View Full Version : Kimbo style and Extras

05-02-2006, 07:32 AM

for you old school boxing fans


how boxing should be ;)


now remember boys and girls do your forms every day and be sure to pay your sifu the lucky money to be a special closed minded um i mean door disciple so that you can lean the secret Dim Mak death touch , so when you run into guys like these , you can sit in your lineage specific magic horse stance and just wait for them to get close enough and zap them !!!!!!

or you can recite your entire family lineage and show them your sash or certificate that should have them running

my advice practice the fine art of sprinting :D

Confucius say ,,,,one must make sure to have good pair running shoe !

05-02-2006, 07:52 AM
Hey, maybe Kimbo is an Olympic-class sprinter and would catch your running @$$?

Maybe your cardio is terrible and you can't run anyway?

Maybe Kimbo's manager is waiting around the corner with a tire-iron to deck you when you run.

Nope, that Dim Mak better work!


(Any predictions on Royce vs. Hughes??? :) )

05-02-2006, 08:04 AM
Hey, maybe Kimbo is an Olympic-class sprinter and would catch your running @$$?

=== bite yourself tell him you got aids and start spitting on him !

Maybe your carido is terrible and you can't run anyway?

=== get off your fat fritto lay a$$ and work out hahaha

Maybe Kimbo's manager is waiting around the corner with a tire-iron to deck you when you run.

=== what your iron vest testicle , training can't take a tire iron ,,,and you call yourself a kung fu man hahahaha

Nope, that Dim Mak better work!

== money back Guaranty !

(Any predictions on Royce vs. Hughes??? :) )

AHHH Confucius say one must also master art of invisibility [ modern day version crawl into fetal position and receive the shoe job of a life time :D ]

Royce vs. Hughes --- Rene never had much interest in UFC stuff ,,, as much as i respect the ground game i bores the hell out of me to watch ,, like Golf or baseball
puts me to sleep ;)

05-02-2006, 09:10 AM
Both ground and standup can be boring as heck. Some ground fighters just lay there and stall. Some standup fighters just circle and backpeddle.

Good fighters are good fighters regardless of range. They press the action, they're dynamic, and they fight to win, not for a decision.

Unfortunately, audiences seem to want 'tough man' style brawling, a la Kimbo, and the rules will adapt towards that and away from skilled boxers, wrestlers, and submission fighters.

05-02-2006, 09:26 AM
Both ground and stand up can be boring as heck. Some ground fighters just lay there and stall. Some stand up fighters just circle and backpeddle.

Good fighters are good fighters regardless of range. They press the action, they're dynamic, and they fight to win, not for a decision.

Unfortunately, audiences seem to want 'tough man' style brawling, a la Kimbo, and the rules will adapt to wards that and away from skilled boxers, wrestlers, and submission fighters.

Rene ,
i enjoy clean body mechanics and footwork , i don't care if there just slipping shots and moving around ,
sloppy tough man fights are just funny to watch and to be honest [most not all ] of the UFC stuff gets very tangled and sloppy [ not to say that's not the real deal ] just dull to watch

would rather watch K-1 ,, boxing , Thai , Savate ,,ETC,,, anything were guys stay on there feet and get busy [ again this is sport ]

the big neck dudes hugging on the ground [ though they would hand me my a$$ no questions asked ]

is like watching paint dry .

now if they could swallow there opponent whole like a python that might draw in fans hahaha or at least let the guys bite and fish hook [ wonder how thing would look then ! people would watch , and guys would probably stay on there feet allot more ]

there is just something primal about watching , receiving , or delivering a knock out that draws people in .

05-02-2006, 09:43 AM
hey ernie you might like this


bit more dynamic movement etc. also you should head down sunset to gokors there like watching a cat fight not slow anaconda style

05-02-2006, 09:50 AM
also i like watching stuff more down to earth like smaller mma shows, am boxing etc. more eventful and exciting than the top pro shows.

Kevin Bell
05-02-2006, 09:58 AM

Got most of the Lenny Maclean and Roy Shaw stuff pretty grainy but worth a watch,

Kevin Bell
05-02-2006, 10:10 AM
As a P.S that was the second fight between Roy shaw and Lenny Maclean. The first one Roy won in the third round i think. Theres a guy in Southampton called Kevin Paddock who fought both guys, i think he KO'd Lenny but lost to Roy on points.

k gledhill
05-02-2006, 11:13 AM
I met Mr Maclean [rip] at his house once while waiting for a mutual friend to do some business and make a phone call...while we waited my friend jokingly asked for some biscuits [cookies] while in the kitchen, Mr Maclean then began to tell me what he would do to someone who he thought was taking a 'liberty' [insulting him] in any situation.." 1st i'd knock i'm out, then i'd throw him in a skip [garbage] and while he's unconcious i'd take his pants [trousers] down and rip his foreskin , [ yes foreskin] so when he woke up he knew he'd taken a liberty" he was feeling poolry and was sitting /lying on his couch in the living room telling me, as I recounted quickly if id been polite enough LOL !!
nice guy , he would mind clubs on his own ! ....
part of his training was to go to scrap yards and tear cars apart with his bare hands [yes]
Ive seen pictures....
he had a good way of mental preparation for fights another friend passed on to me ...he said he would imagine the opponent hurting children and make himself HATE [raising of voice] the c&^t !...works for me ....

Jeff Bussey
05-02-2006, 11:24 AM
for you old school boxing fans


Talk about small rings. There's no place to run when you're in there. I think the ref should have let the fight go on, I mean the guy only got hit like 30 or 40 times in the face within a minute. :eek:


Kevin Bell
05-02-2006, 12:02 PM
1st i'd knock i'm out, then i'd throw him in a skip [garbage] and while he's unconcious i'd take his pants [trousers] down and rip his foreskin , [ yes foreskin] so when he woke up he knew he'd taken a liberty" he was feeling poolry and was sitting /lying on his couch in the living room telling me, as I recounted quickly if id been polite enough LOL !!

So what your trying say is that Lenny circumcised you?

05-02-2006, 01:54 PM
hey ernie you might like this


bit more dynamic movement etc. also you should head down sunset to gokors there like watching a cat fight not slow anaconda style

Thanks Jon
the guy is an amazing athlete
but as far as sitting there watching it
i find this on the same entertainment level and somewhat similar :D

k gledhill
05-02-2006, 02:01 PM
he was trying to explain..... in his unique fashion..... that if someone talked to him like my friend was, as he was messing around asking for cookies, he would be very upset....

Kevin Bell
05-02-2006, 02:34 PM
he was trying to explain..... in his unique fashion..... that if someone talked to him like my friend was, as he was messing around asking for cookies, he would be very upset....

Yes... I know... Was testing... to see... if you ...had a sense of humour

05-02-2006, 02:48 PM
D@amn Kev thought all Brits had a great sense of humor :D

Kevin Bell
05-02-2006, 02:58 PM
We have mate :p

k gledhill
05-02-2006, 03:01 PM
oh ...I see...LOL ...yeah i do kev! but 'someone' reading is going to think its true, if I didnt clarify first ...I'd hate [duh] to be the sorry c&^t who woke up to that ! LOL

he was known for his relaxed manner before anihalating people, actualy telling them to take a few minutes to 'shape up' before he got to work on them...or go through a series of moves [boxing shots] interspersed with a biting action at your face , that he casually explained as biting your nose off as he broke a rib /jaw on your body....just to make a point ...

Kevin Bell
05-02-2006, 03:37 PM
Funnily enough, if i'm correct, i think Lenny is/was related to Frank Warren the boxing promoter but due to various criminal records - Bucks Fizzes greatest hits included - no governing body could sanction him. Although beatin Roy shaw was his own personal milestone and what he'd perhaps be most remembered for the true title of the "guvnor" belonged to a man called Cliff Fields who, if remember rightly, beat the pair of them.

Though it was a win a piece for Shaw and Maclean i always kind of felt that Roy fought Lenny well past his best, probably because his prime was around about the same time he was doing some heavy bird at Broadmoor for "going across the pavement" (armed robbery). Anyway tough tough guys all the same.

05-02-2006, 04:37 PM
Thanks Jon
the guy is an amazing athlete
but as far as sitting there watching it
i find this on the same entertainment level and somewhat similar :D

LMAO:D ...I don't know man how you come up with this stuff but sometimes you make me fall out of my chair, lol.....:cool: