View Full Version : Can chi gung be done anytime

05-23-2006, 07:24 PM
I think so.

I recently started doing "internal" sets of chi gung that are derived from ba gua, hsing i and tai chi. They're awesome and I already feel the effects on my gung fu.

I was told that the best time to do it is in the morning and outside in the fresh air. That's great and all but...what if your schedule doesn't fit? What if you live in a place with crappy air...like Manhattan? What if it's cold as heck outside? Do you risk frost bite to get the full effect/affect(I never know which one to use)?

Please clarify also when to use effect/affect. I usually have good grammar but not with those two words.

Back to chi gung. Personally, I NEVER get enough sleep at night and am really groggy in the morning. In the afternoon I am too tense/frustrated after work to do chi gung. Therefore I do my chi gung at night before bed. THis is the time I am at my most relaxed and I prefer the night because I don't like my neighbors staring at me going, "There's a chinese guy doing that jujutsu stuff." That always plays in the back of my mind when I do chi gung during the day.

I feel that chi gung should be done when YOU feel it's best because most important is the way you feel and how you're feeling your body.

Please reply with your opinions. I'm going to post this topic under some of the other discussions to catch all the hitchhiker posts. Thanks.

05-24-2006, 09:15 AM
Yes. Not only can but should. The only way your going to put in the hours necessary to recieve the real benefits is to be in a chi gong mindset throughout most of the day, picking up a few moments of stance or meditation as you can get them. Chi gong is like a pot put on low heat to boil.