View Full Version : Seminar in Ottawa, Canada

Patrick Gordon
04-05-2006, 10:54 PM
Wing Chun Seminar with Sifu Brian Tufts

I, Patrick Gordon and The Ottawa Wing Chun Academy are proud to announce a Wing Chun seminar with Sifu Brian Tufts. Sifu Tufts started training in Martial Arts at a young age in 1981 he started training in Wing Chun under Sifu Augustine Fong. Sifu Tufts was one of the first students to be awarded certified instructor under Sifu Fong. Sifu Tufts skill level and understanding of the Wing Chun style is very high.

Sifu Tufts will be going over how to use Wing Chun in a fight. Day 1 will cover asking hands and counters. It will also introduce various trapping drills to promote aggressiveness and control. Day 2 will cover anti-grappling and how to create space for your techniques when in a clinch. This seminar will teach the practitioner how to use your Wing Chun skills to fight.
A hand out of the material introduced will be given as well as a certificate of completion will also be awarded.

Date: Saturday, June 10th & Sunday, June 11th
Location: Ottawa Wing Chun Academy, 858 Bank St, in Glebe Fitness.

Times: Saturday 11:00-4:00, half hour lunch
Sunday 12:00-5:00, half hour lunch

Price: one day $40.00, two days $75.00. Please reserve yourself a spot as soon as possible, as space will be limited.

Payment: See Jerome Aranas at The Ottawa Wing Chun Academy or contact Patrick Gordon 613-232-7146 or email: p.gordon@cyberus.ca

The seminar will be a very good workout physically. If you are serious learning how to use Wing Chun, basic or advanced level, I highly recommend attending this seminar. It will be an eye opener. This seminar is open to all styles.