View Full Version : Training methods...

04-27-2006, 09:41 AM
Hello Y’all,

There is an old saying: ‘you fight how you train’…

And ‘the more you sweat in peace the less you bleed in war.’

In your teaching do you distinguish between development and application?

For example, training the stance…do you teach that the stance(s) for training and the stance(s) for fighting are different?

If not, why?
If yes, why?

Can you train an principle/attribute without training a ‘technique’?
Can you train a technique without training an application?

I have my own perception of these things however I am always interested and open to hear other peoples’ methods.


04-29-2006, 09:31 AM
I generally try to perform techniques in training exactly as I would in fighting except with lowered speed and power. The exception would be if I feel I'm "not getting something" or trying to break a bad habit, in which case I would go back to remedial & isolation drills until I can get in enough "quality" repetitions to improve my mechanics. Then I would start re-integrating the technique, and building up the speed & power to match the desired training level.

I strive, for the most part, to make my conditioning drills specific to the tasks I'm desiring to prepare for (i.e.-as similar movements as possible), -but then again, I also do some general strength training with dumbells, and running on the treadmill which are patterns of motion that have little to do with combat sports....

04-29-2006, 06:53 PM
Umm yea what L said :D