View Full Version : Come Experience Jiulong For Yourself

John Painter
04-24-2006, 07:08 PM
Greetings Kung Fu Magazine Forum Members,

In the past many of you have asked questions about me and about the arts that I teach. One of the best ways to understand a method is to experience it first hand. That is why I am writing, to invite anyone who may be interested to attend our week long training camp at East Stroudsburg Pennsylvania in June for five full days of Baguazhang training in form, push-hands and practical applications of the Nine Dragon Baguazhang system.

Here is information on the program.
Thank you for your attention.

Nine Dragon Baguazhang
Push-Hands & Applications
Monday June 5 - Friday June 9, 2006

This program will also feature my concepts of Psycho-Soma-Integration to take your practice of Zhan Zhuang standing directly into your Baguazhang practice in a way that will ramp up your internal power to a totally new level. Dr. Painter with the help of Shifu Robert Castaldo has broken down the training concepts of Jiulong Baguazhang into easy to understand simple elements that when added together create a roadmap to internal Baguazhang skills that is second to none. Dragon Rolling The Pearl Push-Hands & Applications seminar will present the bedrock foundation of physical, mental and internal power development all presented in one crystal clear package.

Five Days of Intensive Training
Don’t miss our five day intensive Jiulong Baguazhang training camp to be held in East Stroudsburg PA June 5thth through the 9th of 2006. We will spend five hard but fun filled days concentrating on the Circle Walking, Push-Hands Games and Practical Applications of Dragon Rolls The Pearl, in two sessions of morning and afternoon on the beautiful college campus at East Stroudsburg University.

The program will include

• *NEW * Make a breakthrough in Standing with Yizhang of Daoqiquan
• Dynamics of Power in the Water Dragon and Double Ba step turns
• Circle walking with Dragon Rolling Pearl Shape
• All levels of push hands with Dragon Rolling Pearl Shape
• Neutralize and Counter strikes with Dragon Rolling Pearl Shape
• Escape and Evasion Tactics with Dragon Rolling Pearl Shape
• Phase two of Teacher training

This program is open to all from beginners to advanced practitioners.

Come work with some of the most knowledgeable and skilled Baguazhang instructors in America. Jiulong Study group leaders from around the world will also be attending to focus on improving their teaching skills in the new Jiulong Baguazhang basics program so don’t miss the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the most sought after Baguazhang system in the world today.

Course instructional DVD will also be available during the seminar
Pricing and Information

Online Registration at

Robert Castaldo and I along with a number of other internal arts instructors will also be presenting a series of 90 minute mini-workshops during the Zhan San Feng Festival. Please visit their website and look over the offerings.

Here are Robert Castaldo and my programs
John Painter
Psycho-Soma Integration
Xin-Quan 心拳 mind; intention Boxing
Everybody is standing but nobody is going anywhere.
With the advent of Yiquan becoming an accepted martial art Zhan Zhuang or post standing has become a buzz word in Chinese internal martial arts over the last few years. Many people are doing standing exercises but do not really understand why or how these exercises are supposed to work or how they can be used in health or martial applications. I have devoted 28 years to researching the methods of Li, Long-dao’s Xin-Quan 心拳 mind; intention Boxing believed to have been derived from master Wang, Xian-Jai’s Yiquan teachings. This is the Li family version of Yiquan updated through the latest physiological and psychological research.
In this workshop I believe I can show you exactly how to produce whole body power through standing and special moving exercises. You will learn how to understand correct structure for whole body power and to use the breath to create Fa-jin (pulsing force) and then how to move this skill into your martial arts practice. Many often confusing terms and principles from the internal classics will be explained in clear concise understandable language.

John Painter
Baguazhang Dianbo Shuaijiao
(Throwing and Bumping Methods)
No Bagua Experience Necessary

Dianbo means to bump into and also to throw. Shuaijiao means to grapple. Baguazhang Dianbo Shuaijiao is part of the martial art methods from the Nine Dragon system designed to teach you how to take control and project and enemy by bumping or throwing during his grasping attacks and attempted lock and holds applied from the front, back and sides of the body. This program will show how to use the Jiulong Baguazhang methods to control attacks from punches or grabs and locks.. This program is highly recommended for anyone from any style interested in practical self defense methods of the internal arts. (Needs Mat Room)

John Painter
Ren Qi Feng Shui
Human energy power directions
Yijing - Lucky Number Qigong for Health and Power
Daoist masters devised a secret method of calculating the most powerful compass direction to face while meditating or performing standing practices. I can show you how to calculate your human Feng Shui lucky number from which you can determine the most powerful directions to face during your training. Also included will be a specific Bagua circle walking form based on a posture derived from the Yi-jing and your personal Lucky Number. This workshop is part of the Jiulong Long Feng Shui Qigong that is a method of personal Feng Shui to orient the body and harmonize the mind with the cycles of change occurring in the Year, month, week, day and hours for best absorption of Qi energy. No experience necessary. This is a very calming and powerful experience for all to enjoy.
Illustrated manuals will also be available for a small fee.

Robert J. Castaldo
The basics of Baguazhang Push Hands
Learn how to use movement, turning and winding to neutralize force with Jiulong Baguazhang push-hands basics training. This program will cover the methods of developing awareness of distance, timing, entering tactics, neutralization concepts and circular movement to dissipate attacks all while playing the unique methods of Jiulong Baguazhang push-hands walking in a circle. Beginner to advanced students welcome No Baguazhang experience is necessary.

Robert J. Castaldo

Qi and Beyond Through Guided Imagery
All forms of internal martial art, meditation, standing practice and Qi-gong training contains specific goals to be visualized and achieved by the practitioner. Science is now discovering that the positive expectancy which often involves some form or “self talk”, visualizations or guided imagery is a vital part of the concepts of Qigong and internal martial art practice. Understanding how Guided Imagery functions and how you can employ it in your training can help you make serious breakthrough in your internal arts training. Shifu Robert Castaldo, an instructor of Chinese internal martial arts has also worked as a Hypnotherapist with the Life Sciences Institute. He will show you how to use guided imagery (self-hypnosis) to enhance your meditation, martial arts and Qigong practice.