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05-14-2006, 07:19 PM
happy mothers day to everyone who spit life out their giners.
i know it didnt tickle.

05-15-2006, 07:39 AM
No wonder the flower shops are short of flowers.


Have a wonderful day of appreciation.


05-15-2006, 10:12 AM
i spoke to my mother yesterday for the first time in 7 years.

05-15-2006, 10:19 AM
good for you.

how was it?

my mom and I rarely spoke for 15 years. I would try to communicate every couple of years but she was the same old impossible to get along with person.

05-15-2006, 07:00 PM
happy mothers day to everyone who spit life out their giners.
i know it didnt tickle.
LOL! Only you would come up with something like that... I hope you were abit more tactful to Suz. Or at least had a gift in your hand and a smile on your face when you said it. ;)

05-16-2006, 07:07 AM
good for you.

how was it?

my mom and I rarely spoke for 15 years. I would try to communicate every couple of years but she was the same old impossible to get along with person.

i was wondering if anyone would take that comment seiously or just assume i was talking **** like usual.

it was weird honestly. i havent talked to my mom in years as shes was a psychotic **** that was just barely with it enough to not be able to use her condition as an excuse for her malicious behavior. but i have been thinking lately that i didnt want adora to say to me when she's 15 saying she never got to meet her grandmother because i wouldnt let her. after seeing her i honestly felt sorry for her .... she's just a crazy old woman now who probably doesn't remember anything of the past. while that doesn't mean i fogive or forget anything that happened growing up, i'm trying to give her another chance before its too late.

LOL! Only you would come up with something like that... I hope you were abit more tactful to Suz. Or at least had a gift in your hand and a smile on your face when you said it.

i was awesome to suzi. i didnt call her fat or anything all day.

seriously though ... i dont **** around with mothers day. no better way to make your woman feel unloved than to blow off mothers day. you dont even have to have a lot of money or anything ... you just have to be nice all day. which is conveniently free.

05-16-2006, 08:01 AM
i was wondering if anyone would take that comment seiously or just assume i was talking **** like usual.

it was weird honestly. i havent talked to my mom in years as shes was a psychotic **** that was just barely with it enough to not be able to use her condition as an excuse for her malicious behavior. but i have been thinking lately that i didnt want adora to say to me when she's 15 saying she never got to meet her grandmother because i wouldnt let her. after seeing her i honestly felt sorry for her .... she's just a crazy old woman now who probably doesn't remember anything of the past. while that doesn't mean i fogive or forget anything that happened growing up, i'm trying to give her another chance before its too late.

sounds like we had the same mother. mine was eventually diagnosed and medicated as a paranoid manic depressive. I can say very much the same thing as you...I'll never forget but I did try to forgive, once in a big concerted effort when I was 28, and get the relationship moving towards more of an adult/adult relationship but she wasn't going to have any of that. Since then I've tried to cross the bridge several time on mother's day and her birthday and again when she got diagnosed with cancer. I was amazed but not surprised that that didn't mellow her out and cause her to reconsider how she treated the people around her. anyway, long story short, I made my last attempt on mother's day '05 to no avail and then the cancer got her in November last year.

I'm actually getting ready to get on the road to another funeral, my aunt. she was my mother's older sister and wasn't doing well last fall.

One thing that has come up this week is that my uncle, the youngest of my mother's generation, is the oldest of the blood line...and I'm the next.:eek:

A little weird to think about.

yu shan
05-16-2006, 08:38 AM
I was lucky to have a very sweet Mom, sort of a southern belle, but definitely the matriarch of the family. If she was happy, we were all happy! I lost her to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease last year... friggen cigarettes! My stepson took his Mom out for a nice lunch and a small gift. She`s a Rican so food makes her happy. So I practice what I saw my Dad do, keep Momma happy. Especially Puerto Rican Mommie`s!

05-16-2006, 09:04 AM
One thing that has come up this week is that my uncle, the youngest of my mother's generation, is the oldest of the blood line...and I'm the next.:eek:

A little weird to think about.

oh sh its!

man that is weird. your not even that old are you? mid 30s?

05-16-2006, 09:16 AM
I'll be 39 in august.

most of my family is 'rode hard and put up wet' My grandparents all lasted a good long while as did their sisters and brothers but the generation between them and me...my parents and aunts and uncles are paying for their sins of the 60's and 70's for sure.

my uncle is 58 or so and looks older than that. all gray hair and in and out of the doctors for his heart.

I identified that I was predisposed for a lot of crap when I was a teen and is part of the reason I have stuck with the fu. emphysema (sp?) and asthma run rampant in my genes.

now, if those were just the weird names of two really hot chicks....