View Full Version : Universal VT Fighting

05-14-2006, 08:00 PM
Ive all to often encountered close minded people posting on forums saying - VT is limited on this limited on that - it doesnt have this or that action doesnt really work that way in real life.

So with this in mind i thought it maybe a good idea to discuss insparations from other styles or fights you've seen that helped you refine your fighting / VT skills.

Basically this is to say - Hey, you think we cant use it ? well these guys do a similar action so why cant we adapt ours for a similar use ?

Because im into adaptation and not into throwing away what "you percieve" not to work.

One action thats stood out in my mind for a while is Far Gurk (sp) - in the last section of (my) CK. I notice this action is not widely used to parry kicks within the VT community (at least in my area) and in the huge amount of sparring and fight videos on the net.
Yet almost every UFC or Kick boxing fight i see, they use a similar action to parry mid level round / side kicks.

Now the differnce between my action and the ones i witnessed in fighting were mainly the angle of my Leg blocking the comming kick. My observation was that kickboxers use the leg with the shin facing foward but the turning nature of my leg (from the form) means i use the shin facing the angle of comming kick, about 45 degrees, a small difference but its essentially the same action, also the turning promotes the kicks force away, holding to VT theory.

So if they use it why cant we ? answer we can....

The running punch is another i think people dismiss, maybe because we for the most part see more people standing in one spot punching, or using it in Gor Sao just blasting in with no regard for fight timing and space etc. However if one watched UFC Ultimate Brazil, with Vitor Belfort VS Vanderlei Siva you would see Vitor using a very straight blast to defeat the formidable Vanderlei which is very much like our running punch.
So, if he can do it why cant we adapt our for a similar use..... :) You see where this is going.

There are many other actions that i see other styles use in fighting that resemble VT actions, my examples are just to get the ball rolling.....

What actions have you seen used in fights that you thought -wow thats similar to VT - and what influence did they make over your own actions ? :)

05-15-2006, 04:24 PM
good idea liddel. nice name by the way. rumour has it your a very shy soft spoken chap to train with :p

i train mma (muay thai+sub wrestling) alongside wing chun and constantly see parries etc that are pak sao, kao sao, etc etc, so many techniques im like "yeah thats this move in wing chun".

no time now, will write something more later...

05-16-2006, 03:42 PM
Ive come across many a person thats told me the Bong Sao isnt very practicle outside of Chi Sao / Lut Sao / Gor Sao platforms.

I happen to disagree with this POV, and point those with this opinion towards carefully watching a boxing fight.
Ive seen quite a few times during boxing matches SIMILAR actions, that resemble Bong Sao - and thier using Gloves for crying out loud.

Given the bridge touch point is different and elbow slightly higher - however the actions ive witnessed, (and tested) seem extremly conducive to using a Bong Sao in place of the boxing action and vice versa depending on your preference....

It still serves as a deflective action pointing the brunt of the force away from your head, or even just blocking the punch force against force, saving you from getting rocked.

Subsequently i actually use this action to cover my head when i put 16oz gloves on and Spar - but the fact remains its very BONG like, dismissing the claims IMO, that Bong is a impracticle action outside of VT.

If a Boxer can use it why can we ?

05-25-2006, 03:39 PM

there is a lot of moves that ppl from other styles do that are quite similar to wt/wc - and not often know that IT is wt/wc technique.

some moves are just natural body-defending reactions. (inmo)

"you are not "doing" the Bong Sau - he is "doing" (your opponent) that" - that's what my sifu always told me:)

it can completly redirect the power of the punch and use the opponent force.

i really like to combine it with fat-sau:)

(sorry for my english)



05-25-2006, 06:20 PM
praecox, ur refering to WC as in wing chun?

i tot liddel is refering to VT as in Vale Tudo.

sorry, i may be wrong :)

05-26-2006, 10:47 AM
ok, thnx:) i thought he meant the Ving Tsun
