View Full Version : I am new! with questions.

05-08-2006, 04:13 PM
I am new to this site. I have questions on kungfu. I need direction to quality teachers.

Has anyone heard of any rare styles being taught in the US that are open to public students? Any types of kungfu or tai qi. I have taken karate and want to move to kungfu or an internal tai qi. I have heard of wing chun as a quality style. Is this as good as they say? Are there better styles?

05-08-2006, 04:22 PM
personally I like the palm of death portrayed by chang yi in the movie phantom kung fu:p

05-08-2006, 04:32 PM
I am a fan of more traditional Shaolin. of course only selected areas will give you an option for this.

but dont be too worried about "rare" styles.

each style has its strengths.

tell us where you are looking for instruction. someone here should be able to direct you to some quality schools/teachers in your area.

05-08-2006, 06:52 PM
All styles are good! and it is always the student who brings life to the style. It truly depends on what you are looking for. Chinese martial arts covers many faucets but there is no one superior style.

Yes, we have the best faucets in the world! :D

05-08-2006, 07:08 PM
can anyone tell me some other styles and where to learn them, anywhere in the US or Canada? I have acess to both countries.

please describe styles. what are the differences?

David Jamieson
05-08-2006, 07:22 PM
ah yes, 'rare' and 'secret' styles. Of course those would be the most important of all. :p

There's only two things that need to be done in regards to the undertaking of the study and practice of Kungfu. They have nothing at all to do with styles or secrets or rarety or any of that. You can pick any style, anywhere and do it to the best of your ability.

The two things that you are required to do though are simply:



05-08-2006, 07:26 PM
You have to ask the right questions to get the right answers, and you are not asking the right questions. :confused:

05-08-2006, 09:03 PM
What is a preffered style of tai qi, for health benifits? What are the differences in southern kungfu and northern? Is choi lay fut more effective than these? What is natural kungfu? Can anyone describe the wudang style of kungfu please?

I would like to choose a good style that would benifit my body health and to defend myself well.

05-08-2006, 09:07 PM
ask any question you want, it doesn't need to be perfect. I think wudang is a sword style that can certainly benefit great athletes, but I will get out of the way and let other people answer this who know what they are talking about like sanhechaun:p

05-08-2006, 09:12 PM
ah yes, 'rare' and 'secret' styles. Of course those would be the most important of all. :p

There's only two things that need to be done in regards to the undertaking of the study and practice of Kungfu. They have nothing at all to do with styles or secrets or rarety or any of that. You can pick any style, anywhere and do it to the best of your ability.

The two things that you are required to do though are simply:



Agreed without precedence.

Especially the last two.

05-08-2006, 09:14 PM
You have to ask the right questions to get the right answers, and you are not asking the right questions. :confused:

Exactly. Combined with the above.

05-09-2006, 12:50 AM
personally I like the palm of death portrayed by chang yi in the movie phantom kung fu:p

looks pretty cool actually:

I love those kinds of movies, they make kung fu skill seem unreal, I dont know how they trap and block those fasts trikes like that.

05-09-2006, 05:22 AM
my advice if you want to get a pretty decent perspective on the history and contents of a lot of different kung fu styles read "The Art of Shaolin Kung Fu" by Wong Kiew Kit. It by no means encompasses all styles of kung fu but if you don't have an idea of what you are looking for it may help in explaining the differences.

05-09-2006, 07:50 AM
ok...let's make it simple:

Where do you live?

Answer that question and anyone who cares might try to point you to a decent school.

Chief Fox
05-09-2006, 08:20 AM
So I was watching a National Geographic Special about the duck billed platypus. I ended up taping it and watching it over and over again for about 8 to 10 hours. I studied the movements of the platypus and from those movements I have developed a new style of kung fu. I call it "Ornithorhynchus anatinus do" or Way of the Platypus!

As you might guess, the platypus is a ferocious fighter and a cunning warrior. It has a streamlined body, a duck bill, short legs and a tail like a beaver. In other words, the perfect fighting machine!

The movements are made up of burrowing like actions. These movements can confuse and disorient a possible attacker. Setting them up for the inevitable duck bill blast! A deadly attack that is generally aimed at the ankles or low shin. There are no high flashy kicks in the Platypus style mostly because the Platypus is incapable of jumping. However, there are several forms of tail sweeps and many flapping like motions. These flapping motions are often confused with a seizure or an epileptic fit but don't underestimate them because they are extremely deadly.

Training for the Platypus style as you might expect is grueling. It requires many hours of laying on you belly by river banks, flapping and flopping, staying under water for as long as possible and thousands on nose pushups to develop the toughness of a duck bill.

Please join me in spreading the word about this exciting new fighting art. I will be looking to open my own "Ornithorhynchus anatinus do" or Way of the Platypus school soon. I will also be looking to expand into other styles too. For example: There's a National Geographic special about the Mexican Spotted Owl coming up.

05-09-2006, 08:32 AM
If you are creating a 'do' then it will not be a valid fighting art...just more fancy pants dancing.

While you have been wasting your time on this, I have been studying up on the fighting style of vampire bats.


the ability to fly, poop on my opponents, suck blood and spread rabies makes my style a real jutsu intended for the battlefield and the street.

David Jamieson
05-09-2006, 08:44 AM
What is a preffered style of tai qi, for health benifits? What are the differences in southern kungfu and northern? Is choi lay fut more effective than these? What is natural kungfu? Can anyone describe the wudang style of kungfu please?

I would like to choose a good style that would benifit my body health and to defend myself well.

pretty much all the answers to the questions you are asking are answered throughout these forums and in the ezine here.

go through and spend some time reading. I am certain you will not make a decision by what someone on a board tells you.

another thing that is important in kungfu study and practice is that it is you and you alone who must do the work.

there is no such thing as better or best style. Every style has it's principles. Most of everything you have asked has been written down somewhere in several iterations.

hit the link at teh top to the ezine and start reading to your hearts content.

and don't take any wooden nickles. (i mean that analagously of course)

Chief Fox
05-09-2006, 08:58 AM
If you are creating a 'do' then it will not be a valid fighting art...just more fancy pants dancing.

While you have been wasting your time on this, I have been studying up on the fighting style of vampire bats.


the ability to fly, poop on my opponents, suck blood and spread rabies makes my style a real jutsu intended for the battlefield and the street.
WOW! the training must be intense. I can only imagine hours upon hours of hanging upside down as well as only coming out at night and making high pitched squeeky noises.

The kung fu world is a better place because of inovative people like us. Keep up the good work!

05-09-2006, 09:15 AM
i have a pet hedgehog. cute little thing too until you tick it off and it stabs you with the quills all over its body. that little sucker has drawn blood before. this brings me to MY NEW STYLE. i just need to get someone to make me a suit of razor sharp metal quills that i can somehow stand on end whenever i flex muscle. it has no blocking techniques you simply lay in a fetal position and let your dumb attacker try to grab you as he/she goes "aww look how cute, a hedgehog". then you run around jumping on peoples heads, collect gold rings, fight dr. robotnik, you know a typical day in the life of any hedgehog. the only flaw i have seen with the style so far is that if you pass by a large wheel you are incapable of resisting running on it.

05-09-2006, 09:35 AM
This calls for our own separate forum so we don't have to associate with the rabble here.

We can make it invitation only, charge a bunch of money for those we do let in and sit back and contemplate our next adaptation.

Also, this morning when I was taking my post-coffee morning crap...I think I realized I was the Buddha.

05-09-2006, 12:43 PM
speaking of the post coffee crap have i told you of the ancient chinese martial art of hu flung pu? i'll give you a second to think about that one. (gross) but the practitioner needs a good sense of balistics and tragectories and what not. also the super secret internal art or bo-ring which involves swaying back and forth slowly and then slowly, calmly and soothing talking about the most disinteresting thing you can think of until the oponent is lulled into a deep sleep. True masters spend hours meditating on what to discuss and it often involves what they watched on PBS the night before). ok thats all i got i will stop posting crap and go train more.

05-09-2006, 12:58 PM
you guys are strange here. i just want to know opinions on styles. i can travel anywhere in canada to US. please tell me quality teachers i should seek. they do not have to be close to me. i travel frequently with my job. i go to LA, NY, to Tampa Bay, other states and BC and Quebec in Canada with advertising.

Crushing Fist
05-09-2006, 01:12 PM
platypus? vampire bat? hedgehog?


your puny styles are no match for the greatest fighting art ever conceived by the mind of man...

an art based on the fighting style of the deadliest killer...

the most perfectly adapted precision killing machine nature has ever crafted...

the unstoppable


yes, my Bird Flu Pai shall defeat you all! if I can ever learn how to make it spread between humans that is...

until then BEWARE!

05-09-2006, 01:35 PM
lmao.... :D

this is why i love this forum.

05-09-2006, 01:38 PM
do you often travel to the same places? as to be able to set up a continual study program with a good teacher.


you mentioned NY here is a good place to train.

05-09-2006, 01:56 PM
looks pretty cool actually:

I love those kinds of movies, they make kung fu skill seem unreal, I dont know how they trap and block those fasts trikes like that.

This may be what detracted the thread. Hieronim is the only person who is better at the interrupting thread ability than me. But h., if you wanna talk movies, sheeit, I do that in my sleep. Amazon has a much better review of that flick. It's written by some crazy dude who thinks he knows everything about kung fu, and obviously knows nothing. And he is also the worst writer I have ever had to read, not me.


I still can't figure out how to underline it, I WILL FIGURE IT OUT ONE DAY!!!!!! Or I will just start beaking all the computers I see. :D :D :D

IT GOT UNDERLINED!!!!!!!!!!, do you just copy and paste, and that does it?

05-09-2006, 05:16 PM
tak you. I will check them out when I go to NY.

Taoist Priest
05-09-2006, 05:54 PM
Try Lama Pai In NYC-
Just Google it or look for Sifu Ross on this site. I resd into it and I think it's totally worth it.

Kapten Klutz
05-10-2006, 02:53 AM
Training for the Platypus style as you might expect is grueling. It requires many hours of laying on you belly by river banks, flapping and flopping, staying under water for as long as possible and thousands on nose pushups to develop the toughness of a duck bill.

Is five minutes of convulsive laughter part of the cardio?:D :D :D