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04-17-2006, 02:20 AM
80% of females really do go for one type of guy thus there are so many mroe single and lonely guys out while so few females (because the one male bangs like 5 females at a time cheating or lying and they all go for him):


even someone on mma.tv og forum wrote that there are many good looking normal ehalthy guys out in every country who never had a girlfriend before and msot liekly are going to die alone.

04-17-2006, 05:47 AM
Hi KKM! Now shut your neck!

Ray Pina
04-17-2006, 06:30 AM
Dude, you already ruined my thread and after reading your posts I feel kind of bad for you, but let me break it down like this:

Women are people! Nobody want's to be with a loser, and right now, you are coming off very weak.

You complain that a woman smiled at you and then left with her boyfriend.... I smile at people (men and women, kids and adults) all the time. It has nothing to do with sex, it's returning or adding brightness to a human's day. If she didn't smile you would be *****ing.

Your attitude, mindset and intention create your reality. With your attitude how could a woman be attracted to you? And I'm not talking physically... your mind is sick.

My girlfriend was up from Puerto Rico this weekend and the toilet thing came up. You know how we compromised? We kept the seat toilet down completelty. If I had to pee, I picked up both lids with one motion. If she had to pee, one motion, one lid. Equal! We both pick it up, we both put it down.

That's not hard.

Clean your ass up. Get in shape. I'm guessing with your attitude and computer usage you're a little flabby. Get soem new clothes. Get a new hair cut. Stand up straight. Train harder and get some confidence. Go out with a new attitude.

I say all this and that will do the job, but it wont work for you until you change your mind.

Your mind is sick and right now it sounds like it's beyond repair. You're heading towards dangerous territory.

Women are people and free to do what they want. Just because they aren't doing what you want doesn't make them evil.

Get some game and things will change.

04-17-2006, 06:40 AM
Hell! I'm hardly Mr. Buff and even I manage to attract women sometimes. Want to know how Heironim?

I am honest.
I listen to them and remember what they say.
I am self-confident.
I treat women with the same amount of respect I expect them to treat me with.

Are there nasty, shallow women out there? Yeah, probably just as many as the nasty shallow men out there. But there are some really great ladies in the world too. Don't rain on Ray's parade because he found one while you are still striking out.

Chief Fox
04-17-2006, 08:02 AM
Hieronim, you sound pathetic. "Oh woe is me, 80% of the girls only go for 20% of the guys (the bad boys) and here I am a helpless romantic nice guy. What should I do? All women must be evil."

The following is "Chief Fox's rules for talking to women". Enjoy. You may take notes.

1. No woman is gonna come walking up to you and say "wow, you look like a real nice guy, let's go have sex in the bathroom."

2. You have to talk to women to get women.

3. You have to have confidence when you're talking to them.

4. You have to listen to them and ask them questions.

5. Don't talk about yourself the whole time.

6. Don't just stare at her boobs the whole time. Look into her eyes.

7. If she has a great smile, tell her. If she's sexy and the conversation is going that way then tell her she's sexy. If she has a great body, don't say "WOW! you've got a great body". Say something like "you look like you're in great shape, do you go to the gym?"

8. When you go out, tell yourself, "I'm gonna talk to 10 women tonight" Even if your 80/20 theory is correct then you're at least going to talk to two really cool girls.

9. You have to be prepared to be shot down. You need practice talking to women. Learn something from each conversation. When a girl is obviously not interested, don't be a jerk, say something like, "well it's been nice talking to you, you have a great night." and move on.

10. Don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself. Girls like guys who have confidence and if you have enough confidence to look like an idiot then some girls will dig it.

Take these 10 rules my padawan learner. Use them wisely.

Ben Gash
04-17-2006, 09:06 AM
Gash's Law: If you really want it, you're not going to get it. If you aren't looking for it frantically it's everywhere.
It's kind of Zen really. When I was single I was never really that lucky with girls, now that I'm happily married women flirt with me all the time! Why? Partly because when you're not gagging for it you're much more likely to follow Chief Fox's rules.
Confidence is key, but how do you achieve confidence? What worked for me was to experience a fundamental paradigm shift. I stopped chasing. This is different from not looking, it's about having more perspective.
What are you looking for with women? Sex is quite a heavy drive, but it's also what's probably disabling you the most. If you meet a woman and the thought at the front of your brain is "I REALLY want to have sex with you", then chances are you're going to scare her off. Women are generally very different from us, and unless you're in that 20% then they're not going to want to just jump into bed with you. They're going to want to feel valued, appreciated and respected. This is very hard to achieve when you're humping their leg.
However, let's put this into perspective. Sex is nice (OK it's REALLY nice) but it's not the be all and end all. Lots of people have loads of really great sex and still feel really unhappy and unfulfilled by their relationship. Why? Because sex accounts for less than 5% of the time you spend together as a couple. Therefore what is really important? The sex that you have for 45 mintues 3 times a week or the companionship, support and mutual respect that you get all day, everyday?
I would suggest that you will be much happier, much more fulfilled and much more successful if you shift your measure for success. In the long run which is better, a quick fumble in the corner of a club or making a genuine connection with someone?

04-17-2006, 09:12 AM
80% of females really do go for one type of guy thus there are so many mroe single and lonely guys out while so few females (because the one male bangs like 5 females at a time cheating or lying and they all go for him):


even someone on mma.tv og forum wrote that there are many good looking normal ehalthy guys out in every country who never had a girlfriend before and msot liekly are going to die alone.

your stupid.....

04-17-2006, 09:17 AM
Hieronim, dude you need to be the man in order to be the man! Women like confidence and control most of all.

Go out to the local video store and rent the movie Swingers. AND BE THE BEAR with those claws batting around the little bunny!