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03-04-2006, 06:59 PM
I've created account on "youtube" to share my old videos with you guys:

here is a link:



03-05-2006, 01:05 PM
Cool videos bro!

would love to see more.:)

03-06-2006, 07:23 PM
thx :)

i just uploading next file. this is the same form but 9 years later. you can see a differences in body movements (compare the first video) even some techniques has been changed during those years. today the same form looks quite different in performance then in 1988 when I first time learned the form

03-07-2006, 08:52 AM
I've had the privelage of meeting Master Benny Ming at the VTM about a year ago. As well he'd visited my Sifu's school before in Ohio and my Sifu said they were all realy decent folks. I've been an admirer of Chi Sim Weng Shun for some time and respect the art greatly. I'm a practicioner of Pan Nam Yong Chun and Yip Man ffamily Wing Chun. I'm looking forward to seeing more, thank you for posting, awesome stuff to me.
BF "Les" Lesley
Have a good one!

03-07-2006, 04:47 PM
thx :)

here is a link to my another website with pictures and videofiles: http://www.imageevent.com/vingdragon

below is a link to small performance of Saam Pai Fut form. Interesting thing (and it was a little shock to me) that form not belongs to Weng Chun originally! This form has been added into Weng Chun system not so long ago by Lo family. However that form is worth of learning. Cool staff



03-07-2006, 09:46 PM
I've created account on "youtube" to share my old videos with you guys:

here is a link:



hello vingdragon,

Great vids,

I have two questions,

1. Why do you face sideways first then engage?
2. What does the movement where your arm goes over your shoulder suppose to counter? Possibly?? an upward elbow strike + defence against round hook punch as seen in muay thai.


03-08-2006, 06:48 PM
hello vingdragon,

Great vids,

I have two questions,

1. Why do you face sideways first then engage?
2. What does the movement where your arm goes over your shoulder suppose to counter? Possibly?? an upward elbow strike + defence against round hook punch as seen in muay thai.


1. starting sideways is just a variation. You can start however you want, but this works nicely for show.
2. In a complex form, with many similar movements in the form itself, each element may have a very specific application. Because this form is very simple, we can think of each movement as having many applications. In this case, we can think of many applications of this one element of the form. Yes, it's a defense, protecting the head. It can also be applied as an upward elbow strike. It can be applied with the forearm in a more vertical position to control an opponent, in contact with his arm. And because the elbow is very strong, the movement can be used to open an opponen't bridge. It can also be applied against an opponent behind you--for example with fingers in the eyes of someone grabbing you from behind, or grabbing an opponent's arm to throw him. These different ways of applying the technique depend on variations of exactly where the arm is, and if you have a closed fist, grab, or jab with the fingers.

03-08-2006, 08:36 PM
Nice vids, thanks for sharing, its good to see other styles out there.

Two questions,

I notice very small (if any) use of the waist (in the dummy vids).

1) What are the areas of power generation that you use the most ?

Inch / elbow / step / multi point touch- tourque ?

I see some waist turning power but not in most actions.....

I have poor video so i may be mistaken, and...

2) When practicing by yourself do you still apply actions at such a speed, or is this just for the show to make it more interesting ?

I am NOT a troll, everyone is different and i respect your right to have your 'way' i legitimatly would like to know. (just so theres no mistaking me for a punk :D )
Thanks for sharing once again
Curious :rolleyes:

03-09-2006, 06:15 PM
Nice vids, thanks for sharing, its good to see other styles out there.
I notice very small (if any) use of the waist (in the dummy vids). yes, we use a waist/body movements but we don't exaggerate (magnify) them

1) What are the areas of power generation that you use the most ?

we trying to use all body to generate power techniques, but mostly is knees, hips, shoulders and elbows. some movements in video are missed so you don't have to blame your video player ;)

2) When practicing by yourself do you still apply actions at such a speed, or is this just for the show to make it more interesting? Weng Chun generally has been created to learn by , rules, techniques and examples of fighting applications. Later some people created a forms, but it doesn't mean that we have to practise them in full speed. in Weng Chun there is difference, however
faster you are, better skills you have if you know what I mean

I am NOT a troll, everyone is different and i respect your right to have your 'way' i legitimatly would like to know. (just so theres no mistaking me for a punk :D )
Thanks for sharing once again
Curious :rolleyes:

your welcome, I don't treat anybody as a troll, (well, only if somebody deserve it) ask more if you want to know something. I'm not a cult, I don't have any secrets


ps. sorry for delays in my answers, I'm not frequently forums user

03-20-2006, 12:30 PM
I added next videos. This time two forms: Siu Lim Tao and Chum Kiu

see the differences between Wing Chun and Weng Chun :)


03-21-2006, 03:44 PM
Thanks for the show :)

There are so many different styles of VT, the forms are many and varied but most often when comparing others forms to my own i notice one or two actions that i have but that are not present in those others forms.

On some occasion its almost action for action but a transition is different or some other small difference etc etc.

I always beleive each to thier own but often IMO very important actions are lost.

Huen Sao is one such action.

One thing i like about your form is, there is more Huen Sao, Heun Sao is a huge part of wrist force for use in every VT action.

I like certain parts of your form where you have this action. say whilst doing your right Jut Sao on your left Tan then having Huen Sao whilst changing to the other side....

This is one aspect that many schools are loosing from thier forms, very interesting, good to see.

Thanks ;)

04-03-2006, 04:32 AM
now its time for some action. I've put a new clip. free style chisao drills. Stewart and Me
