View Full Version : good luck from going to this site

04-20-2006, 07:43 PM
just wondering if anyone has experienced good things happening since they have started going to this site. The reason I go here is because I found it at my new job. In the timespan of like 6 months, SOME AWESOME things have happened. I had a ladyfriend appear shortly after I got on this site, and a new one just appeared. that's 2 in 6 months, after like maybe 10 in 10 years, and I actually have options now. That mnay be because I have come in to my own at my job and I just have more confidence in everything I am doing. But the fact that this is l;ike the only site not blocked out at my work, and I was just named MVP of the company for this entire month, and I just got offered a little bit better pay of a job, it can only be good karma by going on this site. i will continue to respect this site and continue my devotion to going here everyday I can. And kungfumagazine, if there is anything I can do for you, let me know, karma needs to go both ways, I feel like I am stealing. :D :D :D :D :D :D

04-20-2006, 07:49 PM
Just roll with it brother.

I too have gained much insight and a management position in the past 4 years or so since I have been trolling/posting here. Not positive that it is a direct result of my visiting this site, but I am sure that the things I have learned and the many discussions I've had with others on the boards have indeed helped greatly with my perspective towards life and others.