View Full Version : popped my cherry

03-16-2006, 10:20 AM
went live for the first time at juijitsu last night.

i only got a couple one minute drills in before i lost the button to my pants and realized that draw strings are better for such things. i'm stronger than i thought, which was cool, but i need to learn when to use it and when to relax.

i hurt i places i didnt know i could hurt and i think im in love.

with juiitsu ... not the men i was rolling around on the floor with. although they are ok too.

03-16-2006, 10:27 AM
anyone else notice that gda's not sitting normal today? :confused:

03-16-2006, 10:32 AM
anyone else notice that gda's not sitting normal today? :confused:

No, but most of us spend less time looking at his ass than you do.

03-16-2006, 10:51 AM
dont act like you dont look at my ass.

Nick Forrer
03-16-2006, 11:05 AM
My advice for people starting to roll:

Dont spazz

Dont put your hand over anyones mouth (had this the other day)

Dont slam anyone

Dont try any footlocks

Dont try any neck cranks

Try and apply what you learn in class

Dont put any vice like headlocks on anyone

If you stop (because you are near the wall for eg) when you restart go back to the same position unless the other guy indicates thats its okay to start from the knees again (had this the other day)

Dont try and tap anyone from within the guard

Keep both hands back when in someone elses guard (youll learn the hard way)

When you're caught tap

Try not to muscle everything

And finally enjoy!!!!

03-17-2006, 01:39 AM
can you please explain these ones:

Dont put any vice like headlocks on anyone
Dont try and tap anyone from within the guard
Keep both hands back when in someone elses guard

i understand the rest, but these got me stumped. i dont need paragraphs, but more pointed in the right direction.

Nick Forrer
03-17-2006, 04:32 AM

Headlocks arent a submission..they are just annoying and contribute to cauliflower ear. Noobs tend to put one on and squeeze for dear life...however the other guy will get out eventually and when he does chances are he will have a better position (i.e. your back). A headlock isnt the same as a scarf hold where you have the arm as well

When I say dont try and tap from within the guard I mean when you are on your knees and in his guard. Noobs try and choke from there but you will just get arm barred

Instead What you want (in order) is:

- To establish good posture (back straight, head up, arms back and in, weight centered)

- Open the guard whilst keeping your posture

- get your base/balance (makes you hard to sweep)

- start to pass either over under or around his legs

Finally keeping your arms back is just to do with correct posture from within the guard and stops him from executing arm bars, triangles, omoplatas (i.e. submissions) and also sweeps too.

Hope thats clear

Ford Prefect
03-17-2006, 06:58 AM
Newton sub'd Miletich with a headlock in UFC31 although it is listed as a bulldog choke. It was your a-typical headlock.

It's not a high percentage move and can often lead to losing position, but to say it's not a submission is an error.

David Jamieson
03-17-2006, 07:02 AM
go across the body and sink your hooks in for the guillotine. way better than a standard headlock. :p

03-17-2006, 07:16 AM
Dont put any vice like headlocks on anyone They are easily countered most of the time because you aren't controlling the body.

Dont try and tap anyone from within the guard
You have no leverage to tap them. You can secure the grip, but they will prevent you from sinking the lock by controlling your hips and waist.

Keep both hands back when in someone elses guard .
"Two on the gut" is our moto, meaning boths hands should be on his lower abdomen. Extended arms are begging to be arm-barred, omo palated, or setup for triangles.

03-17-2006, 11:47 AM
cool .. that all makes sense.

thanks for the tip on headlocks especially. thats exactly what i would do too .... im sure ill still do one here and there when desperate, but i know not to rely on them and just keep trying other things until i finally make something work.

03-17-2006, 12:19 PM
When I was at a submission fighting school they told us you could keep your arms extended in the guard as long as you were controlling BOTH of his arms (think of having an underhand grip on the back of his triceps). I forgot where you're supposed to go from there because I haven't been to that school in 2 years. Anyway, I know when striking is involved it changes the guard game a bit.

03-17-2006, 01:06 PM
dont act like you dont look at my ass.

Only since the chemo made it so enticingly hairless.

03-17-2006, 10:15 PM
went live for the first time at juijitsu last night.

i hurt i places i didnt know i could hurt and i think im in love.

with juiitsu ... not the men i was rolling around on the floor with. although they are ok too.

Agreed totally. Just started regular judo training. Many new pains! Starting to feel on the wrong side of 25 for the first time in my life!

Love the intensity and the ability to "fight" in every class. There's something evily satisfying about applying a good hold down/choke/etc - if I can ever get them on that is!

Personally the ability to go 100% regularly is developing my mental fight attitude much better than previous training where sparring always seemed to have an element of holding back - Any thoughts? Also helps that the instructor doesn't settle for any laziness!

03-28-2006, 11:56 AM
i finally got to roll with a guy my size last night and it was awesome.

i was milimeters from my first armbar from the guard. if i had just pinched my legs togeather a little tighter he'd have tapped, but alas he rolled out.

i ended up doing the same thing to him a few moments later (although i think he actually did have the bar and could have hurt me if he was being a ****). it was a very even match and i feel that i did very well for a newb. i did some reversals ... relaxed when there was nothing else to do ... controlled the hips from the half mount ... gained a full mount ... and even escaped when he had my back.

all i can think about is rolling again.