View Full Version : Shaolin Weighted Stone & Metal balls

fiercest tiger
06-03-2006, 07:32 PM
Hi all,

Does anyone know if the Shaolin stone ball training has a name for its training type, in chinese and english would be nice?!

Also what is the history of the shaolin ball training, Gene do you know, dates , dynasties, kingdoms etc?

I cant find any in depth information of the shaolin ball training and its theories, principles, history, internal and external power etc Does anyone know where i can get this info?


06-04-2006, 03:26 PM
Not familiar with Shaolin use of weighted spheres, but poke around for info on stone locks, you may just stumble across something. :)

fiercest tiger
06-04-2006, 04:13 PM
Thanks, i did that also. Matt Furey is now got shaolin strength training which is rediculas he seems to rip off all arts training and then sell it as his own.

Taiji ball and bagua ball is around but not much history on shaolin ball.

Thanks mate

06-04-2006, 11:47 PM
Hi, I can't quite answer your questions however just wanted to confirm to you that at Shaolin I saw three main traditional strenght training "equipment":

- stone locks - used as dumbells in various compound lifting exercises mostly derivatives of clean and jerks done from ground to overhead whilst in various stances.

- stone balls - used for lifting in compound curl type movements but also once picked up used for stance and hip exercises such as weight shifting and stepping drills.

- stone barbells - basically a metal bar with stone weights at each end, nothing more than a primitive version of our modern removable weights barbell, used for various pressing and curling exercises.
