools.. the only rational reason to harm others is to prevent them from physically harming you or others.

Peace is only possible when we believe it to be.. accepting violence as inherent negates the potential for peace.. Generation after generation sets the stage for the next generation, violence is pushed forward as a human legacy..

from the very beginnings of our being, to the very ends, we are violent creatures. yes we don't have to be, and many of us aren't, but when it comes to brass tacks, the real face of the dragon is revealed and that face says " I am violent at the core"When it comes to brass tacks, i am NOT violent at the core.. but, i am just and fair.. if, although i prefer otherwise, i am forced to use violence as a defensive tool, i have trained so that it will be effective, efficient and where possible compassionate.. i have no intention to harm another any more than is necessary to control a situation.. Yes, there is a Dragon in each of us, but.. do we control it or does it control us..

Be well...

03-08-2006, 12:06 PM
You know Bob has a point...

David Jamieson
03-09-2006, 06:35 AM
Yes, Bob does have a point.

But that doesn't mean that it is through discipline and effort that we contain our violent nature which is present to begin with.

We do not begin as peaceful beings, we do not live our lives without constant struggle both internally and externally.

the actions of punching someone in teh face is the extreme end of manifest violence, but on teh other end is our emotional content, our own lava flow that runs beneath the shell that is our demeanor.

there are far to many examples of violent behaviour to indicate that it is unnatural.
I think it is totally natural, but I also think that if it manifests itself too often and you are doing harm to others consistently either through verbal or physical abuse of some nature tyhen you should probably undertake some activity that exercises your force of discipline to contain that overflow.

If we look at the force of discipline required to maintain a peaceful disposition within and without, then we can see that this takes effort.

violence is more often than not the result of anger.

If one cannot get a grip on their anger, they will in all likely become violent, either overtly or in a passive way.

I do believe our violent nature is innate and I do believe we trigger it with what we surround ourselves with societally speaking. The more chance for violence to occur and the more it will.

Even bob or a buddhist monk with enough pokes to the ribs will reveal their violent nature.

One of the things that will sway violence in an individual is fear. But the emotion is still there, it is the intellect that overrides their action of manifesting their violence. Example : huge guy intimidating little guy. The little guy would like to deck the huge guy, but his fear tempers his violent nature and disallows it's revelation. However, it may manifest itself later as the little guy punches a wall, kicks a can, or some how lets out that anger.

03-09-2006, 07:40 AM

Godd points, David.. especially about our dealing with anger.. but, i disagree with the notion we are violent by nature.. we are neutral by nature, violence is a tool we use..

Even bob or a buddhist monk with enough pokes to the ribs will reveal their violent nature.Yes, i will defend myself from unprovoked "pokes to the ribs".. i will use the tool of violence, if necessary, to restore a neutral balance to the situation, i have trained to use the tool of violence efficiently and with as much compassion as the situation permits.. i will not initiate violence for personal gain or to impose my will over others.. it just doesn't make sense. I cannot recall ever considering how to take advantage of another person for personal gain. I do compete in the marketplace for projects, but the competition is by asserting my firm's strengths and capabilities, not exploiting another firm's weaknesses.. I spar with consenting partners, not to dominate them but to evaluate my own performance, and as an agreed upon situation.. Violence may be a useful tool, but aggression is not..

In the videos, there is a point where the winner is obvious, the opponent is unconscious. Continued assaults and beating is without honor or basic human worth.. and, i contend is unnatural.. the majority of people would not continue to beat an unconscious person.. that is a deviant behavior..

We cannot evolve beyond the notion that we are violent by nature if we accept it as part of our nature.. we have to see violence as a tool that is reaching the point of diminishing returns for the survival of our species.. all the efforts of all the people and nations applied toward violence would have so much more benefit if the effort were applied as aid and comfort.. it's a simple choice we each make.. or, as John Lennon so profoundly put it, "Imagine"......

Be well..

David Jamieson
03-09-2006, 09:35 AM
In the videos, there is a point where the winner is obvious, the opponent is unconscious. Continued assaults and beating is without honor or basic human worth.. and, i contend is unnatural.. the majority of people would not continue to beat an unconscious person.. that is a deviant behavior..

I absolutely and unequivocably agree with this statement bob. That is unnatural.
However, it was the end result of it and not the initiation, the intention and the general idea behind what they were doing.

Overt and demonstrative violence can be as simple as flipping the bird to someone in traffic, because it is the intention that is what initiate further degrees of violence.

Harsh words towards an undeserving other is a violent act.

Degrees of violence from the subtle to the clear demonstrative actions of physical attack are nevertheless still violence.