View Full Version : how long to defend yourself?

06-04-2006, 02:38 PM
how long do you have to be in kung fu to be able to defend yourself and be able to fight good??

06-04-2006, 02:42 PM
around 48-55 years.

Mr Punch
06-04-2006, 06:01 PM
And 30 seconds.

It's the 30 seconds that's important...

If it comes at the beginning of your training you're sorted!

06-04-2006, 06:16 PM
if you are like supra human, you could learn it faster. I saw a movie once, I think it was a documentary about shaolin, and this guy who was named cliff lok in the credits goes to shaolin and learns and masters all 72 techniques in a single day. Truly unbelievable. But fighting takes experience, you will become comfortable in time. You will know. Just remember it is only for self defense and competition. Just don't break your nemesis at school in half or something after you master the I-Ching manual;)

06-04-2006, 06:21 PM
Its hard defending yourself by training sport styles, because everybody is expsoed to that kind of style of fighting and fights that way, and what will you do if you meet a street version of cabbage that can take a thousand punches and wont even feel them? everybody is now exposed to the guard and all that so there really is no advantage in training that way now. Also in sparring or fighting you fight well one day and bad the next time or can, because they dont train you mentally so youll take that same attitude on the streets. when you feel down or have low self estyeem and get in a street fight youll lose. Sure you might win a fight by taking someone down rather thans triking but you might not think of that in the middle of a rush or there might be stairs or tables everywhee so tha toption might not be feasable.

The Willow Sword
06-04-2006, 07:01 PM
how long do you have to be in kung fu to be able to defend yourself and be able to fight good??

the Monk Replies " oh about 4-5 years". "Well then if i really practice and take no breaks in practice and i committ myself to the training and meditation, THEN how long until i can fight well and defend myself??.

The Monk Replies "oh well if you did that it would take you about 10-15 years"

The Young Student then says, Well what if every day for 9 hours a day i TOTALLY commit myself to practicing Kung fu and i follow the strictest discipline and i learn calligraphy and the philosophical ways and i train with all this in mind and i train harder than the other students and i eat a strict diet and totally change my body structure, and i never relent or give up when i spar and practice no matter HOW MUCH IT HURTS and makes me wanna puke and die, THEN how long would it take for me to be able to fight good and master kung fu????

the monk replies" well now if you do all that and you are totally committed to everything you just told me then it will take over 35 years for you to master kung fu and fight well".

you get what you want to get out of the training you recieve. the time table is moot.


Ray Pina
06-05-2006, 07:17 AM
If you go to your average kung fu school you may learn a little something that will make you better but chances are you will never be comfortable fighting because the intensity and realism will just not be there.

Now, a bunch of Wing Chun, Hung Gar and likewise practioners will chime in but here's an interesting fact. For the past 18 months I've been holding Throwdowns every 6 to 8 weeks.... 1 Wing Chun guy came. I've personally been inviting students from the local kung fu clubs .... it's always something. Some say outright they're not interested, it's not what they train for. Apparantly they've taken up martial arts to lion dance and learn form. That is fine. But since you're asking about fighting, be uncomfortable up front. Ask lots of questions.

Ask if you can see some sparring by seniors. Ask if they have any fighters in the school and at what level. Do they handle all ranges of figthing (punching, kicking, clinching, throwing, ground). As soon as you here, "Nobody can do that...." Run!

You must train all areas if you want to fight an in general Kung Fu is grossly unprepared for everything but punching. Most have sophistication here, but don't train it live enough.

Good luck. You're probably best off going to your local MMA club and keeping an eye out for good kung fu. This way you're getting something, learning, rolling, getting experience, and then when the good stuff comes along you have a background.

Just my opinion. Again, good luck.

David Jamieson
06-05-2006, 07:38 AM
ray , your cup seems pretty full with your idea.

I disagree with you blanket statements.

One has to want to defend themselves in order to do so. period.
It takes you only the moment to decide if you are going to defend yourself or to cave and accept your loss.

this can be done without any training whatsoever, and no training will help you when a gun is pointed at your chest.

most mma-think that I see lies on teh lines that mma is better for self defense and street fights. If you want the best advice about street fights here it is : "stay out of them, you could die no matter who you are".

as for ring fighting, that's all fun and what not, but age will come and you will not be able to compete at any reaosnable level anymore so, that's not teh best choice for self defense.

technique is a small thing, practice is a big thing, mind is everything. Don't be lazy and don't let your will be weak when you are looking to strengthen it.