View Full Version : jkd vs mma vid

03-31-2006, 04:03 PM

03-31-2006, 05:15 PM
might wanna warn people that they have to wait 18 weeks for the correct fight to show up.

i have to say, the look on the jkd's face when he got hit in the torso the first time was priceless.

03-31-2006, 10:22 PM
here is a vid of the jkd guy trianing for the k1 fight:

04-01-2006, 12:21 AM
im not completely done with the second fight yet, but ill say this ...

i thought the dude was a clown from the training vid, but ill give him credit for being out there. i also gave him props for his speed while working the mits, but i wondered if there was any real power there. he showed that here was when he nailed the one dude with a quick 2 hit combo after getting back into a corner in the second round. it was accurate too ... if he focused his attention on trying to hit like that more often than not he'd probably do ok.

04-01-2006, 12:31 AM
ok its done ...

i think that if the dude keeps up with it, learns to relax and learn from his fights,, he could actually do ok.

04-01-2006, 08:21 AM
That is not Jeet Kune Do.

Mr. Horse
04-02-2006, 02:18 AM
Well..... To be honest, he isn't that bad. Yes, he is a little corny. And yes, he is kind focusing on the wrong stuff, but I have seen worse.

If he would quit that master Bruce Lee crap and just be himself, he would be good. He isn't really doing what most people would call kung fu, but he is one of the best examples of kung fu I have seen compete.

In the second fight, he tried to trade kicks with a guy who had Tai boxing training. He should of tried to get inside and use that hand speed he used in his training videos.

He tried TOO much to be like Master Bruce Lee. The big difference is that Master Lee had explosive forward motion so he could stay in the kick zone, but inside, he was also dangerous.

A lot you guys will make fun of Tony, but my hat is off to him (mainly for trying) .