View Full Version : benefits of high-rep one-arm deads?

04-15-2006, 08:25 PM
at the end of tonight's lifties, the bar was lying there with a 35 on each side. for ****s and giggles, i alternated one-arm deadlift singles from right to left, no rest in between, for about 40 total reps. it wasn't really taxing, as it was only one rep per side. my grip was about the only thing tired at the end.

my question is -- what benefits does work like this usually provide, other than humoring the ****s and/or giggles.

04-16-2006, 10:41 AM
it would up good endurance so you could fight lots longer without getting tired.
ive looked on this thread for a while mostly i see is people trying to be able to lift more. i know in a fight they will tire out lots faster than me. i just do endurance training so i think it would be a good execise

04-16-2006, 09:20 PM
if you want more endurance run or roll. lifting for muscular endurance is like punching yourself in the **** for an orgasim.

you might get there eventually, but there are far less painful and more efficient ways.

rtb ... you already know what i think about one armed deads. i just started playing with them too, and your right about the grip giving out before anything else.

04-18-2006, 09:52 AM
I like the suitcase DL because of the oblique work.