View Full Version : Does anyone have info on metal/wooden Fan?

10-22-2001, 03:14 AM
Could some please be able to tell me about using the Fan as a weapon? How is it used, is it effective, could you use it for street self-defence? Thanks in advanced.

10-22-2001, 03:35 AM
I have a metal fan. I bought it in chinatown in DC. You can buy one off of martialartsmart.com
You basically use it like a club when it is folded or a dagger. You open it up to distract your enemy while you plant a kick or another attack. You can also sharpen the edges and use to cut people when the fan is open.

10-22-2001, 04:04 AM
Techniques are similar to straightsword with parry and thrust, some similar to short staff, then you have the art of opening and closing the fan.

While opening the fan is a distraction, the fan also may have two hiddne aspects. One was the ability to fire a spring loaded dart (not too common but not unheard of....and the other was sharpened spines and a sharpened back end of the fan...both used for stabbing and slashing.

the metal fan while looking weak was a nice concealed weapon. the opening of the fan could be used to block a blade thruse and then closed to trap the weapon. this is extremely high level skill, however....not somehting I would care to bet my life on.

The fan was not a major weapon but used in instances where retaining your main weapon was not possible. for example, many public houses had areas requiring men ot 'check' their weapons...but they could often carry a fan in. many famous fighters might do just that because they did not want to be caught with nothing in an attack.

It is also a good weapon for finger strength and wrist dexterity.

10-23-2001, 04:38 AM
thanks :)