View Full Version : Anyone ever heard of Zhongxian Wu / Wu Zhongxian?

04-01-2006, 07:56 AM


This is local to me and I thought I'd do some research?

So, this dude for real or just another quack getting people to drop $500 a seminar?

04-01-2006, 12:38 PM
It would seems that he's at least talking the talk....

The lingo is along the norm (with a little spin here and there I think). But then one won't sell on the norm.

Shamanic tiger, Omei, Qigong oriented 24 steps set, etc? Could this be one of the incarnations of White Tiger of Doo Wai?

500 USD is a bit steep I would think. But looking at the professional website, well you know advertising isn't cheap so...

BTW, don't mean to disrepect one's appearance. But does his powers come from the long hair or something, or is it because the Shamans used to do it that way, or is he a long lost cousin of Samson. The "dude" or any dude for that matter in long hair is just over the top for me. But then I guess chicks **** that. [note to self - must leave hair long for seminars] So...

Caveat Emptor, my friend. ;)

Warm regards


04-01-2006, 07:44 PM
oh...I wasn't even thinking about going.

the "Cosmic Chi Center" just popped up around here the last month or so and someone even dropped some flyers off at my school and now I'm on their mailing list.

If I had $500 to drop, I'd be back in Tampa this weekend.

White Tiger of Doo Wai?

is that a real/legit thing? never heard of it.

and, yea, the long hair is a bit much I think.

but, this was the topper:

With chiful gratitude,
Cosmic Chi Center

wtf is 'chiful gratitude' ????

a very breathy sounding 'thank you' ????

kinda like Marilyn Monroe????

04-19-2006, 11:14 AM
do not believe it.
there is no shortcut to both qigong and kungfu.
real masters in China never show off or make profit out of this. that is the consequence of spirit of chinese culture.
a fraction of them write books or whatever, to benefit people. But most of masters lead a quiet life and only teach their close friends. If you want to learn qigong, you'd better become a friend of a master.
learn the theory and trust yourself ,do not waste money on those cheat!