View Full Version : history of emperor's

kung fu goat
05-08-2006, 08:28 AM
I found this when I was going through some history from my teacher's teacher time period, on the Emperors of China.

I thought it would be interesting to read about. This is about a writer who published lies on one of the Emperor's. He was gunned down at his home by the Chinese mafia.


05-08-2006, 08:50 AM
Uh Oh. Royal Dragon is gonna get whacked!

05-08-2006, 12:34 PM
So what are you trying to say, goatse? That we will be gunned down too? Is that a threat? :rolleyes: Those that lie about "the emperor" will be gunned down? I think you best get to steppin', boy.

05-08-2006, 12:48 PM
The emperor has no clothes!

05-09-2006, 07:50 AM
Hello, Ni Hao
my name is Chu. This is very serious business about our Emperor's.
It is very disrespectful to make joke about the Royal Emperor of China.
We alway respeck him.

05-09-2006, 02:37 PM
Which one in particualr?

05-09-2006, 03:22 PM
hi Chu.

who was your favorite emperor and why?

Scott R. Brown
05-09-2006, 03:47 PM

This is America? We don't care about your emperors! We call it freedom of speech! Everything and everyone is free game in America so sometimes we find it hard to believe such childish people live in the rest of the world!

who was your favorite emperor and why?

My favorite is Long Hung Dong! Need I say why?;)

05-09-2006, 03:53 PM
My favorite is Long Hung Dong!

i guess the "why" is evident :p

Scott R. Brown
05-09-2006, 03:57 PM
LOL!! I just fixed it saying almost the same thing, LOL!! Sorry i missed it the first time!:D

05-09-2006, 04:12 PM
All Emperor favort. Best Wei and Song Dynasty best for me.
mos powerfal, real great real powerfal. sory for spek my sun spek much english better

Scott R. Brown
05-09-2006, 04:36 PM
Hi Chu,

In all seriousness now, your culture has a long and honored history and it is well worth treasuring!

I am just having some fun and no disrespect was intended!:)

05-09-2006, 05:04 PM
Personally, if the last dynasty wasn't Manchurian or if they were smart enough to take a firm stance against opium, we just might still have an Empire as a figure head similar to the monarchy in Britian, Europe and Japan. I would support monarchy in China because that's an important and vital part of our history, culture and civilization. This republic business (a fubar imitations of a foreign concept) is just silly but then that's personal opinion. Don't get me wrong I am all for democratically select government officials (ie Prime Minister and cabinet) and party politics. But I think it fits our cultural identity better to have a "Royal Family" and noble families and such as figure head. Just think of the offical functions such as annual offering at the Tian Tan. That's a huge encomonic benefit not to mention the paparazi and Royal watch around Asia and globally. :eek: :D


Royal Dragon
05-09-2006, 06:24 PM
who was your favorite emperor and why?

Chao, Kuang Yin....he founded my style. :p

Funny, I was working on the very form he developed about 5 minutes ago!

05-09-2006, 06:55 PM
Personally. may be something in the middle.

The Monarchy is like that a family owns it all or Jia Tian Xia.

The first couple of kings were passed down to who ever the wisest or best for the post. Yau->Shun-> Yu

Being an emperor was not an easy job or for everybody. You have to read tons of files submitted to you for your approval or decision making. They are called Zhou Zhe.

You have to fight your own family or relatives for the throne.


Not for everybody.


Democracy with some Chinese flavor is the popular term nowadays.



05-09-2006, 08:15 PM
All Emperor favort. Best Wei and Song Dynasty best for me.
mos powerfal, real great real powerfal. sory for spek my sun spek much english better

Just being curious, which line of cheung kwen (kune) do you belong to? Where did you learn?

Hard Fists
05-10-2006, 05:35 AM
Just being curious, which line of cheung kwen (kune) do you belong to? Where did you learn?

Sifu Abel,
Like you have to ask :) The troll is a taoist apprentice in Winston Salem, NC.

05-10-2006, 09:04 AM
I Chu have Diplomat Imunue 外 交 家 (wai jiao jia) but now retire.
my son Yuk- hing can explain mor better for me. My taecher was great
master in old republic name 孫祿堂 (Sun luk Dang) who learn from
李魁元 (Li Gui Yun) who learn from famos Kwok yun Shen 郭雲深

Later I learn Nan Tai Jo Hok Kwen南太祖鹤拳 for many year. Pretty good
whole lotta fun to. Now I pass on to my son all everything knolage in tapes
style. we have only rare picture book of old master from ol republic 1920.

Sai jen

05-10-2006, 11:59 AM
who learn from
李魁元 (Li Gui Yun) who learn from famos Kwok yun Shen 郭雲深

O.k.!!! Here is a name I recognize. Is he any relation to Li Gui Fong?

David Jamieson
05-10-2006, 12:19 PM
monarchies should all be quashed and their heads should be crushed with stones.

one of the most despicable forms of governance ever.

it is leeching from the hard work of the many to put gold on the head of one.


hard line anti emperor, anti monarchy speaking here because i think it is the height of human scum to claim divine right.

kill them all, without prejudice!!!

Hi Yahhh!

05-10-2006, 01:19 PM
Sun Luk Dang = perhaps, Sun Lu Tang? The famous Tai Chi/Bagua guy?

05-10-2006, 04:21 PM
this more fun than i thought.sorry not good speak. son can spek beter than me
chu yuk hing.

My father's first computer and he is happy to talk to other martial artists. My father does not understand scarcasam. He is a serious man in life and about his family's art. He looks very young for his age and is a great man.

As far as the question about styles; he teaches my family style of Tai Jo Hok Kwen. Strictly a fighting style, and in his day he was and still is quite a force. Forms are very old China and are rarely seen outside of the mainland.

He competed in the Nan Jing Tournaments in the 1930's and is very well respected. Left (escaped) China in 1948 to Canada via Indonesia.
Im his only son and now have almost all information on this style. Still waiting myself for all of it. I thank you for being kind to him.

Sai Jen,
Yuk Hing

05-10-2006, 04:23 PM
I don't know which is more ridiculous:

A - That one person could have all the answers.


B - That collectively, WE have all the answers.

Royal Dragon
05-10-2006, 04:40 PM
Tai Jo Hok Kwen? As in Sung Tai Tzu?

That is a huge style...too many branches to ever learn it all. Do you do the Southern style common to Fujian? Or the Northern more common in Hubei?

05-10-2006, 04:55 PM
Later I learn Nan Tai Jo Hok Kwen南太祖鹤拳 for many year.

Nan means southern. This is very exciting. Folks, I think we may have misjudged Mr. Chu. I think he just walked in at the wrong time. :eek:

I don't think he has anything to do with you know who.

05-10-2006, 05:05 PM
it is leeching from the hard work of the many to put gold on the head of one.


hard line anti emperor, anti monarchy speaking here because i think it is the height of human scum to claim divine right.

kill them all, without prejudice!!!

Hi Yahhh!

I really don't have time to get fully in to this ( and I think you're just having fun )

I'd rather know that it's one dude who's stacking things his way versus 100 or however many Representatives there are stacking things there way.

the 'divine right' thing has as much real clout as any religion.

but seriously, would one guy making all the decisions be any worse than what any of us have now?

at least if it is just one dude )or dudette( then target selection is easier. ;) :D

05-10-2006, 05:20 PM
All Emperor favort. Best Wei and Song Dynasty best for me.
mos powerfal, real great real powerfal. sory for spek my sun spek much english better

I will be eagerly awaiting them.

05-10-2006, 05:59 PM
A good emperor or leader has many ministers and generals.

even though, the emp is the figure head. They all have a staff that are very and very competent.

The ministers and generals may serve 2 kings or emp's until they found and nurture good successors.

There are very good teacher/mentor to student/protoge relationships.

A good emp needs to know and hire or gather good people around him or her. It is the ministers or staff that make or break the dynasty or a family's reign.

The good ministers and generals enjoyed the same fame as well as the wise emp, if the country is well run and people live well.

Jun Cheng or the King and his ministers.



kung fu goat
05-11-2006, 01:25 PM
So what are you trying to say, goatse? That we will be gunned down too? Is that a threat? :rolleyes: Those that lie about "the emperor" will be gunned down? I think you best get to steppin', boy.

In regards to "sifu" abel's remark, I am not threatening anyone just posting an interesting article. No one will be gunned down, just your lame speculation. Why should I step, I have history on my side going straight back to the Emperor?

This will be the last time I post on this site. You guys are full of too much nonsense, play make up forms (RD). Dont get me wrong not the style nor the original form is fake, just when you do it, seems to ring of fraud. I'm out.

05-11-2006, 02:52 PM
this more fun than i thought.sorry not good speak. son can spek beter than me
chu yuk hing.

My father's first computer and he is happy to talk to other martial artists. My father does not understand scarcasam. He is a serious man in life and about his family's art. He looks very young for his age and is a great man.

As far as the question about styles; he teaches my family style of Tai Jo Hok Kwen. Strictly a fighting style, and in his day he was and still is quite a force. Forms are very old China and are rarely seen outside of the mainland.

He competed in the Nan Jing Tournaments in the 1930's and is very well respected. Left (escaped) China in 1948 to Canada via Indonesia.
Im his only son and now have almost all information on this style. Still waiting myself for all of it. I thank you for being kind to him.

Sai Jen,
Yuk Hing

Welcome to the forums (both you and your father)!
It sounds like your style is very interesting, and that your family has a real treasure.

05-11-2006, 06:14 PM
this more fun than i thought.sorry not good speak. son can spek beter than me
chu yuk hing.

My father's first computer and he is happy to talk to other martial artists. My father does not understand scarcasam. He is a serious man in life and about his family's art. He looks very young for his age and is a great man.

As far as the question about styles; he teaches my family style of Tai Jo Hok Kwen. Strictly a fighting style, and in his day he was and still is quite a force. Forms are very old China and are rarely seen outside of the mainland.

He competed in the Nan Jing Tournaments in the 1930's and is very well respected. Left (escaped) China in 1948 to Canada via Indonesia.
Im his only son and now have almost all information on this style. Still waiting myself for all of it. I thank you for being kind to him.

Sai Jen,
Yuk Hing

Indeed. Welcome. This thread was perhaps not the best introduction to KFM.

We like to have our fun :)

I am very ignorant of older styles...hell, most styles, really. :)

Would you perhaps start a separate thread introducing your family's style to us?

05-11-2006, 10:12 PM
Would you perhaps start a separate thread introducing your family's style to us?

Yes, I would like to see this also. Chu & Yuk Hing: I would appreciate hearing more about your family's style, as well as stories about the Nan Jing tournaments of the 1930's. Please start a new thread and tell us more!

Royal Dragon
05-12-2006, 08:32 AM
Yes, I too would love to hear more!

05-13-2006, 10:48 AM
dear eveyone,
i do bak kwa do dao in national army. fight ja*****e, my favorit sword big pwrful one. anyone do you kown nan jing? long tim ago when i was yung man. walk for days to come ther to figt and do sword. father tech me an two cusins these forms not many forms. mostly fight. loose and win miny time to cusins
father learn in peiping from his father. he tech for me, i tech to yuk hing he has no child to teach, he has student good poweful students.
thnk you for so nice to me and private messages are so kind.
