View Full Version : does any one know or pracise any fut gar

golden arhat
04-04-2006, 05:02 AM
i cant find any good sources or info on the subject :confused: :confused: :confused: :rolleyes: :confused:

04-04-2006, 06:46 AM
there's a good article on fut gar in the "e-zine" section of the forum.

do a google search.

do one on harlan lee. something will come up.

04-04-2006, 01:41 PM
Try a web search for Arthur Lee and/or Harlan Lee.

Fut Ga is a bit vague in it's reference as several 'temple' styles were refered to as Fut Ga, therefore there are different systems with the same name. However, Siu Lum Fut Ga taught by Sifu Arthur Lee and his son Sifu Harlan Lee seem to be the most visible in public media in the U.S.

Mantis Fist
04-14-2006, 12:28 AM

Fut Gar is a style of Kung Fu based deeply in Chinese tradition. The Shaolin Monk Leong Sil Jong is the founder of this style. It was in the middle 1800s that he developed Fut Gar and decided to teach it outside of Shaolin Temple. His first student was Hue Long Gong, who is responsible for spreading the style throughout Southern China.

Fut Gar is an external and internal system in one. There are ten empty-hand forms to practice starting with a hard, almost Karate-like form, all the way to an internal form similar to Tai Chi Chuan. There is also various weapon training.

True power in Fut Gar travels from the ground through the legs to the waist. It then activates the body at the Tan Tien, naval area, when mixed with chi and spirit. Offensive techniques in Fut Gar are diverse and include wide, circular hook punches and hammer fists.

Evasive footwork and circular blocks are some of the defensive techniques used in Fut Gar. A Fut Gar fighter will intercept an opponent’s striking arm and will quickly execute multiple counter attack. In defense, a Fut Gar practitioner follows the saying “Your horse stance must be as strong as Mount Everest”.

04-15-2006, 03:03 AM
That was in interesting excerpt, Mantis fist.

I recently began training in Fut Gar in Hawaii. The other schools in Hawaii teach mostly Hung Gar or Choi Lei Fut. Supposedly Fut Gar is the ideal balance between internal and external styles. Theres a few things that distinguish Fut Gar from the typical Southern styles. Switching ma's to make yourself faster is the key. Of course, I'm not fast enough to make this theory work but... one day...
It sounds weird but we slap a lot. Supposedly its safer and faster to deliver an empty handed blow than a punch ... my theory is that it fakes your opponent out when they see what they assume is a biatch-slap headed for their face ;). Again, I'm not yet strong enough to do a worthy slap but... one day... I'll be fast and strong :cool: Anyway, Fut means Buddhist so the slap is supposed to signify the empty hand of peace.

It seems to take longer to see "results" with this style than something more hard and direct, like how (imo disclaimer!) a Tiger Claw student after a year would be able to defend themselves better than a Mantis student after a year. But hopefully in 5 years the training pays off and the two students are equal in skill. I would like to say a Fut Gar person could take down an equally trained martial artist because fut gar is the supreme ultimate "more evolved" style but really, just because Fut Gar isn't widely practiced doesn't mean its a rare secret art. Thank goodness my sifu believes the same. To each his own! The school has a great sifu and fellow students, which is more important to me than the specifics of the style.
I've heard that there are a few more schools outside of Hawaii (Las Vegas and somewhere in the UK) teach this style ... very curious and always want to learn more. If anyone has any more info, post post post! :D