View Full Version : COOL Wudang clips

03-16-2006, 06:04 PM
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-623427220680689225&pl=-623427220680689225,-860476029332156512,-1394573082667886736,-1809842674918661188,-2186300883714867061,-4534226848524872699,-6204755941355219769,5210407033985703134,4182307845 018536130,3699321015626992004,

they are all on the right corner of the screen..enjoy!!!

03-16-2006, 09:16 PM

The "Wudang Tai Yi Qiqong" was frickin' amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

The way he was shifting back and forth in the low "chen he" (I think??) stance was incredible:eek:

03-17-2006, 01:16 AM
yeah that one was impressive. direct link for the rest of yall:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1809842674918661188&pl=-623427220680689225,-860476029332156512,-1394573082667886736,-1809842674918661188,-2186300883714867061,-4534226848524872699,-6204755941355219769,5210407033985703134,4182307845 018536130,3699321015626992004

Ray Pina
03-17-2006, 10:45 AM
I was super impressed with his Taiji, the way he can go so low and still maintain a pushing angle ... almost as if he was laying flat on the floor and pushing off a wall, or kicking off the side of a pool. Great ability!

However, I did not see him imploy that as power in his Hsing-I form ... his stepping seemed light, not driving and heavy into his arms. He seamed to be uprooting himself.

The Ba Gua, I don't know what that was ... lots of arms extended, no pushing angle, lots of disconnect. But maybe it's just me. I know I'm not learning traditionally.

Definitely would like to see more footage though, preferrably some free boxing ... not with students.

03-17-2006, 11:24 AM
the only wudang stuff i have ever seen was all taiji like stuff. so i was excited to see some non internal stuff. its great stuff. thanks for the share!