View Full Version : T_Neihoff...

05-31-2006, 06:29 AM
What ever happened to this guy?

He was the guy who advocated a lot of full contact fighting and sparring to develop one's abilities. I believe he was going to attend the WC gathering/sparring session to mix it up with everybody. I don't think he ever posted after that.

Did he not show?
Did he show and lose a bet?
Was he exposed as a poser with no skills?
Did he expose everyone else as wannabes and was assassinated in a suicide bombing because if this?

05-31-2006, 08:14 AM
His last post was over a year ago.

He probably go tired of the rhetoric and bullsh!t around here.;)

05-31-2006, 08:45 AM
He's still alive, as he posted recently on the HFY forum. I think AmanuJRY is correct in his assumption, sick of the sh!t that sometimes crops up here. Interesting though how he stopped posting right after that event. I remember Victor P stating that anything that happened at the event would not be publicly stated, only for those that where there.


05-31-2006, 09:15 AM
He never showed at the event.

05-31-2006, 08:43 PM
sick of the sh!t that sometimes crops up here

Heaven forbid.

06-01-2006, 05:16 AM
Heaven forbid.
exactly never noticed any of it at all TEE HEE just wondered what all the brown smelly stuff was on my screen.

Still smiling though take care all :D :D

06-01-2006, 08:26 AM
I don't post any more, for reasons related to what has already been stated. The only time I do is when my name is mentioned (as I was on the HFY board and this one), and someone alerts me to it (since I don't follow these forums). I prefer to spend my time in what I consider more productive endeavors. ;) I didn't attend the WCK gathering; I didn't see much point in it after all the "details" were ironed out. Instead, I went to NAGA.

With regard to WCK, I'm still here in St. Louis, training it with a small group of dedicated guys. Anyone who is both serious about their training and willing to mix it up are always very welcome to stop by to see what we do and show us what they do (we're always willing to learn something useful). So if you find yourself passing through these parts, you can contact me at tniehoff@gmail.com.
