View Full Version : Sifu Gary Lam seminar in the UK Sept 9 & 10th/ 06.

05-17-2006, 10:22 PM
Hey guys and gals ,
just got sent the details so here you go :D


The seminar is to be conducted on the 9th and 10th of September (I will leave it up to sifu Lam to decide on the start time and duration of the daily seminar)

The event will be held in a town (MALVERN) close to the 2nd largest city in the UK, which is Birmingham. This place was chosen for it low price and its ease of commuting (central of England) for people all over the UK, and its beauty. Also, that's the only place where I could organise the restaurant that would provide a mini banquet to the participants at such a low price.

The price is 140euros as requested by Andy.
The topic of the seminar is entirely up to sifu Lam, but I was hoping he could cover chisau applications and maybe cham kil or\and the wooden dummy
At the end of the day, Ernie, it's sifu Lam's show. How he chooses to run it is entirely up to him; I'm just the frontman.

I can be contacted on the following numbers: 01684 891918 or 07836 600832

Don't hesitate to contact me if you need any further info big guy

05-19-2006, 01:01 AM
ok everyone listen up!

go to this seminar. trust me, do it.

I dunno how to say this without sounding like a cult member but gary lams wing chun and more importantly his students wing chun is very very good. i had a little experience with some of them and their ability even for students with only a year or two training was amazing. Ive bumped into a few different wing chun types from time to time and never been impressed until meeting them and getting fed humble pie...

also one other thing ive learned is theres nothing like getting a hands on feel to understand different approaches. you can talk on here till your blue in the face about anything, tan sao this, body structure that, power, footwork etc etc but until you actually feel it theres no real way to understand. so if your not from WSL wing chun or never seen it before or if your stuck in a rut never been outside before this is the big one.

paulH will know big time what i mean by this i remember him "turning intent on" or off like a switch, also "lat sau energy". sure talk about it yeah i know what that is.... nope you dont till you feel it ;)

anyway even 5 minutes with these guys and youll come away with a better understanding of even the basics to put straight to work in your own wing chun.

you never know you might leave thinking yeah im better than those guys,, and thats all good but i doubt it :D

also, sifu lam has the syllabus clearly laid out and a simple progression through chi sao etc, REAL fighting experience, very very few people ever fight thais, and one hell of a funny sense of humor.

see yall there ;)

05-19-2006, 12:20 PM
Hey Jon,

Just browsing this forum for any unusual subversive activities, and there I saw my name popping up again.:D

Just want to say that I enjoyed tremendously you and James taking your time to visit us the last time. Your WC enthusiasm cheered everyone up here. You guys are just the right perfect kind of crazy English gentlemen that my Dad always warmed me about! :D It's really too bad that I'm not rich and free like Sigung Ernie so I can tag along with Sifu to meet other fun, eccentric and interesting folks across the ocean, but I'm sure Kevin Bell and you will give the latest scoop in this exciting event in September.

Your crazy American Cousin,


Kevin Bell
05-20-2006, 06:43 AM
What??? Paul you mean your not gonna be there? D@mn, i was gonna break out my book of Gilbrand.

05-20-2006, 04:12 PM
yo paul,

james is canadian ;)

you were the first dude i worked with there first impressions last forever ;)

funny before E showed up you saying maaan e and his boys theyre killers


so theres more than a few people in the uk who post here... whos coming?

05-20-2006, 06:33 PM
yo paul,

james is canadian ;)

you were the first dude i worked with there first impressions last forever ;)

funny before E showed up you saying maaan e and his boys theyre killers


so theres more than a few people in the uk who post here... whos coming?

Hey Jon,

Well we were a British Colony awhile back, so close enough ah...:D

05-20-2006, 07:11 PM
funny before E showed up you saying maaan e and his boys theyre killers



By no means I am gentleman and a vegetarian pacifist :D

05-21-2006, 09:21 AM
alright i just got of the phone with choi the guy organising it and its gonna be a sort of wing chun paradise weekend. drinks and a big chinese banquet in his pub and tons of training what more can you ask for :D

hes just really down for a big get together everyone welcome whatever background ...

very respectful guy and sound as a pound to boot.

also if any ones thinking about it they should get in touch with him as hes gone to a big risk and lot of effort to put it together so dont be shy get in touch with him and dont hold back sending the deposit in...

veggie pacifists welcome too :D

05-21-2006, 10:05 AM
alright i just got of the phone with choi the guy organising it and its gonna be a sort of wing chun paradise weekend. drinks and a big chinese banquet in his pub and tons of training what more can you ask for :D

hes just really down for a big get together everyone welcome whatever background ...

very respectful guy and sound as a pound to boot.

also if any ones thinking about it they should get in touch with him as hes gone to a big risk and lot of effort to put it together so dont be shy get in touch with him and dont hold back sending the deposit in...

veggie pacifists welcome too :D

I'll have to arrange for some Ninja's to go to that pub and start up some trouble, and get some action on tape, lol:D

I jealous guys, really....I just have to win the lottery now to get over there.

Like Jon said, I also recommend anyone and everyone to make the effort to experience Sifu Lam. Besides his high level skills in fighting and Wing Chun, he's a fun guy to be around...there's a ton of laughs and ton's of information he will share if you ask the right questions...


Nick Forrer
05-21-2006, 10:53 AM
Ill be there as Im sure will many from the WSL U.K. Assoc. Hopefully Clive and Anthony will come too.

05-21-2006, 01:26 PM
Ill be there as Im sure will many from the WSL U.K. Assoc. Hopefully Clive and Anthony will come too.

Nick if i do make it out there save some time to go over some ground stuff with me and we can toss a few Kali drills back and forth !

that's ''IF'' i make it ;)

Nick Forrer
05-21-2006, 02:27 PM
That'd be cool if you could make it over...would be nice to finally meet you.....more than happy to show you the little bits and pieces ive picked up re: the ground. Hopefully we might get to do some wing chun too!:eek:

05-27-2006, 05:06 PM
Grrr... I can't make that one which is too bad because I haven't been beat in a good while. Someone say hello to Gary for me.

05-27-2006, 05:49 PM
would love to say hi to gary for you
ummmm but who are you

05-27-2006, 06:07 PM
I am not sure I understand your question but will answer in this way. I don't personally know Gary but have always wanted to get to his seminars, though they always seem to pop up at the most inconvenient time for me. I have worked with students of Wong Shun Leung and Kenneth Chung out of San Francisco and have yet to meet Gary. I met Ken's guys at a seminar hosted by my Sifu, Eddie Chong, in Sacramento and they said nothing but good things about him so I wanted someone to send my regards that's all. I hope I cleared up some confusion for your benefit.


05-27-2006, 06:27 PM
no worries bro
thought you might have known gary.
and I would have more then happy to pass on your regard's ;-)
and yep Ken's guys are allot of fun . real cool people

06-05-2006, 05:21 PM
Alright i had the chance to meet the guy putting on the seminar at the weekend and check out the venue etc. Its gonna be pretty awesome the guy has a really nice pub in Malvern beautiful views and the countryside on his doorstep.

He's also a really sound guy, very open friendly, down for training and meeting new people and some top notch wing chun skills! A true wing chun nut :D

06-12-2006, 08:24 AM
Very nice bloke. Gave me and my sister free drinks. His pub is very nice. You'll know you've got the right place when you go into the bar and see the wooden dummy in the middle of the drinking area!I've heard of sports themed bars, but a Wing Chun themed bar really is something amazing. Is one allowed to play with the dummy or is it for ornamental purposes only?

06-12-2006, 05:16 PM
Thanks stricker & simon for the good chisau exchange, but it's something I can't resist doing with all wing chun practitioners that enter my bar...I have just got to train -- it's worst than being addictic to drugs!

CFT: every one is welcome to try my dummy, but it's actually made from steel. I do have a Koo-sang jong which I'd brought over 20-years' ago, but I don't have the walls to mount it. Customers always ask me what it is, but to save me the trouble of explaining, I always say it's 'modern art' which substitutes for a coat hanger.

UK wing chun suppliers: If any of you guys want to bring any wing chun equipments or anything martial arts related to the seminar for display or sale or exchange, I'm more than happy for you to do so subject to OK from Gary.

By all accounts, this is going to be an awesome party. Odds are already being offered for the Ernie and Kev Bell showdown! LOL. But since Ernie is such a 'popular' figure over this side of the pond, many, many contenders are in preparation should Kev fail.

06-13-2006, 07:47 AM
By all accounts, this is going to be an awesome party. Odds are already being offered for the Ernie and Kev Bell showdown! LOL. But since Ernie is such a 'popular' figure over this side of the pond, many, many contenders are in preparation should Kev fail.

now i can put 2 and 2 together:D
my money is on Kev he has the youth conditioning and ''crazy gene'' and the recent experience of the bare knuckled matches put 2 dudes in the hospital

i just had my first good bare knuckled match against some 22 year old street fighter kid out of India ,,,,,,,, father time is catching up fast ,,,,,,, barley made it out of that one and we were just sparring !

so put me down for $1000 on Kev , i should be knocked out in the first 15 sec ;)

please have a medic ready and a good bottle of Bourbon to ease the pain:D

Kevin Bell
06-13-2006, 11:04 AM
Guys, save the money really Ernie is in safe hands i got so much love for my cuban brother i'd rather take his best shots, have my jaw broken and suck soup through a straw than harm a hair on his head... So sorry to dissapoint this is the new pacifist Kev :)

06-13-2006, 01:32 PM
There ain't much hair left!


Kevin Bell
06-13-2006, 01:55 PM

I'm staying out of that as i'm follically challenged myself. However, were that directed at me i think i wouldnt need to look far for my next victim..erm... i mean opponent:p

06-13-2006, 05:34 PM

Ok, I admit it - My forehead is becoming increasingly bigger & bigger!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Mea culpa!

06-13-2006, 06:23 PM
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Stop it you guys, all this lovevy dovey talk is making me ill.

All jokes aside, I urge all UK wing chun practitioners (especially none WSL lineage people) to attend. Gary Lam is one of the most giving wing chun practitioners out there, which is reflected in the depth of information that he's willing to share in his DVDs. His movements are very fluid and flowing, his power has got to be felt to be believed, and his comprehension of wing chun is very high indeed.

If you are a genuine wing chun practitioner, you don't want to miss him, because it's not every week he will travel from LA to share his vast experience.

The one thing that I personally respect about sifu Lam is that unlike 99% of all other sifus in their seminars, they don't even chisau with the attendents. On the other hand, sifu Lam is willing to put his reputation on the line by chisauing with all participants. To me, that's a sign of a great sifu. No limitations on what you can or can't do. No questions asked, just throw everything at me and show me what you've got mentality.

Just in case you all think I'm promoting sifu Lam for money, I would like to assure all that I'm just the UK organiser for sifu Lam. I don't have any vested interest in sifu Lam's organisation and I'm not part of the WSL lineage. My only motive for this work is just so that I may learn from someone thats already walked the walk. And, of course, to improve my own wing chun skills.

I can personally guarantee that this seminar will be an fantanstic learning experience, no matter your level of skill. Also, at the end of the seminar each day, I propose that we can all chisau or gor-sau with each other -- that's if you so wish.

I sincerely hope to see you all here.

ah choi

06-13-2006, 06:43 PM
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Stop it you guys, all this lovevy dovey talk is making me ill.

All jokes aside, I urge all UK wing chun practitioners (especially none WSL lineage people) to attend. Gary Lam is one of the most giving wing chun practitioners out there, which is reflected in the depth of information that he's willing to share in his DVDs. His movements are very fluid and flowing, his power has got to be felt to be believed, and his comprehension of wing chun is very high indeed.

If you are a genuine wing chun practitioner, you don't want to miss him, because it's not every week he will travel from LA to share his vast experience.

The one thing that I personally respect about sifu Lam is that unlike 99% of all other sifus in their seminars, they don't even chisau with the attendents. On the other hand, sifu Lam is willing to put his reputation on the line by chisauing with all participants. To me, that's a sign of a great sifu. No limitations on what you can or can't do. No questions asked, just throw everything at me and show me what you've got mentality.

Just in case you all think I'm promoting sifu Lam for money, I would like to assure all that I'm just the UK organiser for sifu Lam. I don't have any vested interest in sifu Lam's organisation and I'm not part of the WSL lineage. My only motive for this work is just so that I may learn from someone thats already walked the walk. And, of course, to improve my own wing chun skills.

I can personally guarantee that this seminar will be an fantanstic learning experience, no matter your level of skill. Also, at the end of the seminar each day, I propose that we can all chisau or gor-sau with each other -- that's if you so wish.

I sincerely hope to see you all here.

ah choi


To add on to the event is the fact that beside Sifu Lam's skills as a fighter & teacher, he is also a great guy just to hang with. He's always laughing with a big smile. This gets contagious and after a visit with him you just feel better about everything, his attitude is great. He's super approachable and is very friendly with people.:D

So to all you UK boys & girls, make the effort to attend this event, as it is worth your while and hard earned money, trust me...:cool:


06-14-2006, 10:14 AM
chisauking = choi !?!?! :eek: :confused: you know its funny how different people come across in text than in person but then the internets a crazy place, simonW took his post down why??? ernie seems to have made some enemies dont know how the hell that can happen!!! bizarro online madness :rolleyes:

choi seriously i really enjoyed meeting you and will definitely be back for a proper session.

james is right too gary's a real character, funny as hell not to mention a great hairstyle :cool: i think i mentioned his skills etc earlier..

kev, ernie. instead of ringside i'll bring a bucket [for teeth :D] and towel vaseline etc to work ernies corner in case it goes more than 1 round. i would support kev but he aint gonna need a corner :p ps the lovey doveys not nearly as funny as your WWF smack talk routine :D

this whole gig is looking awesome from every angle guys like ernie kev choi are really great to train with whatever level your at and can really help bring your skills up and your understanding and some different ideas and angles. theyre just a few participants too not even the main event!!! im sure there will be lots of people from different backgrounds and angles to get a feel for too.

choi make sure you stock up on red bulls i can see all the nuts going non stop :D

06-14-2006, 04:54 PM
chisauking = choi !?!?! :eek: :confused: you know its funny how different people come across in text than in person but then the internets a crazy place, simonW took his post down why??? ernie seems to have made some enemies dont know how the hell that can happen!!! bizarro online madness :rolleyes:

choi seriously i really enjoyed meeting you and will definitely be back for a proper session.

james is right too gary's a real character, funny as hell not to mention a great hairstyle :cool: i think i mentioned his skills etc earlier..

kev, ernie. instead of ringside i'll bring a bucket [for teeth :D] and towel vaseline etc to work ernies corner in case it goes more than 1 round. i would support kev but he aint gonna need a corner :p ps the lovey doveys not nearly as funny as your WWF smack talk routine :D

this whole gig is looking awesome from every angle guys like ernie kev choi are really great to train with whatever level your at and can really help bring your skills up and your understanding and some different ideas and angles. theyre just a few participants too not even the main event!!! im sure there will be lots of people from different backgrounds and angles to get a feel for too.

choi make sure you stock up on red bulls i can see all the nuts going non stop :D

Yeah Jon, I forgot to mention his hairstyle. Jeez, I'm jealous of him in that deptartment too.:D


07-11-2006, 09:28 AM
Just booked 3 places for this, I cant wait, am v excited. Just watching a few Gary Lam dvds to soak up some knowledge before I go down.

I have never trained WSL style so that should be intresting as well.

Cheers for the info.


07-11-2006, 10:08 PM
aaww...i wish that sifu Gary Lam come to san francisco in near future :o:rolleyes: :D

07-11-2006, 10:14 PM
aaww...i wish that sifu Gary Lam come to san francisco in near future :o:rolleyes: :D

that would be easy it's so close to LA :D
Gary does have one of his best students teaching in Oakland my senior Greg Leblanc

the guy is just awsome , he just moved out there about a week ago and will be teaching[ Frisco watch out this guy is no joke :cool: ] ,,also another guy up near San jose as well i think .

hope that helps ;)

07-13-2006, 07:16 AM
wow its a good news to me.
im a believer ,Ernie. to be one of sifu Gary Lam best student he sure is no joke. i heard about him from my friend. my friend went to sifu Gary Lam when he just open the school. my friend said there was only 2 ppl that time, and Greg was one of them. cool thing to know that there r so many good wingchun guy at my area. i hope that i have the chance to learn a thing or two from them.

thanks for the info :D

No problem ,,, if you give Greg a call , tell him i said hello ,,,, he really helped me allot over the years , and i will allways be in awe of the guys skills ,,,,,:cool:

07-25-2006, 06:58 PM
here is the website for the seminar

let me know who is coming ernie@wingchuncoach.com

would love to get to meet any KFO guys that show up

08-04-2006, 08:45 AM
it's on and crack'n Yallllllll !!!

flights have been booked ,,,touching down in the UK on sept 8th !!

see you guys in a month :D

there is a chance a quicky seminar in greece with a TV spot might be part of this trip as well [ whoooopppiiee]

08-04-2006, 08:59 AM
it's on and crack'n Yallllllll !!!

flights have been booked ,,,touching down in the UK on sept 8th !!

see you guys in a month :D

there is a chance a quicky seminar in greece with a TV spot might be part of this trip as well [ whoooopppiiee]

You lucky SOB!

Have fun dude, as I'm sure you all will... wish I was there, dammm:(


08-04-2006, 07:18 PM
Not only are you a 'wing chun coach', but you may be a TV star in the making.

There's no stopping your meteoric rise to wing chun super stardom!:D :D

08-04-2006, 07:27 PM
Not only are you a 'wing chun coach', but you may be a TV star in the making.

There's no stopping your meteoric rise to wing chun super stardom!:D :D

I think he's already there bro...

LoL, just kiddin...:D

08-04-2006, 07:31 PM
I think he's already there bro...

LoL, just kiddin...:D

Been there done that both movies and music ,,,,, not my style anymore ;)
i'm to old :eek:

It's Garys time in the spot light ,,,,, those darn things can blind you !

08-16-2006, 07:11 AM
it's on and crack'n Yallllllll !!!

flights have been booked ,,,touching down in the UK on sept 8th !!

see you guys in a month :D

there is a chance a quicky seminar in greece with a TV spot might be part of this trip as well [ whoooopppiiee]

Thats great it's all booked. I'm really looking forward to this, cant wait.


08-19-2006, 07:52 AM
Thats great it's all booked. I'm really looking forward to this, cant wait.Dan,
Based on my recent visit to LA, I would say that you're going to have a great experience. Both Gary and Ernie have a wealth of knowledge that they are willing to share. What you see is what you get..... which is a very good thing, IMO. :cool:

My only warning is that you may find that there's a lot of information to try and grasp in a short period of time. Just be mentally prepared to let go of some of your preconceived notions of Wing Chun before the seminar. Take in as much as you can absorb, and evaluate the content as objectively as you can from there.

Best of luck at the seminar. I'd really be interested in hearing your impressions afterwards.


08-19-2006, 02:58 PM
Just be mentally prepared to let go of some of your preconceived notions of Wing Chun before the seminar. Take in as much as you can absorb, and evaluate the content as objectively as you can from there.

That would be some good advice to a newbie on the forum.:D

08-20-2006, 03:15 PM
That would be some good advice to a newbie on the forum.:DJustin, Good point.
It may not be a bad idea for some of us who are no longer newbies, as well. ;)

08-21-2006, 06:19 AM
Justin, Good point.
It may not be a bad idea for some of us who are no longer newbies, as well. ;)

True! If we practice good shoshin, we would always be newbies!:D

09-01-2006, 08:44 AM
D@Mn it's almost time !
just found out were i will be staying a few guys were asking so email me and i will let you know

looks like this might be a big one been getting buzz ;)

also looks like Gary will be doing , UK,Canada,Greece,and Germany all in the next 45 days or so ,,, he will be in Canada for a 2 week stay training a private student but will also do a small seminar for the canadian guys :D

see ya soon ,,,,, going to be a blast even have David P. coming down to the UK [ he will be having his seminars the following weekend ! wish i could stay for that ]

09-01-2006, 09:00 AM
Man... you so lucky.:D

Safe journeys, bro.:cool:

Kevin Bell
09-01-2006, 10:30 AM

We're sorted for accomodation, we're about 6 miles away. Me, Adam and Chris sharing a single room... Just dont tell anyone :eek:

09-01-2006, 12:25 PM

We're sorted for accomodation, we're about 6 miles away. Me, Adam and Chris sharing a single room... Just dont tell anyone :eek:

... it's actually not a common room... it's a SAUNA room... :D

09-01-2006, 12:51 PM
6 miles ,, sounds like a morning jog :D
cool , just need to sort out our way from heathrow to malvern so i'm not sure what times i will be getting anywhere yet

also we might [check out ] london ,, but i would rather get down to biz right away ;)

tick tock tick tock,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :cool:

Kevin Bell
09-01-2006, 12:59 PM
6 miles ,, sounds like a morning jog :D

Thats what i said to Adam but he dont fancy it.

What day are you actually landing?

09-01-2006, 01:00 PM
looks like Gary will be doing , UK,Canada,Greece,and Germany all in the next 45 days or so ,,, he will be in Canada for a 2 week stay training a private student but will also do a small seminar for the canadian guys :D
Hey Ernie,
Canada's a big country amigo. :D
Will Gary be going to Toronto by any chance?

Kevin Bell
09-01-2006, 01:01 PM
... it's actually not a common room... it's a SAUNA room... :D

Emil your a sick puppy mate. Check yourself into the vets

09-01-2006, 01:10 PM
Kev ,,,
touching down around 7:30-8 am on the 8th

Bill - email james i think he has more info then me :D

09-01-2006, 01:48 PM

We're sorted for accomodation, we're about 6 miles away. Me, Adam and Chris sharing a single room... Just dont tell anyone :eek:Kevs a southampton boy AYE AYE SAILOR!!!!!

09-01-2006, 02:00 PM
hey guys this thing has been a long time coming some of you i have been speaking to on the phone and via email for years ..others i have had the pleasure of hanging out with on your LA visits. i would really like to thank M Choi ( chisauking) for setting this thing up
and even though i stopped drinking ( getting back in shape haha ) i can't wait to raise a glass of whiskey with you crazy b@stards !!!!!
at least it will dull the pain of your fist in my face !

Kevin Bell
09-01-2006, 02:26 PM
Kevs a southampton boy AYE AYE SAILOR!!!!!

Jon, Kev's a worldy travelled bedouin veteran, product of 13 different schools courtesy of a forces upbringing - wherever i lay my hat an all that.. Anyway that phrase went out in the ages it's "me love you long time" down here...erm at least so i've been told :confused:

Kevin Bell
09-01-2006, 02:28 PM
i can't wait to raise a glass of whiskey with you crazy b@stards !!!!!!

Brother to brother,, dont ever drink with the English

09-01-2006, 02:52 PM
I probably won't see ya this week, Governor! So Bon Voyage and be good! :D
Some eye candy would be nice for my coming up birthday around Thanksgiving. :D

09-01-2006, 10:42 PM
Emil your a sick puppy mate. Check yourself into the vets

Come on... you like it!


09-03-2006, 07:31 PM
After many months of talking and planning, the Gary Lam show is almost upon us. With this in mind, I would just like to remind particpants of the following...

1) Please don't forget to bring the balance of your fee if you have already paid me a deposit. Please understand that I've no credit card facility, so please bring your 'wonga' (that's cash to those that's not familair with street talk)
2) Gary has requested that no mobile phones or camcorders are allowed during the seminar, so please adhere to his wishes.
3) After the seminar, you are all welcome to train with each other, but since there are a mixture of high calibre and intermediate practitioners among the particpants, there will enevitably be a vast skill difference between some people. Therefore, I would like to request that all high level practitioners show control and restrint. For example, you don,t need to po-pai people 6-foot back to demonstrate your skills, 3-foot will suffice (only joking) LOL. All jokes aside, I would like to make this a trouble-free, happy gathering.
4) I've been asked by some whether they can attend only 1-day of the 2-day seminar. The answer is yes, and there will be a slight deduction in price.

For those of you that still haven't registered, there are still some places left, but don't leave it too late, it will be snapped up fast. For those of you from different lineages, here's your last chance to 'feel' the difference with the Gary Lam method. Don't be shy, you will be more than welcome, and it would be a great venue to 'find yourself' and gauge your wing chun skill level.

Thank you for your kind words, Ernie, but you really don't need to thank me. I would show the same hospitaility to all my wing chun family.

I hope to see you all soon, and wish those travelling from abroad a safe and happy journey.

09-03-2006, 07:54 PM
After many months of talking and planning, the Gary Lam show is almost upon us. With this in mind, I would just like to remind particpants of the following...

1) Please don't forget to bring the balance of your fee if you have already paid me a deposit. Please understand that I've no credit card facility, so please bring your 'wonga' (that's cash to those that's not familair with street talk)
2) Gary has requested that no mobile phones or camcorders are allowed during the seminar, so please adhere to his wishes.
3) After the seminar, you are all welcome to train with each other, but since there are a mixture of high calibre and intermediate practitioners among the particpants, there will enevitably be a vast skill difference between some people. Therefore, I would like to request that all high level practitioners show control and restrint. For example, you don,t need to po-pai people 6-foot back to demonstrate your skills, 3-foot will suffice (only joking) LOL. All jokes aside, I would like to make this a trouble-free, happy gathering.
4) I've been asked by some whether they can attend only 1-day of the 2-day seminar. The answer is yes, and there will be a slight deduction in price.

For those of you that still haven't registered, there are still some places left, but don't leave it too late, it will be snapped up fast. For those of you from different lineages, here's your last chance to 'feel' the difference with the Gary Lam method. Don't be shy, you will be more than welcome, and it would be a great venue to 'find yourself' and gauge your wing chun skill level.

Thank you for your kind words, Ernie, but you really don't need to thank me. I would show the same hospitaility to all my wing chun family.

I hope to see you all soon, and wish those travelling from abroad a safe and happy journey.

Darn i was training for the human Po Pai shot put and Dragon pole high jump comp !!!!!


Hey Kev i have put a few irish guys under the table with my whiskey/burbon chi skills !!!! ,,,,,, it's all part of my evil plot to get everyone so smashed they fall over and knock themselves out ;)

see ya soon guys [ ps the seminar will be filmed , from what i heard and i was allowed to bring my camecorder for my private records '' time spent with my Sifu and all that '' so don't freak out if you see some video stuff , supposed to be a pro crew there doing there thing :cool: ]

good times a comin yall !

Kevin Bell
09-03-2006, 11:20 PM
Ernie i plan on sticking on the hard stuff -water - since i've been designated the "driver" for the evening. Besides which sharing a room with two men with my effeminate pretty boy looks i gotta make sure they dont get no ideas :eek: ..

Nick Forrer
09-04-2006, 01:50 AM

I just want to double check you've got a place on th seminar booked for me



09-04-2006, 03:41 AM
No problem, Nick. There's always room for a wing chun & grappling nut!

Nick Forrer
09-04-2006, 09:01 AM
Cheers choi

BTW I think im just an MA nut in general - it all fascinates me. Ive come to the conclusion that really Im no better in my obsession then the guys in anoraks who stand at train stations with their note pads taking down the numbers of the trains as they go by.:eek:

09-04-2006, 10:44 PM
Cheers choi

BTW I think im just an MA nut in general - it all fascinates me. Ive come to the conclusion that really Im no better in my obsession then the guys in anoraks who stand at train stations with their note pads taking down the numbers of the trains as they go by.:eek:

.... or than Trekkies!!!! :D

09-05-2006, 07:35 PM
Ernie i plan on sticking on the hard stuff -water - since i've been designated the "driver" for the evening. Besides which sharing a room with two men with my effeminate pretty boy looks i gotta make sure they dont get no ideas :eek: ..

Good friends don't let good friends drink water alone ;)

i never said i was a good friend [ devil horns showing ]

your only six miles from your pad ,,, can just see you and the boys stumbling down the path in the middle of the night ,,,,, the fog roles in,,,,,, a full moon peaks through ,,,,,,,, then the unearthly howl pierces the night !!!! ,,,,,,,,

probably cuz your drunk @ss will stub your toe on a rock hahaha

american werewolf in London all over again ,,,,not !

09-05-2006, 10:28 PM
Good friends don't let good friends drink water alone ;)

i never said i was a good friend [ devil horns showing ]

your only six miles from your pad ,,, can just see you and the boys stumbling down the path in the middle of the night ,,,,, the fog roles in,,,,,, a full moon peaks through ,,,,,,,, then the unearthly howl pierces the night !!!! ,,,,,,,,

probably cuz your drunk @ss will stub your toe on a rock hahaha

american werewolf in London all over again ,,,,not !

Nice story Ernie, hahaha. Your imagination seems to have no limits. :)

See you guys soon, it’s almost a matter of hours.


09-05-2006, 10:47 PM
Nice story Ernie, hahaha. Your imagination seems to have no limits. :)

See you guys soon, it’s almost a matter of hours.


see ya real soon bro !

we should be in and fully jet lagged by mid day friday haha ,,,,, i'll be the guy doing forms on the mountain top :eek:


i'll be at the bar with a bottle of whiskey a cigar and the ''oh $hit '' look on my face ,,,wondering why i'm so far away from LA [Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore] ;)

09-06-2006, 05:38 AM
i tell you what everyone is gonna LOVE choi's pub. its wing chun heaven.

choi, sounds like you gotta stock up on cigars and whiskey as well as the red bull and mineral water hahaha.

i'm looking forward to meeting everyone whos gonna be there. it should be real easy to recognise everyone nick with the trenchcoat ernie in his rude boy gear kev in his whites and i'll be the guy in thai shorts and a rashguard hahaha

09-06-2006, 07:24 AM
i tell you what everyone is gonna LOVE choi's pub. its wing chun heaven.

choi, sounds like you gotta stock up on cigars and whiskey as well as the red bull and mineral water hahaha.

i'm looking forward to meeting everyone whos gonna be there. it should be real easy to recognise everyone nick with the trenchcoat ernie in his rude boy gear kev in his whites and i'll be the guy in thai shorts and a rashguard hahaha

Can't be a real deal funky fresh in the flesh rude boy with out one of these http://www.icedoutgear.com/PC3.php


one stop shopping !http://www.thugfashion.com/index.cfm

fur coat =check
pimp cup =check
jesus piece = check
bling bling grill = check

you should have no problem picking me out of crowd !
yep i'll be the guy with the police escort and special silver bracelets :rolleyes:

09-06-2006, 08:07 AM

****, I gots ta get me one of dem Ice an chrome grills (wit da fangs!).:cool:


Jeff Bussey
09-06-2006, 09:15 AM
Hey Ernie,
Canada's a big country amigo. :D
Will Gary be going to Toronto by any chance?

Hey there,
Has anyone got anymore info about Gary coming to Canada where and when I would definitely like to hear bout it.


Jeff Bussey
09-06-2006, 09:31 AM
I just the other thread about Toronto.


Kevin Bell
09-06-2006, 10:17 AM
i tell you what everyone is gonna LOVE choi's pub. its wing chun heaven.

choi, sounds like you gotta stock up on cigars and whiskey as well as the red bull and mineral water hahaha.

i'm looking forward to meeting everyone whos gonna be there. it should be real easy to recognise everyone nick with the trenchcoat ernie in his rude boy gear kev in his whites and i'll be the guy in thai shorts and a rashguard hahaha

Any karaoke?

09-06-2006, 11:36 AM
Any karaoke?

he who Karaoke's anywhere near me DIES!!!!

Kevin Bell
09-06-2006, 02:35 PM
Whats wrong with singing David Hasselhoff??? :eek: :D

09-06-2006, 03:12 PM
hey big E

lighten up man its what we brits do to relax after a hard days training. karaoke's really big over here man hell thats pretty much all we do down the pub most nights. boy oh boy your in for a culture shock. no worries tho me and kev will have you propping up the mic stand in no time :D nothing like a good old sing-a-long

kevs right the hoff is pretty big over here too had some hits in the charts, even toured a year or 2 ago i think it mostly sold out! i know hes more about the talking cars and dope chicks like cj but there not bad songs either lets hope choi has them in his karaoke machine. if not i got a pal who runs them ill see if i can borrow some cds for the weekend.

man im so looking forward to showing the LA boys hospitality in authentic english style :D:D

09-06-2006, 03:32 PM
hey big E

lighten up man its what we brits do to relax after a hard days training. karaoke's really big over here man hell thats pretty much all we do down the pub most nights. boy oh boy your in for a culture shock. no worries tho me and kev will have you propping up the mic stand in no time :D nothing like a good old sing-a-long

kevs right the hoff is pretty big over here too had some hits in the charts, even toured a year or 2 ago i think it mostly sold out! i know hes more about the talking cars and dope chicks like cj but there not bad songs either lets hope choi has them in his karaoke machine. if not i got a pal who runs them ill see if i can borrow some cds for the weekend.

man im so looking forward to showing the LA boys hospitality in authentic english style :D:D

AHHHH sing -a-long ,,,,HOFFFF,,,,, that's it i'm staying home !

so lets see ,, i'm going to stand in lines for hours at LAX ,,, fly for 12 hours ,,and hope nothing blows up ! ,,,,, then drive for 3 hours once i get to London ,,, to be greeted by drunken Hoff singing Brits that want to sock me in the face ! ,,,, something is real funky about this ,,,,,,,, where the hell is my agent ,,,, who signed me up for this gig !

this is more then cutlure shock ,,,it's frigg'n outer limits !

09-06-2006, 03:51 PM
AHHHH sing -a-long ,,,,HOFFFF,,,,, that's it i'm staying home !

so lets see ,, i'm going to stand in lines for hours at LAX ,,, fly for 12 hours ,,and hope nothing blows up ! ,,,,, then drive for 3 hours once i get to London ,,, to be greeted by drunken Hoff singing Brits that want to sock me in the face ! ,,,, something is real funky about this ,,,,,,,, where the hell is my agent ,,,, who signed me up for this gig !

this is more then cutlure shock ,,,it's frigg'n outer limits !

Ah, wait till you get to Canada, we were a colony of UK once. First we go for a sauna in the middle of the winter and then right from the sauna we jump into the snow and cool off a bit then back into the sauna. Then we pour whiskey on the rocks and get drunk that way!!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Then we go to the bar afterwards...


09-06-2006, 04:08 PM
Ah, wait till you get to Canada, we were a colony of UK once. First we go for a sauna in the middle of the winter and then right from the sauna we jump into the snow and cool off a bit then back into the sauna. Then we pour whiskey on the rocks and get drunk that way!!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Then we go to the bar afterwards...



Kevin Bell
09-06-2006, 04:16 PM

CJ? Nah i prefer the glory days of Erika Eleniak, you still got them on video if so be sure to bring them along.

[[[man im so looking forward to showing the LA boys hospitality in authentic english style]]]]

Tell me about it, Ernie's even fallen for the old "i'm just drinking water" line,,, man i'm gonna get him hammered LOL. Came to the UK expecting to kick @ss went home a dribbling drunken mess

Jon i need a singing partner for hi ho silver lining.. you in?

09-06-2006, 04:48 PM
[QUOTE=Kevin Bell;703838. Came to the UK expecting to kick @ss went home a dribbling drunken mess

hey i want that on a shirt with a british flag hahahaha ,,,,,, i'm a hard man to take down , as long as we drink the hard stuff ,,, keep that beer and sugary bum juice away hahaha

and don't give Gary any drinks ,,last time he had some he kicked my ass all over at a wedding just for fun !!!!!!!!!!

09-06-2006, 05:38 PM
Jon (stricker): If you like karaoke, you are more than welcome to bring disc and a player. I don't have one of those machines because I can't stand drunk punters trying to sing Freddy Mercury songs.

Ernie sez: and don't give Gary any drinks ,,last time he had some he kicked my ass all over at a wedding just for fun !!!!!!!!!!

Hey, I think I will try and get Gary bladdered just for fun! LOL It will be fun watching him whoop your ass!

See you all real soon

09-07-2006, 12:06 AM
CJ? Nah i prefer the glory days of Erika Eleniak, you still got them on video if so be sure to bring them along.

Erika Eleniak in her glory days.... Drool....... :D

(Unfortunately, she's now married, fat and on "Celebrity Fit Club") :(

Nick Forrer
09-07-2006, 01:38 AM
Jon (stricker): If you like karaoke, you are more than welcome to bring disc and a player. I don't have one of those machines because I can't stand drunk punters trying to sing Freddy Mercury songs.

*abandons plan to give crowd infamous rendition of 'I want to break free'*

09-07-2006, 02:09 AM
guys guys i was joking... sorry to disappoint but still i got a reaction out of ernie :D scary thing is i dont know if you guys kev and nick were playing along with my joke or serious :o. i dont know anyone with a karaoke machine (well actually i do but not very well fortunately hahaha) and it'll be a cold day in hell before you see me sing "anywhere you go baby i see your sun is shingin" let alone pure butchering a freddie number*. last time i walked into my local was on a thursday i forgot it was karaoke night and this couple were singing bohemian rhapsody i was straight back out the door!

*actually i tell a lie, i did a karaoke ONCE when i was at uni, but did the beastie boys paul revere acapella instead. went down a treat hahaha

also erika was definitely nicer, but i couldnt remember her baywatch name and that woulda given the game away. there was some sweet brunette too. maybe bit more info than you guys need but erika was a big part of my formative early teens hahaha a great cinematic moment when she popped up in that steve segal flick.

with that and the karaoke/acapella admission youd think i was half cut leaning against the bar pouring my life story out hahaha thank god im teetotal!!!

see you guys soon. im gonna come back from this weekend black and blue but with a big smile on my face :D

ps watch out for choi guys ive already seen him do some mean dan chi sao with a drink in one hand his drunk-fu might be better practiced than everyone elses

09-08-2006, 02:07 AM
Well we are very nearly there now. Im heading down tonight, my parents live near by so Im staying there. I might pop round to the pub tonight to see what going on. See if there are any jet lagged bodies around.

If not Ill be there around 9 tomorrow.

Have fun


09-08-2006, 12:08 PM
All: Please post a detailed report on the seminar. It will for sure be quite interesting!


09-11-2006, 12:54 PM
What a wicked weekend, I was absolutely knackered this this morning for work but well worth it.

Ill write more about the seminar later, but I have changed the web site so it now is pics of the weekend. These are the ones I snapped, but I would love to add photos from everyone who took some so please email me your photos, full resolution, and Ill stick them on (photos at braunstonemotorproject.co.uk).

The photos are here www.braunstonemotorproject.co.uk/gary/

I learnt so much from the weekend, but the best part was meeting all the people there. They were absolutely fantastic, you could not hope for a better gang to train with.

I was learning from everyone and not being from the WSL lineage there was a lot to learn, but its worth learning because it works, nothing fancy, simple but very effective moves.

A big thank you to all that attended esp Gary, Ernie and Choi.

Will post more later, let me have any photos, I will create a folder so that people can download any pic they wish at full resolution for printing etc.



09-11-2006, 03:25 PM
Who is the one that they called him Choi? My guess ... the smart man with the Wu guarding against Ernie's bag of tricks! :D

Nick Forrer
09-12-2006, 04:03 AM
Excellent seminar

Massive thanks to Sifu Lam and Ernie for coming and teaching - Sifu Lam as always is a library of wing chun knowledge (as well as Chin Na and Thai Boxing) and Ernie is....well......lets just say the guy is a dynamo of wing chun energy and never stopped sharing his knowledge with us the whole weekend. To me this was a model of what wing chun is and should be about. No BS no politics, just a punch of wing chun nuts sharing energies, training methods, strategies techniques, concepts, views etc.

But a special thank you must go to Choi (chi sau king on this forum) for his hospitality and for putting on a great venue

Malvern is beautiful, the weather was perfect, Choi's pub is great with bruce lee statues in the mens, Baat cham do on the walls and a dummy in the main area. The chinese food is also great and we were treated to a great banquet on the last night

Good also to see WSL UK represented - with students from Sifu Clive Potter and Sifu David Peterson. Sifu Potter himself was there on sunday day and Sifu Peterson arrived after the seminar on Sunday evening

Great to meet Dan and the other Sifu Derek Frearson students too

A real shame though that there weren't more people there....you really missed out if you didnt come to this seminar:(

Day 1 was an overview of the three wing chun hand forms

Day 2 was Sifu Lams Level one crossing hands syllabus

I will write a more in depth report when I have the time

Kevin Bell
09-12-2006, 08:47 AM

Nice just about said it all - just to add:

Special thanks to Ernie - unbelieveable eh mate after all that time,, cant put it in to words my brother.. Apologies that the me, you, DMP "moment" on sunday evening was cut short so soon.

Thanks also to Gary of course, couldnt help but think Gary reminded me of a grizzly bear when rolling with him, smiling as i "fly away"

Lastly thanks to:

Adam "the legend" Cope - gent of gents.
Mario - king of snoring.
Nick - Bathroom floor.
Chris - 5 course breakfast.
Jon - "i love violence, bout sums Kev up".
Alan - whiter legs than Casper.
Aidan - genius booking a family holiday at seminar location.
Choi - Beef Chow Mein and awesome Pub.
The chick on Reception at our hotel Sunday morning - nice!
And everyone else i've failed or forgotton to mention

09-12-2006, 01:02 PM
what can i say that dan, nick and kev aint already ? well ...

a laaaat of people think there was something better to do that weekend but they were actually WRONG! :D

the whole weekend was something to behold. saturday night was really special though, seeing the exchange of information between the various families late into the night that was a highlight. the same happened again late sunday night...i felt honored to be a fly on the wall, privy to something really great going down.

Sifu Gary Lam? one word : AWESOME. i dont think anyone who did any hands on with gary came away with any other impression. everyone was wincing at his demos on adam and ernie. they fly away :eek:

ernie : i truly cant put into words how happy it made me to see you again bro.

choi (chisauking) : a fantasic job of sorting the seminar out. excellent venue, really good food, and one hell of a crazy dude :D a really good guy just down for training with anyone and everyone.

kev : thanks so much for taking time out and going through stuff with me, its much appreciated... not only the scariest dude to stand in front of but sooo much more.

gert was awesome to meet, such a nice guy and so enthusiastic about wing chun, personal thanks go to him too.

nick, great meeting you, nothing beats being the only two fools rolling on the concrete paving slabs at a wing chun seminar :)

met lots of other cool people too, adam who i'm gonna put some time in with, chris and the other soton guys, mario, the huntingdon lot, dan, dan, and the other guys from leicester, the north london wing chun lot (sorry forgot your names)

basically everything nick said is correct :)

theres quite a few wing chun people from the uk on this forum it saddens me that more didnt come. people love to talk on forums but really nowhere is more than a few hours from anywhere...

one last thing the effort that sifu gary and ernie went to to make this trip cannot be underestimated, flying all those hours with the current terrorist threats, heading back to the US on 9-11, the insane jet lag, driving across england, the hours in airports queueing, all for little financial reward. im truly thankful that they made the decision to when they easily could have just said naaah and stayed at home in sunny california. i hope they got out of it as much as we all did. thanks.

Kevin Bell
09-12-2006, 02:07 PM
Yeah Jon i agree. I was really impressed with Ernie and the way he made sure he spent time with everybody, helped coach along those who needed it (that includes me - got to get that wrong bong working:-) and inspired with words of encouragement rather turning it into an exhibition of how good he with the less inexperienced participants (yep that probably includes me as well hahah).. it'd be great to see more of Gary and Ernie in the UK and wholeheartedly recommend that people come and work out with these two talented individuals..

[[[kev : thanks so much for taking time out and going through stuff with me, its much appreciated... not only the scariest dude to stand in front of but sooo much more.]]]]

Jon thanks for the comment but dont be so ridiculous i'm just a placid gentle soul with a receding hairline :) Like i said room at the inn this weekend if your available and get hooked up with Adam asap.

09-12-2006, 02:59 PM
I was really impressed with Ernie and the way he made sure he spent time with everybody, helped coach along those who needed it (that includes me - got to get that wrong bong working:-) and inspired with words of encouragement rather turning it into an exhibition of how good he with the less inexperienced participants (yep that probably includes me as well hahah).. it'd be great to see more of Gary and Ernie in the UK and wholeheartedly recommend that people come and work out with these two talented individuals..
So the "secret" is out! Ernie, who seems to come across somewhat differently on this forum from time-to-time, is one of the kindest, most giving guys you will ever meet. :) I find the term is often over used these days, but he has a real passion for Wing Chun and teaching others. The best part, both Ernie and Gary are only interested in good Wing Chun and are not put off track by politics.

By the way, can you guys put some names to the faces in the pics?

Like, who's that punching Ernie in the head in pic #12
Who's trying to pick Gary's pocket in Pic #13? ;)
And who's posing with Gary in #18?

That would be cool to know.


09-12-2006, 03:19 PM
kev and matrix,

yup spot on about ernie his coaching ability might even be better than his wing chun hahaha

hahhaha kev you know when ernie first told me about you he said you were a beautiful soul or some **** like that little did he know months later he'd be regretting it [see pic, let the caption competition begin]

09-12-2006, 03:24 PM

I believe that was Nick punching Ernie. I'm still in the dark like you on who's who at this seminar. Is Choi the asian with the guarding Wu for instance? :D

Regarding Ernie, he likes to communicate in ghetto and rough style, but the man has a heart of gold to WC fans.

09-12-2006, 03:24 PM
By the way, can you guys put some names to the faces in the pics?

And who's posing with Gary in #18?

That would be cool to know.

Gaah!!! I knew I would be missing out. Family commitments ... I hope Gary and Ernie keep up the magical world tour! I'd love to attend a seminar someday.

Pics #2 & #18 - That's my sihing Dan who has done an excellent job with the seminar website. I certainly look forward to seeing more pictures along with the ones already up.

Ah - just seen pic #3. All the lads from Leicester with Gary. From the left: Tony, Jamie, Gary, Dan, Dan.

Kevin Bell
09-12-2006, 03:29 PM

Joking aside bro what your looking at there is a moment of time i've been waiting years for, Sifu DMP, Ernie and myself,,, hard to understand for anyone else.. I'm sure those two men know what i'm talking about.

Caption? Hhhmmm? yes i shave the sides of my head to accentuate what little i have left on top?

09-12-2006, 03:35 PM
hey paul,

nope that aint choi, i dont think he appears in any of those photos, he was quite busy rushing about running his pub and restaurant at the same time as doing the seminar.

09-12-2006, 03:46 PM
another one courtesy of kev :

09-12-2006, 03:55 PM

from hearing you and ernie talk about each other and david peterson in the past
i guessed it was a momentous occasion.

in fact after having met both you and ernie seperately i couldnt believe you hadnt already and new it would be quite something

as for the pic, the story behind that is i didnt bring a camera with me as i knew there were restrictions etc, but just as you and ernie were engaging in some serious man love i remembered i had a camera on my phone but i was too slow and only caught ernie backing off from your advances.

"hey man it was just a hug im not into any of that funny business"

oh well you gotta work the percentages bro ;)

Kevin Bell
09-12-2006, 04:16 PM
another one courtesy of kev :

Names to faces for PaulH
L to R
Adam, Gary, David, Ernie and myself

Kevin Bell
09-12-2006, 04:23 PM

from hearing you and ernie talk about each other and david peterson in the past
i guessed it was a momentous occasion.

in fact after having met both you and ernie seperately i couldnt believe you hadnt already and new it would be quite something

as for the pic, the story behind that is i didnt bring a camera with me as i knew there were restrictions etc, but just as you and ernie were engaging in some serious man love i remembered i had a camera on my phone but i was too slow and only caught ernie backing off from your advances.

"hey man it was just a hug im not into any of that funny business"

LOL good caption...

09-12-2006, 04:38 PM
Thanks, Jon! The important thing is everybody there have a good time. I know Sifu loves meeting different people and shares what he does. Your positive vibes and feedbacks mean on the other hand a lot to Ernie and Gary. As for financial gain, Sifu is pretty shrew. He generally makes sure that his family is not worse off by going international, so I am sure he is well reimbursed already for his time and efforts. :D

Nick Forrer
09-12-2006, 04:57 PM
who's that punching Ernie in the head in pic #12


Paul is correct that would be yours truly. In the 2nd group photo far right is mario (from WSL UK), then Gert, then the head in the background is Andrew (from WSL UK), then Adam from WSL UK and I am next to him with my arm around his neck.
Uli Steiner (who organised the last seminar in Dachau) is in front of me in yellow.

In the first picture my Sifu Clive (with the Grey hair and his eyes closed) is next to his Sihing Gary Lam

09-12-2006, 05:24 PM
I'm happy to hear that the seminar went well. Some good Ving Tsun was taught and shared by everyone it seems, while at the same time friendships were made. What more could one ask for.

This is a great example of the way it should be all the time, no bickering or conflicts over this pose or that shape, but sharing and exploration everywhere with good spirits abound. Good example guys!!!!


09-12-2006, 05:41 PM
Ha! Ha! Next to you giant fellas, I look like a little grunt! Thank you, Kev. Always good to see picture of WSL people together.

09-12-2006, 07:42 PM
Paul is correct that would be yours truly. In the 2nd group photo far right .....Nick,
Oddly enough I recognized you in the group photo ( you've posted a couple of videos in the past), but not in the action shot with Ernie. Must have been the fact that you had a hat on, sun glasses and the pic was taken from the side and to your back.

Looks like a fun group. I'm please to hear all went well.


09-13-2006, 05:50 AM
better late than never.....only just got my account activated.
After reading some of the posts post-seminar, i could only reitterate what everyone else has said so far.
The whole weekend was excellent from start to finish, with good weather, excellent company and some awesome wing chun. The skill some of you guys have is an inspiration to some of us who are not so far down the road experience wise, and Ive literally been a walking form around my kitchen at work (im a cook) since i got back. Our first class back(tuesday night) was great as i was looking forwards to trying to put into place the ideas from the weekend, which worked out great. Not too dissimilar from our lineage, but everything was made a little simpler from this weekend.
Special thanks have to go to sifu gary (its been said before here, but.....awesome), ernie ( dude, you got the best attitude, it was a pleasure sharing your company and hopefully will see you again for a whiskey) choi (great venue and hospitality, and the best veggie chicken chow mein i had in a long time) and all you guys from clives school and alans guys in southapton. If i missed anyone, rest assured Ill not forget any of you.
For the future, me and the guys are definately planning trips to come and train in st albans with clive, so Ill see you then.

cheers for a great weekend, Dan

09-13-2006, 12:05 PM
My brothers :D
I'm still half dead so i will write more when i can give you guys the focus you deserve

for let me just say ,,,,THANK YOU !!

09-13-2006, 03:59 PM
Some pics from Clives site

09-17-2006, 08:09 PM
What I can say? For me, it was a fantastic event, and a gathering that will bring a smile to my face every time I reminisce about it.

In the face of potential terrorist attacks and unknown danger, the three stooges (only joking Ernie) were determined that nothing could deter them from coming over, not even death. Gary, Ernie, and Andy arrived at London Heathrow airport in the early hours of September the 8th, and because I was very, very busy that day, Adam Cope was kind enough to bring the guys up to Malvern. Even though Malvern is only a tiny town, they still couldn't find my place, so I ended up having
to pick them up from the town centre. So much for SatNav LOL

My first impression of the guys was quite bizarre to say the least. Sitting in the front seat of Adam's car was this big, Chinese guy and for all of us in the UK who are old enough to remember , resembled the 'Honey Monster' from the Sugar Puffs advert. Of course it wasn't the honey monster, but good old cuddly Sifu Gary Lam. He was very browned -- obviously due to the good Caliornian weather -- but besides that, he was exactly the same person as I remember from his DVDs.
In the back seats was this Mexican looking guy who would not look out of place as a member of the Harlem Globetrotters, sporting the compulsory track suite attire. Of course he is a globetrotter, but not from Harlem that's all. Forum king Ernie, for some reason, looked diminutive compared to the photos and video footages I'd seen of him on the net (maybe Ernie was in prime condition for the trip, ready to take on any potential UK nut). Next to Ernie was Andy (he's the man behind Cranes Productions). I don't think many on this forum would have seen Andy before, but on this day he was dressed like a Chinese pop star: shades, slinky shirt, and supporting a stylish haircut. Get the picture?

I won't get into too much details into the actual seminar itself, because Nick has already covered it well. Suffice to say that regardless of your level, I think
everyone came away a wiser person. The weather was fantastic over the two days, even though it had been raining and blowing high winds all the previous months, so I think someone up there must like Gary. In fact, Gary has said that where ever he goes, the sun shine follows him. Obviously, the man is on a roll! (It's actually cold and wet, as I write this on the Saturday after the seminar).

Like all good things, it must come to an end sometime, and so it was with Gary wrapping up on Sunday evening. But the show still went on. We had the pleasure
of David Peterson (one of Wong Shun Leung's students, and probably one of wing chun's best communicators) visiting us at the end. David had just got off the plane after a 28 hours' journey, and yet he still made the effort to come and meet Gary and his wing chun family. That speaks volumes about the man. Any way, there was much catching up to do with David and many of the guests in attendance. After every one was fed, people started to say their goodbyes and the group started thinning out. However, some of the more hardcore wing chun nuts just didn't want to go. It was at this point that Gary started all over again. He started chisauing with some of the people still in attendence, and it was a rare moment to see Gary expressing his art to even a higher level for a few of the privaged people to see. David had to make his way back to Manchester after an exhaustive day, so the day finally came to an end....so we thought. We want back into the pub for more drinks and chit chatted way passed midnight, and it was at this stage that even Gary could not take it anymore. Gary retired back to the hotel with Andy, so there was only 3 certifiable nuts left. You guessed it, it was I (Choi), Ernie, and Gert.

All in all, the gathering was well attended, but to be truthful, I was a little bit disapointed that not more people from outside the WSL lineage came to see Gary. You see, putting it in context, without any doubts wing chun is THE most popular Chinese martial art in the UK. Nearly every big town and city has a wing chun club, yet with so many people practising wing chun in the UK, only a small handful of none WSL lineage people bothered to make the effort to learn from this incredeble wing chun man. People have so much to say on net forurms, but when the chance is there for them to 'find themselvs' and to gauge their true level of skill, they are nowhere to be seen. I suppose it's far easier to 'talk' about wing chun than to practice it. I guess some will strive for perfection and try to reach their personal best, and some will be content with fooling themselves and their students, and blabber on the net. Oh well, c'est la vie. (But it's not too late to change)

For me personally, I always get the same mixed feelings whenever a high calibre Sifu graces my household. On the one hand, I'm very excited, but on the other
hand, once I've experienced their skills, I'm completely demoralised because it reminds me of how little I know. On this occassion, my heart was emtpy when this special wing chun man had to return home to LA. Life is funny, isn't it?

Finally, I'd like to express my personal gratitude to all those that attended this gathering (especially those from abroad), and a special thank you to Gary, Ernie and Andy for being so generous and giving with their knowledge. Lastly, in all events, there is always a background person that makes it all possible. In this case, it's my nutty girlfriend Choi-Yee. She was working tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure every thing was running smoothly, so a very big 'thank you' to her. The gathering couldn't have happened with out her, but I don't want to tell her that because she sure gets BIG headed, then I'm blackmailed into taking her out for a meal.

If Gary wants me to, I will organise a much biggger and better gatthering next year -- maybe David Peterson might consider a joint seminar? Who knows, where there's a will, there's a way.

For now, I will retire to the background and leave the net forurms as much as I can. I will be too busy practising the 'key' Gary was kind enough to teach me. Since I'm not as generous as Gary or Ernie, you have to make a concerted effort to meet Gary or Ernie to learn for yourselves what they had imparted to me. But let me assure you of this: I've been a wing chun aficionado for a long time now, and I've been around to search for the highest level of wing chun. My personal conclusion is this: arguably, Sifu Gary Lam is one of the most skilful wing chun men in the world, but it is incontrovertible that he's the most generous with his knowledge. For me, he's taken wing chun to the next level. If you don't believe me, LA is only a short journey away.

Sorry for the late write up, but as most will know, I'm a very, very busy man


Mr Punch
09-18-2006, 08:11 AM
Sounds like it was great!
All in all, the gathering was well attended, but to be truthful, I was a little bit disapointed that not more people from outside the WSL lineage came to see Gary. ...Yeah, I've always thought that's a bit strange. It was a bit far for me to go (!) but now I'm happily out of all this lineage crap, I'll be jumping at the chance to go to any seminars from any good sifu when I get back to the UK! (Unless anyone can be persuaded to come and give one over here in sunny Tokyo!)

If Gary wants me to, I will organise a much biggger and better gatthering next year -- maybe David Peterson might consider a joint seminar? Who knows, where there's a will, there's a way.Sweet. Maybe I'd be able to persuade my gf that that's the time we should be visiting the UK next year...! As long as I don't tell her exactly where I'm going! I'm a Brummie so Malvern isn't too far for a 'romantic weekend'...!

09-18-2006, 02:39 PM
I mourned somewhat for you, the last Chisau King. :D Circumstances have tragically change you to a Chisau beggar. And yet I dare to believe that a fuller life has always been for the adventurous soul who dares to beg what life can offer more rather than the status quo.

Best wishes,


09-18-2006, 05:29 PM
Paul: Ask Gary about the Chinese legend of so-haat-yee. The king of the beggers was more powerful than the emperor himself.

Look forward to seeing more friends next year. Today Endland; tomorrow Europe.

09-19-2006, 03:53 AM
god bless the man who quotes 'Im happy...im happy....punch' rest in peace ivor cutler....

09-19-2006, 08:26 AM
thanks for the write up as usual written in your unique , entertaining and slightly insane way of communicating ha-ha [keep me posted on the article ]
Gary would like to thank you as well for hooking things up and all the great food and fun [ except for the climb to the top of the Malvern hills , I think he is still sore from that one ha-ha ]
Gary would also like to thank Adam Cope for stepping up to the plate and picking us up from the airport , your a great guy , just a class act man
I would like to thank Jon for being there just in case we needed a ride , you were the '' fly on the wall'' all weekend ,,,, we WILL hang out again my brother .
Kev ,,,, dude ,,,, the next generation bro ,,, you know what I'm talking about !
Nick F ,,, had a total blast hanging out with you ,,, man your the '' man of a million questions '' and that's what makes you great , thanks for keeping me on my toes .
Chris , Ged , the Dan squad all of you guys make this trip SOOO much fun for me , it didn't even feel like a seminar , it was like a family get together !

Gert ,,,, you were a blessing to meet and such a giving dude could have spent the whole time just bouncing idea's of each other . it's pleasure to call you a friend =)

and to David P. I can't put into words what it felt like to hang out with you again after all these years ,,, you have been friend , mentor and just a regular guy with life's ups and downs ,,, but you have always been there no matter what ,,,, we have unfinished business my brother ,,, perhaps my passport needs a OZ stamp =)

Now onto the most important part
I drank with the English and never went down ! ha-ha
see ya guys soon , can't wait to hear all the great stuff from the David P seminars ,,,,,, who knows we might meet in Bulgaria !!! :eek:

09-19-2006, 03:18 PM
I have been given some more photos from Dan ( dan chi sau) and have added them to the other collection of pictures.


If anyone would like any of these photos, I have included them all at full resoloution, as well as a zip containing them all, here :-


Its been great to hear everyone comments on the day, cant remember having more fun.

PS best photo must go to Ernie lifting up dan chi sau, great snap.

have fun


ps Im just uploading the pics now, and sometimes it takes a few mins to switch over.

09-20-2006, 03:53 AM
........i need to eat more....

09-20-2006, 08:36 AM
Hello guys,

Sorry but I had no time to react before. Better late than never, although everything has already being said by now. Where shall I start? It was a great experience from the beginning to the end.

Special thanks for Sifu Gary Lam for sharing his knowledge with us and making it a great event.

The idea exchange on the Saturday evening was super, it is an inspiration for my further training. The atmosphere in talking and sharing each others idea’s was done with much respect for one other.

Ernie, thanks for the nice words and you know how I feel bro. We will have another opportunity to get to gather I’m sure.

Kevin, Adam and Aidan are such a wonderful guys to have around and so dedicated to Ving Tsun. And of course all the other participants where very nice to talk and train with.

Thank you all for sharing the pictures, they show clearly we had a great time!

Unbelievable that there were three direct students of Wong Shun Leung at the same time, Gary, David and Clive. A chance to draw knowledge from these guys in the same place is really rear.

Last but not least thanks to Choi and his girlfriend for all the organization and work they put into it to make it such a successful seminar.

Hope we can do it again.


09-20-2006, 08:57 AM
Hey Gert !
Better late to the party ,,,, then never making it !

remember this !

09-20-2006, 11:47 AM
dan, good job for taking care of the site/photos etc!

good to see the bicep working in that picture :)

09-20-2006, 01:39 PM
Hey Gert !
Better late to the party ,,,, then never making it !

remember this !

That's right Ernie!

And imposseble to forget, great memory.

The time was only just a little bit to short, like always with good things.

Playtime is over . . . back in Holland again and start working on my Ving Tsun. Time to look forward and push our selves to the next level.


10-02-2006, 04:05 PM
I've been sent 8 more pics and have stuck them on.


They are at the bottom.
