View Full Version : any kun fu teachers who also teach grappling in new york

03-21-2006, 12:38 AM
looking for kunfu teacher who knows how to grapple to.looking for a place in queens anyone a place

Ray Pina
03-21-2006, 07:57 AM
My master is in Queens and we ground fight. We were heavy into it up to about a year ago (we had a BJJ guys join) but now we're focusing on Hsing-I again, we go in cycles. But the power training directly equates to the ground. The raw power makes it hard to be locked. Of course, a much bigger guy can still force it, but the training buys you the time you need to redirect or strike, or strike while redirecting.

Shoot me a PM if you want.

fiercest tiger
03-21-2006, 04:06 PM

Good point, didnt think about the power training in regards to not getting submitted. I went to a BJJ school tapped there students but they couldnt tap me i thought i was way too strong and maybe it was more the ging or muscle tendons that was stronger?!

any ideas why?


03-21-2006, 06:04 PM
i cant not believe anybodywho has train never been tapped . the more you roll the more you get tapped and you if dont train that kind of body training you will defently get tapped.you can do all the chi tendon training you want noway. i train for 20 years kunfu form some of the best they got tapped. most kunfu people think they can stop it there wrong i am not saying they cant stop them standing but not on the floor. i love to train with a kunfu teacher who has not done any grappling and usees his kun fu on the floor to stop bjj.

Ray Pina
03-22-2006, 07:55 AM
I haven't been tapped since I played with a BJJ dude who won a few grapplers quests last year this time.

I used to get tapped a lot by a classmate who used to train at Gracie's gym in NYC too.

My master showed me a few aproaches:

Hsing-I... how to lock the arm, almost pull every bone and tendon closer together (I know this is probabaly not biologically correct, but that's what it feels like). I won't say it's impossible to lock, but you have to be A LOT stronger than me, and still it will take time. Time in which I don't just sit there.

Tai-chi: How to go with the lock. How to deliver or run the elbow according to the situation.

In the end, it's very hard to hold onto someone's arm when they use their full body to pull it back home .... better not to extend in the first place.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll be tapped again at somepoint by someone who's better than me, who leads me to thinking I got out of the lock and then I get overl;y aggressive and they get me in a traingle choke:)

But generally, I was wonder what is in peoples heads when they automatically say "impossible" without knowing the situation. The other day some dude told me it was impossible to paddle out (the water was supposed to be 37 degrees) without a hood. I paddled out and took it off .... the water was 44 degrees and I was overheating in my winter suit.

Impossible is what you fail to believe, fail to train, fail to test, fail to do.

Three Harmonies
03-22-2006, 11:00 AM
Do you mean BJJ or grappling? I have news for you, if your ___________ (fill in any MA style) teacher does not know anything about grappling, then I would move on to a school that does! Grappling is an integral part of all martial systems. If it is not being taught, then your teacher does not know it, and subsequently is lacking big time in his/her understanding of the martial arts.
Now if you mean BJJ specifically...... that is different. Sounds like Mr. Pina has some experience.
Jake :)

fiercest tiger
03-25-2006, 04:30 PM
Grappling should be part of all kung fu, i know that when i first grapled you do panic and you gotta learn to relax and then explode. I teach grappling not BJJ my internal art goes back to shaolin and was brought over from indian monks or travelers. So there is alot of stand up clinch, pummeling, and ground of course it has the iron palms from the 18 pushing palms form.


Ray Pina
03-28-2006, 07:11 AM
Had a match this Sunday and was taken down and mounted. The guy was shorter than me but stocky and had power, I was a little concerned.

I have to say, being in better shape helped me. When we had one of those "agreements" to catch our breath, I popped him off me and reversed it. Landed a shot or two and then he kicked me out but I didn't give him spave to get up.

Got side mount, fed three unanswered (nor blocked) elbows to the side of his head.

Three years ago I would have been toast. A little ground knowledge and an understanding of structure and leverage made the difference in me going home feeling like the $hit, instead of $hit.

Got to work the ground.

03-28-2006, 07:19 PM
good for you. you have to train different postions on the floor the dead ones more so cant get yourself ready when it happens.you one of your friends is my students jimmy been with me for a year.he told me he knows you should call him a train with him his ground work has gotten alot better i going to give his blue belt now.get togther with a roll tell me what you think you knew before me so now you can see with what i taught him standing and on the ground

Ray Pina
03-29-2006, 07:35 AM
Sounds like a plan. I'm actually going to see me and Jimmy's old Southern Mantis sifu tomorrow.... just a bit of catching up, see what his guys are working on. I'll be tied up with a friend from Puerto Rico over the weekend but maybe next week.

I'm in Queens on Tues and Fri. training with Master Chan anyway. I've always been curious about meeting you. From the beginning of my training all I've heard is about Master's best student, how you beat a lot of guys, was going to Abhu Dahbi, and then kind of got bored and wanted to train BJJ. Kwok and Arthur always spoke highly of you, respected you because you fought.

I'm still learing. Iwouldn't say I've beaten a lot of guys yet, a few here and there. I was outclassed in Dec. and it pushed me to pick up my training and focus my mind more.

My goal is to get into the cage around hurricane season. It's always my best time of year. Until then, I'm training and testing. Training and testing.

I'm picking up my computer today, maybe I can post a pic or two from Sunday tonight.

03-29-2006, 09:41 AM
great if you come down you will see arthur and mayo and kenny they are also training. well we have class on mon wed fri 8.30 11.00 . the school is in queens we do alot of sparring and ground . right know everone has has to get to at least a blue belt and then we start something new . and on friday we do mostly stand up.athur and jimmy will be there tonight .if want call one of them or me and stop by and check us out.call up hidden fist school the #718 460 2364 . and i can tell you how to get there.

Ray Pina
03-29-2006, 11:53 AM
I'll try to stop by next Friday.

I'm without a car and running around for the next few days with a friend coming into town.

Ray Pina
03-29-2006, 09:52 PM
tip tap, got to rap to fit the photo snap.

Three Harmonies
03-30-2006, 04:02 PM
Which one are you Ray?
THanks for sharing
Jake :)

03-30-2006, 09:53 PM
tip tap, got to rap to fit the photo snap.
nice pics good job

Ray Pina
04-03-2006, 08:17 AM
Well, I'm glad that I won but whenever I win and come out unscathed I can't help but question the other's technical ability. At the same time the guy wasn't a punk and took some good shots before tapping. And he did reverse my throw and when he mounted me he felt like he knew what he was doing.

So, all I can do it learn from what worked, and watch the video and look to see what could be better ... like when I'm striking him while entering I'm sure I lost power because my back isn't straight, I'm pulling my head back a bit as a cautionary measure. So I need to fix that.

You know how it is. I've heard so much about you, you sound like a real warrior. I just picked up this book, The Gracie Way, a history of the family. Just started it. It seems interesting.

I really respect those guys and what they've done for martial arts. Forced everyone to pick up their game.

04-03-2006, 02:02 PM
dont worry so much about the technics drilling is the most important then to live is just as.The biggest problem with most kun fu teachers they dont use what they teach so how can they teach it?dont worry so much about your back thats a myth .Theres many ways to get power .everone is diffrent because some can do it with a straight back some people can do it with out .you dont see boxers with there back all straight.you do what your body allows you to do then you become your own person with a idea not a form.

Ray Pina
04-04-2006, 08:50 AM
I understand what you're saying, and I never want to copy my master's "form," but I do want his power-generation. I am now able to do a lot of things that I couldn't before from training.

I get a ton of power driving off the back leg now, and also turning the front leg into the back leg by using a pushing angle, I know you know this. Right now, in combat, I have a slight disconnect in the back. I know it. It's something I've recently focused on. In straight walking it still appears so obviously in free fighting it's not natural. But now that I have clear evidence of power seeping away via this disconnection I have to fix it. I don't think it will be hard. Just have to walk back-and-forth a few hundred times until I feel it right naturally. Than a few hundred times more .... and then a few hundred times more to were I don't think about it. By mid-summer it should be fixed.... hopefully.