View Full Version : anyone seen the latest ultimate fighter

04-13-2006, 08:18 PM
is it me or does this season have a larger number than usual *******s/bullies? heck one guy was even mouthing off to his coach (ken shamrock). But like I said before women love those types.

04-13-2006, 08:45 PM
is it me or does this season have a larger number than usual *******s/bullies? heck one guy was even mouthing off to his coach (ken shamrock). But like I said before women love those types.

I just don't get what you wrote, that is my question I guess.

I guess I have one question i can start the probing with, have you ever seen a reality show?

04-13-2006, 09:55 PM
Boy, Hieronim you do seem to have women issues. Maybe you should just swear off women altogether or go somewhere like the midwest and try to find a nice one.

Anyways does anybody else think it's weird that Tito picked so many lame-assed guys? It seems like Tito is a better trainer and Shamrock sucks, but Tito picked all the lame guys and Shamrock picked all the talent.

Shamrock's training and his nutrition guy (eat more steak) are just about the worse I've ever seen, but he definitely seems to know talent. But his strategy of not bringing in a good BJJ guy could backfire on him.

It seems like what might happen is that the first few fights he might win, but as the weeks drag on and his guys don't have any BJJ training, it seems like Tito's guys are going to be getting better and start winning some matches.

But the talent up front seems definitely weighted on Shamrock's side. The only thing is that New Orleans guy who gets winded after about 2 minutes. What the heck is up with that?

04-13-2006, 09:56 PM
I just got off work to watch "My Name is Earl" when I couldn't get the DVD to play. I recorded it and TUF but I couldn't figure out what I did wrong. Set everything correct and when I pulled out the DVD from the tray....yup, I didn't set it in straight on the tray. My wife and sons are going to kill me again.:( :rolleyes:

04-14-2006, 09:58 AM
The latest ultimate fighter kindof sucks, because it seems like they're putting more interest into this rivalry between Ortiz and Shamrock by highlighting their coaching styles, and it really seems like Shamrock is a character, that's for sure.

It seems like the fighters are getting the short end of this deal because they're not all getting good training or coaching. It seems like Ortiz has tunnel vision, focusing on a few people, especially the deaf guy, and Shamrock didn't seem to bring in any good trainers, instead having the guys train with each other.

Basically I think this season sucks. It's too bad they have to focus on rivalries instead of building good fighters.

04-15-2006, 07:14 PM
First of all, I agree with both of your posts.

Next, I would like to say that I enjoyed the basketball thing that Ortiz came up with. It seemed to make sense to me, but of course, due to differences in reach, one might need to explore different sizes of balls. (that sounded ghey)

Anyway, this season sucks hard, and I am at a loss to explain why I'm still watching.

(and Jebus, WTF is with Tito's head? It's like a bowling ball!)

BTW - I am rooting for the deaf guy. F@ck everybody else.


04-17-2006, 12:06 PM
Anyway, this season sucks hard, and I am at a loss to explain why I'm still watching.


The deaf guy is supposedly a really good wrestler. As for not watching, what else are you going to watch, wrestling? Even though the this season sucks IMHO, it is still fighting.

I guess the BB idea is okay. I still don't understand the entire boxing is all of striking thing, though. Too bad most KF guys don't do much real fighting. I'd like to see some decent KF guys against some MMA guys but I guess that'd be too much to ask for. I'm sure not going to risk getting my face getting cut up just to fight in the UFC.

04-17-2006, 01:36 PM
Danny has talent. He's actually from my hometown and trained with a guy who promotes local fights here. I know he left here and went to atlanta, then I guess he went to orlando after that.