View Full Version : defined, solid, pot belly stomach

04-24-2006, 06:24 AM
why does this happen?

i have been eating like a horse trying to gain weight, and its been workin ok, but im starting to sport a pot belly for it. its not bad now unless i fill it with air, and you can still see the six pack lined over it ... its solid, but there it is none the less.

an example of a very typical day for me would be waking up to a 3 egg sandwich and then i eat every few hours until about 7pm. 2 oranges and a bowl of oat meal, an apple, a turkey sandwich, some more fruit, a large bowl of pasta, some chicken, some more fruit, some more pasta, a large mega salad (everything you can imagine in that ****), and a cereal bar or something somewhere. if its a night i do jujitsu that's usually it for the day. if its a night i lift ill drink a whey protein shake right after lifting and then a can of tuna a few hours after that. i dont eat junk food period (just dont have a sweet tooth) and i've cut refined sugar out of my diet entirely (coffee and tea both black for several months). they only bad habbit i really have is kickin back a few 3 nights a week for my weekend.

i also drink a little more than a gallon of water a day.

is this just what happens when you put that much in your belly or is there a way around it?

04-24-2006, 06:27 AM
.... i'm aware that this could have gone in health and fitness and i'll not complain if it were moved.

just get more traffic here.

David Jamieson
04-24-2006, 06:36 AM
Maybe your input is more than your output right now?

Keep the diet the same with lots of long string protiens (eggs, meats) and eating first thing in the morning kicks the metabolism for the day, it is your most important meal.

sustaining glycogens by eating every 4 or 5 hours afterwards and not eating for 2 hours before you go to bed combined with a decrease in intake will likely thin you up a bit so long as you maintain physical exercise to use the energy your putting in yourself before it gets converted to fat for storage.

beer will counter efforts in this area plain and simple. It must be used very moderately and can put fat on you as fast as sticks of butter. Also, alcohol consumption is hard on your joints, just as an aside.

so, a little decrease in food intake and see where it takes you. constant adjustment between activity and diet and careful examination of the process wil help you find the sweet spot overall.

04-24-2006, 06:36 AM
how much heavy lifting are you doing for your stomach? If you're doing a lot of weighted ab exercises, then it could just be that your stomach muscles are getting really big. There's a guy in class back home like that. Really thin, athletic build,and you aren't surprised to see a six pack on him, but it sticks out really far.

Your diet seems great, if you're getting enough calories in each of those meals. Sometimes, with us guys that work out a lot, we actually need a lot more food than we would think, and that's our biggest stumbling block when it comes to losing weight. However, if you're really only getting bigger across the front of your stomach, my guess would be that you're putting some meat on your abs.

Oh, when you do your ab exercises, do you push your stomach out, or pull it in?

04-24-2006, 07:37 AM
so, a little decrease in food intake and see where it takes you. constant adjustment between activity and diet and careful examination of the process wil help you find the sweet spot overall.

i hear ya, but i've just been fighting to put on weight for months. im finally starting to see results across the board which is cool, but i dont want to look like im pregnant either.

my guess would be that you're putting some meat on your abs.

Oh, when you do your ab exercises, do you push your stomach out, or pull it in?

i was wondering the same as you can still clearly see the 6 pack. i dont do any weighted ab exercises whatsoever and i train abs 3 times a week (not including the 60 crunches or so i do at jiujitsu).

i tend to suck my stomach in and pull up on my pp muscle when i train my abs. like im suckin air up my butt.

i hang from my pull up bar and slowly take my legs straight out, hold for a sec, let them down slowly while exhaling. when this becomes too hard ill switch to pulling my knees to my chest (frog kicks). ill do one more set of slow ones followed by an exhaustion set of fast frog kicks. after this i've been messing around with janda situps but dont really have the hang of them yet so its more like one moderate set of regular situps and maybe some crunches depending on my engergy level.

i started doing my ab training like so after reading this article on iron life:


04-24-2006, 08:18 AM
In the old time, a full stomach or bigger tummie is a sign of well fed and richness.

The happy Buddha has a big tummie. If you rub on it, it will bring your gold and good fortune.


Seriously, we are what we eat and what we burn/work out.
