View Full Version : Homemade Equipment

Chief Fox
04-24-2006, 10:40 AM
This past weekend I made a home made sand bag. Here's how i did it.
I used 50lbs of play sand. About $3.
I got 10 zip lock freezer bags and put about 5lbs of sand into each bag.
I duct taped the McShivits out of the freezer bags so the sand won't leak out.
I then put the duct taped freezer bags into a duffel bag that I got at an Amry Surplus store for $3.

What do I plan to do with this little jewel? Good question.

The answer is, you name it.
push press
hill repeats
The sand bag mile
stance drills

I can also adjust the weight of the bag by adding or removing more of the 5lb bags. All for less than $10.

I haven't started using it yet. I'll give an update once I do.

Chief Fox
04-24-2006, 11:05 AM
I've also made some plyo boxes. One is 20 inches high. The other is about 8 inches high.

I do box jumps on the 20 inch box as part of a circuit. I start out rowing for 500 meters, then I do 20 box jumps and then I do an exercise like push press or sumo deadlift high pulls with 65lbs. I do this for 4 circuits.

I do Plyo running on the little box. I use it like a little step and step all around it or to either side and then up on it. I do this for a minute as a part of a larger workout.

both were cheap and super easy to make.

Chief Fox
04-24-2006, 11:08 AM
I got some platic bats at Target and Wallmart, filled them with sand, taped up the handles real good and now I've got 2, 7lb. clubs and 1, 12lb. club. These work great for shoulder flexibility and strength.

Chief Fox
04-24-2006, 11:11 AM
Bought an old basketball at a garage sale for .50 cents. Cut a hole in it and filled it with sand and ripped up old t-shirts. Then I duct taped it like there was no tomorrow. It weighs 17lbs. It's great for doing squats or throws. You really can't slam it. But what do you want for less than $2 in materials.

04-24-2006, 05:03 PM
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooveeeee throwing heavy objects around.


Especially backwards throws. Awesome when done for distance.