View Full Version : Kung Fu Fourum to be Avoided .

03-25-2006, 03:24 AM
The so called "Truth In Martial Arts board .


The mods Troll , Flame and Ban if you disagree with them . Dosent matter if you havent broken a Rule .

Its worse than Bullshido over there .


Dim Wit Mak
03-25-2006, 08:14 AM
You can't even view the forums unless you register?

03-25-2006, 03:57 PM
Jim, you are a whiney ass hole. I swear!! I have yet to encounter a bigger baby huey than you.

You go to peices over the mearest slights.

Guess what, with or without me there, your days were numbered anyway. Let me inform the crowd here that in response to his being being banned for a day. This wonderful person had the entire game faqs community try and gang invade the forum. Its funny how someone who thinks its worse than bullshido came in and ACTED like it was Bullshido from the beginning. Thanks for nothing.

Sorry, your ass isn't gonna get kissed today.

Also, the place is not a "kung fu forum" . Its an open forum. You were banned because you became a giant nuissance. Every time you got on that soap box and put out thousand word essays it was like reading somebody with ADHD.

This is the same guy that BOASTS openly on how he can own his sifu at any time.

And as to trolling and baiting, if it translates to questioning you and your claims, You're darn right.


03-28-2006, 05:24 AM

You know, I missed the Gamefaqs invasion but seriously...

This is just silly and you know I am one of the people who like's you best. Give it a rest. Just tone it down a notch and try to be brief. I thought Sifu Abel went a little overboard.....but only a little. He had a point.

Anyways, my favorite thing there so far has been the only Southern Shaolin discussion I have ever felt interesting enough and sufficiently lineage free to be worth participating in. I got 8 years of Hung Gar under my belt and have never once been able to bring myself to get into anything here on the southern subforum or on any of the odd other forums I have bumped into on the subject. Always too style/lineage specific. I like just talking about kung fu without regard to style as far as that is possible.

KC Elbows
03-28-2006, 10:26 AM
I doubt you'd find anyone on either Bullshido or truthmartialarts.org who didn't think the comparison was ridiculous. The tone is completely different, and if your main complaint is that Abel, as a staff member, treated you mean, I can't even imagine where your comparison begins from.

The two sites are completely different in tone. There is a devotion to manners on truthmartialarts that Bullshido would never accept on the premise that it would make revealing the truth harder, while the members of truthmartialarts would probably suggest that an absolute abandonment of civility does not reveal truth, but enable those willing to go the furthest from civility a wider base of action regardless of their motivation.

That two such diametrically opposed sites both banned you is telling.

03-28-2006, 11:56 AM
You tell 'um KC.

And your right , it is a totally different atmosphere. they may try to be civil but that doesn't mean they have to let things pass. I told him here what I told him there, the truth. And sometimes, the truth hurts. And better still, they don't have any of the agenda driven politics or the endless whiney jack ass style posters blshdo likes so much.

"You know, I missed the Gamefaqs invasion but seriously..."

You missed it? You were there, logged on. You didn't notice that there were 30 guests all of a sudden? The reason you missed it is becasue I put a stopper on it before they could turn the place upside down. The first guy, klasnov, registered, went straight to the thread just to flame me. Coincidence? No.

Then all hell broke loose.

David Jamieson
03-28-2006, 02:55 PM
bong sao those b1tches!

then fu jow em in the nads

then hammerfist to the back of the neck and mo ying gerk to the face as follow up with just one last stomp across the throat before moving on to the next guy.

yep, like walking through a field of midgets with a claymore I tell ya.

03-28-2006, 05:58 PM
You forgot to set off the nuclear device.

03-28-2006, 06:19 PM
You missed it? You were there, logged on. You didn't notice that there were 30 guests all of a sudden? The reason you missed it is becasue I put a stopper on it before they could turn the place upside down. The first guy, klasnov, registered, went straight to the thread just to flame me. Coincidence? No.

Then all hell broke loose.

As I don't think I am even really aware of where you can see how many guests are logged on, that wouldn't have registered. When it gets mentioned on threads I always tend to think it's something the mods can look up or whatever.

Here's what went on in my mind:

- Oh...there's thread that Djimbe must have started special just to complain about the other one.
- eh...I'll check it out in a bit but first this other topic looks more interesting...
- Now for that Djimbe thread *click*...wait a long time....."database error" or "page does not exist" (or something like that).
- WTF? *click* ---> back to hom page.
- huh? That's wierd. The thread is gone......

03-28-2006, 06:29 PM
Dude, its on the very bottom under "Board statistics" <_<

"Most users ever online was 29 on Mar 25 2006, 02:55 AM"

Anyone can see who is online and what they are reading.

And the reason you didn't see it was because it was a flame fest. I moved the Djimbe thread out of the room because it was the focal point of the invasion. Once I moved it(I didn't delete it) they dispersed.

03-28-2006, 08:27 PM
I seriously thought he was going to say KFO!!!:D

Truely, though, check this place out (They actually talk about kung fu!!!):


David Jamieson
03-28-2006, 09:03 PM
You forgot to set off the nuclear device.

well, that's just overkill. the shaolin deadly isn't about overkill, it's about midgets, fields and claymores and weird names for striking techniques used in said field on said midgets.

03-29-2006, 12:52 AM
You know, it would be easier just set some traps. You know, pits, slings etc etc

03-29-2006, 04:33 AM
Dude, its on the very bottom under "Board statistics" <_<

"Most users ever online was 29 on Mar 25 2006, 02:55 AM"

Anyone can see who is online and what they are reading.

And the reason you didn't see it was because it was a flame fest. I moved the Djimbe thread out of the room because it was the focal point of the invasion. Once I moved it(I didn't delete it) they dispersed.

thats hilarious, it would be even funnier if someone hacked it or if bullshido and gamefaqs and possibly mma.tv invaded the board all at the same time and it had to shut down because of bandwith. Im proud to say I actually shut down a site by hot linking it to numerous sites lol.

03-29-2006, 07:09 AM
That forum is great, if only for JF Springer.


03-29-2006, 04:56 PM
I have looked for a while for another kungfu site to express my opinion on movies and such, but this is the only one I can get onto and actually post while I am at work.
All of the others make me put in an email address, and I have to check my email after I register, blah blah. Why do you need an email adrress, you can just post on here or send me a message.
I have high respect for most martial artists and I don't see why a kungfu site can't just trust people to post, if they are lying and just causing trouble then it will just get people here to pay more attention to other threads, not a bad thing. And they will eventually be kicked off if they are still starting crap. The reason I have very high respect for ma's is because I have always known them to be trustworthy, and that is what this site does, trust you. :D

03-29-2006, 05:50 PM
........really? ?!?!?!

Dale Dugas
03-29-2006, 06:10 PM
I have looked for a while for another kungfu site to express my opinion on movies and such, but this is the only one I can get onto and actually post while I am at work.
All of the others make me put in an email address, and I have to check my email after I register, blah blah. Why do you need an email adrress, you can just post on here or send me a message.
I have high respect for most martial artists and I don't see why a kungfu site can't just trust people to post, if they are lying and just causing trouble then it will just get people here to pay more attention to other threads, not a bad thing. And they will eventually be kicked off if they are still starting crap. The reason I have very high respect for ma's is because I have always known them to be trustworthy, and that is what this site does, trust you. :D

Nothing but a silly little boy with no skills would say a stupid thing like that.

Oh yeah, and not wanting to leave an email address so people could check to see if your real or madeup doesnt hurt as well. Too many internet cowards and ass holes who seem to want to hurt and abuse others for you not to want to come out and be known as a real person and not the smoke that most here blow out there rearend.

03-29-2006, 06:24 PM
Nothing but a silly little boy with no skills would say a stupid thing like that.

Oh yeah, and not wanting to leave an email address so people could check to see if your real or madeup doesnt hurt as well. Too many internet cowards and ass holes who seem to want to hurt and abuse others for you not to want to come out and be known as a real person and not the smoke that most here blow out there rearend.

I guess I should have explained that when I am at work this is one of the 6 sites that I can access, email isn't one of the other 5. So luckily I can get onto this site. If I say something that people don't like then send me a message, I will always be here. It's nice to be able to do something other than stare at an access blocked screen or we need your email adress for you to post here. So I don't even have an email address, I mean I have had a couple but have sent like a total of 5 meesages maybe. I hate computers but love this site. I just feel that martial artists have enough respect for themselves and other people that they don't have to go through 20 steps just to put your opinion on the internet. So thank you kungfumagazine, cause I would have to quit the easiest highest paying job I have ever had if I didn't have this to get through my nights.:D

03-29-2006, 06:39 PM
"no email" has got to be some kind of historical record for dumbest reason not to post on a site ever.

It's not really possible to allow internet access but just block email. You could block yahoo or google or msn or something but the possibilities for email are endless.

03-29-2006, 07:02 PM
"no email" has got to be some kind of historical record for dumbest reason not to post on a site ever.

It's not really possible to allow internet access but just block email. You could block yahoo or google or msn or something but the possibilities for email are endless.

Please enlighten me, I am not very savvy in computers but i would like to see a list of a bunch of email places, because I won't give away how I get into here, because the programers could read this and figure it out real quick, but I would like to be able to register for an email address so I could look at certain things on sites by checking an email that the site sent. They screwed up once and we had full internet access for like 3 days and I managed to watch EVERYTHING on shaolinchamber but they don't just block email sites, they block it all. The only sites I am supposed to have access to is espn and bestbuy and those sites are always having problems, i mean fantasy videos, etc. never freaking work. This and 2 other sites are the only 3 that I can get full access to, I still have to in through the hidden back door like all the others but I am still extremely grateful I can check this site everyday. So I spend like an hour a day(used to be 8-12) going through thousands of different sites trying different ways to get in. I have found hundreds of them and the ONLY ones I have found that I like is a site where a guy breaks a bunch of boards and sets a world record for doing it so fast and a gilr doing some sick ass scorpion style forms, so if anyone has posted this or knows of it I would love to know the address cause I lost it a while ago. The other one I like is the martrix one, and the ONLY other vid page I have found is this russian one that is watchable like once, and I didn;t make it throught that.

I might have gotten a little bittle off of topic, but if you have a massive list of email sites like yahoo i can try, I would love to try them out and hopefully find one. I think i saw once I post like 4 times a day, I figured it was like 400 times a day, that has to be innacurate. CAN YOU NOT TELL THAT I AM JUST A LITTLE BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

03-29-2006, 07:29 PM
Oh, so it's not email specifically, you just have superlimited email access in general.

I'm on about a 5 minute break between classes but I'll get to the pm later. I've got some questions about what the extent of online access is that you do have. I can throw out a list of a half dozen or so email sources but what you really need is some sort of general workaround to their internet access limitations. I wouldn't want to indirectly get someone in trouble at work though....:eek:

03-29-2006, 07:49 PM

yeah, take your time cause I'm on here literally my whoel shift and check this site EVERYDAY, so if you took a couple weeks to get some good ones I wouldn't care, but 6 wouldn't be any help, it took me about 3 seconds to see of your sites on your signature worked.

And don't worry about me getting in trouble cause my bosses and their boss are always looking over my shoulder to see a guy do like 15 flips within like 10 feet in a span of about 15 seconds. Just so you know, I have never been told that we cannot access these sites, they just don't work. And i don't think they would havea problem with it because we have the BB site cause that is where our phone is sold and we get espn.com cause that's where I work. I love sports, but got tired of espin after a day(especially with no vids). So anyway I know I wouldn't get into trouble because no one will argue with me whether or not the MA's are a sport cause we have golf on the tv all the time here and they still try to tell me that is a sport, then so are magic cards and crochet as far as i am concerned. But this thread is for another message board, sorry tiger er er i mean golf fans.:D

03-29-2006, 08:15 PM
Quick test.

Does this site work for you?:


If it does, then it will let you access pretty much everything else although it still won't let you into email because it blocks cookies. But it will let you view blocked sites at least.

03-29-2006, 08:24 PM
please don't get my hopes up by showing me what it will do if it works:(

So let's see here... nope it's still loading, doesn't work


03-31-2006, 04:45 PM
Do you have a computer at home? If so, then you can sign up to any board you like. Then, just sign in with your username and password.

03-31-2006, 05:12 PM
Do you have a computer at home? If so, then you can sign up to any board you like. Then, just sign in with your username and password.

Man I wish I would have stayed in school.:p

I will defintley do that, you guys probably need a break from me, so I'm gonna go try and tear up some other sites!!!:D

04-01-2006, 08:27 AM
Since the tread was Deleted by the Offending Party , someone else Hosted it , then Emailed me this morning . THey seem to have gotten most of it , so here goes :


Link 6-a is the only one that dosent work .

04-01-2006, 08:33 AM
Jim, you are a whiney ass hole. I swear!! I have yet to encounter a bigger baby huey than you.

You go to peices over the mearest slights.

Guess what, with or without me there, your days were numbered anyway. Let me inform the crowd here that in response to his being being banned for a day. This wonderful person had the entire game faqs community try and gang invade the forum. Its funny how someone who thinks its worse than bullshido came in and ACTED like it was Bullshido from the beginning. Thanks for nothing.

Sorry, your ass isn't gonna get kissed today.

Also, the place is not a "kung fu forum" . Its an open forum. You were banned because you became a giant nuissance. Every time you got on that soap box and put out thousand word essays it was like reading somebody with ADHD.

This is the same guy that BOASTS openly on how he can own his sifu at any time.

And as to trolling and baiting, if it translates to questioning you and your claims, You're darn right.


And youre a trolling little ***** .

Want to Cross hands and SEE if I have the skill I say I do ?

No ?

Then shut your hole .

YOu have no skills .

You have no Respect .

You have nothing but your Comp to hide behind .

You have something else to say to me , my door is WIDE open .

No one cares what you think of me , only that you act like an ass when you get a little Power .

Oh , and I didnt get ANYONE to do ANYTHING . I ws actually out of the STATE that night . YOu see , thats what its like when a bunch of ppl LIKE and RESPECT you . THey come to your aid WITHOUT you having to ask .

Try Making Friends sometime . Its lovely !

04-01-2006, 08:38 AM

You know, I missed the Gamefaqs invasion but seriously...

Never happened . There was no "Invasion" Jones had already Recruited on GameFAQs and a COUPLE of ppl posted protestring the thread . It was more like 3 than thirty . I told them not to bother it would just get them banned .

This is just silly and you know I am one of the people who like's you best. Give it a rest. Just tone it down a notch and try to be brief. I thought Sifu Abel went a little overboard.....but only a little. He had a point.

You can now see how fully he went Overboard .

Anyways, my favorite thing there so far has been the only Southern Shaolin discussion I have ever felt interesting enough and sufficiently lineage free to be worth participating in. I got 8 years of Hung Gar under my belt and have never once been able to bring myself to get into anything here on the southern subforum or on any of the odd other forums I have bumped into on the subject. Always too style/lineage specific. I like just talking about kung fu without regard to style as far as that is possible.

I agree , wholeheartedly . Thats the type of thing I was enjoing as well , functional discussion sans the Martial Historians all waving their Versions of Banners .

04-01-2006, 10:43 AM
RIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight 3 people.

"Most users ever online was 29 on Mar 25 2006, 02:55 AM"

Yeah, I can see how 3 people show within 5 minutues of your banning suddenly turn to 30 by "accident". And all of them flaming me particularly. The internet doesn't care what state you are in. You were online. You were givng me a bunch of crap. And I banned you. Oh dearest me, I banned the great Djimbe. How dare I. If you don't like it don't post there. You are barely welcome as it is. You are being tolerated, not supported there. One more disrupution from you and its Buh bye permanban. Few like you, fewer want you there.

"you come down here blah, blah, blah ."

You make me laugh. Pathetic.

You trying to save face after you basically said your sifu is your plaything in public. But thats somehow my fault. Even if its true, (which I actually doubt) YOU DON'T GO AROUND BLABBING ABOUT THIS IN PUBLIC!!! You want me to respect you and yours? What for? You don't respect him either. And before you go wasting time and effort on me, You can't sue me for my response to what YOU said.

BTW the thread wasn't deleted.

04-01-2006, 09:23 PM
RIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight 3 people.

"Most users ever online was 29 on Mar 25 2006, 02:55 AM"

Yeah, I can see how 3 people show within 5 minutues of your banning suddenly turn to 30 by "accident". And all of them flaming me particularly. The internet doesn't care what state you are in. You were online. You were givng me a bunch of crap. And I banned you. Oh dearest me, I banned the great Djimbe. How dare I. If you don't like it don't post there. You are barely welcome as it is. You are being tolerated, not supported there. One more disrupution from you and its Buh bye permanban. Few like you, fewer want you there.

Youre not only an ass , but a Babbling Paranoid one . Conflict spikes Readership . Dosent mean everyone was going to agree with anyone in particular , or they all came from a Single Source . But you keep yelling about hte sky falling on you Chicken Little . ONE person Posted something that "DEFIED YOUR PAWAH !" . Call the Waaaaahhhmbulance .

"you come down here blah, blah, blah ."

You make me laugh. Pathetic.

Yes , you are .

And ?

You TRY to set up scenarios where you look like youre doing something , but youre a Coward , rudy . You never stepped up to anyone on Bullshido , and youll never step up to me . You ca show us as many Vids as you want from 10 years ago with you Pointsparring some First-Year newbie , the difference between you and I will ALWAYS be that I have gotten out from behind my computer and Shown UP ! Weterh to Push hands , have a Chat , or Spar Full out , Ive Walked the Walk .

You just Make Pot shots , and try to accuse anyone that gives you the chance to back up your words as "Threatening You" guess what ? YOURE the one that said "Im Calling BS On You" to ME . SO Prove me BS , MY door is always open . If I showed up at your place - IF anyone was actually insane enough to Certify an Individual such as yourself and you even HAVE a place - all I would get is the smell of you relieving yourself in your pants followed by Squishing sounds as you raced to dial 911 .

You trying to save face

I dont need to save anything . Ive been true to myself , my beliefs , and my Morals . At then end of the day , Im in the right , and youre in the Wrong , and thats all that matters to me . I was a Good person and you abused your Power , wich you no longer have . As far as Im concerned I "Took One For The Team" and did the entire community there a service pointing out a Meglomaniac for all to see . You see , Ive played this game before , and I KNOW that both parties lose , but in my eyes , you lost more , because as much as you might claim to hate Phrost youve proven yourself just like you claimed him to be . Good Show .

after you basically said your sifu is your plaything in public. But thats somehow my fault. Even if its true, (which I actually doubt) YOU DON'T GO AROUND BLABBING ABOUT THIS IN PUBLIC!!!

My FAvorite quote in the world is :

A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.

~Bertrand Russell

ANd in this case you are the Former man , and I am the latter .

I said that My Sifu Would not win against me in a Real Fight and that he himself has before said so , and thats why I respect him , because he is Pragmatic , and does not fill his students full of Pie In The Sky Chi-Dreams . Im 400 lbs Powerlifter and hes a 160 lbs senior citizen . You translate this into "*****" and "Plaything" in your mind , and you translkate this into Disrespect . There is nothing to "BLab" Its no Secret that Tyson could beat D'Amato in a Fight ! The only person that thinks this a secret is you .

You want me to respect you and yours? What for? You don't respect him either.

Actually , you dont know what Respect is . Allow me to teach you something . Lying about Reality , and claiming that My Teacher is something that he isnt isnt Respecting him . Acknowledging that his Knowledge and Science and Level of Achievement is Higher than my DESPITE what can be Acomplishd in a Direct Comparison of skills is not only respectful but HUMBLE . Bobby Knight cant Dunk a basketall , but hes still one of the greatest Teachers of the game EVER .

In fact , I would NEVER EVER think to DISrespect MY Instructor by pretending that he thinks hes something that he isnt , wich would have to be Superman to beat a guy 3X his mass and half his age with 10 inches of Reach on him in a fight . HEs a REAL guy , with REAL skills and REAL Knowledge . Do you see Helio out there fighitng in Pride ? No , His sons Do it . Does he know any less about BJJ ? Nope , but hes older now . It happens to all of us .

And before you go wasting time and effort on me, You can't sue me for my response to what YOU said.

Actually that depens on the Responce . And youre dead wrong . Youre INTENTIONALLY twisting what I said to change its meaning , and THAT I CAN sue for . Learn , THEN Speak :

LIBEL - Published material meeting three conditions: The material is defamatory either on its face or indirectly; The defamatory statement is about someone who is identifiable to one or more persons; and, The material must be distributed to someone other than the offended party; i.e. published; distinguished from slander.

Claiming that I referred to anyone as my "*****" or "Plaything" when I have not even Insinuated such a thing (Other than yourself , of course) IS blatantly Libelous . Try Twisting it any way you like . ITs On its Face Defamatory , it hurts my Standing Falsely in the MA Community , and you made your Libelous contentions Publicly available by posting it to neumerous ppl that know me .

BTW the thread wasn't deleted.

Because someone saved it , of course not !

Hiding your Misbehaviour from public view is as good as deleting it , if thats what you did ... Looks deleted to me and everyone else in this thread .

04-01-2006, 11:09 PM
So him "taking out" a guy at 320 is permissable but he can't take you out. Hmmmm

Interesting. I wonder if he even knows this?

Jim, I don''t have to say anything to hurt your standing in the MA community. You're doing just fine all by yourself.

pft- Like you could prove damages. Its called the first ammendment, *******, my OPINION of you is protected. All of it is based on what YOU have posted.

As far as whaaaaa attacks are concerned, Maybe you should take that up with the author of this thread. Seems he can't just keep it where it started. He went outside like a litttle kid in tattle tale mode spreading BullS***. Whaaaaaaaaa I'm being oppressed by the PAWWHAAAAAAAAA. Grow up.

04-02-2006, 07:56 AM
So him "taking out" a guy at 320 is permissable but he can't take you out. Hmmmm

Interesting. I wonder if he even knows this?

You LOVE to compare Apples to Bycicles dont you ? IVe been studying 25 years , the other guy was a noob . HUGE difference there , yeah . AND I have 75 ADDITIONAL pounds and 6 inches on him .

Jim, I don''t have to say anything to hurt your standing in the MA community. You're doing just fine all by yourself.

Pot , shake hands with Kettle , will you please ?

pft- Like you could prove damages. Its called the first ammendment, *******, my OPINION of you is protected. All of it is based on what YOU have posted.

Keep thinking that . You seem to like being wrong .

I can only surmise from yoru behaviour that you arent successful enough in life to have anything worth suing you for in the offing .

As far as whaaaaa attacks are concerned, Maybe you should take that up with the author of this thread. Seems he can't just keep it where it started. He went outside like a litttle kid in tattle tale mode spreading BullS***. Whaaaaaaaaa I'm being oppressed by the PAWWHAAAAAAAAA. Grow up.

Actually , you have no "Pawa" wich you shouldnt . ANd your behaviour here continues to prove this . Thank you for making my point for me .

04-02-2006, 11:08 AM
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :rolleyes: