View Full Version : Did I get punked in my boxing gym?

05-15-2006, 07:43 PM
Ok, I was sparring today and I didnt feel too well, meaning I was kinda stiff liek a robot and unlike last time when I was sparring I wa sloose and slipping punches left and right I felt uncomfortable moving my head at all, and although i didnt do too bad I didnt feel so confident afterwards. Well anyway, after I sparred two other guys sparred and one of them was a former pro boxer although not with a good record who just walked in front of me and put his gloces there for me to put on his hands (like he cant himself right), and I did without even waiting for him to say can you please help me with this or without telling him "do I hear a please" like some sort of a slave, Im white and this guy is black so could it be a dominance thing he tried to establish? and/or the fact he might think ehs a big shot among a bunch of amateurs? I know its normal in a boxing gym to help each other and all but this guy didnt even say thank you afterwards or please before. I couldnt think of a witty comment like "do I hear a please" or anything and was in a somewhat down mood after my sparring session not to mention I kinda knew him and liked him as he helped me a bit, so I did it but I kinda felt like a slave or punk.

05-15-2006, 08:59 PM
grow up....

Wu Wei
05-15-2006, 09:03 PM
Youre only being treated like a punk if you are forced into something despite yourself. If you did it instinctively and dont regret it, then you are not a punk or slave. If you regret how you handled things then dont beat yourself up over it and try to keep it in mind in the future. It may take time, but you can train yourself to repsond differently. But I say that water flows to the lowest places. Someone who chooses to serve cannot be made a slave.
It's about your intent, not your action.

05-15-2006, 10:29 PM
The thing is Ive had experiences like this before alot in my life, and on the basketball court it led to a semi fight. For instance my mom has a friend whose guy and he comes to help fix her stuff and ocne he came to let us borrow his landmower before my mom bought his. The thing is my mom bought ours not long before he showed up and he yelled at me to get my shoes on, like he was ordering me to come outside and I did without hesitation. The guy isnt anything to me and he acted like he was my dad or something. Or when i asked him for help with the landmower we had hes like "you can figuare that out yourself", and was a total rude *****. When I got into that scuffle on the basketball court (one place I finally conquered in my life) I was kinda in a pumped up mood and saw him tlaking to my moma dn that he was at my place and didnt even say hi to him when my mom yelled at me that hes (her friend) was here, I later did say hi to him but only after I realized I didnt have to and had the balls not to. She later evena dmitted that hes bosst and he sint anyone to me yet tries to boss me around.

Another problem I have is with teachers or professors. Today my health professor was talking about chi and how he believes in it and star wars the original ones were good representaiton of chi and george lucas based them off of it. So ok I figuared I am open minded and it is possible that chi exists but than he was also telling us how he is healing some guy that lives far away by channeling his energy to him. I knew right away he was bsing yet I didnt say anything. I never say anything in those kinds of situations, one teacher in high school even kinda made fun of my home country and I didnt do anythign because of fear of embarassment in front of the class or that he will lower my grade or something.

You have to be an alpha male to get anywhere in this life, and be able to deal agressivly and in embarassing situations and because someone was nice or whatever shouldnt let me think their my friend. thats the problem I have, I trust people too quickly and I wont get anywhere in life with that.

05-15-2006, 10:34 PM
Im gonna punk you geez stop *****n

05-15-2006, 11:15 PM
In my experience you've just got to roll with the punches. I set boundries for myself and given they're based on such a simple rule (the golden rule of course) I expect others to follow them as well. I remain passive up until the point when a person crosses the line. You can use your own judgement to tell when this point has been reached: just remain objective.

Note that all three times an individual has crossed the line with me was when they were trying to remove me from my seat (odd, yes, but true... people don't seem to believe I deserve to sit down! :D). You should only react to relative "extremes" such as this since you look retarded when you get upset over the little things.

So to sum it all up: remember the golden rule, and always strategically vent your anger when you must do so.

05-15-2006, 11:41 PM
Can I join with the 'grow up' comment?

Kapten Klutz
05-16-2006, 01:58 AM
I know its normal in a boxing gym to help each other and all but this guy didnt even say thank you afterwards or please before. .

You could just as well take that as a token of respect. He assumed you had enough self confidence not to agonize for days over whether or not he asked nicely. Working together silently is also a sign of a group being tight. Even if he did 'punk' you, it's just a fleeting thought passing through his brain and nothing you should let weigh you down.

05-16-2006, 02:17 AM
I dont know, I personally would not feel comfortable going up to somebody even if I knew them real well and without saynig anythign expect them to do something for me like help me put on my gloves, heck I do it by myself all the time. its easy to put both those velcrow type gloves on. He didnt even amke an effort to put one on alone.

Mr Punch
05-16-2006, 03:15 AM
Can I join with the 'grow up' comment?Puts down axe. Holds up three fingers.

Chief Fox
05-16-2006, 05:19 AM
Yes, you got punked, you are now that guys b!tch.

Have fun tossing his salad.

Your only way out is to beat him senseless in front of all his friends.

good luck.

Kapten Klutz
05-16-2006, 05:48 AM
I dont know, I personally would not feel comfortable going up to somebody even if I knew them real well and without saynig anythign expect them to do something for me like help me put on my gloves, heck I do it by myself all the time. its easy to put both those velcrow type gloves on. He didnt even amke an effort to put one on alone.

I'm going to answer totally seriously.

Going to MA classes, boxing clubs and whatever is not just about learning to fight. It's about developing good character, okay? There are all kinds of physical challenges involved but also all kinds of psychological challenges. This is because egos are in collision at the same time as training with people involves a very special sense of trust. It's like a pressure cooker for how you deal with people.

I think everyone who has trained MA can agree on this point.

So what do you do? If you did get 'punked' you silently thank him for giving you a chance to learn to be a forgiving person. You are confronted with your poor self-esteem and how that feeling can burn inside of you, and you have the chance to become aware of it, not let it hurt you, and move on. That guy offered you an opportunity to grow. Don't lose the chance.

I'll shut up now.

05-16-2006, 05:49 AM
ooh you got punked!!! ****!!! now you a b*tch!! straight punk b*tch!!! have fun picking up up the soap!!!! you friggin prag!!!!

05-16-2006, 06:32 AM
I couldnt think of a witty comment like "do I hear a please" or anything

[edited to make sense] you could have simply said "youre welcome." if it was nothing he'd have nodded ... if he was being an ass you let him make it clear. but all trolling aside i wouldnt have expected much of anything ... id have just done it and moved on to something else as i think of the guys a train with as my brothers.

this guy is black so could it be a dominance thing

its true the brothers are always tryin to establish their dominance over me. i met this one dude named tommy and he dry humped my leg for like 10 minutes.

05-16-2006, 10:04 AM
i seriously doubt this guy was trying to "punk" you.

if he was, he would have embarrased you in front of your peers.

you mentioned he was a former pro, that means hes been doing this a long time.
generally, what he did is how it goes. he wasnt thinking about you, he didnt care. probably doesnt even remember who put his gloves on. he was thinking about boxing, or not thinking at all.

sh!t were it me i probably would have been like "yo, strap my gloves" and left it at that.

dont get all emotional about this. its retarded.

05-16-2006, 03:40 PM
did you get punked? I don't even know if that show is on anymore.