View Full Version : Randy williams books

05-27-2006, 11:09 AM
Hi can anyone tell me of a site or shop that sells RANDY WILLIAMS explosive art of close range combat books?AND SHIPS TO THE UK ENGLAND
They are a complete set of six books in total,I have vols 1-4 but vols 5 and 6 seem to be like gold dust and i've tried lots of sites but no joy.they pop up on ebay from time to time but they are seldom seen.
would be grateful for any info.

05-27-2006, 12:29 PM
Hey Roomey,

Have you tried Abe Books (http://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=225499916&searchurl=sts%3Dt%26an%3DRandy%2BWilliams%26y%3D0% 26tn%3DCombat%26x%3D0%26sortby%3D3)?

05-27-2006, 01:42 PM
Thanks alot matrix
can hopefully fill my collection now.
ps i recommend these books to anyone training in wing chun.
you can get vols1-4 from this site http://www.plumpub.com/sales/kungfu/collbk_WingChun2.htm

05-27-2006, 03:43 PM
save your money

05-28-2006, 01:15 AM
save your money

hi edward do you mean save my money til i can find a cheaper selling price or save my money and not bother getting the books?

05-28-2006, 04:25 AM
Save your money in the sense that books and videos... really just a waste of time in the end...if you want to get good just train, if you want to read something just read maxim or FHM.

05-28-2006, 05:08 AM
Thanks for your advice edward
if you have gone through your entire wing chun life without reading an article or book on wing chun then that is your choice and i respect it.
I agree totally that you need to train in order to be good in wing chun. but how can i learn the centreline theory,wing chun terminology,eight elements of internal/external development,body unity,structure(the list goes on and on) by just training alone ,i think you need to understand what your doing and books and vids are a learning aid for you to understand and acheive what your doing just as long as you get the right material.
when im at WC class i take a pen and paper and write down the new drills or san sau's,i have learnt,when i get home i read what i have wrote and it helps me to practice what i've learnt at the class.
Not so long ago i attended a 2 day WC seminar, there was no way of remembering the stuff i learnt by memory alone so iwas glad i had a pen and paper at hand.now i just read what i wrote and hey presto i can practice what i was taught at the seminar.
Im curently studying at college,we have books to help us understand the practical aspects of the course!
In the system i train in you cannot pass a grade until you can understand and explain theories and concepts otherwise you are like the car driver that doesn't know how the car works,we aim to be the car driver and the mechanic so we know how things work.
Even leung jan wrote 3 books on wing chun he passed down to leung bik who passed them on to Ip man. Many students of the late Grandmaster, Ip Man, saw these books and even learned many things from them.
see here.
it depends how much knowledge you want to know about the art your studying,but i recommend reading as well as practising.of course the practical will only help you in a fight but the reading will further enhance your knowledge of concepts ,principles,idea's,and theories etc..

05-28-2006, 06:40 PM
Save your money in the sense that books and videos... really just a waste of time in the end...if you want to get good just train, if you want to read something just read maxim or FHM.Absolutely disagree. Instead of wasting your time reading trash, you can find some good info in the right book or video. David Peterson's book on WSL is a great example....
I'll agree that there's a lot of junk out there, but a few select pieces can be helpful. As in most things, it pays to be discriminating.

Mr Punch
05-28-2006, 10:15 PM
Absolutely disagree. Instead of wasting your time reading trash, you can find some good info in the right book or video. That's just mean: I very much enjoyed Rene Ritchie's novel! :D

David Peterson's book on WSL is a great example...Good book, but like the above example, I'm not sure how much practical stuff I actually learned from it.

I'll agree that there's a lot of junk out there, but a few select pieces can be helpful. As in most things, it pays to be discriminating.Therein lies the problem. If you don't know what you're looking for, as the original poster doesn't seem to, any instructional text could be a big red herring.

I agree totally that you need to train in order to be good in wing chun. but how can i learn the centreline theory,wing chun terminology,eight elements of internal/external development,body unity,structure(the list goes on and on) ...depends how much knowledge you want to know about the art your studying,but i recommend reading as well as practising.of course the practical will only help you in a fight but the reading will further enhance your knowledge of concepts ,principles,idea's,and theories etc..What the...? The eight whatchawho'smafathers? I can punch if that helps! :rolleyes: :D

Of course being knowledgeable about your wing chun is useful, but as the saying goes: opinions are like a**holes - everyone has one. I think you're on the right lines with your taking notes in your seminars, and I'd give up on the quest for a huge library if I were you. Of course, if you like collecting things that's another matter... I personally am too busy to read reams of stuff that isn't related to my work or the outside world: and the spare time I have I like to spend training: which is how you'll really learn about the list you have... except the eight flimflammaflimminies of course.

05-29-2006, 01:31 AM
thanks alot mat

I'd give up on the quest for a huge library if I were you..
I didnt know that having 6 books was a huge library!(note i said there were vols 1-6)

I can punch if that helps! :.
It doesnt help me in the slightest to know that you can punch,if you took the time to read my original post carefully you would have read that i was asking about books not who can punch!save that for another post!

What suprises me is that i found this post you made some months ago(ring any bells)?

The wing chun forum's very own Rene Ritchie wrote a very entertaining and very cheesy wing chun origins novel called Legends/Embers of Shaolin or something. Check it up on that forum!

and just to remind you of what you wrote on my post

I personally am too busy to read reams of stuff that isn't related to my work or the outside world:.

Im confused mat lol

After all your efforts of typing something useful for me to read i have to be honest and say that there was nothing in there related to my question so you have wasted energy which you could have saved for your punching!

Sometimes its easy to be misunderstood but at the end of the day we all must like reading about wing chun otherwise we wouldnt be on these wing chun forums .you can't deny that
mat ,you looked on the forum for something to read you saw my post you read it,you must have had some interest in it otherwise you wouldn't have posted a comment and you posted your comments for other people including me to read,so you too must like to read when you have time,it's not so bad is it.
keep up the replies to the posts mat
happy training guys

Mr Punch
05-29-2006, 05:35 AM
Chill with it bro.

All I was saying is that training is better than reading. It's an obvious point, but needs to be made. I wasn't knocking spots off you.

The gag about being able to punch was related to the fact that many chunners go too theory-crazy... and in 10 years or so and exposure to several lineages of WC I've never come across the eight thingies you mentioned. Not saying they're not legitimate, just that I've never needed them to be able to fight.

The rest of my comments were addressed to the argument brewing between the other posters about whether it's worth reading or not.

So you see: relevant. Not wholly serious, but relevant.

I am also usually very busy and so I don't get to read much for pleasure: I come here when I'm at work for a break and a bit of light relief, hence my light-hearted post. As for Rene Ritchie's book, which I posted about today, it took about three hours to read (on crowded trains when I need some escapism and couldn't do any work if I wanted to): it's not Tolstoy! If I read a training manual on a Tokyo train I'd only end up punching some rude fellow traveller! :eek: :D

05-29-2006, 07:37 AM
thanks mat
i agree totally that you are never gonna need theory in a fight,it's just i am interested in how and why things work,i find eveything about wing chun interesting hence the reading.i do practice more than i read, its just good to sit down and relax after training or anytime of the day and read about wing chun aswell.
like i said before it's easy to be misunderstood i take everything with a pinch of salt and its all light hearted conversation.
no offence taken to any of the previous comments you made i will be posting alot more in the future as its good to get peoples different views,it's also good to have a debate now and then.
see you on another post

05-30-2006, 04:50 PM
hi roomey as a student , of randys i admit being biased, but his books are some of the best i have seen and i am versed in wsl wing chun as well go to the wing chun archive read ray van ramrooks i think i misplets ray name , very fair,reveiw , ray is a open mined wing chun person , who like evey good wing chun draws knowledge from differnt, sources unlike some who think one way has all the answers peace russellsherry

05-31-2006, 01:49 AM
thanks russellsherry
I too study wing chun from randy williams lineage,here in the uk.
that is why the books he wrote are totally relevant to my training aswell as his videos,they really help me alot.I will check out the WC archive like you advised.
thanks again

05-31-2006, 06:35 PM

I had done a seminar with Sifu William long time ago at Montreal....

This guy is nice and he know what he do....he have skill

Hes a dictiooonnary of WC....even if some people bull**** him....thats the only thing I could say .
