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05-15-2006, 02:37 PM
Are there women on this forum too? I am new.

05-15-2006, 02:51 PM
yes, there are a few of them.

not i however.

Welcome :D

05-15-2006, 03:00 PM
so glad to have you. Becca and ruf and tuff girl are 2, but I will do all I can to remember every name:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

05-15-2006, 05:06 PM
hwo could I forget about liz c. She is a woman I will be pursuing.

Mr Punch
05-15-2006, 06:42 PM
There were a lot more, but we chased em off.

Ming Yue, a high quality woman if ever there was one. And before her Eulerfan, Cady, various others...

I think most of the men on this forum like their men of the male persuasion! ;)

Welcome and stick around. :D You could have fun!

05-15-2006, 06:48 PM
... Just be careful of what you say... some of these guys can and will misconstue anything you say. ;)

And welcome! I'm here quite a bit, but I'm more of a lurker than a poster.

05-15-2006, 07:45 PM
what about hot ones? are there any that are hot? also what was blooming lotus, a she or a he?

05-15-2006, 08:01 PM
I feel like I have been hard on you hieronim. Becca, I love reading your posts, can you take this?

The Willow Sword
05-15-2006, 08:05 PM
EEK:eek: Dont even Mention Blooming Lotus!!i dont think many of us know if BL is a woman anyway.(some other species that may have some feminine attributes,but we arent 100% sure);) :D :)

As Always,,TWS

05-15-2006, 08:21 PM
imagine being me, Being almost 22 and never having had sex? How do you think that feels? My crippling shyness is killing me here. And knowing full well that a lot of females wanted me before and I was too shy to do anything about it, and this makes it even worse.

05-15-2006, 08:43 PM
but seriously, you need to go to somebody who does brainwashing or something. If you think you had it before and you are 22 now, you don't have it. I don't know what the hell having it is but the ONLY thing I know is that if you are not a good looking guy(description of me), then you need to take chances. And if you keep getting shot down, take more chances. Go to the bar, find that ugly girl who is looking at every guy there and is waiting for someone to make eye contact, just go over and sit down by her. Start a conversation. You don't need to like take her home but you are guaranteed she will talk to you and it will be good practice. Tell me what happens.

05-15-2006, 08:47 PM
yeah,yeah- me too! It's so hard being this incredibly handsome, rugged, yet sensitive man, who loves puppies and kittens, walks on the beach, sunsets, and cuddling after sex. Oh, and did I also mention that I don't even need to be satisfied myself, nope, not me. I'm really interested in giving in to anything to satisfy a woman's desires. yeah, that's it. Um..what else..let's see. Lemmie look through some of these back issues of Cosmo I have here, oh, they're not MINE, I simply keep them around for anyone who wants to read them, and also I like knowing what women truly need to talk about in their lives..and um, OH TALKING!!YES! I can listen to a woman talk all fukin DAY! Sometimes I just stay up till all hours of the night listening to my girlfriends talk, vent, lament, etc because they truly need validation-Boy, how I love that word!
yeah, so um, welcome to the forum, and pay no attention to these other fools on here. You know men, they're just after one thing.
So...got any pics? Got a webcam?
What are you wearing?

Green Cloud
05-15-2006, 08:52 PM
Hey rick sounds like you are in need of a happy ending;)

05-15-2006, 09:03 PM
just to clarify cause hieronim seriously needs some help

not a good looking guy(description of me)

05-15-2006, 09:47 PM
I feel like I have been hard on you hieronim. Becca, I love reading your posts, can you take this?

05-15-2006, 09:49 PM
what about hot ones? are there any that are hot? also what was blooming lotus, a she or a he?

hoping you could respond to the hot ones, "are there any that are hot", but the blooming lotus was nice, big ups hieronim.

05-15-2006, 09:50 PM
just to clarify cause hieronim seriously needs some help

not a good looking guy(description of me)
Self confidence is more atractive than blooming egos... ;)

05-15-2006, 10:09 PM
I guess will have to wait till Gene informs us as to the status of BL's sex. I had heard that there was some ....interesting pics sent to him :eek:

05-15-2006, 10:35 PM
this is very interesting:

as for me, I find it extremely difficult to seduce women. Before opening my mouth I'm screwed. And then, you get the question that ruins your chances. What do you do for a living? You have nothing to bring to the table. If you are honest, no girls will go with you.

05-15-2006, 10:48 PM
You Can Start By Getting Afuking Job!

05-15-2006, 10:54 PM
Nope, not true. Honesty is appriciated. But you gotta put it the right way. Telling a "nice girl" you love her... assets... will get you slapped, or worse. Treating a worldly woman like a nice girl will get you ignored, or worse.

I wasn't entierly joking about confidence winning out over ego. A hot guy who knows he's hot is a dime a dozen. (using 7*'s defenition of "hot") But a butt ugly guy with charm and selfconfidence is sexy.

This in the 21 century. Rther than trying to seduce a woman, try just talking to us. Sooner or later you might find yourself in the shoes of the 40-year-old vergin. You will have some woman you've know for years trying to lay you. Funny as that movie was, there was some good tips in there.

05-15-2006, 11:08 PM
You Can Start By Getting Afuking Job!

when I had a job I still coudlnt meet none.

05-16-2006, 12:16 AM
Dude, see, that's your problem. You WANT to meet a woman. Why? They're just bags of flesh like you that rot and decay. They realize this because they bleed every month.

Therefore, if you WANT to meet a woman, instantly you're kindof a chump. Women aren't into chumps. You come off as desperate and women don't like that. They aren't attracted to that.

If you get a woman with this attitude, you'll only attract the ones that want to scam off of you, cheat on you, take your $$$ and run.

More ...

Anyways, my recommendation to you is find a friend who is successful with women, and let him train you in how to deal with them. Otherwise you're probably never going to figure this out.

05-16-2006, 12:22 AM
this is very interesting:

as for me, I find it extremely difficult to seduce women. Before opening my mouth I'm screwed. And then, you get the question that ruins your chances. What do you do for a living? You have nothing to bring to the table. If you are honest, no girls will go with you.

You never have to tell them the truth. Just lie. If they don't like you, they'll get mad at you no matter what you say.

If they do like you, then they'll think it's romantic you lied to them to get them to go out with you.

Oh, and 90% of them 'liking you' is if you were good in the sack (meaning the 'Big O').

Nutso, yes? Don't ask me. But I've seen guys use this over and over again. Lie, lie, lie. Use it liberally and often.

05-16-2006, 01:16 AM
Dude, see, that's your problem. You WANT to meet a woman. Why? They're just bags of flesh like you that rot and decay. They realize this because they bleed every month.

Therefore, if you WANT to meet a woman, instantly you're kindof a chump. Women aren't into chumps. You come off as desperate and women don't like that. They aren't attracted to that.

If you get a woman with this attitude, you'll only attract the ones that want to scam off of you, cheat on you, take your $$$ and run.

More ...

Anyways, my recommendation to you is find a friend who is successful with women, and let him train you in how to deal with them. Otherwise you're probably never going to figure this out.

I know what it is. You have to be ana sshole and jerk and alpha male type who draws attnetion to himself by yelling or getting into arguments in front of a bar with a bouncer, etc.

05-16-2006, 01:31 AM
I know what it is. You have to be ana sshole and jerk and alpha male type who draws attnetion to himself by yelling or getting into arguments in front of a bar with a bouncer, etc.

Have you ever watched an old movie called Ferris Bueler's Day Off?

Part of the problem is if you have a problem, it's this big thing in your mind. You are blowing it totally out of proportion, so you continually mess it up.

So my recommendation is find somebody who is successful, and have them school you. Because if you know they do it, then you'll be able to do it too.

You want to learn to fight, what do you do? Do you look at great fighters and try to figure out how to fight them? No, you go out and take a martial arts class and train to fight them.

05-16-2006, 01:55 AM
The other thing is, do you have any female relatives? Or female friends?

Maybe get them to hook you up on some dates. Even if it's not with somebody you're interested in, at least then you will know what's involved in a date.

The thing is, the older you get, the harder it will be because the bigger a thing it will be in your mind. If you think it's hard at whatever age you're at, add a year, add another year, etc. It will just become this big obstacle.

Basically it's like doing a high dive into the deep end. You see it, it looks so hard, you worry you'll do a belly flop and kill yourself. So you stand up there, freaking out, and the longer you stand up there, the harder it is.

So you have 3 options. 1) Just jump, and mess up the first few times. 2) Mess around in the shallow end, do some low dives, get used to the water or 3) Be sad for the rest of your life.

I'd recommend #2, which is, have your friends set you up on some dates and GO on the dates, even if it's not somebody you're interested in, even if it's not somebody you're going to want to marry or anything, just get it over with.

Because when you finally do dive, you're just going to go, "That was easy. Why didn't I do that a long time ago?"

05-16-2006, 02:16 AM
no all my relatives dont live close to me beside my mom, and I dont have any tight friends like that. and I did try and fialed everytime, everytime I try tlakgin to a female I dont know what to say or I come off as a creepy desperate dude hitting on them.

Mr Punch
05-16-2006, 03:25 AM
I know what it is. You have to be ana sshole and jerk and alpha male type who draws attnetion to himself by yelling or getting into arguments in front of a bar with a bouncer, etc.Look at the names... there's Neil, who you've currently decided has the right idea about women... and there's Becca, whose good advice you've ignored... think carefully: which one is a woman?

...I come off as a creepy desperate dude hitting on them.Is that because you are a creepy desperate dude hitting on them?

Like I've said before: you lie, cheat and fool your women into the sack you're gonna get the liars, cheats and fools. It perpetuates a cycle of idiot, low-self-esteem behaviour.

Chill. Follow Becca's advice.

And stop hanging out on dumb websites like hatewomen.com or whatever it was, cos they're all full of other twisted losers. You might wanna stop going to the MA classes too as you seem to be an idiot... er sorry, to have the most easily damaged ego in history, and plenty of it.

05-16-2006, 03:53 AM
Look at the names... there's Neil, who you've currently decided has the right idea about women... and there's Becca, whose good advice you've ignored... think carefully: which one is a woman?

never listen to advice by women about women. women will tell you they want a sweet nice guy, but deep down isnide they know they want a wild abd boy who will dominate them (what they wish most for) and keep them on their toes, and theyll feel excited by it. What women say they want and waht theya ctually want (if they even know) are completly different things.

Mr Punch
05-16-2006, 04:16 AM
D@mn, you're stupid.

If you're not going to listen to a woman, listen to me, cos she's saying the same things I have to you on this board umpteen times: I've always had more women than I can handle and I'm a really nice guy (if a little immodest at times...! ;) )! :D Just whatever you do stop listening to losers!

05-16-2006, 04:38 AM
girls tend to go for the jerk. women tend to go for guys with confidence. at least that seems to be my experience. the reason is when they are younger they tend to mistake the guy being a jerk for him being confident. but as they get older they realize he's just a jerk.

if you can't fake confidence and you refuse to lie about what you do for a living i have the perfect solution. this wisdom was handed down to me by a wise man many many years ago. are you familiar with the 3 point stance linemen in american football use? well if not go learn it. its going to be your new best friend. so wait behind some bushes or something (in a 3 point stance) until you see a woman you find attractive walk by. and trust me this next step is crucial and its a lot quicker than chatting her up so make sure you do it right. tackle her. thats right, full on as powerful as you can tackle her. then carry her unconscious body to the hospital and bring her flowers and wait by the bed (it shows you are senstive). then when she comes to tell her how you saved her life and carried her dying body across town in your arms and have been watching after her in the hospital the whole time. she'll be so thankful she will love you forever. that way you are a jerk and a nice guy all in one (just like they want). fool proof plan.
good luck.

05-16-2006, 04:44 AM
women dont trally want a bad guy-but they do want a "bad boy". There is a difference. They like a small bit of wildness and excitement, and confidense, but a real Bad boy will end up as an abusive, low-life. They want the look and excitement, but not the real deal.
"Bad-Boy Lite" Like a"rebel" who rides a Harley, but has a job, is responsible, and takes care of his family, is not unrefined, and is considerate of others.
The starving artist, musician, writer, poet-all romantic images, yet what woman would actually want that in their life? Women want security-stability, financial, mental, and emotional.

05-16-2006, 05:56 AM
Welcome. I am one of the three women that post in these forums and I just joined recently. I am sure there are more. I don't know how this post got to the replies you are getting. It seems a little intimidating sometimes, but feel your way around the different forums. Have fun!

05-16-2006, 06:23 AM
[QUOTE=neilhytholt]Dude, see, that's your problem. You WANT to meet a woman. Why? They're just bags of flesh like you that rot and decay. They realize this because they bleed every month.

Sounds as if your girlfriend "Wendy, AKA Windy" the blow up doll and you are doing well.:D She's the ultimate woman, never rots or decays.:eek: I'll stay with the flesh and blood woman.

[QUOTE=neilhytholt]Oh, and 90% of them 'liking you' is if you were good in the sack (meaning the 'Big O')."

Man is that soo not true. More than half the women will not get the "O" that way although they will fake it. ;) It is difficult for most women. Having an asset like Gene Simmons would help. ~~~

Women can also smell the fear in you. If you do not have confidence in yourself, they'll know.
Bottom line, like yourself first before anyone else will.

05-16-2006, 11:16 AM
almost all guys who are in a band get laid. as long as the guy is in a band, hes got it made.

05-16-2006, 11:36 AM
Dude, see, that's your problem. You WANT to meet a woman. Why? They're just bags of flesh like you that rot and decay. They realize this because they bleed every month..

Sounds as if your girlfriend "Wendy, AKA Windy" the blow up doll and you are doing well.:D She's the ultimate woman, never rots or decays.:eek: I'll stay with the flesh and blood woman.
The point I was trying to make is that women are just flesh and blood, get sick, etc.

Like that one French movie where the guy's all gaga over this woman, and she goes, "Why are do you like me so much? I get sick and I'll get old, and my teeth rot."

To a lot of guys they think they're something great, something better than men or something, and that's intimidating.

But they're not better, they're just human.

Anyways, Hieronym, I don't know what to tell you. It sounds like you need more social outlets and experience.

My brother is the same way -- he's totally intimidated by women.

Maybe you can start by just talking to women at the counters at the coffee shop, bookstore, etc. Just say something stupid, like, "Oh, have you ever tried the 8 grain rolls." Or, "Have you ever read Heart of Darkness" or something like that.

Or go to parties and talk to women there, I don't know.

05-16-2006, 11:56 AM
no all my relatives dont live close to me beside my mom, and I dont have any tight friends like that. and I did try and fialed everytime, everytime I try tlakgin to a female I dont know what to say or I come off as a creepy desperate dude hitting on them.

thats because you are...

The Willow Sword
05-16-2006, 12:01 PM
I miss "Wendy-Wushu Chick":( Where is she at these days? Still in Oregon or did she go back to Cali?

You know i remember when She and i were going to get married Naked on top of a mountain in New Mexico,,,,,But then i found out she is related to "Vanilla Ice", so i traded up;) :p :D .


05-16-2006, 12:03 PM
there are around 6 billion people on this rock...

you need to be yourself. why?

because thats who you are, and any one you get in a relationship with will find out who that is eventually, why beat around the bush.

lay it all out on the table everytime.

Ray Pina
05-16-2006, 12:46 PM
lay it all out on the table everytime.

This is the best advice. Be 100% honest in your words and actions. Some girl calls you, or you call some girl and they ask, so, what ya doing, and you just finished jerking off.... tell them! "Well, uh, I just finished jerking off."

You'd be surprised what honesty will get you. You might be scared to say what you were really doing thinking you'll scare her off, but if you say the truth in confidence she might be like, "Well, you could have called me."

Then you can say, "I just did. I was just warming up, why don't you come over."

Just an example. But don't pu$$y foot around life. You want to go test your stuff, go test it out. You get knocked out, pick yourself up, learn some more and try again. You see a hot chick that turns you on, go up to her, say, "Hey, I couldn't help notice how fly you are. Any chance you'd want to hand sometime, get a bite to eat."

You are alive now dude. Balls to the wall!

05-16-2006, 12:51 PM
This is the best advice. Be 100% honest in your words and actions. Some girl calls you, or you call some girl and they ask, so, what ya doing, and you just finished jerking off.... tell them! "Well, uh, I just finished jerking off."

You might want to start with just talking to women at the checkstand. Trying to strike up conversations with strangers is probably the easiest way to get your feet wet.

Then maybe in a few months you can start going up to supermodels and telling them you'd like them to bear children and that gel in your hair is really ...

05-16-2006, 01:06 PM
two words to solve all your problems

blooming lotus

05-16-2006, 01:11 PM
two words to solve all your problems

blooming lotus

Uh, errr, more information please?

05-16-2006, 02:11 PM
Are there women on this forum too? I am new.

Yes! What art do you study? I started at age 43 with my son. He has since quit, I am now 46 and still training. I study Shaolin Chuan Fa and Taichi Praying Mantis.

05-16-2006, 02:24 PM
never listen to advice by women about women. women will tell you they want a sweet nice guy, but deep down isnide they know they want a wild abd boy who will dominate them (what they wish most for) and keep them on their toes, and theyll feel excited by it. What women say they want and waht theya ctually want (if they even know) are completly different things.
Now that is a load of crap. Nice guys, as you are trying to define them, are just plain creepy. I can see why you can't get laid. A true man is both strong, gentalmanly when the occasion calls for it, and dominating only when they know thier partner wants them to be. Just as a woman is only submissive if her partner wants her to be...

05-17-2006, 06:54 AM
i hesitated to "check in"...

guys like Hieny hate women because they are trying desperately to get back into something they originally fought their way out of. keep trying, bro!

Crushing Fist
05-17-2006, 07:24 AM

well put meltdawn :D

more likely they didn't want out in the first place, they had to get pushed. :eek:

been resentful ever since

Ming Yue
05-17-2006, 07:36 AM
Are there women on this forum too? I am new.

Hiya V!
I thought I'd pipe up since I was mentioned earlier.. (note to self: send Mat christmas cookies...)

Welcome to the forum. This is a fun place... once you figure out who to listen to... ;)

I'm lurking, reading on the mantis forum mostly... not actively training, but it's in my bones so I know I'll be back. I have about 7 or 8 years total in different arts, most recently (and the far and away favorite) about 3 years with Pong Lai Praying Mantis.

As far as other women on the forum...
along with the others that have introduced themselves here, Becca really knows her stuff, and SA Mantis has plenty of knowledge too.

Good luck in your training!

05-21-2006, 11:31 PM
bad boys = players. The more of a player a guy is the more desirable he is, females say they dont want a guy that will cheat on them and be disloyal but that's exactly who they're attracted to. Than they have a loser type nice guy who wishes he was with ehr but she only sues him to vent and a shoulder to cry on. College aged chicks go to parties and have sex with random guys or chase bad boys from biker bars, than when they realize theyre getting old they egt married with the same kind of loser schmuck who used to be a nice guy and a shoulder to cry on only cause he has money now as some computer nerd. Basically they always win, even in divorces (which they most of the time initiate) they egt child support payments.

05-22-2006, 12:12 AM
bad boys = players. The more of a player a guy is the more desirable he is, females say they dont want a guy that will cheat on them and be disloyal but that's exactly who they're attracted to. Than they have a loser type nice guy who wishes he was with ehr but she only sues him to vent and a shoulder to cry on. College aged chicks go to parties and have sex with random guys or chase bad boys from biker bars, than when they realize theyre getting old they egt married with the same kind of loser schmuck who used to be a nice guy and a shoulder to cry on only cause he has money now as some computer nerd. Basically they always win, even in divorces (which they most of the time initiate) they egt child support payments.

Guys shouldn't really get married. It used to be that guys got to be in charge of the family because they were the strongest, and went out to support the family financially.

Now, nobody is in charge and the marriage contract holds only responsibilities for the man but no privileges.

Just say no to marriage. It's a losing proposition for a guy.

05-22-2006, 01:16 AM
Wtf Award Of The Week. I Dont Think Heronim Is Looking To Get Married. Lol Times 10.

05-22-2006, 02:52 AM
Wtf Award Of The Week. I Dont Think Heronim Is Looking To Get Married. Lol Times 10.

College aged chicks go to parties and have sex with random guys or chase bad boys from biker bars, than when they realize theyre getting old they egt married with the same kind of loser schmuck who used to be a nice guy and a shoulder to cry on only cause he has money now as some computer nerd. Basically they always win, even in divorces (which they most of the time initiate) they egt child support payments.

I'm just addressing his observation. That a lot of women won't give responsible guys the time of day, until they're older, then they latch onto them to help raise their kids, and then dump them when they can get a bunch of assets. Usually the women get the kids and the house, and the guy is stuck with payments, and the kids he may or may not get to see. I have a few friends who don't get to see their kids very often because the ex decided to move out of state yet the husband has to keep paying support which may or may not get spent on the kids.

Bottom line is the system is set up right now in favor of women. Men get the losing end in the family courts.

So just say no to marriage. If the women want to do that (have kids), they can do it alone or with some schmuck who is too dumb to realize he's getting taken.


I should add that the bitterest irony is in most states you have to pay child support even for kids who aren't yours. So what happened to one guy I know is that his wife was always pushing him to make more money. So he takes on extra hours at work. So he's hardly ever home, so his wife had an affair with his best (???) friend, and his wife gets pregnant. Wife decides to leave him, best friend moves into the house, he moves out. Wife gets house, he gets stuck supporting a kid that isn't even his.

They're changing the laws, but it's happening slowly. Bottom line is just say no to marriage until the laws are changed.

David Jamieson
05-22-2006, 07:26 AM
I'm just addressing his observation. That a lot of women won't give responsible guys the time of day, until they're older, then they latch onto them to help raise their kids, and then dump them when they can get a bunch of assets. Usually the women get the kids and the house, and the guy is stuck with payments, and the kids he may or may not get to see. I have a few friends who don't get to see their kids very often because the ex decided to move out of state yet the husband has to keep paying support which may or may not get spent on the kids.

Bottom line is the system is set up right now in favor of women. Men get the losing end in the family courts.

So just say no to marriage. If the women want to do that (have kids), they can do it alone or with some schmuck who is too dumb to realize he's getting taken.


I should add that the bitterest irony is in most states you have to pay child support even for kids who aren't yours. So what happened to one guy I know is that his wife was always pushing him to make more money. So he takes on extra hours at work. So he's hardly ever home, so his wife had an affair with his best (???) friend, and his wife gets pregnant. Wife decides to leave him, best friend moves into the house, he moves out. Wife gets house, he gets stuck supporting a kid that isn't even his.

They're changing the laws, but it's happening slowly. Bottom line is just say no to marriage until the laws are changed.


Ima gonna guess you've had a string of bad experiences and don't recognize that you are in fact one half of the tango partnership and need to take responsibility for your steps, or on the other hand you have very little experience and have been listening to others who 'think' they know.

In truth, each and everyone of us has different experience in life and different motivations in how we go about living and sharing our lives with others.

I'm a happily married guy, I have a son from a past relationship, I paid child support and I'm not in the least bit bitter about it in fact I'm happy to have contributed in whatever way. Time and distance haven't seperated us so drastically. Life ebbs and flows as it will, but the strength of your swimming will indeed make a difference in your personal outcome.

05-22-2006, 08:48 AM
Heiny's only posting here because he's too much of a p^$$y to hang at sherdog. i haven't quite figured out why neil keeps wanting to empathise with a 21-year old virgin. wait... hates women, likes 21-yo virgin boy... hmmmmmmm... John Wayne Gacey anyone?

05-22-2006, 08:49 AM

Ima gonna guess you've had a string of bad experiences and don't recognize that you are in fact one half of the tango partnership and need to take responsibility for your steps, or on the other hand you have very little experience and have been listening to others who 'think' they know.

In truth, each and everyone of us has different experience in life and different motivations in how we go about living and sharing our lives with others.

I'm a happily married guy, I have a son from a past relationship, I paid child support and I'm not in the least bit bitter about it in fact I'm happy to have contributed in whatever way. Time and distance haven't seperated us so drastically. Life ebbs and flows as it will, but the strength of your swimming will indeed make a difference in your personal outcome.

I have had bad experiences with women, even though I did everything correctly. I never cheated, I never treated them poorly, but still they did bad things. Maybe they were the wrong women. However, based on that, and my aunts and one of my grandmothers, who divorced their husbands just because they were 'bored'. (Their words -- there was no violence or anything). So, based upon the laws in the U.S. and other commonwealth countries, I don't think it's worth it for men.

In Australia they're a bit more advanced with this, and they even realize it's a problem because 25% of men now aren't getting married because of the excessive awards in family court.

Just because I don't want to do it, don't blame me. Takes two to tango, yes, but only takes 1 to break it off. And the woman usually instigates divorce, not the man, and not because of any violence or anything. And when paternity tests are done, something like 1/3 show the kid actually isn't the husband's kid.

So if you're into that, that's fine. But I'm not interested in becoming a martyr myself. And who knows, maybe it works out for some people. Personally, I'm a terrible judge of character, and tend to pick women who do not work out.

05-22-2006, 08:51 AM
Heiny's only posting here because he's too much of a p^$$y to hang at sherdog. i haven't quite figured out why neil keeps wanting to empathise with a 21-year old virgin. wait... hates women, likes 21-yo virgin boy... hmmmmmmm... John Wayne Gacey anyone?

Because if somebody told ME the facts before I had to go through it the hard way, it would have saved me a LOT of grief.

Instead I got a lot of nonsense and lies told to me. I don't hate women. Why if you try to protect yourself from predatory women do people say you hate women?

If women try to protect themselves from guys who beat them, do you call them man-haters? No, you do not. So if I try to protect myself from gold-diggers, you call me a woman-hater. Why is that? Why the double-standard?

Edit ...

Oh, so now you're accusing me of being a serial killer, eh? Shame on you, and I hope the moderators ban you. Why would you accuse somebody of that if they're just trying to stay away from gold-diggers?

05-22-2006, 09:15 AM
no all my relatives dont live close to me beside my mom, and I dont have any tight friends like that. and I did try and fialed everytime, everytime I try tlakgin to a female I dont know what to say or I come off as a creepy desperate dude hitting on them.

well then **** your mom.

problem solved.

05-22-2006, 09:32 AM
well then **** your mom.

problem solved.

You people are mean.

05-22-2006, 11:33 AM
people arent mean. gda is mean. get used to it.

here is a bit of advice for you guys.

when a guy says he knows women, or a women says she knows men.

DONT listen to thier advice. cause they are wrong, they dont know.

its NOT black and white like that.

there are players on both ends, users, cheaters, good ones bad ones, and ever other thing. on BOTH sides of the fence.

the only thing you can do, is be yourself, use your better judgement. and dont RUSH things. if it happens it happens. you can look but dont NEED. cause you dont.

05-22-2006, 11:52 AM
well then **** your mom.

problem solved.

you might have to walk him through it.

05-22-2006, 12:02 PM
did she get scared away yet? :p :p :p

05-22-2006, 12:07 PM
you might have to walk him through it.

if she made him i was assuming that she would be able to handle it.

if im wrong my mom is available for the better part 10 bucks.

05-22-2006, 12:21 PM
what's your mom's cut of that?

David Jamieson
05-22-2006, 12:35 PM
I get a buck and a half because of the rock solid contract I had her sign unwittingly back in '74.

05-22-2006, 01:50 PM
its true ... my mom paid for kung leks hot tub with her vagina.

05-22-2006, 02:18 PM
I'm a woman, and I used to post on here but I don't anymore. This is the first post in a loooooooong time, and there probably won't be another for an equally long time. I still come back and read once a month or every other month to see if there is something I can learn--kung fu-wise. Reading over this thread reminds me of why I don't post anymore.

Two things I want to say:

1. Mat is right on the money. He is a man after my own heart. Ignore his words at your own peril.

2. GDA is NOT mean--he's funny as hell, albeit with some female angst. What can I say? He has an endearing quality about him, perhaps because he tries so hard not to.

05-22-2006, 03:00 PM
I'm a woman, and I used to post on here but I don't anymore. This is the first post in a loooooooong time, and there probably won't be another for an equally long time. I still come back and read once a month or every other month to see if there is something I can learn--kung fu-wise. Reading over this thread reminds me of why I don't post anymore.

Two things I want to say:

1. Mat is right on the money. He is a man after my own heart. Ignore his words at your own peril.

2. GDA is NOT mean--he's funny as hell, albeit with some female angst. What can I say? He has an endearing quality about him, perhaps because he tries so hard not to.

If there's one thing I've learned about women, is that mostly they cannot live without men.

And they will say anything they can to get their way and convince you that they 'love' you to get what they want out of you.

But when they're done with you, they're done, and that's it. They're ruthless like that.

So Mat is NOT right. Do NOT listen to the women. Unless you want to get chewed up and spat out like so many other guys are these days.

I've had so many women lie to me it's not even funny. Like the last person I talked to about relationships was my aunt by marriage. She said that women are fundamentally non-cheaters, that women hardly ever lie, and that you can trust them.

Is it any better with men? Probably not. Read below for why.

I guess she forgot that she was the best friend of my uncle's wife, and cheated by sleeping with her best friend's husband, and then married him.

I've been calling it 'selective memory'. Meaning, they remember what they want to remember, not what really happened.

Oh, and then they'll attack you and claim that you're some murderer or hater or something for bringing up stuff like this.

Anyway, if you want to listen to Mat, go right ahead. Maybe you'll be one of the men who doesn't get screwed over. I mean, ~50% of marriages succeed, right? So you've got a 50-50 chance, right?

Oh, and that doesn't mean men aren't better. I mean, my uncle cheated by sleeping with his wife's best friend.

05-22-2006, 03:10 PM
if your really worried about it.

go online, buy a wife, give a refridgerator to her family, move her to america. then at least you have a good while till she wont be worried about deportation and start cheating on you.

05-22-2006, 03:20 PM
if your really worried about it.

go online, buy a wife, give a refridgerator to her family, move her to america. then at least you have a good while till she wont be worried about deportation and start cheating on you.

No, just don't get married. It's called the 'marriage strike'. Just don't get married and don't have any kids, and then enough women will be freaking out they'll have to change the marriage laws.

The marriage laws are based in the time when women didn't work outside the home, so they're totally antiquated anyway. All they did was get rid of the part of men being in charge over the woman, but they didn't get rid of the rest of it, so it's unfairly biased right now.

05-22-2006, 03:25 PM
they should just bring back the part where men are in charge.

05-22-2006, 03:31 PM
they should just bring back the part where men are in charge.

No, when the men are in charge the families are too big. This was all designed during the Nixon administration because the age at marriage was at a century-low and birth-rates were out of control.

So they decided to get women into the workforce to reduce the population. Which obviously didn't work 100%, but the birthrates have gone down a lot.

05-22-2006, 04:31 PM
did she get scared away yet? :p :p :p

yeah, curious viv is never coming back. Neily holt, you are kind of scaring me now. I mean you are retreading a lot of things that that mr. anti woman has said. Relationships, can be very profitable. Look at yourself. Maybe your parents weren't a great couple, but perfect ones are a dime a dozen. No matter how much you get hurt, you should still get that urge to have a relationship and maybe get married. Didn't read your last 2 or 3 posts, but read too much of the earlier ones. Let me ask you. If you keep getting your ass kicked by people, are you gonna give up? If you keep losin at chess, will you give up at that. There are plenty of good women out there. Maybe they don't hold up to perfection. But plenty of good ones. From experience I haven't met many. But that is no reason to discount marriage and important things like that all together.

05-22-2006, 07:02 PM
Vivi, are you from Texas but moved to minneapolis?

Mr Punch
05-22-2006, 07:47 PM
1. Mat is right on the money. He is a man after my own heart. Ignore his words at your own peril.Thank you Mel. If you put always in that first sentence then I'm about ready to marry you as a prelude to giving you the shirt off my back, my firstborn, my house, and a steady supply of fish for the rest of your days. Except I don't have any. Do you? Maybe I could borrow some...

Sorry bout the babbling... tho it seems de rigeur in this thread.

Neil, I like you. You're full of **** and twisted as hell, but you're consistant. Unlike that eejit Herorhim.

05-22-2006, 10:05 PM
yeah, curious viv is never coming back. Neily holt, you are kind of scaring me now. I mean you are retreading a lot of things that that mr. anti woman has said. Relationships, can be very profitable. Look at yourself. Maybe your parents weren't a great couple, but perfect ones are a dime a dozen. No matter how much you get hurt, you should still get that urge to have a relationship and maybe get married. Didn't read your last 2 or 3 posts, but read too much of the earlier ones. Let me ask you. If you keep getting your ass kicked by people, are you gonna give up? If you keep losin at chess, will you give up at that. There are plenty of good women out there. Maybe they don't hold up to perfection. But plenty of good ones. From experience I haven't met many. But that is no reason to discount marriage and important things like that all together.

No. Let's say you want to go to China. You really want to go to China. Everybody always says how great China is, and there are all these stories. You want to see temples and martial arts masters and all that.

So you go to China, and the place is crowded, it's stinky. You visit the temples and it's all fake -- they're just there for your money. They dress in traditional costumes to get your $$$ but they change out of them when they go home or go out shopping.

So China isn't what you thought. So if you come home, and decide not to move to China, does that mean you gave up? Does that mean you got your ass kicked?

No, it means that China wasn't what it was cracked up to be.

05-22-2006, 10:19 PM
Well You Could Always Find A Different Country

05-22-2006, 10:26 PM
Well You Could Always Find A Different Country

Whatever. I don't see the point, honestly. I've had enough women room-mates and been around my female relatives enough, been around enough of their bathroom conversations with their panties around their legs, that the thrill is gone.

Women are just people, too. No better than men and nothing special. Nothing worth signing your finances away for.


Maybe your parents weren't a great couple, but perfect ones are a dime a dozen.

It doesn't seem like you've been in any relationships, or you would know, that there are no perfect couples. There's always problems.

05-22-2006, 10:44 PM
Are You A Monk?

05-22-2006, 11:13 PM
Are You A Monk?

No. But sometimes I watch it on T.V.

05-23-2006, 02:43 PM

language is not work safe

05-23-2006, 05:27 PM
How did that initial question get here? You are all very funny, but I see how I may feel intimidated.


05-23-2006, 06:41 PM
How did that initial question get here? You are all very funny, but I see how I may feel intimidated.


Don't worry about it. This probably isn't the first place where you've run into people with 'issues'.

05-23-2006, 10:03 PM
V, this board is filled with many people who appear to have the mental age of pubescent schoolboys. They salavate at the thought of females, while at the same time wanting to avoid contact with them for fear of catching the 'lurgey', so they huddle together in their little male groups.

Fortunately, there are also some smart martial artists here, who will give you reasonable answers and good advice. Some of them are female too.

So please, don't be put off by the pathetic behaviour of some, and stay around if you can bear it to read the decent insights and info from the others. :)

Mr Punch
05-23-2006, 10:22 PM
Sek is right of course, except in his spelling of salivate and lurgy. But he is a sociologist.

Stick around, but don't expect things to stay on topic, and don't worry about the odd death match challenge.

Talking of which, will you fight me to the death in a cage?

05-24-2006, 06:50 AM
watch the video i posted ****ers

it is teh funny

05-24-2006, 06:56 AM
V, this board is filled with many people who appear to have the mental age of pubescent schoolboys. They salavate at the thought of females, while at the same time wanting to avoid contact with them for fear of catching the 'lurgey', so they huddle together in their little male groups.

Fortunately, there are also some smart martial artists here, who will give you reasonable answers and good advice. Some of them are female too.

So please, don't be put off by the pathetic behaviour of some, and stay around if you can bear it to read the decent insights and info from the others. :)

Sek, some of us have had girlfriends, wives, children and divorces and speak from experience, not from fear.

As I often say, I used to be afraid of women. Now I have reason to be afraid.

Edit ... and sociologist? Gimme a freaking break. When I was in college, sociologist was one step below psychologist in the 'easy major' list. I myself was a biologist, which was MUCH harder than sociologist or psychologist. If you are a sociology major and think you've got the entire world figured out, that's pretty pathetic, IMHO.

Mr Punch
05-24-2006, 07:31 AM
Sek, some of us have had girlfriends, wives, children and divorces and speak from experience, not from fear.So do you think your experience outweighs your initial naivety and lack of wit to choose wisely or work at something?

As I often say, I used to be afraid of women. Now I have reason to be afraid.And again, you often saying something makes it wise? Insightful? Useful to others? There are lots of people who have positive experiences of women, or don't let negative ones colour their judgment to become generalized prejudiced nonsense.

Edit ... and sociologist? Gimme a freaking break. When I was in college, sociologist was one step below psychologist in the 'easy major' list. I myself was a biologist, which was MUCH harder than sociologist or psychologist. If you are a sociology major and think you've got the entire world figured out, that's pretty pathetic, IMHO.And proof positive... that has to be THE single most adolescent attempt at a p!ssing contest I've seen on here - and there's some comeptition.

And not that it's any of your business, or even relevant but since you brought it up, I'd almost guarantee that he's more highly qualified than you, and is a professional researcher in a cutting edge industry. My gag about his being in sociology is just that, cos I know the understatement'll get a rise out of him. I also know, unlike some whose world-view of life, academia AND women doesn't appear to have graduated from high school, let alone university, that whatever you study in uni doesn't necessarily make you the person you are.

05-24-2006, 07:54 AM
So do you think your experience outweighs your initial naivety and lack of wit to choose wisely or work at something?

And again, you often saying something makes it wise? Insightful? Useful to others? There are lots of people who have positive experiences of women, or don't let negative ones colour their judgment to become generalized prejudiced nonsense.

And proof positive... that has to be THE single most adolescent attempt at a p!ssing contest I've seen on here - and there's some comeptition.

And not that it's any of your business, or even relevant but since you brought it up, I'd almost guarantee that he's more highly qualified than you, and is a professional researcher in a cutting edge industry. My gag about his being in sociology is just that, cos I know the understatement'll get a rise out of him. I also know, unlike some whose world-view of life, academia AND women doesn't appear to have graduated from high school, let alone university, that whatever you study in uni doesn't necessarily make you the person you are.

Whatever. I deal with a lot of people who claim to be academics and educated people, and my 'adolescent' manner of putting forth arguments has its detractors, because it's not sophisticated, it's not pretentious, it's not academic, etc.

Because honestly, I don't really give a darn what they think! I did my time in that field, and they get their $$$ from being pretentious and seeming educated. That game is a game of politics and sales. But it doesn't mean they know their ass from their front-hole, just that they have to brown-nose to survive.

05-24-2006, 08:47 AM
my 'adolescent' manner of putting forth arguments has its detractors, because it's not sophisticated, it's not pretentious, it's not academic, etc.
Er... I think you'll find that it's not so much the 'adolescent' manner of putting forth arguments that provokes the response. Rather, that your arguments appear to be b*ll*cks. :confused:

05-24-2006, 08:50 AM
and they get their $$$ from being pretentious and seeming educated.

Technically, I guess we get our $$$ because we are educated, not just seeming it? And believe me, 'uneducated' people are often the ones with more $$$. But it does seem like you have a chip on your shoulder about this - was one of the previous wives/girlfriends who apparently messed you up so much... an academic?

05-24-2006, 08:55 AM
You know, I don't like to talk about my own experiences because it's so hard thinking about it.

But I was a naive guy. I didn't understand women. I got married, thinking that my wife was great and stable, etc. She came from a good family, she didn't show any bad behavior.

But she was not. She wanted to stay home because she said it would be better for the kids. I went along with it -- I didn't think it would be a problem. She always complained about how hard it was taking care of the kids, so I helped out with the chores. In fact, like my dad, I did most of the work around the house.

Anyway, evidently she had too much time on her hands, and there started to be warning signs, like she got pulled over for erratic driving. She blamed it on her prescriptions, and I believed her. Turns out she was on something other than prescription medicine. Then our son almost drowned in the hot-tub. Luckily, a neighbor happened to be watching at the time because he was retired and doing some cutting on his tree, and he got him out in time. Thank goodness for retired snoopy neighbors, or my son wouldn't be here today. It turns out that my wife was busy screwing some old boyfriend and wasn't paying attention to the kids.

Anyway, bottom line is my wife wasn't a very good mom, and now I have custody of both my son and daughter, after a lengthy court battle where she tried everything she could do to discredit me, she lied about everything, and I had to get testimony from everybody from neighbors to doctors to her own relatives.

So when people are always saying it's the man's fault, it's just wrong. It's more than wrong, it's just plain stupid. You can do everything right and it can still get messed up.

So I'm sorry if, when I see young guys like Hieronym, about to make the same mistakes that I made, I go off. But calling it pre-pubescent or whatever is just wrong. It's more than wrong, it's just moronic.

05-24-2006, 08:58 AM
Technically, I guess we get our $$$ because we are educated, not just seeming it? And believe me, 'uneducated' people are often the ones with more $$$. But it does seem like you have a chip on your shoulder about this - was one of the previous wives/girlfriends who apparently messed you up so much... an academic?

No, my wife wasn't an academic. But I have dealt with academics, and the soft sciences are (almost) total B.S. At least in the sciences they usually have raw data.

It's very easy to lie with statistics. It happens in the hard sciences, but at least there they usually have reproducible experiments. But the soft sciences are too subjective.

05-24-2006, 09:03 AM
Er... I think you'll find that it's not so much the 'adolescent' manner of putting forth arguments that provokes the response. Rather, that your arguments appear to be b*ll*cks. :confused:

I'll agree I haven't made my case very well. Here's a little paper out of New Zealand that I think explains my case from the financial direction.


As for the rest, well, whatever. I'm not going to waste my time putting together a researched paper on it. I think the 25% herpes rate for women and 20% herpes rate for men (at least in the U.S. -- check the CDC if you don't believe me), underscores the need to be careful about sex.

05-24-2006, 10:05 AM
Oh, BTW, the ex is back living with her parents because I sued her for negligence and won. :) Whoever said there was no justice didn't have a good lawyer.

05-24-2006, 10:29 AM
OK, I'm having fun now.

So what are you pi$$ing and moaning about Neilhytholt? It sounds like you won the battles. Yeah, it sucks that you had to go through it all, but we all have our yoke to bear. My brother also had a HORRIBLE wife, and he, too, has custody of the children. Things ARE changing, slowly, when appropriate.

For the most part, it's still the woman's responsibility to take care of the kids....and do a sh!tload of work around the house as well, often work outside the house for extra money. And if you don't think it's hard to raise kids, you're off your rocker because those little beasts (yes, I love them) can drive you to the point of insanity. You have custody of your kids, so you ought to know. Or do you pay a woman (daycare worker) to watch them? It's not the same thing.

Some guys help out and do their fair share.....SOME guys. A lot of guys don't. They still want to be lord of the manor, walk around as if they are superior, and then they don't understand when their wives dump their lazy a$$es. "Oh, she's so mean.......she's so cold and calculating.....I gave her everything......." Yeah, everything but an equal partner.

There are good guys out there and bad guys. There are good women out there and bad women. IT'S NOT A GENDER ISSUE. IT'S A PERSON ISSUE. If you want to find a decent woman, you will. If you'd rather sulk and fling accusations, you will reap what you sow. But these sweeping generalizations have got to go.

And as for refusing to marry women, it'll never happen--NEVER HAPPEN. Got that? Women don't NEED to be married to have a family and enjoy all that goes with that into their old age. Men do, for the most part. Sorry, but that's the way it is. I didn't make the rules, Nature did. You can console yourself with the fact that you're much bigger and stronger than most of us women--almost everyone on the planet is bigger and stronger than me. If it seems like small consolation, you can always wish for better in the next life.

If you really don't want to get married......then DON'T. It's just like those people who say they are against abortion. Really? Then freakin' don't have one!

Now...........Mat..........I will fight you to the death in a cage. Or something.;)

05-24-2006, 10:37 AM
you cant let things eat at you like that man.

to assume everyone is the same is the wrong assumption to make.

what has happend is, and what will be is left up to you.

its like fire, you get burned at some point. but you dont just never use fire again. you just learn how to do things the right way. learn from the past. dont fear it.

05-24-2006, 10:38 AM
[QUOTE=viviana]How did that initial question get here? You are all very funny, but I see how I may feel intimidated.

FYI, if you have questions, most on here are very helpful, and they can be funny too:)

05-24-2006, 10:43 AM

dont be too intimidated. many of us on here are just stuck in an office all day, and get that wackyness in us that comes from being cooped up like chickens.

05-24-2006, 11:36 AM
watch the video i posted ****ers

it is teh funny

yeah, i date fire!

GDA, are you covered in glass? i'm coming over.

05-24-2006, 11:55 AM
OK, I'm having fun now.

So what are you pi$$ing and moaning about Neilhytholt? It sounds like you won the battles. Yeah, it sucks that you had to go through it all, but we all have our yoke to bear. My brother also had a HORRIBLE wife, and he, too, has custody of the children. Things ARE changing, slowly, when appropriate.


If you really don't want to get married......then DON'T. It's just like those people who say they are against abortion. Really? Then freakin' don't have one!

Now...........Mat..........I will fight you to the death in a cage. Or something.;)

No, I don't watch them during the day, except on weekends. They're in school now, but it's been a bit tough during the summers, but my parents have been helping out.

But really they're pretty much self-maintaining, beyond the obvious doctors visits, clothes shopping and all that.

It is a lot of work, but a lot less than I thought. IMHO the reason American families suck so badly and the kids take so much work is women running the show.

In fact, I've got my kids helping out around the house now, and we make it into games to see who can get done the quickest. Then we treat ourselves with stuff like ice cream or video games.

Get the woman out of the picture and the kids do what you say with very little griping. Weird how that works. I think it's got something to do with getting attention out of the mom and moms spoiling kids.

05-24-2006, 11:58 AM
yeah, i date fire!

GDA, are you covered in glass? i'm coming over.

hehe ... that guy is my hero.

05-24-2006, 12:03 PM
Get the woman out of the picture and the kids do what you say with very little griping.


i bet mel is gonna pop a blood vessel.

05-24-2006, 12:26 PM

i bet mel is gonna pop a blood vessel.

Well I used to be a liberal, but after this entire family thing, I guess I'm more of a conservative. IMHO the reason for the breakdown of the family and so many delinquents and stuff in the U.S. is due to a lack of fathers running the show.

If you look at the most delinquent people, they're mostly children of single mothers. IMHO kids get spoiled by their mothers, literally.

05-24-2006, 12:30 PM
Speaking of cages, rufntufgirl ...;)

I think I know you. Does your dad race horses at belmont in LI and didn't your family have a small bread and oil store on Mott St in NYC?

05-24-2006, 01:18 PM
Speaking of cages, rufntufgirl ...;)

I think I know you. Does your dad race horses at belmont in LI and didn't your family have a small bread and oil store on Mott St in NYC?

wow 7 pages and gda and the kfo virgin crew hasnt scared her away... :p

05-24-2006, 01:40 PM
wow 7 pages and gda and the kfo virgin crew hasnt scared her away... :p

im trying to behave myself. there are ladies present.

ladies have vaginas.

05-24-2006, 01:52 PM
im trying to behave myself. there are ladies present.

ladies have vaginas.

hahahahahah you crack me up gda.

05-24-2006, 05:47 PM
What the f***! Who r you? My dad does indeed race horses and yes about the store,

Who's your daddy b****?

05-24-2006, 06:25 PM
If you look at the most delinquent people, they're mostly children of single mothers. IMHO kids get spoiled by their mothers, literally.

I'm sure that fact came out of some good hard scientific observation (it's not true by the way) :rolleyes:

Anyway, seriously, you have issues that are not going to help you or your children in the long run. Your kids are going to have to live in a world with both men and women in the future, so I hope you're not teaching them to hate women too - that won't help them get along in the world. As Mel said, you've been hurt, and clearly it was a very tough time for you, but it might make sense to deal with why you're so injured by it all and move on, rather than painting all women with the same brush. Some people are sh1theads, both men and women, surely you see that?

Oh, and if you were a real conservative you would be wanting more women in the picture, not less. Only, they'd be tied to the children at home for no pay, while you're out at work or the golf club. :D

05-24-2006, 07:29 PM

" SO lately i've had to listen to many american girls in my daily business meetings, trade shows, etc.

Here is what a conversation is like with a "modern" American chick:


I have had hundreds of conversations with American women the last 2 months and I can count on my left hand the number of mildly intelligent conversations i've had. Mildly intelligent, meaning: THey know who the vice president is, they have at least a 4th grade understanding of Geography, and have read a book in the last 10 years. And i'm not joking, either.

The MAJORITY of them are in their 20's, single mothers (what a SHOCKER!) and have so much baggage it is painful to listen to them. It is just a blur; all I can hear is them dumping their problems in MY LAP while I sit there. OH BUT WAIT! then there is the dramatic pause; "WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING"? Once they find out, i'm incredibly interesting, beautiful, and they want my seed (even though they know i'm married).

One thing they ALL have in common; THEY WILL NOT SHUT...THE....****....UP....

talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk ME ME EM EMEM EMEMMEMEMEMEME ME ME ME ME...the whole conversation revolves around them and their "important" lives of tanning, pedicures, louis vuitton bags, and their laughable McCareers they all have. THis is in between them interupting conversation to answer their cell phone with the pink case on it.

One girl I recently talked to who couldn't keep her greedy little hands off my **** was acting all high end on me. Once she found out I owned a few businesses, she wanted to tell me her life story and make herself sound grand. WHen I asked *HER* what she did for a living, she was a "Nail technician".

I seriously, for the love of baby jezus, have NO CLUE how the **** you guys date these girls, let alone have a conversation with them. The majority are laughable, pathetic, sub-human androids whose lives are devoid of any meaning.

P.S. the bright side is 99% of them will sleep with you within 2 hours of meeting them (and YES, whether she's your girlfriend or not, her panties are comin down, G!"

note, besides his accurate portrayal his last sentence suggests his goal in life is either to have sex with as many people as possible or he believes relationships are established by sex.

05-24-2006, 07:51 PM


I have had hundreds of conversations with American women the last 2 months .

you make it sound life your life sucks. But now I am wishing I was you. I would like to have some variation in nationality, but if that was presented to me, I would be in heaven.

05-24-2006, 08:05 PM
you make it sound life your life sucks. But now I am wishing I was you. I would like to have some variation in nationality, but if that was presented to me, I would be in heaven.

What? There's no bars in Omaha?

Oh, that Adonis guy is a male model. Ahahahaha

05-24-2006, 09:40 PM
Well I used to be a liberal, but after this entire family thing, I guess I'm more of a conservative. IMHO the reason for the breakdown of the family and so many delinquents and stuff in the U.S. is due to a lack of fathers running the show.

If you look at the most delinquent people, they're mostly children of single mothers. IMHO kids get spoiled by their mothers, literally.

well ... i can see where you are coming from. nothing irritates me more than suzi blaming something on adora wouldn't listen. what the **** do you mean she wouldnt listen??? shes ****ing 6 ... make her listen.

but when it comes time to comfort her when she's crying or to play barbies without turning them into zombies things are different. this is where suzi shines. im not completely worthless at such things, but this is definitely mom's role.

both mothers and fathers have duties to fulfill and i think both are equally important. the problem is that too many parents refuse to fulfill their duties on both sides. there are too many mothers such as your ex and too many fathers who think its enough that they didn't run off and their responsibility ends with the pay check. i don't think that anything has been taken away from american men where parenting is concerned. there's just too many who don't parent period. they let the moms run the show and could give a **** less when they are left to pick up slack they were never intended to deal with. women do the same thing.

dads are supposed to be better at discipline. more often than not we're scarier than mom. but that doesn't mean there isn't a hundered other things that are better handled with a lighter touch.

05-24-2006, 10:01 PM
but when it comes time to comfort her when she's crying or to play barbies without turning them into zombies things are different. this is where suzi shines. im not completely worthless at such things, but this is definitely mom's role.

Well, the only thing I'm not looking forward to is when she hits 11-12, trying to explain women's stuff to her. I'm hoping my sister will handle that little item.

But a shoulder to cry on, how hard's that? Just pick them up, give them a hug, bounce them a little ... I guess the long nights trying to get them asleep when they're in their first months is good training for that.

Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have a mom around, but none of us are ready to go through all that again. :eek:

05-24-2006, 10:28 PM
But a shoulder to cry on, how hard's that? Just pick them up, give them a hug, bounce them a little ... I guess the long nights trying to get them asleep when they're in their first months is good training for that.

Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have a mom around, but none of us are ready to go through all that again. :eek:

right right ... im not saying dads can't handle comforting but as a general rule moms are better at it.

and i hear ya dude. no mom is much better than a ****ty one .... i'm just sayin that moms in general aren't as bad as all that.

05-24-2006, 10:54 PM
right right ... im not saying dads can't handle comforting but as a general rule moms are better at it.

and i hear ya dude. no mom is much better than a ****ty one .... i'm just sayin that moms in general aren't as bad as all that.

Well, as sis reminds me, mommy is just on 'time out'. So she'll be back around eventually. Not sure how that one is going to work. :confused:

05-25-2006, 01:14 PM
What a bunch of morons we have posting here. The problem is this: a lot of you are writing things like, "women want this" and "women are like that" and "women love it when so and so" and "women love this" and "women hate that." Some of you are acting like we are all one person. THAT is your problem. Maybe that's why you're never getting any. Stop thinking in terms of a hive mind and see women as individuals instead of vaginas with legs and maybe you'll get somewhere.

Sad, you know?


05-25-2006, 01:30 PM
What a bunch of morons we have posting here. The problem is this: a lot of you are writing things like, "women want this" and "women are like that" and "women love it when so and so" and "women love this" and "women hate that." Some of you are acting like we are all one person. THAT is your problem. Maybe that's why you're never getting any. Stop thinking in terms of a hive mind and see women as individuals instead of vaginas with legs and maybe you'll get somewhere.

Sad, you know?


Sorry, but IMHO all women have a set of attributes that are similar, such as eating, sleeping, wearing clothes, shoes, a certain set of needs and desires, and a certain set of operating parameters based upon their culture and surroundings.

IMHO if you contrast women vs. monkeys, for example, or men vs. monkeys, you'll find that the men or women are a lot more similar to each other than they are to the monkeys.

For example, women are worse at technical things and building things than men. There may be some that aren't, but mostly they are. How many car mechanics do you know that are women compared to men? How many computer programmers do you know that are women compared to men? How many construction workers do you know that are women compared to men?

And take women across a widely varying set of social parameters from middle America to Malaysia to Britain. Women are more likely to be interested in getting their nails done, wearing makeup, wearing perfume, talking about relatives, social things, who is dating whom, who is having what baby, family matters, etc, than men are.

IMHO it would be more correct to lump women together in one category than try to spend a lot of time sorting out the differences between them.

But that's just one person's opinion.

05-25-2006, 02:17 PM
godI thought this thread was gonna end , but you just lost me again. All because of your "opinion". That is the whole thing man, were all different. Men and women. Some people are closer in similarities, btu it doesn't matter if it is you or jules, all men and women are all different. Jules makes a great point that you need to look at the "person" a woman is. Again all women are diffeent and they areall going to react differently to you becuase you are unique. So difference differentiated different differences are diferrently different.

05-25-2006, 02:17 PM
What the f***! Who r you? My dad does indeed race horses and yes about the store,

Who's your daddy b****?

Take it easy, I know you through Lincoln Center, or so I think? Is that you Lee?:eek:

05-25-2006, 02:21 PM
now we know your name lee.

dont release too much stalker info there V:p

05-25-2006, 02:24 PM
careful, you may not want to stay here, Cause rufntufgirl and "many murders" are seeming to go hand in hand.

05-25-2006, 03:09 PM
godI thought this thread was gonna end , but you just lost me again. All because of your "opinion". That is the whole thing man, were all different. Men and women. Some people are closer in similarities, btu it doesn't matter if it is you or jules, all men and women are all different. Jules makes a great point that you need to look at the "person" a woman is. Again all women are diffeent and they areall going to react differently to you becuase you are unique. So difference differentiated different differences are diferrently different.

they're all the same, if they weren't youd at least see some of them into ncieguys or some of them who pay for dates or actually ask out. yet none do, they all expect to eb pampered and treated like princesses. They all expect the guy to ask out, and pay, etc. Shurely if some were different I'd have at least one into me right? yet none are. If they are so different why do 90% of the women fight for 10% of the same males while the rest of the male society gets left out?

05-25-2006, 03:16 PM
Shurely if some were different I'd have at least one into me right? yet none are.

man thats got to be rolls.

if not kudos to you good troll.

05-25-2006, 03:21 PM
Shurely if some were different I'd have at least one into me right? yet none are.

Dude, seriously, I think you need a get laid coach or whatever. I'd go ahead and try to help you out here, but nobody ever takes my recommendations seriously.

You mentioned a boxing gym, right? Maybe get some of those guys to help you out.

05-25-2006, 03:28 PM


I know it's is you! I am playing with you. I spoke to Trina and she told me you went on a forum and thought it was me from something you read...but how about using the PM on the top right of your screen. Oh, look you have one from me!!! Use that if you want to ask or talk to me, OK!!!

Now, jethro...

I don't understand the "many murders" in your post.

05-25-2006, 03:35 PM


I know it's is you! I am playing with you. I spoke to Trina and she told me you went on a forum and thought it was me from something you read...but how about using the PM on the top right of your screen. Oh, look you have one from me!!! Use that if you want to ask or talk to me, OK!!!

Now, jethro...

I don't understand the "many murders" in your post.

Racing horses + Queens + Italian sounding store screams Long Island Italian w/ $$$ which screams :eek:

05-25-2006, 03:42 PM
I didn't say that. Please, I am trying to be nice to you here, please don't scare me like you did with that last post to viv.

P.S.- I can offer you money. Let's be friends.

05-25-2006, 04:15 PM
Racing horses + Queens + Italian sounding store screams Long Island Italian w/ $$$ which screams :eek:


05-25-2006, 04:27 PM

Last woman I met like that was a recruiter who talked about her family in NY. I was telling her about the time I was walking around the Bronx to Fordham U. and was in kindof bad neighborhoods. She was telling me that her family owns a restaurant down in little Italy by Fordham. She seemed like a nice enough young woman, though.

Anyway, I was reading a news story later about a double-homicide and the name sounded familiar, so I cross-checked because I still had her card. Turns out that she killed 2 people when she hit them as she sped through the border crossing from Canada to the U.S. but got it all dropped on account of she was 'on prescription drugs at the time'. ;) Do not mess with the Italian families. :eek: ;)

05-25-2006, 04:28 PM
Yeah, gda, I popped a blood vessel. A few of them. My monitor is a mess.

I had this long-winded, eloquent response dreamt up, but then I thought, "What if there are a finite number of words in the universe and I use them all up?"

Neilhytholt, your hatred, disgust, and abhorrence of women seem to be deeply ingrained. You might do well to investigate that. I'm afraid it goes a little further than just having had a rotten wife.

Oh, and there is nothing humble about your "IMHO's."

Where is that cage..................?

05-25-2006, 04:33 PM
Yeah, gda, I popped a blood vessel. A few of them. My monitor is a mess.

I had this long-winded, eloquent response dreamt up, but then I thought, "What if there are a finite number of words in the universe and I use them all up?"

Neilhytholt, your hatred, disgust, and abhorrence of women seem to be deeply ingrained. You might do well to investigate that. I'm afraid it goes a little further than just having had a rotten wife.

Oh, and there is nothing humble about your "IMHO's."

Where is that cage..................?

Let's just say I'm saying nothing Confucius didn't say many years earlier. :)

05-25-2006, 04:33 PM
they're all the same, if they weren't youd at least see some of them into ncieguys or some of them who pay for dates or actually ask out. yet none do, they all expect to eb pampered and treated like princesses. They all expect the guy to ask out, and pay, etc. Shurely if some were different I'd have at least one into me right? yet none are. If they are so different why do 90% of the women fight for 10% of the same males while the rest of the male society gets left out?

you are funny

05-25-2006, 04:35 PM
you are funny

Yeah, I have to say that Hieronim is fricking clueless. Hieronim I'm PMing you a movie list.

(Actually it's just one movie).

05-25-2006, 04:43 PM
so that's how you get by with no women. You have to be insane by now if that is all you have. I honestly almost went insane after getting addicted to that crap. But it would not be wise to let hieronim know about the movies I think you are talking about, cause he actually may not know what is being discussed. ssshhhhh

05-25-2006, 04:49 PM
so that's how you get by with no women. You have to be insane by now if that is all you have. I honestly almost went insane after getting addicted to that crap. But it would not be wise to let hieronim know about the movies I think you are talking about, cause he actually may not know what is being discussed. ssshhhhh

Dude, it's not porno or anything. :rolleyes: Oh, I guess it's rated R. Hopefully he's over 17.

05-25-2006, 05:02 PM
yeah, he's over 17, definitely. But seriously, don't let him know about that stuff. i had to throw all that crap away one day cause I never listened much in church, but they are right on that, it's not good. And hieronim, seriously, I laughed my freaking ash off on that post. If I knew how to break up quotes like all the smart people, there would be a very thorough analysis of how funny that actually was. But just to get this part of that post straight, you think all women are the same cause you haven't gotten on any. Well then, go be a "bad boy" and tell us about how many women you get. And btw, if you are picking fights, I would defintely do it in front of women. Because not all, but a lot of them like that stuff. It's stupid, but something to think about since you are always picking fights with people:p

05-25-2006, 05:15 PM
Whatever. Odds are Hieronim will get laid eventually. Most everybody gets laid eventually. If worse comes to worse just go to Vegas or Amsterdam and visit the brothel.

You know, this is such an excellent idea, that if my brother doesn't get laid his next birthday, I'm going to take him to Vegas to 'party and gamble', get him drunk, and if we can't find somebody who will do him, I'll take him to a brothell.

Get it out of his system once and for all. Plus, they do weekly STD checks, so it's safer than somebody you meet in a bar.

05-25-2006, 05:27 PM
I can see hieronim asking the hundreds of girls he talks to every month"do you, uh, wanna do it", but you are right, even that will get it done, one day.

05-25-2006, 05:30 PM
I can see hieronim asking the hundreds of girls he talks to every month"do you, uh, wanna do it", but you are right, even that will get it done, one day.

Yeah the whole brothell concept is stupid, though, as is dating. Women should be paying men to put up with their B.S. and give them pleasure, not the other way around.

I mean, usually women expect the guy to put up the $$$ and do all the work in relationships. They basically get to skate through and do nothing.

05-25-2006, 07:10 PM
yeah, he's over 17, definitely. But seriously, don't let him know about that stuff. i had to throw all that crap away one day cause I never listened much in church, but they are right on that, it's not good. And hieronim, seriously, I laughed my freaking ash off on that post. If I knew how to break up quotes like all the smart people, there would be a very thorough analysis of how funny that actually was. But just to get this part of that post straight, you think all women are the same cause you haven't gotten on any. Well then, go be a "bad boy" and tell us about how many women you get. And btw, if you are picking fights, I would defintely do it in front of women. Because not all, but a lot of them like that stuff. It's stupid, but something to think about since you are always picking fights with people:p

I only pick fights if not many people are around and especially females, when females are around Im always on my best behavior. And its not so much of picking fights as repsonding to agression. Also I am actually addicted to porn featureing women in bizarre acts and being humiliated (and enjoying it).

05-25-2006, 07:25 PM
I only pick fights if not many people are around and especially females, when females are around Im always on my best behavior. And its not so much of picking fights as repsonding to agression. Also I am actually addicted to porn featureing women in bizarre acts and being humiliated (and enjoying it).

All my questions have been answered, but please, no more info.

05-25-2006, 08:17 PM
And take women across a widely varying set of social parameters from middle America to Malaysia to Britain. Women are more likely to be interested in getting their nails done, wearing makeup, wearing perfume, talking about relatives, social things, who is dating whom, who is having what baby, family matters, etc, than men are.

IMHO it would be more correct to lump women together in one category than try to spend a lot of time sorting out the differences between them.

But that's just one person's opinion.

Since all you see is stereotypes, I can safely say that you lead a sad life devoid of true human contact. Either you have a very narrow social spectrrum made up of cardboard cutouts rather than people with any kind of depth, or you don't feel it's worth it to get to know people beyond what mold you think they should fit. Is that because you personally don't have the intelligence for that, or because you are so wrapped up in yourself that you don't bother giving anyone else a second thought? Either way, that's actually very sad, and I'm sorry for you.

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I know lots of interesting people and it's hard for me to classify anyone I know by stereotypes because they are all so different and interesting. This is especially true of my training brothers and sisters. I'm glad to know the people I know, and I'm glad that I am not well aquainted with--and don't have to share training space with--anyone who shares your bleak outlook.


05-25-2006, 08:21 PM
Shurely if some were different I'd have at least one into me right?

No, Beavis.


05-26-2006, 09:14 AM
Since all you see is stereotypes, I can safely say that you lead a sad life devoid of true human contact. Either you have a very narrow social spectrrum made up of cardboard cutouts rather than people with any kind of depth, or you don't feel it's worth it to get to know people beyond what mold you think they should fit. Is that because you personally don't have the intelligence for that, or because you are so wrapped up in yourself that you don't bother giving anyone else a second thought? Either way, that's actually very sad, and I'm sorry for you.

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I know lots of interesting people and it's hard for me to classify anyone I know by stereotypes because they are all so different and interesting. This is especially true of my training brothers and sisters. I'm glad to know the people I know, and I'm glad that I am not well aquainted with--and don't have to share training space with--anyone who shares your bleak outlook.


I'm not interested in people's egos and I'm sorry if that offends your 'I'm oh so special' sensibilities. IMHO people are all pretty much the same.

If I had to choose between talking to President Bush, or some celebrity, or some barber, or somebody on here, it makes no difference.

05-26-2006, 02:58 PM
I'm not interested in people's egos and I'm sorry if that offends your 'I'm oh so special' sensibilities. IMHO people are all pretty much the same.

If I had to choose between talking to President Bush, or some celebrity, or some barber, or somebody on here, it makes no difference.

Good on you. There is, however, a big difference between not differentiating between the "big people" and the "little people," and stereotyping people by gender, race, whatever else.

Believe me, it doesn't offend me. I just feel sorry for you and I hope your life gets better.


05-26-2006, 03:39 PM
Good on you. There is, however, a big difference between not differentiating between the "big people" and the "little people," and stereotyping people by gender, race, whatever else.

Believe me, it doesn't offend me. I just feel sorry for you and I hope your life gets better.



I have no complaints.

Whenever I think my life is bad I pop in 'The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off', which was this show on T.V. about this guy that was born in Britain with a disorder where his skin is literally always falling off his body. He is in constant pain, his toes and fingers are fused together. His mom always has to change his bandages which hurts for him like crap.

There's actually a whole series of those on some channel -- A&E, I think. Anyways, don't feel sorry for me.

If I have found one thing about life as bad as you think your life is there is probably somebody someowhere who has it worse.

You know, a lot of people think they need somebody to complete them. Well, people are just people, right? People change.

You're living in a dream land if you think people are so great and don't have drawbacks to them. They are just human. They crap, shed dandruff, smell, get old and wrinkly and die.

Just a few hours ago I get accosted by the guys at work saying I should get remarried. Are they freaking nuts? No way in hell do I want to go through all of that again. Marriage is a total crap-shoot. You think the person is one way but honestly you have no clue as to what they are really like or how they will change. If that wasn't the case then why would anybody get divorced?

All that 'you complete me' stuff is designed to SELL people PRODUCTS. It is not designed for real life. That's the primary reason why I don't want to get involved with another American woman is that they BUY that stuff. They BELIEVE that stuff. They are so totally clueless as to reality it's not even funny. They are never happy with what they have. Yes, that is a generalization, but that's what I've run into.

05-26-2006, 04:06 PM

You're living in a dream land if you think people are so great and don't have drawbacks to them. They are just human. They crap, shed dandruff, smell, get old and wrinkly and die.

Where, oh where did I ever even imply that I thought all people were great? The only thing I'm telling you is that people are different from each other, and that to say "all women are like this" and "all women are like that" is a cop-out.

All that 'you complete me' stuff is designed to SELL people PRODUCTS.

I'm with you on that. I never want to get married and I'm perfectly happy on my own.

It is not designed for real life. That's the primary reason why I don't want to get involved with another American woman is that they BUY that stuff. They BELIEVE that stuff. They are so totally clueless as to reality it's not even funny. They are never happy with what they have. Yes, that is a generalization, but that's what I've run into.

Ahh, so I should change my views then, I guess. OH NOES! I have a vagina! I am not supposed to be thinking anything other than what neily thinks I should be thinking! **** my lack of a *****! :/

Cop out. You're actually the one who is "clueless as to reality" as you put it if that's what you believe.


05-26-2006, 04:11 PM
Cop out. You're actually the one who is "clueless as to reality" as you put it if that's what you believe.


No, it's not a cop out. You bang your head against a wall enough times, and enough is enough.

Or maybe I'm just missing out, and Jules is the 'one for me'. LMAO

You just don't get it, Jules. I don't want anybody anymore. Is that wrong?

05-26-2006, 04:23 PM
So Jules, you said you had a vagina, right? So odds are you are a woman, and not just having a sex change.

Odds are since you're a woman, that you've at least considered having children. Most women in the U.S. will have children.

Odds are that since you're a woman you've put considerable thought into your wardrobe, you've shaved your legs and armpits at least once or twice in your life, and you probably do not ask men out directly most of the time, but wait for them to ask you out.

You probably think about your shoes more than most men do and you probably have at least a dozen pair.

Unless you have had a hysterectomy you probably have monthly emotional phases when you're a little bit irritable, otherwise known as PMS.

Since you are a woman, if you achieve things in life, they are probably more related to socializing or social causes, rather than building things or engineering.

And if none of the above are even remotely close to what you are, then guess what? You're a mutant aberration. Case closed.

05-26-2006, 04:57 PM

you need to chill with the misogyny. Get some therapy, talk to a friend but keep it off the boards.

Royal Dragon
05-29-2006, 04:34 PM
They are the cause of, and solution to all of lifes problems.....

Mr Punch
05-29-2006, 05:19 PM
Why don't you just PM Neil and Hieronim, rather than starting this thread which is basically crying out 'Misogynists Enter Here' (and is incidentally the closest they're gonna come to that kind of invite! :p )

05-29-2006, 05:23 PM
Women, can't live with 'em. Can't shoot 'em.


Royal Dragon
05-29-2006, 05:24 PM
No, the fourm seems unstopably attracted to my train wreck of a love life.

As much as they find my post on this subject highly annoying, they still can't manage to turn away.

So, I will not denie the forum as a whole thier cheap entertainment.

Now, back to the subject, I have decided that all Women are total wackjobs...even the sane ones.

Royal Dragon
05-29-2006, 05:27 PM

Oso, you are so right!

Mr Punch
05-29-2006, 06:01 PM
That's true RD, we haven't had one of your whacky adventures in a long time... what is it this time?!:D

Women: can't live with em... can't live with em.

Women: can't live with em... pass the beer nuts.

Anymore? :)

Royal Dragon
05-29-2006, 06:33 PM
This adventure is not that wacky. This girl was much more normal than Debbie (I still talk to Debbie from time to to time, her life is still a soap opera)

As for the reacent one, basically we were going really good, and then about 3 months ago she just started acting rather indifferent to me. At one point, because of our schedules, we went 2 weeks without seeing eachother. During that time she made absolutely no indication that she even missed me. Then I noticed I never hear an "I Love you" from her unless I say it first etc... So I said something. Her reply was "I'll have to work on that." but then she didn't, and just continued with the indifferent act.

Anyway, to make a long story short, she really didn't seem to place any importance on my needs at all, and one thing led to another, and we broke up. I figured she really wasn't into me, so why bother, right?

Then AFTER we broke up, shes all with the I Love you's and what not. She does not want to get back together, just be friends but NOW she seems to be trying!

Also, she allways blows me off on Saturdays. I suspect she had another guy, or was at least doing dinner dates, but she swears no. She says she needs time to herself right now, and is not even looking.

Prior to 3 months ago, we were just fine for the previous 6 months

So, I give up. Women drive me nuts, and I am really starting to understand guys who become Monks and go celibate (Or stop chaseing women, and just pay hookers, one of the two :p )

05-29-2006, 06:42 PM
First of all the alternitive to women is celebacy or spending your nights watching HGTV and Bravo, if you catch my drift. So you're stuck.

As for the reacent one, basically we were going really good, and then about 3 months ago she just started acting rather indifferent to me. At one point, because of our schedules, we went 2 weeks without seeing eachother. During that time she made absolutely no indication that she even missed me. Then I noticed I never hear an "I Love you" from her unless I say it first etc... So I said something. Her reply was "I'll have to work on that." but then she didn't, and just continued with the indifferent act.

From my first hand experience it sounds like maybe you married her while you were blacked out while on a drunk. Check around the house for a marrage license and a ring on your left hand.

05-29-2006, 06:46 PM
Sometimes people said the communication gap between he and she is as wide or long as the great walls.


Dude crossed it literally with a skate board.


05-29-2006, 06:50 PM

this wimmen is an ass squeezer literally.


Royal Dragon
05-29-2006, 06:51 PM
Hmm, ok, I think I understand now. If I want to figure out Women, I need to become a skateboarder, and do crazy dangerous stunts like jump giant walls that are really really old!!

Ok, Got it! ;)

05-29-2006, 08:00 PM
Hmm, ok, I think I understand now. If I want to figure out Women, I need to become a skateboarder, and do crazy dangerous stunts like jump giant walls that are really really old!!

Ok, Got it! ;)

how come you didn't already know that?

everyone knows that.

Royal Dragon
05-29-2006, 08:22 PM
No, I didn't know that...I'm not to bright. :(

05-29-2006, 08:33 PM
I have decided that all Women are total wackjobs...even the sane ones.

Sir, you have stumbled upon one of life's great truths. :D

05-29-2006, 08:44 PM
First of all the alternitive to women is celebacy or spending your nights watching HGTV and Bravo, if you catch my drift. So you're stuck.

well Ive been celibate all my life and am 22, and not by choice though. But now I am glad cause they are all ifnerior leeches.

05-29-2006, 08:45 PM
Hmm, ok, I think I understand now. If I want to figure out Women, I need to become a skateboarder, and do crazy dangerous stunts like jump giant walls that are really really old!!

Ok, Got it! ;)

naw you need to join a band, any guy thats in a band esp one that is in a rockband and looks like tommy lee gets action.

05-29-2006, 08:48 PM
Why don't you just PM Neil and Hieronim, rather than starting this thread which is basically crying out 'Misogynists Enter Here' (and is incidentally the closest they're gonna come to that kind of invite! :p )

its through my experiences that I feel this way. I had alot of experience with them, being shut down or embarassed or teased constantly. like for instance I had one dance with me out of the blue like she was into me start dancing than after that she went up to a bunch of other guys she was with or friends and didnt even talk to me. Or when they walk with a boyfriend and look at you deep or smile to you ndespite that theyre walking with a boyfriend. Or embarass you by saying hey but next time dont stand in the same isle so long after I tried talking to one in the library and got nervous after I asked her the time and tried quitting the conversaiton.

they are all evil like the early christians said.

05-29-2006, 09:12 PM
Maybe you're just revolting to the opposite sex... natural selection at work :p

Royal Dragon
05-29-2006, 09:15 PM
My first wife used to tell me I looked Like Steve Perry from Journey.

Then I cut my hair...she left me soon after.

SO, I grew it back! and the next one came! Untill I got tired of the dumb looking mullet, and cut it again....she too left me right after that. :(

Personally, I hate the mullet, but I seem to get laid almost every nite by the same woman for years at a time when I have one.

So basically what I have learned from this thread so far is that if you want women to stay with you and give you a lot of wild never ending sex, you need to be a crazy dare devil Skate boarder who's in a Rock band and sports a mullet!

Mr Punch
05-29-2006, 09:15 PM
Don't worry about it Hieronim, I wouldn't talk to you either.
they are all evil like the early christians said.Can't we just ban this freak? He needs therapy... or in case he needs to commit suicide (passes the hammer).

As if the rampant misogyny, prison fetish, and general trash isn't enough he's even polluting the great KFm tradition that is RD's moaning threads!

Royal Dragon
05-29-2006, 09:32 PM
You know, one of the hottest women I know is married to this big fat bald Biker guy who barley works, and seems to place more importance on his Biker club than her...how does that work?

He's not in a band, he does not skate, and he's got no Mullet?!?

other than comming to me for massages, she's faithful to him (not that the massages get overly intimate or anything)

05-29-2006, 10:45 PM
women -- can't live with 'em, they can't pee standing up.*

* that is, unless it's that one "chick" from bachelor party. :eek: :D

05-30-2006, 06:16 AM
You know, one of the hottest women I know is married to this big fat bald Biker guy who barley works, and seems to place more importance on his Biker club than her...how does that work?

It's called HAND, which he has, and you don't.

Women respect HAND, and won't be with a guy for long if he doesn't have it, regardless of what they say they want during all-night panty parties with their friends.

05-30-2006, 06:21 AM
they are all evil like the early christians said.

haha ... hemroid is the best troll we've had in a long time.

05-30-2006, 06:22 AM
It's called HAND, which he has, and you don't.

Women respect HAND, and won't be with a guy for long if he doesn't have it, regardless of what they say they want during all-night panty parties with their friends.

it's true.

i once ate a monkey.

05-30-2006, 08:17 AM
Yeah, I'm not going to post anything on here lest I be accused of being a misogynist again.

05-30-2006, 08:40 AM
Just remember:

We men have our quirks too, a similar laundry list of bizarre behaviors and opinions about life that are met with equal rhetoric in female circles. Regardless of this however, the fact is that despite a difference in millions of years of evolution into modern roles, and a part of a chrosome, there is perhaps a bigger difference between the quirks of single individuals than there are between the sexes.

05-30-2006, 09:10 AM
Just remember:

We men have our quirks too, a similar laundry list of bizarre behaviors and opinions about life that are met with equal rhetoric in female circles. Regardless of this however, the fact is that despite a difference in millions of years of evolution into modern roles, and a part of a chrosome, there is perhaps a bigger difference between the quirks of single individuals than there are between the sexes.

Uh ... no ...

I mean, you can talk about male vs. female monkeys and generalize, and you can talk about male vs. female lions, and generalize, but if you talk about women vs. men, the women call you a misogynist.

It's okay. I guess I just spent too much time in animal behavior class.

05-30-2006, 06:50 PM
Why was it closed? Letting RD vent is good for him and also makes the rest of us feel better about our love lives.

Water Dragon
05-30-2006, 06:58 PM
Much like the women in RD's life, that thread is history.

Royal Dragon
05-30-2006, 08:41 PM
Lol!!, but it can allways live on here!

05-30-2006, 09:45 PM
Feminine mafia is too prevalent. All that had to happen is Hieronim and I jump on the thread, and they close it down. This one will soon follow. LOL

05-30-2006, 09:45 PM
it's about time for neihyholt to respond.

******, he got it in a second before me.

05-30-2006, 09:51 PM
Maybe I should publicise my own version of 'the rules'.

Rule # 5 = 'If she's not doing it with you, she's doing it with somebody else.'

Mr Punch
05-30-2006, 09:56 PM
Why was it closed? Letting RD vent is good for him and also makes the rest of us feel better about our love lives.It was merged with the 'Women' thread.

Which is as close as Neil and Her'n'him are gonna come to any kind of communion with a woman...! :p

Mr Punch
05-30-2006, 09:57 PM
Rule # 5 = 'If she's not doing it with you, she's doing it with somebody else.'You're babbling! She IS doing it with me! :D

05-30-2006, 09:58 PM
You know, there's that dictionary of Chinese sifus.

Like when they say 'he stole that from me', what they mean is, 'he's teaching it without permission'.

Or, he's stupid, usually means, 'he disagrees with me.' Or, 'he's actually good, but he's competition, and I don't want you to learn from him, I'd rather you give me the $$$.'

'I don't want to teach you the applications, because I want you to figure them out.' Means, 'I don't know the applications, but I want to save face and keep getting your $$$, but I don't want you to know that.'

So female translations.

'I'm too tired tonight.' Means, 'The last time kindof sucked, you were too quick, and it wasn't good. Let's wait until I'm really ***** and I get really desperate. In the meantime I'm trying to get somebody better.'

'I want a night out with the girls.' Means, 'I'm kindof bored with you, so I'm going out with the girls to gossip about how much you stink, and maybe find some other guy who is more interesting.'

'I need some time alone,' Means, 'I met some other guy, and I want to try him out for a while, to see if he's better. But if he doesn't work out, then I might come back.'

'I'm busy on Saturday night, but I don't want to say what I'm doing' Means, 'I'm seeing another guy on Saturday night and I don't want you to know.'

05-30-2006, 10:03 PM
at least you don't post the actual links to askmen.com

05-30-2006, 10:05 PM
at least you don't post the actual links to askmen.com

What, do they have the same thing on askmen.com?

05-30-2006, 10:07 PM
Anyways, you should translate neilhytholt.

Which is, "Women suck."

Translation: "I don't have time enough to practice kung-fu or a decent sifu, and my wife cheated with me with some moron, leaving me with the kids, so I ***** about women on a Tuesday night on some forum."


05-30-2006, 10:16 PM
What, do they have the same thing on askmen.com?

Heronim always posted that and it was kind of hard to think of somebody going on ther for hours at a time reading men's advice. Get a hooker neihlytholt. Have some fun. God my posts suck after I have read ralek's stuff:(

Mr Punch
05-30-2006, 10:16 PM
Anyways, you should translate neilhytholt.

Which is, "Women suck."

Translation: "I don't have time enough to practice kung-fu or a decent sifu, and my wife cheated with me with some moron, leaving me with the kids, so I ***** about women on a Tuesday night on some forum."

LOLNow THAT was funny! :D

05-30-2006, 10:20 PM
Heronim always posted that and it was kind of hard to think of somebody going on ther for hours at a time reading men's advice. Get a hooker neihlytholt. Have some fun. God my posts suck after I have read ralek's stuff:(

A hooker ... no, I already paid enough for sex ... don't want to pay anymore. Maybe that's why I'm not getting any.

No, seriously, after my shenanigans Saturday night I got a couple of phone numbers. Unfortunately, one woman was married to a high school teacher and the other one was separated ... from a sheriff's deputy.

That's all I need is some drunk teacher or sheriff's deputy tracking me down and pounding on my door. That would give the kids a fright.

No, seriously, I don't know how to deal. Vodka or JD just isn't cutting it. I guess life inevitably sucks.

Just wish there was 4 more hours in a day to train.

Well, I can't complain, because my skin isn't falling off. Yet ... :)

05-30-2006, 11:51 PM
you mean this stuff?

the funny thing is whether a guy gets laid from a rpostitute or a regular female he has to pay the same if not more of a regular female. he has to take her out to dates initidate the dates himself, pay for a htoel or find some place to be alone with her, etc. and the costs just keep adding up. And the higher class of a female she is or richer she is the richer or higher class of a male she demands.

lol here is some stuff females on myspace said about me before I got banned from their forum for trolling and ****ing them off:

"You are so bloody annoying! Ok You are ugly..... You've got a ****ing ****ty personality You've never been laid....therefore gonna be a crap shag You're a stalker....gonna be a rapist You are mentally ****ed in the head You look like you've been smacked in the head with a frying pan....several times You're attitude that all girls should look at you and let you shag them and come on to you as soon as you meet them is pathatic."

"seriously....you are one ugly mother****er! By posting sumat like that here you're gonna get people looking at your profile......and tbh id be surprised if you've ever been laid aswell mate.

And as for the comment about women are only good 4 shags. **** you. What are guys good for?? So ****ing shallow."

"You look like someone with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Oh ****, Im are gonna go to hell for making fun of the handicapped....."

"True. For some reason, whenever I look at your picture, the phrase "should have been drowned at birth" pops into my head....."

"I cannot fathom what you were trying to say say here, but let me say it again, I would throw myself in acid before you would be able to lay a hand on me. And no, I don't date *******s either, I am engaged to one of the sweetest people I have ever met in my life. Don't be bitter and a hater because you don't get any."

"there is no way in earth or heaven that you would ever have a chance to do anything that involved physical contact with me."

" women dont want you because they are afriad you might be an axe murderer. u have that kind of face."

lol they said I look like an ax murderer:

Trying to date is like taking a step into the mind of a woman....which is why so many guys are so frustrated with it. ;p

Royal Dragon
05-31-2006, 05:08 AM
So she sees me online, and we talked there for over an hour, then she calls and we talked untill after 10:00 last nite.

The conversation ended with me b i t ch'n about the not ever wanting to see me thing, and her trying to comfort me about it without admiting I'm right.

I'd actually feel better if she just said "Look, Your a great guy (why I still call you), but I've got some one else, or I am looking, or whatever.

As much of a ding'a ling as Debbie was, at least she laid it on the line for me.

Dale Dugas
05-31-2006, 06:15 AM
its comes down to this simple philosophy.

"B i t c h e s steal your Jing. Kung Fu makes you strong."

05-31-2006, 08:14 AM
its comes down to this simple philosophy.

"B i t c h e s steal your Jing. Kung Fu makes you strong."

That's a fact.

Royal Dragon
06-04-2006, 08:52 AM
So, we are talking about getting back together.

I stopped by the house, and went to ring the bell just as I saw her with another guy........

now, we are broke up and all, and she has the right to do what she wants, but she also tells me shes not dateing, and just taking some "Me" time right now, In the mean time we are discussing a reconcilliation, and she's playing on the side?

I got disgusted and left without ringing the bell. Came home and turned Match.com back on.

Now for the advice I need from you guys, should I confront her, tell her I know? or just never get back together with her and not say why?

Royal Dragon
06-04-2006, 08:54 AM
To make matters worse, I got pulled over because my plates had expiered....apparently also my Driver's licsense too. Dammm, I knew I got something in the mail about that afew months ago!!

06-04-2006, 09:49 AM
Just move along Bro. Nothing there for you.

06-04-2006, 10:41 AM
each one is different. don't forget that there is another girl out there that you would like even better, & that she may emerge at any time. I would say cut your losses, and try to avoid appearing morose or depressed around potential hook-ups because they would rather talk to someone happy and amusing than someone who's a downer. no offense but that is crucial. it's impossible to avoid feeling crappy but for the purpose of meeting women it's best to keep it inside. sincerely, i'm not trying to be a d1ck or anything.

06-04-2006, 10:56 AM
Yeah, I dunno, last night some of my friends did an 'intervention' on me, wanting to get me back into dating, so they hired a sitter and took me to see that movie 'The Breakup'.

No spoilers, but what a backfire that was. Let's just say that I think they expected it would be something it wasn't. Thanks to them for trying, but no more of that, though.

If only I could get some kung fu friends to do an intervention to hire me a sitter so we can go out and do some training. LOL

Anyways, I'm no expert but it seems like she 'Just Isn't That Into You'. My recommendation would be just dump her. Remove her #s from your phone, archive her emails onto CD-ROM and keep it in some safe place in case she tries some crap later, but remove her email address from your email list.

It doesn't seem like at this point going after her will help. It seems pretty obvious she's out man shopping.

Royal Dragon
06-04-2006, 10:56 AM
I am not really that upset by it. We have been broke up for some time now, a few weeks at least. I am ****ed she lied to me.

I can be freinds and all, before the lieing. I'm not sure. If we stay in contact, she's lost the right to be close to me.

To make myself feel better, I went back on Match, and I am now E-mailing with 3 new ones.

06-04-2006, 10:59 AM
I am not really that upset by it. We have been broke up for some time now, a few weeks at least. I am ****ed she lied to me.

I can be freinds and all, before the lieing. I'm not sure. If we stay in contact, she's lost the right to be close to me.

To make myself feel better, I went back on Match, and I am now E-mailing with 3 new ones.

From her view she technically is not lying. She at least broke up with you. That's more than you'll get from a lot of people.


I don't think you can expect everybody to be straightforward with their communication. Like the last girl I didn't want to date. I told her I didn't want to go out with her because I don't want to go out with anybody.

But we would go to coffee, lunch once in a while, etc. Anyways, after a few months, she starts talking about black guys. I'm like, "Okay, that's a little weird." She tells me her friend is marrying a black guy, and she doesn't like the decision because he's a little irresponsible and doesn't treat her friend well. I'm like, "Okay, what does this have to do with the tea in China." She says she dated some Jamaican guy in college, but he was a player. I'm kindof like, "Okay....???"

Anyways, turns out there's some Jamaican guy in the next building she started dating, but she didn't want to tell me directly. I only found out from another guy who went to a party they were both at.

Basically she didn't want to tell me directly she was dating some other guy. Why? I have no idea why.

But don't expect everybody to be straightforward with their communication.

Royal Dragon
06-04-2006, 11:13 AM
Well, she told me she was not seeing anyone, and we were discussing getting back together. THEN She told me she could not see me yesterday because she did not have a sitter, when infact she not only did, but used the sitter so she can be free with her date that last nite.

Those are all lies.

AND, she really didn't break up with me, it was more of a mutual thing. I didn't catch her with anyone during the relationship (Although there was some funny behavior towards the end), things just weren't working. There is possibilities it could with a bit of effort on both our parts, or at least there was before I caught her lying. Now I doubt a basic freindship will last.

If she had just told me she had a date, I wouldn't be mad because she was being honest about it. I can understand her wanting to weigh her options, especally considering what a pain in the ass I am, it's the sneaking around that is the deal breaker, ESPECIALLY since we have been discussing a reconcilliation.

Royal Dragon
06-04-2006, 11:16 AM
don't forget that there is another girl out there that you would like even better, & that she may emerge at any time

Yeah, I know, but how many do I have to go through before I find a deacent one?

And why is it the few times I DO find deacent ones, there absolutely no chemistry?

06-04-2006, 11:23 AM
Well, she told me she was not seeing anyone, and we were discussing getting back together. THEN She told me she could not see me yesterday because she did not have a sitter, when infact she not only did, but used the sitter so she can be free with her date that last nite.

Those are all lies.

AND, she really didn't break up with me, it was more of a mutual thing. I didn't catch her with anyone during the relationship (Although there was some funny behavior towards the end), things just weren't working. There is possibilities it could with a bit of effort on both our parts, or at least there was before I caught her lying. Now I doubt a basic freindship will last.

If she had just told me she had a date, I wouldn't be mad because she was being honest about it. I can understand her wanting to weigh her options, especally considering what a pain in the ass I am, it's the sneaking around that is the deal breaker, ESPECIALLY since we have been discussing a reconcilliation.

In her mind, it's probably not technically lies. It may seem like lies to you, but in her mind, it's probably not really lies. You don't really know the circumstances. Was that guy a relative? Was she seeing the guy, but she was 'not serious' about him? Maybe if she's not sleeping with the guy, then she thinks she's 'not seeing anybody' ...

Maybe she's still wanting to be friends with you, but she doesn't want to make you upset by mentioning another guy? Or maybe you're her 'backup guy', and she doesn't want to upset you and wants to keep you around as an option? (This is my bet).

Edit ... anyways if you're expecting straightforward you're probably going to be disappointed. IMHO she is keeping you as a backup guy or doesn't want to screw with the friendship while she tries out other options. So you can either decide if you want to be jerked around like that, or just dump her. IMHO you shouldn't allow yourself to be jerked around like that, because she won't respect you anyway for it.

06-04-2006, 11:27 AM
confront her, I guess one more chance, but there is really no point man. get what you want, and get out.

06-04-2006, 11:46 AM
confront her, I guess one more chance, but there is really no point man. get what you want, and get out.

Confront, *****, complain, interrogate, etc., doesn't seem like you want to do that.

I mean, why get so hung up on 1 person? Bottom line is, women have issues. You want to figure out why women are so confusing to deal with, buy some issues of Cosmo and read them. They get advice from 10 different people, they read this stuff, books like 'He's Just Not That Into You', 'The Rules', watch 'Sex and the City', etc.

So she could say she wants time out. That could mean she really wants you to clean the toilets, or she wants more attention from you, or she really wants time out, or she found somebody nicer, or she wants to shop for another guy, or ???

Bottom line is you have no idea what she really means, so how do you want to handle it?

Really, I have no clue as to how guys stay with women these days because in the words of a John Up**** character, "You never know for sure how girls' minds work (do you really think it's a mind in there or just a little buzz like a bee in a glass jar?)"

Oh, well. I'm sure you'll muddle through it.

Royal Dragon
06-04-2006, 11:48 AM
Maybe she's still wanting to be friends with you, but she doesn't want to make you upset by mentioning another guy? Or maybe you're her 'backup guy', and she doesn't want to upset you and wants to keep you around as an option? (This is my bet).

She Loves me...BUT, I'm a pain in the ass, and she is not sure. I think she is weighing her options before deciding to get back together or not.

confront her, I guess one more chance, but there is really no point man. get what you want, and get out

I am going to wait untill we talk again (most likely tonite) and see what she says she did Saturday nite and decide from thier. I will probably confront her though. I really don't want to, I almost want to just drift off and not explain why....

she seems to be a slow learner. Some of the problems we had during the relationship, that caused the breakup, she actually put forth an effort to solve AFTER we split...which is why I was willing to give her another chance. if she had put forth the effort BEFORE, the split probably would not have happened.

I can't give her another chance though, if I can't trust her.

She is a great girl, and seems to have a lot of paitience for me. I feel there are isusues that would make a long term relationship not likely of succeeding though. Communication is a big one, and aparently now honesty...

06-04-2006, 12:40 PM
any of you heard of the 18/20 rule?

The reality in the dating world is that 20% of the men get all the attention from women and the remainding 80% get ignored. The sad part is alot of men in committed relationships have other women besides their main woman. It's frustrating but it's a reality. The 80% have to make an effort to improve themselves so they can be part of the 20% group. You have men getting some action everyday while you have other men playing with themselves everyday.

Royal Dragon
06-04-2006, 12:47 PM
Actually, I get plenty of action when I am in a relationship. I have learned to be really good in that department so they will put up with me in other areas.

06-04-2006, 12:50 PM
I'd have rung the bell. Yes, I was in a similar situation asked the guy if she was dating him, he said yes. I left.

No room for denials, lying or half truths. Right now you have no clue what the truth really is in this situation.

Confronting her will give her an out, you know an old friend, cousin, salesman, repairman whatever.

Also, it sounds like you were checking up on her, if this was a problem before I'd keep my mouth shut.

06-04-2006, 01:33 PM
Sad to say. but I will. You should treat her like a job as long as she is being a sneak. keep her until you find another one.

Royal Dragon
06-04-2006, 02:24 PM
Well, officially We are not even dateing, so there is no reason to keep her like a job. I don't think I will entertain getting back with her like this though. If she is sneaking when she's not even doing anything wrong, what will she do is we get back together? I'll allways have to worry she is sneaking about something.

I still care about her, so I'm sure I will still be freinds as long as she is calling me, but if she does not fess up, unprompted, when i ask what she did Saturday evening, if she lies to me, no way I'm taking her back.

06-04-2006, 06:32 PM
this is interesting info form askmen:

"Women know that they get pursued by men, the better they look the more opportunity they have. If men are put in the same situation women look at them as untrustworthy, and not "mature" enough to be in a LTR.

It's sorta like the same deal where women generally won't date or respect younger men in a relationship. He can be a booty call and that's it. He usually has to work his butt off or just be a cut above all, and really click with her to convince her otherwise.

It's probably a great way to see exactly how mature a woman is. Can she handle a gorgeous man and be in a relationship with him if he's actually a great guy to be with, talk with, etc. ? Or will she just run for the kills or just f*ck n chuck, b/c he's HOT."

"Because a good looking man will make the already insecure woman much more insecure than she already is. She will have no trust in you because you can have any woman you want leaving her at your disposal. She'll wonder why do you want her, and why does she deserve you when you can do so much better. Everything gets worse. This is why we have "LEAGUES"

"You're right... I'm in a relationship with a man who is not only younger, he's HOT (face and body).... and he had to bend over backwards to convince me of his sincerity. (I probably rank at about a 7, on a good day)

But, yeah, I'm secretly kinda relieved that he's gained about 20 lbs since we met, and now has a bit of a belly!:hop"

so the uglier you are the betetr chances you have with females.

and this is why guys who have wives or girlfriends get more play:

""Women do seem to seek out what other women want. *shrugs* The stamp of approval, so to speak. That's why having success with women is like momentum in physics :D"

"Bloody hell!! I saw that chris rock special deejay. It's soo true and yet soo wrong. Which is why you see women wanting a man more because he's with someone. Where men are more likely to say. congratulations.. nice going man.. now does she have a sister or a hot friend?"

see how immature and childish females as awhole act?

Royal Dragon
06-04-2006, 06:58 PM

Like I said in the last thread that was locked, I know a girl, she is extremely hot. She has a big fat bald biker for a husband.

06-04-2006, 09:18 PM
This topic is so annoying, because I guess it's so freaking complicated, and I don't want to deal with it.

Yet wherever I go, I always get the, "Why aren't you married" thing.

I guess life sucks no matter what it is, like in that movie where she's being possessed by some demon, and she asks the priest why he's celibate, and if he minds it, and he says that he "traded one set of complications for another."

06-04-2006, 09:41 PM
oh and I forgot to mention, Virgin males are repulsive to women.No negative trait is as bad as being a virgin male.

Water Dragon
06-04-2006, 10:20 PM
quit stalking the poor girl, RD

06-04-2006, 11:19 PM
I hate to bust in especially since I don't know you RD, but just from reading your posts a few things are evident..

1) You seem to have be the one driving the relationship, this is from the fact that it appears to be you that was mainly entertaining the idea of reconciliation.

2) You obviously have had your trust in her shaken if not destroyed. I don't think you could go back to before. You said she was demonstrating strange behavior in the end. Which means you were cognative of her actions and you were most likely looking for those signs. Lets face it if you were to go back you would always be doubting and second guessing her, in the end it would just cause more problems.

3) I don't want to be harsh, but she probably just isn't that much into you now. You said you were apart for a few weeks, that's definitly long enough to be perked by another interest. Sounds to me that she knows you are the one with the driving emotions (see #1) and she keeps you around if things fall out with her new fling. You are the emotional support, she knows she can count on your emotions to comfort her. That's not an excuse for her to be irresponsible with yours. And if she feels then she is not doing anything wrong, then her motives/values probably are in too much conflict with yours to work out. Afterall you did say there was some problems in the relationship.

I agree with the poster that said just move on. Don't dwell on it, keep positive and amusing. If I were you I simply walk up to her, tell her exactly what you saw and that you are now cut off. Tell her you won't be taken a fool and that you are too good a catch to go to someone that can't take your emotions seriously. Be firm, not rude or harsh. But be confident. Then simply walk away. Take that power and confidence; put it into the next girl that is lucky enough to meet you. AND she will be a lucky girl. Believe that. No arrogance, just confidence.

Anyways why try to rationalize the way people act. We can talk this and that about logical thinking but in the end we are just driven by emotions and impulses. When it comes down to it there is very little rationality at all.

06-05-2006, 12:04 AM
Anyways why try to rationalize the way people act. We can talk this and that about logical thinking but in the end we are just driven by emotions and impulses. When it comes down to it there is very little rationality at all.

As somebody who has spent a lot of time in bad relationships, this one kindof rings true. I used to always see some woman and think that if she looked responsible, and stuff she probably was.

WRONG!!! Yeah I tried to rationalize that they were just having bad days and stuff but that just isn't the case. Then I met a lot of people who had it even worse than me.

When you hire somebody you check their resume, do background checks, check references and stuff like that, but when people enter a relationship a lot of times they don't do anything beyond talk to the person before jumping into the sack.

But the rationalizing when things aren't working seems like the worst.

06-05-2006, 12:49 AM
they will use you, take everything from you and throw you on the streets with a replacement.

Royal Dragon
06-05-2006, 05:18 AM
Well, I discussed the issue last nite....I got 11 different stories in like 10 minutes.

After some thinking, she came up with the story that she knew the guy, and was baysitting his kid for him and he was there picking him up. (In the last 8 months or so, I have rarely even heard her mention female freinds, let alone a guy)I could literally hear he making up the details as we were talking.....

Of course in the first story, she had put her son to bed early, and was already in bed herself about that time so which is it?

who knows what the truth is, and at this point I am so disgusted with her I really don't care. No matter how you look at it, even if one of the stories was true, the others contradict, and thearfore must be lies.

I don't even want to talk to her now.

Ray Pina
06-05-2006, 06:52 AM
We have been broke up for some time now, a few weeks at least. I am ****ed she lied to me.

Understand this about women: they want every co(k in the world to be about them. It's a power thing. That's why women sweat men that don't pay attention to them.

Also, women are tricky liars and can't be trusted.

Once you know that, you can love a woman but know that you can't give yourself over 100%. Not saying, don't love them. Not saying don't be kind, gentle and generous to them. Just know that as a man you have to stand firmly alone on your two feet first. Take them or leave them.

You can't fake that, you have to earn it from experience and thinking and getting your own life. Then a woman will respect you.

I say forget the internet dating, forget chicks. Get into what ever you do and get better at it. Do better at work. Train harder. When the time is right you'll meet someone.

Forget your ex. If she really cared she couldn't be with someone already. Once someone else takes your car and drives it around better to declare it a total loss and get a better one.

Royal Dragon
06-05-2006, 07:51 AM

You pretty much summed up my feelings.

06-05-2006, 08:17 AM

You pretty much summed up my feelings.

It's too bad you had to learn the hard way with this one, but at least you found out before you had too many $ invested or had a kid with her.

Now it's just a story you can tell your friends over beers. :)

Ray Pina
06-05-2006, 08:34 AM

You pretty much summed up my feelings.

Sorry dude. I know what it's like. If it's any consolation, know that the next one will be better. I promise. Because you'll be better, you'll demand better.

Once, after a break up my master told me, "When you cross the river leave the boat on shore, don't carry it with you." I'm sure you get it. You loved, you learned, you probably grew from the relationship, now time to move on.

The second thing he said, "Don't ruin the boat." I'm sure you get this too. The boat served it's purpose for you, leave it in tact for someone else. Don't get bitter and attack your ex and make her feel bad. Leave her in tact, or even feeling better about herself.

Don't worry. At the least this all happened in prime pu$$y season. Summer is here. Mini-skirts. Bikinis..... let the good times roll:)

06-05-2006, 08:39 AM
Sorry dude. I know what it's like. If it's any consolation, know that the next one will be better. I promise. Because you'll be better, you'll demand better.

Once, after a break up my master told me, "When you cross the river leave the boat on shore, don't carry it with you." I'm sure you get it. You loved, you learned, you probably grew from the relationship, now time to move on.

The second thing he said, "Don't ruin the boat." I'm sure you get this too. The boat served it's purpose for you, leave it in tact for someone else. Don't get bitter and attack your ex and make her feel bad. Leave her in tact, or even feeling better about herself.

Don't worry. At the least this all happened in prime pu$$y season. Summer is here. Mini-skirts. Bikinis..... let the good times roll:)

Yeah, I'd have to agree with that one. Don't go after the ex, because of course in her mind she is justified by whatever she did. Anything at this point would just cause trouble.

The only thing is, Ray, how do you safely deal with women given all that they do? I have no idea how to do it. If somebody lies about everything, then you can catch some gnarly STDs if you're not careful. This is the main reason I don't jump back into the game. Condoms only do so much, and limit a lot of options.

06-05-2006, 09:05 AM
what about all the fu(ked up irrational things men do? you can say we think with our heads which is true but it aint the one on our shoulders....

i try to think of it like this. 3 rules when dealing with people and trying to figure out their motivation.

1. people are stupid

2. people are h0rny

3. people are selfish.

its not rocket science. dont kill urself trying to uncover some nefarious machavellian plot. most people can't think that far ahead.

06-05-2006, 09:31 AM
what about all the fu(ked up irrational things men do? you can say we think with our heads which is true but it aint the one on our shoulders....

i try to think of it like this. 3 rules when dealing with people and trying to figure out their motivation.

1. people are stupid

2. people are h0rny

3. people are selfish.

its not rocket science. dont kill urself trying to uncover some nefarious machavellian plot. most people can't think that far ahead.

Yeah, I'm not trying to place blame on one particular sex here. I don't have experience dating men, so I can't say what they're like. I've heard plenty of bad things about men from women, though, usually to justify their own bad behavior.

Anyways, what nobody can seem to answer for me is how to date safely and not get any STDs. Everybody seems to just think condoms are the answer. Well, they're not that effective against certain STDs, plus they break, etc.

But I found out the reason most people think condoms are the end-all be-all is that they don't even use them. Looking at the stats about this most people don't even bother with those and the pill is the most popular birth control method, which of course doesn't do anything for STDs.

So not to be accused of derailing another topic, I guess I'll drop that discussion. It's not that important. :)

06-05-2006, 09:39 AM
if you dont want STD's and you want to get laid.

your going to have to request a clean bill of health from the lady first.

that can be a turn off for most people, but if your not just planning on sleeping around then its not too much to ask from someone you plan on being with for a while.

but if you just want some action and want to be safe, go to a pro. :D

06-05-2006, 09:43 AM
if you dont want STD's and you want to get laid.

your going to have to request a clean bill of health from the lady first.

that can be a turn off for most people, but if your not just planning on sleeping around then its not too much to ask from someone you plan on being with for a while.

but if you just want some action and want to be safe, go to a pro. :D

Yeah, I've considered this, but if she's already sleeping with somebody else, or decides to cheat on you, a clean bill of health isn't really going to help. Plus, I have yet to meet anybody who would do that. If you mention STDs they get squeamish or think you must have one.

As for the pro thing, I've considered that as well, but prostitutes that aren't tested regularly and have it enforced have a high STD rate, and there are few places that enforce testing (Nevada and parts of Australia are the only places, I think).

Plus, no offense to prostitutes, but they are usually pretty skanky.

Edit ...

Anyway, whatever. The bottom line is there is no safe way. So I guess if you just have to have it, then you do it and hope for the best. For me, it's just not worth it. I don't want to have to worry about herpes breakouts + taking care of my kids.

06-05-2006, 10:18 AM
ya, the prosty thing is pretty sketchy.

i havent and dont think i ever will.

celebacy is the safest route, unfortunately its also the most boring.

my girlfriend and i just broke up.

kind of a mutual thing, but we just had a problem understanding each other. prior to her i was single for 5 years. that may have had something to do with it.

at the same time i am not an overly emotional person, i tend not to be all gushy and mushy.

ive think ive come to the conclusion that i will have a hard time finding a person that is compatible with me.

dont know if its just american girls or what.

most likely its me though.

06-05-2006, 10:47 AM
my girlfriend and i just broke up.

kind of a mutual thing, but we just had a problem understanding each other. prior to her i was single for 5 years. that may have had something to do with it.

at the same time i am not an overly emotional person, i tend not to be all gushy and mushy.

ive think ive come to the conclusion that i will have a hard time finding a person that is compatible with me.

dont know if its just american girls or what.

most likely its me though.

I dunno. I think it's just getting weirder and weirder the expectations that women have. I shouldn't single out women but the last woman I hung out with mentioned this show 'Sex And The City' as being her favorite show.

So I watched a bunch of episodes of the thing, and they're all over the map on that show. If somebody's trying to find the truth of relationships in that show, basically no wonder they're extremely confused.

IMHO women are just really confused right now. Because of career, relationships, having kids, having to juggle things, then expecting a lot from men because they've achieved a lot.

I was watching some talk show where they had 3 women on. All these women were in their mid 30s to early 40s and very successful. The topic was why do successful women have such a hard time finding men. They basically did the politically correct thing and placed all the blame on men, men found these women too successful and were turned off, or men were intimidated by the women, etc.

But what they failed to mention was these women had HUGE expectations of men. Since they were all making at least 6 figures, and had manicures, pedicures, extremely nice clothes, nice houses, nice cars, etc., they expected to date a man who was more successful than they were, which really limits their dating pool. Yet at the same time they wanted to be at least equals to the guy or more, like they wanted to dictate what the house looked like, how the relationship worked and all that. They wanted to make very few concessions.

Well, I'm sorry, but most guys I've met who are in their late 30s or 40s that are that successful or millionaires don't seem to usually want some woman who is in her mid 30s or to early 40s, because of lowered fertility rates and baby making. Plus, do you really want to deal with somebody who wants to dictate everything? It's quite a lot to deal with.

Men I don't think have changed very much in their expectations, which is why there's a big disconnect.

Anyway it's leading to fewer kids, and lower birthrates, so that's probably a good thing, given the huge number of humans on the planet right now and their detrimental affect on the environment.

Ray Pina
06-05-2006, 10:58 AM
How do you safely deal with women given all that they do? I have no idea how to do it. If somebody lies about everything, then you can catch some gnarly STDs if you're not careful. This is the main reason I don't jump back into the game. Condoms only do so much, and limit a lot of options.

Tough one. Here's how it worked for me:

I got out of a 2.5 year relationship and realized the nature of women while I was single. I was kind of disapointed, because growing up you hear that it's men that can't be trusted and what not, but generally I find men fall in love quicker and deeper than women, and women can be meaner and nastier (general observation).

Because of this I was kind of over looking for a girl friend, had afew flings last summer but got turned off when I found myself in bed sweaty with a chick I didn't really like, didn't respect, and it grossed me out.

At the same time I was picking up my training for the fight when I got my nose busted, then traveled some surfing so was content just doing my own thing.

In Puerto Rico, I met this girl on my last day there coming in after a wave. I've seen her there years ago when she was surfing professionaly and was completely crazy for her but I was with someone else at the time.

Anyway, I took her to lunch with her friend that was staying with her, we all got dinner and then that night I just knew I needed to spend more time with her. Before getting on my flight I left her flowers. I paid for her to come to NY for a long weekend. Then we made plans for me to go down there in 4 weeks. We couldn't wait, she came back up. I went down in the 4 weeks. Now she's living with me the past 2 weeks. Staying for at least the summer. We'll see what happens.

My advice is this: wrap it tight and don't have oral until you know. You should be able to speak freely and openly with someone you're going to sleep with. But everything depends on life stage too. I don't expect an 18 to 25 year old to just chill. So be careful. Only the past year have I gotten more grounded. Maybe I'm losing my libido (though I don't think so:D ), but I think I just got more grounded. Don't want to waist my energy, time and seed just for kicks.

I don't know, good luck. I could be crying the blues tomorrow. That's how love goes. But I remind myself everyday that I don't posses the one I love. She's like a warriors sword. I'm stoked I get to hold her today. Who knows what tomorrow brings. Always maintain yourself so you can stand firmly alone. Ironically, that's also the best way to keep someone.

06-05-2006, 11:08 AM
ive decided women take too much out of me.

they wear on my training.

i think my expectations have just gone up. next serious chick is gonna have to be able to double as a training partner.

06-05-2006, 11:18 AM
Well, Ray, you're a braver man than me.

Last woman I paid for a flight for, I flew her from North Carolina up to New York. Turns out she didn't really want to see me at all, she just wanted somebody to drive her around visiting doing a lot of sight-seeing and then she took off to visit her old boyfriends.

Oh, wait, that's not the last one. The last one was the one that I paid for a trip to the Caymans for, and turns out she wasn't interested in me and had a boyfriend she neglected to tell me about. That was a very awkward trip. It was even more awkward when I went out to a club when we got back and happened to meet up with her boyfriend.

But I don't really have a lot of spare time on my hands to worry about women these days anyway. :)

Plus, the only women I seem to run into are those that are always talking about marriage, and I'm not sure how to take that. They seem to honestly and sincerely want to get married, but others have said that's the quickest way for women to get a guy away from them who they aren't interested in.

Anyway, whatever. I can't complain. There's a lot worse things than being womanless.

Like one guy where I work has a paralyzed leg, so he hobbles around on a cane. I just can't complain. :)