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kung fu fighter
05-18-2006, 11:16 AM
Hey John,

How is the "empty fist" formed and used in tai chi?

Also what do you mean by reverse energy vectors? is this done by changing the angle of your force vector to off balance the opponent's force vector, for example if he is pushing forward horizontally and you push back forward forty five degree upwards on the contact point?

How is the waist and hip rings different, arent they more or less the same thing?

When you mentioned shoulder, waist, and hip rings, do you mean rotating at the joint like a turning ball on an axis to deflect the opponent's force as well as to direct one's movements like the steering wheel of a car?

What's your explaination for Peng jing or integrated whole body power. I personnally think it's just retraining the body to rely more the deeper stabilizing skeletal muscles instead of the larger mobilizers muscles closer to the surface.

Kung fu fighter

05-21-2006, 06:09 AM
Hello Kung Fu Fighter,

Wow, that's a lot of very involved questions... It's gonna take a lot of time to answer them properly... let me get back to you...


05-22-2006, 01:24 AM
Hey John,

How is the "empty fist" formed and used in tai chi?

Also what do you mean by reverse energy vectors? is this done by changing the angle of your force vector to off balance the opponent's force vector, for example if he is pushing forward horizontally and you push back forward forty five degree upwards on the contact point?

How is the waist and hip rings different, arent they more or less the same thing?

When you mentioned shoulder, waist, and hip rings, do you mean rotating at the joint like a turning ball on an axis to deflect the opponent's force as well as to direct one's movements like the steering wheel of a car?

What's your explaination for Peng jing or integrated whole body power. I personnally think it's just retraining the body to rely more the deeper stabilizing skeletal muscles instead of the larger mobilizers muscles closer to the surface.

Kung fu fighter

Hello Kung Fu Fighter,

Ok, lets see how much I can say before I have to run off.... ;)

1. The "open fist" is similar to the Wing Chun "Ginger Head" fist or the Phoenix eye fist. Can't be used to break bricks but really good for penetrating a target. When coupled with the "solitary star" method (man, that's another pandora box!) it is perticularly useful. Also, when you hold a closed fist, the upper arm tenses up and it decreases the power coming out.

2. REV: you redirect the opponent's force/energy back at them. Not neccessary at 45 degrees, but any angle depending on the situation. The more you get the opponent to continue "feeding" you, the better. That's why you have to lure the opponent in, give them a false sense of security. The more "insubstantial" the return vector is the better, so that the opponent cannot sense it, therefore cannot retailiate it. That's why I call it "vector", not force. Ideally to be used with the 6 broken ring (which come from the 3 rings) so you can deliver combinations of 6 vectors.

3. Waist rings and Hip rings are totally different!!! The waist ring itself has no power, but acts as a conduit between the shoulder ring and the hip ring. So kind of a "central command". Hip and Shoulder rings are approx 1.2m diameter, while the waist ring is approx 0.8m

4. Turning like a wheel, yes. Joints, no. Must not think of the joints. When you think of your joints, you'll not be fully relaxed. It's only if you deal with the rings and forget about the body, you will reach true relaxaton and emptying of the body.

5. Explain Peng Jin next time.
