View Full Version : Wing Chun Conference

aaron baum
03-14-2006, 06:59 AM
did anyone go to the 2nd conference in leeds this weekend? there was a number of teachers there including alan orr, samuel kwok, alan gibson etc....

if so what were your thoughts and experiences....



Paul T England
03-14-2006, 10:30 AM
Hi Aaron,

It was a great day again, such a pity that more people arn't open to these events.

I don't think I got a chance to Chi Sau with you this time but it was difficult getting round everyone. I did touch hands with your sifu which was different! I am really slow at picking things up and it was not until the monday when I was thinking of what Sifu Orr was doing against me...

I also did a fair bit with Sifu Gibson which was very interesting.

Alex did a great job of things and I hope someone has the motivation to run the 3rd conference. I thought the Q&A at the end was also very good.

When you think that maybe 10 different clubs attendeed from about five lineages it just shows how wing chun has suffered in the last 30 years. Hopefully the conference will become a sort benchmark for wing chun in the UK.

Paul Tennet

Kevin Bell
03-14-2006, 10:43 AM
Hey Gents,

Spoke to both Alan and David P about it. When's the next get together i'd be interested in attending especially if it's in Leed's.
