View Full Version : Rate this guys Wing Chun!

05-08-2006, 01:44 PM

Is he really good at Wing Chun? Is he master or student?


05-08-2006, 01:53 PM
From what I can see it looks like a Green belt (unless im going Color blind), for most Martial Arts this is usually lower down in the belt rankings, however I dont have a clue about Wing Chun (I dont even know if they have belts in the first place).

But apart from that, he doesnt seem very fluent or precise in his moves, nor does he do anything spectacular, so I would asume he hasnt been doing it for long or he is at least of average experience.

05-08-2006, 01:54 PM
He is definatly a master. His balance is close to perfect and those fingerstrikes looks deadly.
Can I train with him please..

05-08-2006, 01:59 PM
He is definatly a master. His balance is close to perfect and those fingerstrikes looks deadly.
Can I train with him please..

Which one of you is right?

05-08-2006, 02:12 PM
They guy knows his forms, although poorly. He does not have good timing or body mechanics so he is not close to being a "master". He is a student that is in the stages of thinking about all his actions. Needs to train more and think about what he is doing and not on how he is doing it. There are a lot of things to point out about what he is doing, but to stay on subject, he is not a "master" and he is fairly lower level student still in his making shapes stage of training.

05-08-2006, 03:16 PM
This guy must be a GGGGGGgrand master he just rocks !
dude he has the special secret closed door footwork and can control time and space , he is like the Gandhi of wing Chun !!!:rolleyes:

oh thus i have heard :D

psssst [don't p@ss him off he is writing his manifesto and mailing special packages ! ]

05-08-2006, 03:55 PM
From what I can see it looks like a Green belt (unless im going Color blind), .....Well, I am color-blind. Seriously. So I can honestly say that the belt color is meaningless. :D

05-08-2006, 04:13 PM
Seems like this guy is a perfect example of 'Monkey See, monkey do'.

Someone call the casting director of 'Naploeon Dynamight 2' we've found our next star in the making :rolleyes:

05-08-2006, 04:19 PM
He's an Aikido practicioner primarily. I e-mailed him about his interesting WC and he replied:

I learned WC for only 4 years in the UK a long time ago (1980s) and do not claim to be an expert (I say as much on my 'Aikido in Korea' website). I have continued to train the forms by myself and know they are a little 'different.' From time to time, in Korea, I met foreigners from overseas who had also done WC - some liked what I did, some hated it. I think my own quirks are that I do it harder, with more power. To be honest, I don't think I can call it Wing Chun.

I don't think he's too concerned with it...but it IS different. Well...what's different, right?


05-09-2006, 03:56 AM
He's an Aikido practicioner primarily. I e-mailed him about his interesting WC and he replied:

I learned WC for only 4 years in the UK a long time ago (1980s) and do not claim to be an expert (I say as much on my 'Aikido in Korea' website). I have continued to train the forms by myself and know they are a little 'different.' From time to time, in Korea, I met foreigners from overseas who had also done WC - some liked what I did, some hated it. I think my own quirks are that I do it harder, with more power. To be honest, I don't think I can call it Wing Chun.

I don't think he's too concerned with it...but it IS different. Well...what's different, right?


Thank you man. Just the info I was looking for.

Pork Chop
05-09-2006, 07:41 AM
Seems like this guy is a perfect example of 'Monkey See, monkey do'.

Someone call the casting director of 'Naploeon Dynamight 2' we've found our next star in the making :rolleyes:

Not that I'm an expert on Wing Chun, but I was about to say that the guy reminds me of Rex Kwon Do (Dietrich Bader) from Nappy D. Good call. :)

05-09-2006, 06:48 PM
I think my own quirks are that I do it harder, with more power.

Ah yes it was all that "power" generated with a complete absence of body alignment, grounding, speed, technique and economy that had me confused... :eek:

I hope his Aiki is better.. :(

05-10-2006, 01:24 PM
What do I think of him ... NOT MUCH !!!

05-10-2006, 03:16 PM
Oy Vey .....................!