View Full Version : strange foot thing

05-26-2006, 05:18 PM
so recently i started feeling this strange thing in my foot

its when i walk or run, as my foot rolls up for the next step, its a tight sharp pain. it feels like its a tendon or my skin. doubt skin though. it would correspond with the toe next to the big toe. its painful, but it doesnt slow me down, and it doesnt feel like it can be harmful, jjust super annoying.

it was at first just every now and then. last night i ran 2 miles and it was there the entire time.

has this ever happend to anyone.

06-01-2006, 08:51 AM
Shin splints. Ya needs better shoes or run on a softer surface.

06-01-2006, 09:02 AM
you think so?

my shins dont hurt at all though.

see i just started working again, which has been taking away from my training time (for now) but there was about 4 days in a row i didnt train. i thought it was from being lazy.

so shin splints huh?


ive been using my kwon's to run on concrete for several years now. strange all of a sudden it happens. dunno. i just hope it goes away on its own.