View Full Version : Long Island Kung-fu Tournament

03-18-2006, 10:06 PM
MAJOR EFFIN CONGRATS to SiJiao George Crayton Jr. for hosting a truly excellent tournament. If this is to be a regular thing, it will definately be on "The Circuit" along with the Wong's, The Wong Fei-Hung Tourney, and the Five Tigers. Things went smooth to say the least.
ok, enough of the regular kudos drivel. Ya wanna know what was really special about this particular event? There were no pompous arse attitudes thatyou usually see at most tournaments. This was like a bunch of friends hanging out at a picnic and seeing their kids playing ball. Everyone was so relaxed, laid back, and really getting together and enjoying a tournament. I have to say, in all my years of tournament competition-on both sides,judge and competitor, I have nevver seen a tournament like this. Everyone pitched in to help out and make this a successful event.
Hopefully more will come.

03-19-2006, 08:55 AM
I was there, and supposed to have a couple of kids from our Kwoon competeing, but neither of them showed up.

So I stuck around for a few hours to hang with my Sifu and training brothers from the 2 other locations. It was cool.

I also got to see one of Sifu Kellerman's guys spin back kick someone in the cajones...i almost cried just watching it...

Green Cloud
03-19-2006, 10:45 AM
Just have to add that this was one tournament where I got to relax and pal around with all my buddies as we watched our boys play in the sand box. I was center ref for the spinining back kick to the testies, OUCH. Got to give it to the guys that got hit, he got back up and finished the fight.

Not to many injuries, just a few bloody noses and some black eyes, hope to see a full contact division that will realy draw a good audience.

The highlight of the evening was watching george deal with one of my crazy parents I was embarrased by this phyco mom I have to admit it was all worth it just watching Georges facial expressions.

All part of a good tourney fighting, drama, comedy:) greencloud.net

03-19-2006, 12:20 PM

I saw her getting yelled at during the female sparring competition, telling her daughter to throw the other kid as hard as she could to the ground...I felt really bad for her daughter...

03-20-2006, 11:58 AM
Any results posted anywhere?

Green Cloud
03-20-2006, 09:07 PM
The results have not come in yet but I will post them as soon as George Crayton has the results.

Green Cloud
03-20-2006, 09:14 PM
Green cloud did as well as can be expected. Got a gold in forms and fighting and a few second places. Overal I think we did good even though we didn't have a large team this year. The tourney was the day after saint pat. day figure that.:(


03-21-2006, 02:50 PM
Hey Sifu Gus, who, or what was that school that looked like bad Villaris kenpo wit wu-shu forms? They were wearing satin kung-fu uniforms and bare feet, doing some of the worst stuff I have ever seen. I watched in horror as someone was doing all sorts of bad gymnastics while weilding a broadsword incorrectly-no clue. Then they get all mad when peopel who devote their lives to practicing and teaching real Kung-Fu give them a low score.

03-21-2006, 02:51 PM
they got really pi$$ed when they got owned by my eight-yr old student in the self-defense division.

03-21-2006, 03:31 PM
Glad to hear it went well. One of Sijo's students called me up and wanted to know if we were sending students, I told he I don't really teach forms anymore, so he quickly said "we have points sparring!"... uh, we aren't exactly a point sparring kind of school either ;)

Green Cloud
03-22-2006, 10:14 AM
hey Rick are ya talking about the guys that we were judging, you know the guys that did a little of everything realy bad. They also had a anoying chearleading squad of people, wich I found inapropriate and useless since no amount of chearing could help these guys.

03-22-2006, 10:32 AM
Omigod! Those guys were awful! It's one thing to cheer for your guy when he first goes up, and after he's done, and for thefinal score, but these clowns surrounded the area, and cheered and clapped all throughout the performance of his form. These people think thatthey are influencing the judges, when in fact, what they are doing is detrimental to the competitor. It completely pi$$ed off all the judges, and there is no way a judge, when feeling such anomosity towards them could prevent that from affecting his score, whether conciously (one would hope noot) or unconciously.
But, no. It was another school. These guys were definately from a kempo school,which was an offshoot of Villaris, like United Studios, or some other offshoot. They were doing Villaris self-defense techniques, some were wearing their style gi pants-black with the red and white stripes down the side, and Chinese tops,some wore satin, but with bare feet, and they were trying to do wu-shu or something like it. This one girl is doing broadsword and the blade is sideways, not edge forward, no real cuts going on, but then she's doing splits and cartwheels, and of course her fellow students are all there going,"Yeah!"
(I'm sitting there having to judge this slop thinking, 'yeah, right.')

Green Cloud
03-22-2006, 08:48 PM
Omitofu!! that was some harsh ****e I couln't stand watching those guys. I can't stand Kempo forms, especialy the made up garbage those UNITED STUDIO OF SELF DA ****E guys do.

I would rather act surprised everytime someone does the Siu lum tao. Wow